Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5 Page 51

by Holly Hood

  “You look great, Hope,” Dad said, kissing my cheek. I smoothed my hair down. I didn’t know what to expect. I knew there was some kind of birthday dinner, but Karsen refused to go into detail. I hated surprises.

  We pulled up to the boardwalk, where several overpriced restaurants sat. The ones I never set foot in unless I was with Nona, like tonight. I slid out of Claude’s fancy car and followed everyone to the twinkling lights from the restaurant.

  Nona bypassed all three restaurants slipping behind the last and final building. I made a face at Dad. He shrugged his shoulder and offered me his arm.

  We passed the brick of the restaurant and rounded the corner to a glorious looking terrace. I gasped.


  I couldn’t believe my eyes. Nearly the entire town of Cherry was decked out in fancy dresses and dress shirts. Purple and silver balloons fluttered around the wooden post of the terrace. Silver star confetti was sprinkled around each table setting and in the center was a gigantic purple and silver birthday cake.

  “What do you think?” Dad asked patting my back. “Did Nona go all out or what?”

  I looked over the crowd of people. Some I didn’t recognize, but I knew they were friends of Nona and some I seen at the supermarket or on the beach. Nona knew everyone.

  I smiled at Elliot and Easton, who stood among their friends sipping fancy drinks. They too dressed up in matching dress shirts and ties. Out of the crowd came Hutch, he smiled and pulled a present from behind his back. I was surprised he was there. However, I was sure it had something to do with Karsen. I found her and Kidd in the crowd. She smiled at me as I accepted Hutch’s gift.

  Dad left me and Hutch alone and took off for the refreshments.

  “I thought I told you no more gifts?” I said, pulling the pink bow loose. I tore the paper from Hutch’s present.

  “Birthdays don’t count. Glad I could come,” Hutch said watching me open the gift.

  I laughed at the ruby-red slippers on the silver chain. I handed it over to Hutch and lifted my hair. He secured it around my neck.

  “You’re a clever one.” I stared at the red slippers laughing at our little inside joke against my fingertips.

  “I thought you would get a kick out of it.” Hutch pulled me close and planted a sweet kiss on the top of my head. “This is a big turnout. I didn’t realize you were such a popular girl.”

  I smiled, looking around at all the strange faces mingling at my birthday party.

  “Most of these people are friends of Nona,” I assured him.

  Hutch nodded, leaning over he whispered into my ear. “You look stunning, doll.”

  I blushed. “Thanks. So do you.” I tugged on the collar of his white shirt and gray vest. He looked handsome, and I loved how he left the white shirt underneath open not bothering to button the three buttons. I toyed with the necklace hiding under the fabric of the white shirt he was wearing.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  Hutch pulled it free. “A family heirloom.”

  I gave one more look at the dark stone before he tucked it away, and took my hand.

  “Don’t you want to say hello to everyone else?” His eyes stayed connected to mine. The energy between us sped my heart up as I stared at him.

  I nodded, “maybe in a little while.”

  Hutch shook his head understanding. “Sure, why don’t we get something to drink?” I followed him to the beverages, and he got us both fancy punch Nona named after me in honor of my birthday.

  “Sweet pea, quite the nickname,” Hutch teased, sipping his purple punch, he grinned over the cup at me.

  “Ever since I can remember it’s what she called me.” I took a swig of mine. “What about you? Do you have any nicknames?”

  Hutch frowned and looked off trying to recall. I was really enjoying his company. “I can’t say that I do. Do you have anything in mind?”

  I laughed. I could think of a few things I wanted to call him. Like hottie or sexy. However, I wasn’t about to tell him those. His eyes lit up with amusement. He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear.

  “You’re going to want to learn to control that.”

  I stared at him in awe, my cheek's warming. “What do you mean?”

  His smile grew even bigger. “Hottie or sexy aren’t very common nicknames. Even so, I am flattered, thank you.”

  I turned away mortified he tapped into my thoughts.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m flattered you think so highly of me.” He turned me toward him again. “And it also means you’re getting better with your abilities.”

