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Strung Page 10

by Victoria Ashley

  Parker watches me with a smile and pays Gavin before he walks away. “Hey, I’m a little nervous too. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date. I wasn’t really prepared for tonight since your brother only gave me a few hours’ notice.”

  I set my beer down and look across the table at him. “A few hours?”

  “Yeah.” He takes a drink and nods. “He called me a few hours ago to ask what I was doing.”

  “Is that right?” I ask stiffly.

  That asshole . . .

  “I had plans to meet up with him soon to talk about the management position, but I had no idea what day exactly that would be, until today.”

  “I see.” I take another drink, biting my tongue before I end up going off on my brother.

  He made it seem like he had it planned beforehand and it wasn’t just a last-minute thing; otherwise, I would’ve declined.

  “So, you’re a writer? How long have you been publishing books?”

  I offer a tight-lipped smile as I set my beer down. I’m annoyed with my brother right now, but that doesn’t mean I should take it out on this guy. He seems nice. “I started writing about a year ago, but just recently published my first book; a little less than six months ago. I’m currently working on the second.”

  “That’s pretty great. My sister has always wanted to publish a book, but doesn’t know where to start. Maybe you could give her some pointers on how to go about that.”

  I nod. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be sure to give you my number before the end of the night and you can pass it to her.”

  “That would be awesome. She’d really appreciate that. Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.”

  There’s an awkward silence for a few moments, so I look around and watch as everyone around me talks and gets excited about Micah’s show.

  It feels really strange that I’m here with a “date” about to watch him perform. I didn’t expect tonight to go down this way and now that it has, I’m not feeling good about it at all.

  “So . . . my brother tells me you used to work for him. Were you the old babyface?” I ask, attempting to keep the awkward silence to a minimum.

  “For two years . . .” he pauses to take a quick swig of his beer. “I left for a bit to help my dad manage his restaurant when his assistant manager quit. I stayed on for a while and helped him find a replacement. That’s when I got a call from Alexander asking me if I wanted to take over for Micah once he leaves.”

  “You sound pretty excited about that.”

  “I love this place,” he says with a huge smile. “Who wouldn’t love it here? It’s amazing.”

  “I agree. I’m not sure I’m going to want to go back home once summer is over.”

  “I’m sure no one will be complaining if you decide to stay.” He flashes me a flirty smile as his gaze lowers to my lips.

  I tilt my beer back and chug it. He’s extremely cute, but the idea of him wanting to kiss me has me on edge.

  “I’m going to toss this and order us a couple more beers.” I get ready to stand up, but Parker stands up and puts his hand out to stop me.

  “Please, let me handle all the drinks tonight.” He grabs my empty bottle, before downing the rest of his drink. “I’ll be right back. Want a shot?”

  “I’ll take two. Doesn’t matter what.”

  As soon as he walks away, I look over toward the door, as if knowing Micah would be exiting it at this very moment.

  The sight of him walking out with his guitar, his shirt open and blowing in the wind, steals the air straight from my lungs.

  Everyone around me begins screaming and whistling as he walks past their tables to get to the stage, but he keeps his gaze locked on me the entire way.

  I wish I had a beer to chug at the moment, or a bag I could breathe in to catch my damn breath.

  I don’t know how his stare alone can cause this kind of reaction from my body, but there seems to be so much intensity behind his eyes.

  He doesn’t even look away as he adjusts his microphone and acoustic guitar.

  “That took a little longer than I hoped. Sorry about that.”

  I manage to pull my eyes away from Micah long enough to smile up at Parker and snatch up one of the beers. “Thank you.”

  I can feel both of their gazes on me as I chug back the beer, wishing I could disappear from this messed up situation right now.

  He fucked me hard last night.

  The man on stage.

  Right in front of us.

  Of me and my date.

  If it weren’t for trying not to upset my brother, I’d get up right now and walk away. I’d take this beer and two shots with me and walk out onto the beach and listen from a distance as Micah sings.

  Because I don’t want to miss that.

  Not after hearing and seeing what it’s like when he’s up on that small stage.

  I get so lost in watching Micah prepare that I almost forget that I’m with Parker until he speaks.

  “Have you heard Micah play before? He has a great voice.”

  “Yes. He has an amazing voice. One of the best I’ve ever heard.”

  “I take it you find that to be hot.”

  My eyes widen as I look across the table. “What would make you say that?”

  He laughs and places his beer to his lips. “The way you just said it is all. It’s cool.” He pauses to tilt back his bottle. “Every single girl who comes here thinks it’s hot. I don’t think there’s been one girl who’s come here and hasn’t wanted Micah to take them home and sing to them in bed.”

  I swallow, trying not to imagine that in my head, but it’s too late, and I find myself getting extremely hot and nervous. “Not every girl, I’m sure.”

  “Right. Good thing he’s taken on the role as a second brother figure to you. Or else I’d have problems getting a second date.”

  “Yeah . . . good thing.” I let out a nervous laugh and jump into changing the subject. “Have you lived here your whole life?”

