Dark Throne, The

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Dark Throne, The Page 10

by Raven Willow-Wood

  She'd been relatively quiet as Fade fucked her. Only a few moans and a few groans escaping her. But now, with his wings surrounding her, vocal wasn't the word.

  With each thrust, she mewled. With each inch of her pussy laid bare to him, she cried out. Whimpers filled her ears. Every breath she exhaled was joined with a sound as was every inhalation. Through it all, as her own vocal chords wailed her pleasure, it seemed to trigger Fade. He began to curse, to grunt and to groan. The curses were bad, naughty. Dirty. Her flesh tightened at the sound of him muttering, "You want me to fuck you? Do you? You're mine. You hear me, Heather. No other will fuck this cunt. It's mine.”

  "Oh God, it's yours, Fade. Yours. I promise. I swear,” she garbled, her back arching as he continued to pummel her lower body.

  "Say it. This is your cunt, Fade. Yours.”

  "This is your cunt, Fade,” she repeated, verbatim.

  "Good.” Then, almost as though he was bestowing upon her a gift, which it was, but she would only realize that later, his hand slipped between them.

  One finger pressed the button of her clit and the other toyed with the filled-to-bursting hole that was the entrance to her pussy.

  And that, was it.

  Show over.

  An orgasm with the power of a hurricane shuddered through her. Blacking everything out in her mind. She was no longer simply Heather. She belonged to him. As his cum bathed her pussy, his shouts of pleasure graced her ears, she knew he belonged to her. That in this one act, they were forever bound.

  'Til death did them part.

  She groaned deep and low at the thought, as fireworks exploded behind her eyes. She felt insensate. Every part of her nervous system involved in some kind of breakdown as Fade's cum and her own climax imploded her senses until she was nothing more than his.

  On that thought, with her legs still clasping his hips, his cock still in her pussy and his wings still surrounding them, she slept.

  Chapter Seven

  With his breath shuddering in and out of his chest, Fade had to admit two things.

  Firstly, that was the best sex he'd ever had.

  Secondly, if anyone ever touched her, if a man's hand dared to brush her small fingers, they were dead.

  He'd never felt possessive before. Had never really given a damn about the woman he swived with and that was simply because they shared the sensation. More often than not, Fade's fucks were bestowed upon him by curious women, who wanted to swive with a Prince but more importantly with the throwback.

  Why should he give a damn about those females?

  But with Heather, it was different.

  His wings did something to her.

  He'd noticed it earlier but had thought himself to be wrong.

  There was no way on Mearth that something which was so abhorrent to the majority of his people, could be viewed in anything but disgust by a female who had been raised on Earth.

  And he had been wrong. Because his wings had triggered off a change in Heather.

  Before he'd spread them and covered the pair of them with his wings, she'd been a relatively quiet lover. Taking everything he had to give, offering it in return and through her body, she'd told him of her enjoyment. Of the depth of pleasure he was giving her.

  The second he'd covered them with his wings, she'd undergone a radical transformation. From quiet as a church mouse to louder than the ravens that squawked outside his bedroom at the Dark Throne's Palace. And through her, he'd changed. His voice growing deeper, making demands he'd never dream of uttering to another female, urging her to curse. . . .

  The memory of her declaring her pussy as his would follow him for the rest of his life.

  Even now, with his cock already having spurted once, it was hard again and waiting for round two.

  Not that he would undertake round two with her being so new to this, but he would stay inside her. His cock and his body finally felt at home. His wings were no longer a source of shame, for how could they be when this woman, his woman, found so much pleasure from them?

  In the space of time it took to claim her, she'd whitewashed his soul.

  His wings rippled and she murmured, a soft sound freeing from her throat. She rubbed her nose against the line of his throat and suddenly, a sigh escaped her. "You smell so good.”

  "I thought you were sleeping.”

  "I was,” she whispered, her tongue popping out to run along the sinews surrounding the knob of bone at his neck. "But you smell so good. . . .,” she repeated, her voice dazed with confusion.

