Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5 Page 27

by Holly Hood

  “Karsen you’re wonderful,” I said, my self-confidence coming back.

  She held up a finger. “I know. And you will be saying it again when I come back. Stay right here.” She threw open the curtain, taking off. I pulled the curtain shut, taking a seat and waiting.

  “It’s kind of uncomfortable,” I told Karsen. I tugged at the black wig adorning my head, trying to make sure it wouldn’t fall off. Karsen flipped her hair from side to side. She was wearing a wavy burgundy one that she swore was the shade she always dreamed of.

  “It’s kind of fun.” She laughed yet again. “We look like two university girls on spring break. No one will ever know who we are.”

  I agreed. The makeup, the clothes and the absurdly authentic wigs were enough to attach five years to our age. We were like two fresh people. And it was easy to see that we would have no difficulty blending in.

  “It looks even more jam-packed than the last time,” Karsen said in my ear as we waited in line.

  I observed the group of guys in front of us. All of them in shorts and black t-shirts. Some wearing rings, bands and all sporting tattoos. All of them making vulgar remarks to each other each time a girl in dark clothes trotted past them.

  We were doing something beyond crazy. The likelihood of getting thrown to the wolves was perhaps unavoidable, but that was what I wanted. I wanted to see just where these girls were being shipped off to. At least I hoped I did.

  Once we were at last inside, my stomach was in gigantic knots. I held tight to Karsen’s hand, hoping we blended in. And so far so good. No one seemed to even see us for more than our looks, which was exactly what I had been hoping for.

  Karsen pushed past a group of guys with big muscles and even larger egos. One of them pawing at her skirt, telling her she could stick around after the show for a little alone time.

  Karsen swiftly elbowed her way through the sea of bodies. The music pumping, the bodies gyrating and somehow we managed to slip through. The warmth nipped at my skin, making my entire body damp with moisture.

  “Do you think here is good enough?” Karsen asked, trying to see over the two tall guys in front of us.

  I shrugged. “Does it really matter?”

  “I guess you’re right. But I can’t really see Kidd.” She pushed into the heavily built man, he happily moved out of her way when he laid eyes on her.

  “Not getting a good enough view?” he said in a low rumble of a voice. His shirt covered with sweat and fixed to his skin.

  Karsen gave a nod and he whisked her up on his shoulders. A number of cheers rang out in the crowd at the sight of Karsen’s black panties that were now exposed for the entire world to see.

  “Woo!” Karsen squealed. “I see him!”

  I kept my eye on Karsen, and quickly searched the stage for Slade. He wasn’t anywhere around. Clearly he wasn’t singing, or maybe just not up yet.

  The pyrotechnics sparked, sending dread through my entire body. The mass took on a new vibe and I was abruptly knocked forward by two men bumping and pushing into each other.

  “Hey!” I yelled, catching myself before I fell on the ground.

  Another deafening rupture of fire filled the air. The scent of smoke wafting past my nose. A solid elbow thumped me in my back, sending me into the guy that was holding Karsen on his shoulders. Karsen stared down at me as a group of men pushed at each other. Clawing and manhandling each other as the music went up a few more octaves.

  “Hey!” Karsen yelled, struggling to get down. The man holding her held tight to her legs, his grip causing white fingerprints in her skin. Karsen’s eye showed her terror as he hitched her up higher and let her free over his head. A flock of hands hauled her off. I jumped numerous times, my fingertips trying to slash through the sea of arms to get a hold of my best friend.

  “Karsen!” I screamed as that same man whipped me above his head and pushed me up into the awaiting hands. I struggled to free myself, staring up at the heavens, the music stifling any plea either of us could put together. Hand after hand pushed against my skin. I lifted my head, searching for any means of escape.

  Finally, I realized it was no use as I came to the end of the line, literally. I was prepared to make my escape. Ready to take off and find Karsen so we could get the hell out of here. This was not going as intended and now I just wanted to go home.