  “I have.” He flashes me this cute little charming smile that I can’t help but to somewhat like. “Since you’re asking me personal questions . . . maybe I can assume I’m doing okay so far?”

  I smile back, feeling a bit more comfortable. “You’re better than most guys I’ve been on dates with. The fact that you haven’t texted another girl to flirt gives you some bonus points.”

  “Oh man.” He lets out a small laugh. “Someone did that to you?”

  I nod. “More than one guy, actually. What does that say about me?”

  “That they couldn’t handle a woman as beautiful as you.” He winks over his bottle before tilting it back. “Good thing I’m man enough.”

  As awkward as this whole situation is, I have to admit that Parker is a really nice guy and I like his company.

  Everyone seems to be quieting down, so I turn my chair toward the stage, giving Micah my full attention.

  “How’s everyone doing tonight?” Micah asks the crowd with that confidence he has that I love so much.

  Everyone screams out their answers, but all I can focus on is Micah’s fingers as he plays with the strings of his guitar while he talks.

  I love how confident he is with them . . . as if he knows exactly what to do with them without even looking.

  “Good. We’re going to start the night out with one of my favorite bands: Kaleo. So, just tilt back a few drinks and relax.”

  His voice instantly has me mesmerized just like the last time I heard him sing, and I find myself lost in his voice all the way up to the very last word.

  Everyone takes a few seconds to clap and whistle for him, but the crowd is quick to grow quiet again as Micah begins strumming his guitar, ready for the next song.

  I know I should be focusing most of my attention on Parker, given the situation, but I can’t, no matter how hard I try.

  Micah’s performance has me completely lost in him right now . . .

  FUCK, THE FACT THAT TEGAN hasn’t taken her eyes
off me since I began playing is messing with my head.

  We both agreed last night that we shouldn’t have slipped up and had sex, and we both agreed not to ever let it happen again.

  But the way she’s looking at me now has me wanting to pull her up on this stage and fuck her on this stool right here in front of everyone.

  I don’t care who’s watching, but I have to keep my asshole thoughts under control. So, I do what I came here to do and try my best to get lost in my performance.

  Realizing Tegan was here for a date with Parker almost made me want to skip my performance so I could keep a closer eye on them, but then the thought of her possibly liking him only made me want to get her thinking about me even more. I remember the way she looked at me the last time I played and I want that again.

  Parker may be a good guy. He may know how to treat Tegan better than I ever could, but it doesn’t mean I want that shit to happen.

  Seeing that she was the girl Alexander had coming for Parker to meet had my blood boiling.

  Especially seeing how damn sexy she looked standing there in that little dress with her dark hair blowing around her face.

  I wanted nothing more than to walk over to her, pull her hair back and crush my lips against hers to show Parker that she’s mine.

  But the fucked-up part is that she isn’t mine and never will be, and the fact that he trusts Parker with his sister and not me bothers me. It has me wanting to give him a reason to trust me with her.

  I know more than anyone that’s going to take a lot, because he knows my track record with women. He knows I’ve never been on a second date, or hell, even a first one.

  It’s always been straight to the bedroom and then straight out the door.

  But I can’t fight this feeling in my gut that she’s different than the rest.

  She didn’t drop at my feet from the sight of me like most of the women I’ve met.

  Hell, no. It took me pushing and teasing her to even get her to want to spend a little time with me. Usually words aren’t even needed when it comes to me getting what I want.

  I look up and catch her zoned in on me as if she’s so lost in me she can’t look anywhere else. It’s like I’m the only guy out here, and I can’t deny that it has adrenaline pumping through me, working me up.

  It’s not until Parker grabs her arm and leans in close to her that she finally shakes out of her zone and turns to face him.

  Whatever he’s saying has her laughing as if it’s the funniest thing she’s heard.

  The fact that he can make her light up like that has anger and jealousy swarming through me, because all I can think about is how he could possibly make her happier than me.

  What the fuck am I thinking?

  Giving a shit about a woman I’ve slept with isn’t something I do, and it wasn’t something I planned on doing anytime soon. Especially when it’s my best friend’s little sister.

  So, why the hell do I want to break this guitar over Parker’s pretty face right now?

  Every muscle in my body is tight as I continue to play, not missing a beat.

  That is until Parker pulls Tegan’s chair closer to his and rubs his hand over her arm as if he has the right to.

  It’s hard to miss the anger in my voice at the sight. It even has Tegan backing away from Parker and giving me an odd look.

  She may be able to tell I’m pissed about her being so close to Parker, but fuck it. It’s been pretty obvious I’m not thrilled with their little date since the moment she showed up.

  I’m not going to pretend that I approve of it.

  At the end of my set, I stand up and take my guitar off, not missing the fact that Tegan slides a little piece of paper across the table to Parker.

  With a clenched jaw, I set my guitar down and reach for the water beside me, pouring it over my face to cool off.

  When I open my eyes again, Tegan is standing alone at the table, watching me hard.

  She’s looking at me like she wants to come over and say something, but changes her mind and walks away instead.

  That’s probably a good thing with the way I’m feeling right now.