  “It’s quite embarrassing. I can’t believe you heard that.” Hutch touched my cheek.

  “Don’t worry about it. If only you could hear what is going on in here when it comes to you.” He tapped the side of his head. I laughed, forgetting my mess up. I didn’t feel bad anymore; it almost felt okay Hutch knew what I thought about him. At least, I didn’t have to say it out loud.

  Hutch and I made our rounds thanking everyone for coming to my birthday party. He even forced me to thank the people I didn’t know. It wasn’t anything I would have done on my own, but he made me feel like I could do anything.

  “You’re such a charmer. I think my grandma has a crush on you after that story.” I told him. We got another glass of punch. Hutch was a very wise guy and the stories he told everyone about his travels impressed everyone, including Nona.

  I tried to decide on a finger food while Hutch refilled our drinks. I was starving now and I needed to eat. I must have been too busy trying to find something to stuff my face with because the next thing I knew there he was.

  “Slade,” I said, dropping the crackers in my hands back on the tray. My mouth went dry.

  Hutch handed me my drink. “Hey there, Slade,” he said standing his ground.

  Slade nodded at Hutch, but he kept his eyes on me. Hutch took my drink back.

  “Why don’t I let you two get caught up for a bit,” Hutch offered.

  I looked at Hutch panic taking over. “You don’t have to leave.” I wanted to grab a hold of Hutch’s arm and scream at him to stay with me. I didn’t want to be alone with Slade. I wasn’t sure how I would handle being alone with him.

  “You’ll be fine, doll. It’s your birthday. I'm sure he isn’t trying to ruin it for you too.” Hutch flashed a big smile in Slade’s direction. Boy he was cocky when he wanted to be. “Besides, I’ll be over there if you need me.”

  Slade ran a hand down the back of his neck annoyed, it was written all over his face. “She doesn’t need a bodyguard.”

  Hutch cocked his head to the side and grinned. “That’s where we disagree.”

  I touched Hutch’s arm before things got even more out of control. “I’m fine.” His eyes searched mine for the truth.

  “I wouldn’t be against teaching him some manners.” He glanced at Slade. Slade flexed his jaw; Hutch leaned down and kissed my cheek, looking out the corner of his eye at Slade as his lips met the side of my face, he took off through the crowd, leaving us alone.

  I dropped my gaze to my feet refusing to look at Slade.

  “Happy birthday,” he said, pushing a small box at me. I looked up; he got me a gift.

  “This is a shock,” I opened the lid; it was a brand-new iPod. I raised an eyebrow confused. “I have an iPod.”

  Slade nodded. “You were always saying it only works half the time and running out of space. I added some of my favorite songs to it.” He shrugged, biting at his lip.

  I replaced the lid. “Thanks.”

  Slade reached out and grasped the necklace from Hutch. “How original, not obvious at all.” He pulled back. The red slippers hit me in the chest.

  “I think it was sweet,” I said. “So, where’s Audrey?” My anger was back now.

  Slade shook his head. “I have no idea.”

  I pushed my hair behind my ear. “That’s a scary thought. I’m sure she’ll be pissed knowing you showed up to my birthday

  “Wouldn’t have missed it,” Slade said staring me down.

  “You should have.” I crossed my arms, getting out of the guest way, so they could get drinks and a bite to eat. Slade grabbed my arm.

  “Let’s take a walk,” he said, I pulled away from him.

  “I don’t want to walk with you.” The memory of their kiss swarmed in my thoughts. And the anger coursed my veins. I cleared my throat knowing what would make me feel better. “I almost slept with Hutch.” I admitted, dishing out the same thing he gave me days ago.

  Slade’s expression changed for a split second and then morphed back to the somber one he was always wearing. “I slept with Audrey.”

  My heart cracked in my chest. I recoiled like something bit me. It didn't make me feel better at all. I pushed him out of the way and headed out of my party, but he was on my heels.

  “Go away, Slade. You’re nothing but an uncaring asshole. I don’t even know why you would show up here.” The sand gave way under my high heels, I ripped them off and ran for the water with them in my hand.