  Her reason for awakening was peculiar, but he enjoyed her ministrations too much to complain. His cock twitched and she purred. The hum vibrated against his throat. "You're still inside.”

  "I don't ever want to leave.” The statement seemed melodramatic, but they'd been the first words to pop into his head. He was never this profuse but at her next words, he was glad he'd uttered the comment.

  "I don't ever want you to leave, either.” Her pussy clenched about his and while she said nothing, his eyes which were sharper than even the average Elf, another advantage to his throwback genes, spotted a twinge of pain at her forehead.

  "Does it pain you?"

  "You're big,” was all she said. But she made no move to buck him off, apparently content to deal with the pain to have him there.

  He stayed there for a moment, reveling in the cushioning warmth of her body. A warmth that made him feel as though he'd finally found home, before he pulled out. His wings fluttered again, retracting this time and she cried out as he pulled free from her.


  The sound had been one of acute discomfort and Fade's senses immediately went on to battle alert.

  He'd caused his mate pain.

  His thoughts had reverted to a primal state. His mate was in pain and he had to protect her.

  He expected rejection or anger at what he'd done, but her arms reached for him. "Don't go,” she grouched, her voice almost a whine, a moue of displeasure at his abandonment graced her lips.

  Fade's heart thudded in his chest. The pounding made him almost nauseous. At that moment, Fade knew she had him. He was hers. Pure and simple. He'd die for her. Be anything she needed or wanted, because he belonged to her.

  "I'm not going anywhere,” he whispered and began to climb down her body. She squeaked as soon as she realized what he was about and attempted to snap her legs shut, but he merely spread them apart again, baring her cunt to his gaze. "Hush. Who does this belong to?"

  The demand had her eyes fluttering, but she didn't answer.

  He bent down and nipped one of the fleshy outer lips with his teeth. "Who does this cunt belong to?"

  "You,” she pouted eventually, her soft lips jutting out sulkily.

  Fade promised himself that he'd fuck that sulky pout out of her system at a later date. Now, he had to tend to his mate. "If my property hurts, then it hurts me, do you understand?"

  She nodded.

  "Good. Now, spread them wider.”

  "It's a good job I do yoga,” she grouched as she did as bade, her legs stretching apart to a surprising width.

  "I know not what this, but I appreciate it.” Fade grinned up at her and settled comfortably between her thighs. He was a big man. His shoulders wider than average and never had a woman been able to accommodate him in this way before.

  She smiled but then looked nervous. "Fade?"

  "Yes, dearling,” he asked as his nose brushed through the soft hair at the juncture of her legs, where her essence was undiluted.

  "Your cum is inside me. Are you sure you want to do this?"

  His laugh echoed through the room. "I'm well aware my seed coats your womb, Heather. Fear not, I'm not deluded.” As he spoke, he rifled through the information which had urged him to do this. He'd never tasted himself before, but for his mate, he'd do it. "Mates are an unusual breed, Heather,” he whispered, as he bent again and spread the lips of her cunt wide, baring the naked flesh to his hungry gaze. He lowered his head and su
pped at the nubbin that was central to her pleasure. A squeal escaped her, something which was soon followed by the sound of a clap. His head retreated and he realized she had smacked a hand over her mouth to dull the sounds.

  At his cease of all action, she tilted her head to stare at him.

  "Never dull the sounds of your pleasure, mate,” he ordered, his voice guttural. Her eyes widened at the sound, but she nodded and quickly removed her hand. "That's better. As I was saying, a mate is an unusual breed. We can do things for one another that other pairings can't.”

  "Like what?" Her voice was low, throbbing with the pleasure he'd already gifted her.

  "The combination of my seed and saliva will heal my battered property. Just as your honey and saliva will do the same to me. Even wounds in the less than intimate areas of our body.”

  "You're kidding?"

  "Kidding? What does this mean?"

  Heather scowled at having to think of a synonym and when she eventually found one, sighed with relief. "You're not being serious. And please, go ahead with the healing. I'd really like it.”