  My head is fucking with me tonight and what I really need is to hurry and get out of here before I can cause a scene.

  When I make it upstairs to my office to change into a fresh shirt and a pair of jeans, Alexander is stepping out of his.

  “Great performance, Man. I’ve never heard you sing Kaleo before. I’m impressed.”

  I slip into my jeans. “I figured Kaleo would be a good choice for tonight.” I button my jeans and reach for my t-shirt, slipping it on. “Did your sister leave with Parker?”

  “Fuck no,” he says quickly. “There’s no way in hell I’d let her leave with any guy after the first date. She went home to work on her book, alone. She mentioned sitting outside by the pool for a bit.”

  Relief fills me, knowing that she at least didn’t leave with Mr. Perfect. “Good. I was going to kick your ass if she did.”

  He steps into my office and crosses his arms as he watches me log out of the computer and reach for my keys. “I’d be kicking my own ass. Parker may be a good guy but that doesn’t mean I fully trust him with her. I just trust him more than I would most guys with her.”

  I look up and lift a brow, already knowing what his answer will be. “Like me?”

  “Especially you, Micah. Have you met you?”

  “I’ve had the pleasure,” I mumble. “I’m sort of an asshole. I’ve never denied it. But only because I choose to be. I don’t have to be.”

  “Dammit, Micah.” He runs a hand over his face and I can feel his frustration. “Don’t ruin our friendship over my sister. You’re not a long-term type of guy. We both know you’d get bored within a day. So, push my sister far from your dirty fucking mind before I have to kill you.”

  “Hey, I didn’t say she was on my mind.” It’s bullshit and even I know it. “Just wanted to see if you still don’t trust me with her. That’s all.”

  He doesn’t say anything as he watches me head for the door. He just moves out of my way.

  That’s probably a good thing right now.

  “I’ll be at Express if you need me. It may be a long night.”

  “You look like you need to unwind a bit, so I’ll leave your ass be. We’ll be fine here. We’re going to have to learn to be soon anyway. Go to your place.”

  He flashes me a proud smile that has me feeling guilty as shit about last night. “Thanks, brother.”

  Before long I’m pulling up at Express, needing some time to play and think.

  I grab a few beers and head up to the stage, taking a seat on the black stool.

  It’s been a while since I’ve played my own music. I always told myself that the first time I play it for an audience will be on my own stage.

  Not on someone else’s.

  It’s crazy to think it’ll be happening soon.

  Relaxing and thinking with a few beers has the music flowing. I’m sitting here, lost in my performance, when I look up and see Tegan standing in the doorway watching me with her small laptop clutched to her chest.

  My heart speeds up at the sight of her, because I didn’t expect her to show up here tonight, but then again, I didn’t expect her to show up the other night either.

  “As much as I hate to admit it to someone as narcissistic as you, you’re really talented. And music helps me write. I figured you’d be here playing and thought maybe I could write. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I watch as she walks over to the table in front of the stage and takes a seat. She doesn’t say anything else. She just sets her laptop down in front of her and opens it, giving me a small smile. “And don’t get too cocky up there. It’s your voice that relaxes me and gets me lost in thought, not your good looks.”

  I arch a brow when she looks up at me. “Are you sure? I can lose the shirt if it helps.” I can’t help the cocky little smirk that takes over when I catch her looking my body over, as if she’s tr
ying to picture me shirtless. “And the pants too. Anything you want.”

  “I think you losing your pants is the last thing we both need right now. So, how about you stay dressed for once.” She shakes her head, as if she’s surprised by my offer. “My brother is already giving me dirty looks whenever your name is brought up. Which reminds me . . .”

  “What?” I sit forward and run a hand through my messy hair. “This should be good. Does this have anything to do with your hot date tonight?”

  “It wasn’t much of a date. Trust me,” she says quickly. “It was all Alexander’s idea. My brother isn’t stupid. He knows how you are with women and he knows I’m a sucker when it comes to men who look like you. He’s trying to distract me.”

  “Then why the hell are you here?” My words come out harsh, but it doesn’t seem to faze her like it would most women.

  “I told you. For some inspiration.” She looks up at me, her eyes softening. “So, will you please play something? I don’t care what. I just need the words to flow and they seem to do that when I’m listening to music and also when I’m around you, even though I hate to admit it. So, what could be better than you playing music for me?”

  I exhale and reach for another beer, tilting it back.

  Tegan has no fucking clue how hard she’s making it to be a good friend to her brother.

  She doesn’t get that I can’t be around her right now, but now that she’s here I don’t want her to leave.

  Especially since she came here because she needs me.

  It makes me want to be the hero in her damn book. Or maybe I want him to be me.

  Either way, I find myself playing for her.

  But I choose not to play my own music, because I’m not sure I’m ready for that just yet.

  When she finally hears one of my original songs, I want it to hit her in the heart. I want her to feel my words so she can see why this place is important to me, because I have a feeling she’ll understand more than anyone else does.

  Words are her passion too, and that’s another thing that has me so drawn to her when I shouldn’t be.

  I play for close to an hour, neither of us breaking concentration.


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