  It almost immediately proved impossible as I was yanked to the earth by a hefty guy. His bald head gleaming against the moonlight with sweat. He was wearing a stretched black t-shirt and a single black wrist band.

  “Come with me,” he ordered, securing a firm clamp down on my wrist. I pulled back hastily, but it was no use. Karsen let out a scream, struggling against the other similarly large guy that had a hold of her. He, too, was wearing the identical getup. And he, too, was hairless.

  “Let us go. I promise we won’t ever do anything like this again!” Karsen begged as we were escorted further and further away from the crowd.

  A big barrier came into view, the metal pen not giving me even a peek into what was in store for us. A new guy unlocked the huge padlock, throwing the gates open.

  And that’s when I dug my heels into the earth, fighting with all I had in me. Fighting with every last vestige of strength I had because I knew, once I made it through these gates, there was no going back.

  Karsen let out another shriek, pulling at her captor’s hands. She pulled and pulled but it was no use. The man slung her over his shoulder, taking off behind the gate.

  I tried falling to the ground. If I was on the ground I had it in my head that I would be able to struggle. If I lost and was heaved over his shoulders, then there was zero left for me to do. He would have the power.

  I punched and scratched at his trunk, rocking my body backward and forward, wiggling and squirming, really putting up a fight. He swayed, almost losing his balance, but didn’t.

  “Quiet down!” he yelled crossly, digging his fingers into my waist. He clamped down on my neck, tossing me upwards and over his shoulder. I thrashed once more before giving up. We passed the gates and the icy gray eyes of the male securing them was all I needed to see to know I was doomed.

  And so was Karsen.


  The heat was terrible. The man hauling me dropped me to the ground. There was no way for me to escape, so I saw his method of judgment. I protected my eyes from the intense blaze of the gigantic fire in the middle of the sand. And right next to that was a ring of stones. Stones of all shapes and sizes. Some russet, aged, bluish. They formed flawless circle with only a couple inches placed between each stone.

  Karsen huddled next to me, trembling in fright. Her bogus hair tangled to the side of her head. She didn’t say anything. And neither did I. We watched in horror as these bizarre men worked painstakingly, transporting buckets and timber back and forth. Just as I gained an excellent view of them, they would vanish behind this partition.

  And, as if that wasn’t enough, the fence at the back would clatter, screech, then open and allow in an additional shady guy or one more screaming girl. I estimated fifteen minutes had passed. And now we were standing with two additional girls.

  I twisted my head a little to observe them. The first girl had golden-brown hair, smooth and slanting at her jaw. Her hands gripping together in fear. She had on a frayed mini skirt, black leggings, a black camisole and Converse sneakers on her feet. Her hands quavered with panic, her nose was running and she wasn’t bothering to do anything about it. I could hear her snivel, and her short, uneven breaths. Another glance made my heart drop. Her eye makeup trailed down her face, making her appear even weaker.

  I took a deep breath, turning my head frontward once more. I didn’t know what we were there for, but I knew I was fearful. I was trying my best to pull it together. I linked my fingers with Karsen’s shaky hand.

  “Don’t cry. Just stay still. It’s going to be okay,” I reassured her.

  Karsen squeezed my fingers. “Swear?”

  I n
odded, not taking my eyes away from the fire.

  A tall guy approached from behind us, his body slim beneath the long black coat he sported. A collared dress shirt peeked out from underneath that. I wondered idly how he wasn’t sweating to death. I was wearing barely any clothes and was drenched with sweat.

  He came to an unhurried stop before us. He wore dark combat boots that crunched in the sand and, considering the enormity of them, made him look clown-like in comparison to his thin frame. He wasn’t a big guy, or perhaps it was all the garments swallowing him whole.

  “I am Odin,” he spoke, not to anyone in particular. Shadowy eye make-up rimmed his disturbingly, nearly translucent, crystal blue eyes. As he scanned over our little assembly, his dark eyebrows knitted together.

  “What are you going to do with us?” the girl standing next to Karsen asked through hiccupping sobs.

