Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5 Page 62

by Holly Hood

  “Slade,” I said lost for words.

  “Before you came to Cherry my life was singing, pretending to enjoy partying and sleeping. That night you came into the park was the first time I saw something real.” He kissed my forehead and let me wrap my arms around him.

  “I don’t know what you mean by real,” I said. “I was just trying to escape the fact I was forced to move to a new place. I was trying to get as far away from reality as I could.”

  “You weren’t like everyone else trying to fit in. You were wearing pink for crying out loud. I was intrigued, so I saved you,” he said.

  “Thanks for not letting me get trampled to death,” I told him, kissing him on the cheek. “Things would have been way different if that would have happened.”

  Blue interrupted our moment. He nudged Slade.

  “I think he wants you to take him for a walk,” I told Slade.

  “More like he wants to walk me,” Slade joked.

  I stood up taking Blue’s leash off the coffee table. “Shall we?”

  Slade didn’t put up a fight. “Whatever you want to do.”

  I let Blue lead me down the beach, trying to keep away from sunbathers as we walked. I pointed towards the stones. “Those rocks were the first thing I saw when I moved here.”

  Slade nodded. “The divide.”

  The way that Cherry kept different out of their lives, and I was drawn to the wrong side from the beginning.

  I noticed a group of kids climbing the rocks. “I think that might be Elliot and Easton.”

  Slade followed my gaze. “You mean on the rocks?”

  I nodded. It wasn’t often anyone from my side of Cherry hung around on the rocks.

  “Weird,” I said, Blue took off pulling the leash right out of my hand. I ran after him. He headed right for the rocks.

  As I got closer I knew for a fact it was Elliot and Easton, along with many other kids. They were huddled together on one big boulder looking at something on the other side.

  Slade and I came to a stop at the bottom of the boulder. I shielded my eyes staring up at them. “What’s going on you guys?”

  Elliot was the first to notice us. He took a couple careful steps and dropped down in the sand. “You won’t believe what is over there.”

  I was afraid to hear what he was going to tell me.

  Slade didn’t bother waiting for an answer he started up the rocks. The kids scattered on the sand like roaches. I knew they all feared Slade but they were too interested in what was happening to run away.

  “What is it?” I asked Slade.

  Easton answered first. “Two bodies.”

  My heart stopped in my chest. I couldn’t believe what I heard. “Take Blue.”

  “You’re going to kill yourself,” Elliot said as I climbed the boulders. Slade grabbed me by the arm right before I face planted.

  “The one looks familiar,” Slade said. “But the other one, I have no idea who she is.”

  I covered my mouth. The mayor’s wife lay below the boulders on the Henry Park side. Along with the one person I would have never wanted to see there.

  Sara. The girl the mayor forced me to put a spell on. My insides were ill. I closed my eyes trying to get the image of their bodies out of my mind.

  It didn’t make any sense why the mayor’s wife and Sara were together in a heap in Henry Park.

  Slade yanked me by the arm bringing me back to reality. “Jump down.”

  I did as he asked.

  “We called the sheriff, but he hasn’t showed up yet,” Elliot told us. “I thought there would be people all over this.”

  Slade shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

  “What?” I asked. “This isn’t the first time a girl has been found on this beach.”

  Slade knew that better than anyone. Elliot on the other hand wasn’t as informed. Slade gave me a look that told me he wanted to keep it that way.

  A crowd gathered as the Sherriff pulled up. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time and we both knew it.

  “I’ll head down there, you guys get out of here before you can’t,” Elliot said.

  I was surprised my brother wanted to cover for us.

  “Hurry up, I may be a kid but I’m not stupid. I know this town is screwed up,” Elliot told me. “Dad’s biggest mistake was making you move here. Now go before your in more trouble than you already are.”

  I tousled his hair like I used to do when he was little and started climbing the rocks with Slade. I knew the Sherriff had it in for Slade and me. Even if the Mayor might have let us go for reasons that would benefit him, I knew there would be a large chunk of time we both would be locked away until he said otherwise.

  As soon as our feet hit the sand I wanted answers. “What do you think happened to them?”

  Slade tugged me by the arm through the park. “It seems pretty obvious. I’ve seen it all before.”

  I wanted to confess. I wanted to tell him what happened while he was away. What I was forced to join in on to protect my dad but I didn’t know the first thing about doing that, or if he would even understand.

  I dug my heels into the sand at the sight of the gates. “What are you doing?”

  Slade wrapped his arms around me. “I need to lay low for a while.”