  He kept his distance watching me cry as I stared across the water.

  “Does it feel bad hearing me say so?” he asked. “Did you enjoy almost sleeping with him? Do you like that guy?”

  I shook my head. “Why does it even matter? This thing between us was nothing but a joke.”

  Slade crossed his arms. “I never said I didn’t care about you.”

  I laughed, wiping at my face. “You didn’t have to. And if you’re all about being honest right now, yes, I do like Hutch.” I waited for him to admit he liked Audrey, so I could feel better knowing everything happened for the right reason. However, he just stood there and said nothing.

  “And don’t think you’re going to fight him like Tucker. Not everyone can be bullied by you.” I pointed out; afraid Slade was going to go back to the party and punch Hutch for almost sleeping with me.

  “I don’t go around beating up people like you think. I got into it with Tucker because he was disrespecting you. I stood up for you.” Slade shrugged. “I just came to wish you a happy birthday because you deserve one.”

  He started across the sand leaving.

  “It’s not very happy now that you ruined it.” I shouted. “What did you think you were accomplishing coming here?” I kicked at the sand angry.

  “I don’t know,” Slade said over his shoulder.

  “Just admit it. Admit you care about her, just put me out of my freaking misery.” I raised my hands to the heavens over our five-minute interaction.

  Slade stopped walking and turned around. “I’ll never admit that.”

  “Why?” I demanded.

  “Because it will never be true, there’s only one girl I care about.” He stared at me, not saying who that one girl was. I shook my head, the words of Kidd playing again. Slade’s an idiot. He doesn’t think Hope. He just doesn’t think.

  “What do you want, Slade?” I asked, shaking my fist at him in frustration.

  He didn’t answer. He wasn’t willing to give me what I wanted. And I didn’t know why.

  “I don’t know what else there is to say,” I told him. “We are still in the same boat. You can’t give me what I want.”


  I ran back to the party, pressing my palm against my face to clear the tears and mascara.

  I slipped through the dance floor weaved around the table and found a spot against the back wall and took a seat. I was sure I would go unnoticed there. I dabbed at my eyes every couple of seconds trying to keep the tears away, but they were still coming.

  Once the fifth stranger gave me a sympathetic smile, I decided a bathroom break was in order.

  I pushed the bathroom door open and took the first stall. I dropped against the wall, biting my hand to stifle the sobs escaping. How many times was he going to crush me? I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. Coming home turned into the worst mistake I ever made.

  A soft tap echoed against the stall. I straightened up and waited for the culprit to speak.

  “Everything alright,” Karsen called. “I know a lot of people take that song literal on their birthday, but this is going too far.”

  Karsen shook the door. I unlocked it and dropped down on the toilet.

  “You know…it’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to.” She scanned my somber expression for any hint of a smile. She dropped down to my level and smoothed my hair.

  I sighed.

  “I told him it was a bad idea.” Karsen crossed her arms across her pale pink dress. “He insisted he was only going to wish you a happy birthday not make you semi suicidal.”

  “You know I envy you,” I told her. She helped fix my running makeup and listened to my harebrained reasoning.

  “Why would you envy me?” She always did this, like her beauty wasn’t comparable. Like her personality wasn’t something every girl wished they possessed. Everything came so easy with Karsen. Nothing ever felt worry-free with me.

  “Everything you do you do it so well. You meet Kidd, and he falls head over heels for you. You find out he’s a witch, and you handle it impeccably, while I am failing miserably.” I lifted my head allowing her better access to my mouth, so she could apply new gloss.

  My entire life I wished I was more like Karsen. She was carefree, and I was guarded. Her family was still together while mine was broken.

  Her mother loved her to death and worried about her every move while mine worried about herself and her boyfriend.