  Odin twisted on his heels, raking a hand throughout his dark hair that nipped at his lapel. The ends were tinted red and I wondered if it was because he once had a head full of flaming red hair, or possibly it was just the style.

  “What is your name?” he asked, calming his eyebrows as he took her in. He extended a gloved hand, his fingertips jutted out, confirming his nails were painted black.

  “Samantha,” she stammered, staring downward at the ground.

  “Samantha, come here. I swear I won’t harm you,” he coaxed in a low, smooth tenor. I almost wanted to trust him. But I was afraid to. We all watched Samantha advance slowly until her hand met Odin’s. Odin smiled, taking a step back to really get a look at her. His head moved up and down as if he was inspecting her.

  “He’s a little hot,” the further girl a space away from Karsen said, crossing her arms over her full breasts. She jutted her jaw forward, visibly not afraid like the rest of us.

  We all watched as Odin walked Samantha over to the stones. He very cautiously stepped over, offering her his hand and welcoming her into the circle. I gasped as a hand clamped down on my elbow, stirring me nearer to the fire and Odin, Karsen behind me stepping on my heels.

  Odin pushed a palm on Samantha’s forehead and commanded her to go down on her knees before him. Which she did. He walked around her and began saying something that made no sense to me. Karsen nudged me, trying to comprehend what was happening. I was convinced we were witnessing some type of ritual taking place.

  Femme de la nuit.

  Le ofrecemos este sacrificio.


  Prise ce que vous

  Nosotros de usted este sacrificio.

  Odin ended. Another man stepped to the fore brandishing a lengthy silver blade encrusted in sapphire gems, the sharp edge curving up to the sky.

  Karsen and I gasped. Was he really about to slaughter her? Samantha stayed motionless, totally spellbound by Odin, her body swaying from side to side as if she heard some beautiful song.

  Odin touched the sharp edge to his fingertip, pressing downward on the blade. It gleamed in the moonlight. Another man lit a long incense, the gray smolder billowing out around him. He fanned it vigilantly, bending down to the stones. They instantly caught fire and the circle blazed.

  Odin brought his finger to Samantha’s mouth, the tiny droplet of blood meeting at the end of his finger. She opened her mouth, letting her head drop back, and accepted it. I cringed. And then as easy as that, the flames died immediately and a quick current of air blew all around us.

  Odin motioned the hairless guy to get rid of Samantha. He took her by the arm, dragging her back to the fence. But as she passed I could see it in her eyes, she was keyed up. Her eyes large and black. It was if she had lost herself. The gate rattled and then closed. Samantha was set free.

  And they hadn’t hurt her.

  “What do you think is happening?” Karsen whispered as the two men set up once more.

  I shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. But it looks like she wasn’t what they were looking for.”

  “Let’s hope we aren’t either so we can get the hell out of here,” Karsen said under her breath as Odin approached us all again. He crossed his arms, eyeing me first. His face showing interest, but then he moved on to Karsen. He offered his hand.

  “Could I be last?” Karsen asked.

  Odin smirked, his feral eyes pleased with Karsen’s valor. She took his hand, following him over. Karsen hopped over the stones, looking back at me. Odin whistled and the gates rattled open again. I figured new girls. That was until Slade was passing by me. He hadn’t noticed it was me. And I was relieved. But part of me wanted to cry out. To get him to help me out of here. I flashed Karsen a warning look that she better not talk about this to anyone, she had to keep our secret.

  Slade, without delay, entered this do-it-yourself circle. He pulled off his tee shirt leaving him in his black boots and tight fitting blue jeans. His well-built body glinted against the moonlight and flames. His tattoos accentuated his broad, powerfully built frame. Karsen eyed him closely. I knew she was most likely enjoying how hot he was. Even if, in reality, we were in a screwed up circumstance.

  Odin stepped forward, tugging Karsen’s jaw up. “Your name.”

  Karsen hesitated. “Um… Annabelle.” She choked back amusement. But Odin accepted this and released her jaw from his fingertips. Odin offered Karsen over to Slade. Slade fingered her tresses, running his hand down to her halter top. My stomach grew ill. What was happening?