  He chuckled. "I'm sure you would, mate. And yes. We know not why. But Mother Mearth works in mysterious ways. And I shall proceed, considering you asked so politely.”

  Fade ducked his head again and rewarded her with a long lick to the central line of her pussy that had her mewling and her legs tightening about his shoulders.

  Her scent washed over him and soothed him in ways he could never have imagined. It settled in his soul, calming and cleansing him of all the negativity he'd experienced in his life. She freed him from caring about people's prejudice. All he cared for, was her.

  He supped at her. Enjoying the taste of her honey, which settled perfectly on his tongue. Reveling in the soft clasp of her flesh as he flickered his tongue about her lips.

  Soft mewls and whispers escaped her at his touch and they, in turn, soothed him. His ears, always sensitive, twitched with pleasure at knowing he bestowed ecstasy upon his mate.

  His tongue eventually fluttered down to rim the entrance to her cunt and he tasted both himself and her. It was a surprising combination and one that he wouldn't have enjoyed, were it not for the perfume they both created together.

  He dragged out the cum with the tip of his tongue and dragged it around the mouth of her sex. She'd grown silent, but her hands had tangled in his hair and with every move he made, they tightened. Her nails dragging down the curve of his skull.

  Releasing his wings, he wafted them gently, letting them flicker in the air and immediately, her sounds of pleasure sprouted from nowhere.

  He made sure to coat the rim of her sex with both his saliva and seed, before retreating upwards to flicker her nub with the flat of his tongue. Within seconds, her thighs smashed against his head and she crossed her legs to mash his face into her pussy. He nibbled the nub with his teeth and it took less than three seconds for her to cum.

  Her feet arched into his shoulders and nudged the base of his wings. Pleasure shuddered through him at the sensation, but once again, his wings acted as a catalyst and another orgasm shifted through her body. Her back arched against the mattress so that her head was the only part of her keeping her grounded.

  When he eventually freed himself, he pressed a kiss to her damp quim and whispered, "You liked that, yes?"

  Her brows were puckered as though she were in deep concentration, but her mouth was loose. At his question, her lashes fluttered and the dazed expression in her eyes told its own tale.

  She nodded, the movement drowsy. "I think you should be illegal.”

  Understanding her meaning, he smiled. "If I should be, then you ought to be too, dearling.” He rubbed his lips over her nub again and rubbed his nose into the hair on the top of her cunt and hearing a whimper, ceased. He spread his wings for the final time that night and hefted her into his embrace before laying down flat on the bed. Fade rearranged her atop him, so that she acted as a human blanket. He then curled his wings up and cloaked them both.

  Within minutes, they slept.


  "My heart beats at the same time as yours.”

  Fade squinted at the glare from the afternoon sun and rubbed his hand over his brow. The scent of her juices perfumed his skin and he smiled happily, knowing that he was part of a mated pair.

  "It is how it should be, dearling. Soon, we will even breath in tune.”

  "Seriously?" she sat up on her elbow and looked down at him. Her hair was tousled and she looked. . . . adorable. If it were possible, his heart would have sighed in his chest. Perfection. His.

  "Yes. Seriously. You must cease to question me, mate.”

  She grinned and a delicious dimple appeared in her cheek. "I'm not questioning you, per se. Simply questioning the possibilities. Don't forget, this is all new to me.”

  "I shall forgive you for the meanwhile. Once we have been mated an age, I won't be so kind.” He grabbed the flesh of one of her ass cheeks and squeezed it. She laughed down at him, understanding his inference to a good spanking.

  "How many people in a mate bond are there on Mearth?"

  "It's difficult to say. You don't have to register a mate bond, so the official statistics are unknown. They're not as common as they used to be. Through the portal, you saw how we appeared? Our looks, yes?"

  "Yes. Thin but with quite solid muscles. Different colored hair and eyes and skin. Long ears.”