  “So your first serious relationship failed. It happens to everyone. I thought I was in love plenty of times, its infatuation.” She capped the gloss and sifted through her tiny clutch for blush. “Your first sexual exploration always leaves you thinking the boy who deflowered you is God. You learn quickly it’s nothing more than one of those crazy cults that live off in the country forcing people to drink Kool-Aid, and you get over it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know where you come up with these things.” I stood, ready to return to my party. I was going to try to keep Slade far from my mind.

  “Nona wants to cut the cake, so I suggest you hurry. And Mr. Tall, blonde and sexy is still out there celebrating your birthday without you.” Karsen snapped her purse shut and threw her arms around me.

  “Thanks, Karsen. I feel a lot better.” I eyed myself in the mirror. You could barely tell I had two or three nervous breakdowns.

  “No problem, that’s why I’m your best friend, I’ll always be here for you.” She grabbed my arm stopping me from exiting. “And by the way, if you’re wondering what a guy completely entranced looks like; take a good look at Hutch. He’s totally smitten.”

  I scoffed. Sure he was sweet, but did that mean he was into me? Maybe this was why I was heartbroken and crying in bathrooms, and Karsen was in love with Kidd because I was oblivious to boys.

  “Come on matchmaker let’s get some cake before Nona drinks too many martinis.”

  Those eyes

  I bit at my lip embarrassed all the attention was on me. The happy birthday song finished, and I held my hair back blowing out my nineteen birthday candles. Everyone cheered and the staff hurried to dish slices of berry cake with lavender frosting from one of the expensive bakeries in Cherry that Nona raved about. She said the bakery, and the gym got the bear share of her money because their cake was so good she needed to spend a week at the gym after going there.

  Guest took seats and my actual friends: Karsen, Kidd, and Hutch stayed at the table. Kidd and Hutch chatted with each other. I loved that about Kidd, he was such an easy-going guy, who could make friends with anyone. I understood why Karsen was so into him. He was a genuine guy.

  Dad came to stand next to me an empty cake plate in hand, “ready for your gift?”

  I looked at him. I wasn’t expecting anything; I thought he was just prolonging an excuse on why he didn’t have a gift for me. I knew Dad always wanted to do the right thing by us kids, but when you couldn’t, there w
as nothing you could do about that, and I didn’t mind. It wasn’t about gifts.

  Suddenly, Hutch was behind me lowering a blindfold around my head. He tied it and took me by the shoulders. “You’re going to love this. Your dad already gave us all a peek.” His warm breath tickled my neck. I smiled, excited to see what the big surprise was.

  Someone guided me to a seat. I prayed it wasn’t a stripper because it would have been an awkward gift from my father. I kept my legs crossed and planted my hands in my lap waiting.

  “Okay Hutch, undo her, so she can see what her amazing father did for her,” Dad told Hutch a thick excitement attached to his words.

  Black turned to light and I opened my eyes squealing with excitement. I jumped from my chair and raced for Dad and the Great Dane puppy in his hands. Hutch laughed, standing beside Karsen and Kidd watching me unable to control my excitement.

  I grabbed the gray puppy from dad’s arm squeezing him, “his eyes!”

  Dad grinned. “You always loved the gray ones with blue eyes, and if it wasn’t for having one horse already I would have bought you one. I figure it gives you a reason to visit all of us more often.”

  I smiled at Dad. “Of course I will visit. It doesn’t take a dog to do that. Nevertheless, this is the best gift ever.”

  “Oh man, I guess the necklace was a flop after this gorgeous animal,” Hutch joked, running a hand over the puppies head. The puppy wiggled and squirmed licking and biting my hands. Dad looked pleased with his gift and my reaction.

  Karsen and Kidd joined all of us.

  “So what’s the beast’s name?” Karsen asked.

  I rubbed his head, my fingers colliding with Hutch's. I thought for only seconds. “Blue.”

  Everyone smiled.

  Dad took Blue back and looked over at me. “Now that the party is done and Nona is trashed. Why don’t you kids go out for pizza or whatever it is kids your age do.”

  I looked at Karsen and Kidd. Karsen nodded in agreement eager to take off.

  “We can find a beach party or eat pizza until we puke it would be fun!” She exclaimed.


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