  Odin began the chant yet again.

  Femme de la nuit.

  Le ofrecemos este sacrificio.


  Prise ce que vous

  Nosotros de usted este sacrificio

  But this time Slade pulled Karsen toward him. He was going in for a kiss. I bit down on my tongue hard, ready to cry. Slade ran a hand all the way through her hair and left it at that. An immense smirk on his face as Odin offered up more of his finger. Apparently consuming blood from some sickly looking freak was all the rage around these parts, I thought bitterly.

  Karsen kneeled as Samantha had done. Slade petted her hair like she was some lavish pet. I tried my best to keep it together. Telling myself we were in over our heads and one off beat move might make for an even shoddier condition.

  The hairless guy started up a new incense, bending down to ignite another blaze. I waited for something to happen. Slade crossed his arms, watching tentatively. And then the fire died. Slade’s face showed huge displeasure as he helped Karsen to her feet, still ignorant he had just made out with my friend. My heart sped up as Karsen passed by me making modest eye contact. I knew she was even more bothered now.

  “Annabelle,” I called out. She twisted back to me, the man’s hand at her back. “This isn’t it,” I pleaded. Karsen gave me an obstinate nod and vanished past the gate.

  I knew it was stupid to prevent Karsen from letting someone know what was happening. But it wasn’t like something terrible went down. Karsen was free, most likely booking it for the nearest way out. And all I needed to do was lick a bleeding finger and maybe make out with Slade. Well, I could do that. No problem.

  The larger dilemma would be explaining to Karsen why Slade, the guy I was into, was out making out with random strangers and doing crazy rituals. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get out of that.

  I wiped at my brow, perspiration covering my fingers. And I waited. It was only me and the other girl. I gave her a quick look. Her lengthy chestnut brown hair mingled with her own perspiration. She wore a long black skirt down to her ankles and a tight fitting camisole. Each of her fingers bore a silver band. She did her best to gain all their interest as they approached. I pulled some hair against my face, shielding my eyes away from Slade’s sight. Scared he would know who I was. But he didn’t. He walked around the two of us.

  “This one,” he said, thumbing in my direction.

  I took Odin’s hand, allowing him to lead me to the circle. He stood before me. “Your name.”

  I stared at the ground. “Leigh,” I said, because that was the first name that came t
o mind. I was pretty sure I had a cousin name Leigh.

  Odin touched his dry palm to my forehead, the warmth of his skin heating up my own skin. I flinched, pulling away. Odin scanned my eyes. Slade stood on the side, watching Odin work his magic, literally.

  “I think this is a good sign, Slade,” Odin said, breaking character. He no longer seemed all mystical and captivating. Now he seemed like an everyday guy. I kept my eyes locked on the ground staring at Odin’s black boots.

  “If I could only get so fortunate,” Slade commented back.

  I watched his recognizable black boots, the ones with the russet stitching around the soles, come to a stand in front of me. I closed my eyes. I hadn’t an inkling what to do next. So I permitted his fingers to raise my chin. I prayed the makeup and wig was sufficient enough to keep him from knowing who I was. But I wasn’t sure.

  I instantly shifted my stare past him, not making any eye contact. He slipped his fingers to the back of my skull, pulling me in. His scent bringing to the surface warmhearted memories of our intimate moments together. I squeezed my lids tightly shut so he couldn’t get a look, and received his kiss, feeling his tongue move past my unenthusiastic lips.

  Well, I wasn’t going to eagerly kiss a guy that was doing bizarre things behind Henry Park. Even if I liked him.

  He stayed attached, breathing me in for a few seconds before he released me.

  I immediately put my head back down, watching the shoes, only fixed on the boots. A third set stepped into the circle and, instead of lighting a fire, it seemed they were all conversing. They were discussing something. I stayed motionless, waiting to catch any part of this exchange.

  “I think this may be it,” Odin said. I knew it was him. He was the only one with such a harmonious voice.


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