  "I'm what is known as a throwback, because of my size and stature as well as my wings. A thousand or so years ago, we all looked this way. We all had wings and were strong. We fought among each other. Different tribes establishing their own mark on Mearth. To fight an Elf, such strength was vital. As time wore on, less wars occurred between Elven nations. As is the way, those traits which were no longer necessary, began to die out.” He reached up and cupped her cheeks, before sliding a finger along the curve of her face and to her ear. He smiled. "It has grown a little. Soon, if I suckle you here, you will cum.”

  She shrieked and grabbed her ear. "Oh. My. God. It's long and thin.”

  Fade smiled again. "Yes. Only a little in comparison to yesterday. It will get longer and thinner soon. I shall have to purchase some cuffs for you.”

  "What are the cuffs?"

  "They indicate age. But in a joined pair, not necessarily a mated one, they signify how beloved the female is to a male. It is a sign of pride for some women and shame for others. People know the state of a joined pair's relationship from the cuffs.”

  For a moment, fear dotted over her brow, causing it to crease and she tugged her lip between her teeth.

  At her unease, he frowned and then smiled, suddenly understanding her concern. "Fear not, my love. Your cuffs will be loaded with jewels. If the state of my heart is anything by which to go, your ears will ache from their weight.”

  A smile trembled along her lips. "I hope so.”

  "I know so.”

  "Do I get to adorn you with anything?"

  He grinned and reached for her hand. Lowering it down over the planes and muscles of his body, he settled her palm against his cock. "Happy wives gift their husbands with rings.”

  Her eyes widened. "Cock rings?"

  "Yes.” He did not fail to notice the way her pupils expanded. The idea pleased her.

  "Piercings? Or like rings?"


  She licked her lips. "When can I give you one?"

  "When you're pleased with me as a mate.”

  Her mouth rounded into an O. She sank down on to her bank, releasing his cock from her touch and whispered, "I think I'm going to like Mearth.”

  "I hope so. When you gift me with an heir, I can gift you with gems here and here.” He pressed a finger to each of her nipples.

  "What if it's a girl? Or can girls be heirs?"

  "Of course.”

  She snorted. "Of course. You say that like that isn't big news. As modern as we are, some societies have only just changed that law.”

  "In many
ways, we are ancient and traditional. But Mother Mearth ensures we are modern and fair.”

  "What other gifts are we allowed to bestow upon each other?"

  "As soon as I gift you with a daughter, you can mark my skin with ink. This is because your talents will pass down through the female line. My talents will pass to the male, so when you present me with a son, I gift you with a ring here.” He touched the apex of her thighs.

  "What happens if we have lots of children?"

  "I gain many tattoos and you gain lots of jewelry.”

  Her eyes drifted shut. "I hope we do.”

  "I'm sure we will. I doubt I'll keep my hands from you for more than a day.”

  "I shall look forward to it.” She sighed, the sound filled with relaxed, contentedness. "I wonder what my gifts will be. What can you do?"

  "My powers are in the blood sports. I'm a warrior by trade but one by blood. My senses are augmented. My eyes can see in the dark as if it were daylight. My hearing is akin to that of an animal. My speed is faster than that of some of our swiftest beasts.” He shrugged. "My talent is in killing.”

  Placing a hand on his chest, she turned to him. "Will you still have to do all that, when you take the throne?"

  "You discuss this as though you were born to it. Royalty obviously becomes you,” he teased and watched her blush. "Hush. I only jape,” he chided, when she tried to move away. "Yes. Warrior Kings tend to rule the throne on the battlefield as much as they do from the throne room.”

  "But you said the Elven no longer fight amongst the other.”

  "We don't. Now, we have another foe. The hoonans. They are a bloodthirsty lot. They flaunt Mother Mearth's ways and as such, we tend to battle them over their abuse. With two kingdoms under my care, undoubtedly, we will be involved with many skirmishes.”

  "I'm sorry.”

  "What? Why should you be sorry?"

  "It doesn't make you happy.”


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