  I began to cry. I didn’t want him leaving me again. Slade smirked wiping at my tears. “Oh stop. I told you things are different now. It’s your choice, stay with me and we ride this out together. Or trust me and know that I’ll never walk away from you again.”

  I couldn’t believe what I heard. It was what I wanted to hear all along.

  “I want to stay with you, there is no other way I would rather go through anything,” I told him.

  “Okay, so let’s go.” Slade told me, he took my hand and we started for the Rv. “Can’t promise it’s going to be pretty. I’m sure I’ll be the first person they come after.”

  “Things could be different this time,” I said, pretty sure they would be with what I knew about the mayor.

  Slade didn’t believe me. He was used to being their scapegoat every time something went wrong. It was sad to know the one person the entire town trusted was the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  I needed to tell him. “There’s something I have to say.” I started; my phone rang ending my confession.

  Slade watched as I answered it.

  “Hope, come back to the house. Something is wrong with Nona,” dad said. The phone went dead before I could ask him what was wrong. Panic took over my common sense.

  “What is wrong?” Slade asked, he could tell something was not right.

  “It was my dad; he said something is wrong with Nona. I think I have to go.” What was I saying, it was Nona. No matter what she would always be Nona and I couldn’t forget all that she did for us.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” We both knew that wouldn’t be a good idea.

  “I’ll come back as soon as I can,” I kissed him and hurried to the gates. For once I knew Slade would be there waiting for me. No strings or complications keeping that from happening. And once I knew Nona was alright we would be back together free to sort through the chaos.

  Chapter 23

  I ran through the front door of Nona’s house looking for someone to tell me what happened. It was quiet. I slammed right into Hutch, screaming, I fell back against the hallway table almost landing on the floor.

  “Shh,” Hutch told me. He grabbed me by the arm putting me back on my feet.

  I pushed my hair out of my eyes. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I heard what happened at the beach,” he started. I looked around, for any signs something was amiss. “The only way I knew to get you here was if I told you something was wrong.”

  I backed up feeling duped.

  Hutch stepped forward, I took another step back. “Do you trust me?”

  Did I, I wasn’t sure, especially now that he was standing in my Grandma’s home. He lured me for what reason I wasn’t
sure. But I was going to find out.

  “I was worried for you, Doll,” Hutch closed the space between us. “Two bodies found in Henry Park, I was worried about you.”

  The shock on my face melted. “Anyone could have thrown them over.”

  Hutch agreed. “I didn’t think much about it until I thought about the time you told me you did something for your father.”

  I grabbed Hutch by the shirt and shoved him out of Nona’s house. “You need to keep quiet. How do you know someone won’t overhear you?”

  Hutch wasn’t pleased with my aggressiveness. I slammed the door shut and spun back around. “What does any of that have to do with you lying to get me to come back here?”

  Hutch leaned against the fancy wooden post on the porch. “I think we both know what you did for your father. And the fact that the body of the mayor’s wife shows up on the beach doesn’t sit well with me.”

  I was sure a dead body wouldn’t sit well with anyone. But I understood. “You don’t think the mayor would do this.”

  Hutch nodded. “The mayor is smart enough to know better. If anyone he is using for his own benefit didn’t hold up their end of the deal things could blow up right in his face. It’s too dangerous. He’s not that stupid.”

  I took a seat on the porch steps dumbfounded. “Then who would do such a thing?” One person was responsible for the Mayor’s wife’s death. But Sara, she was a whole different situation.

  I had put a spell on her. One to make her attracted to Tucker. I was scared to think that Tucker might have killed her after I sent her his way.

  Hutch took the spot next to me, letting out a sigh. “Who would do such a thing? Someone trying to get back at the mayor, someone who feels they were wronged by him.”

  I shook my head. “He wouldn’t.” There was no way it was Slade. I refused to believe it.

  “Are you sure about that, Doll?” Hutch continued to prove me wrong. “Wasn’t it just the other day he tried his hardest to get on your good side?”

  “He wanted me to know that things worked out. That he figured it all out,” I said, my words turned into nothing but a whisper. “That we didn’t have to worry about anything anymore.”

  Was I dating a sociopath after all? Did Slade go around killing people and doing whatever he needed to make it through life? Was I falling for it all this time?

  “Because he is trying to get back at the mayor,” Hutch insisted. “And I think he is willing to do whatever he has to to make that happen.”

  I couldn’t believe once again I was questioning Slade’s motives. I was certain he turned over a new leaf. I stared at the ground in shock.

  Hutch slipped an arm around me without my even noticing it. “I told you, Doll. I’ll always be here for you.” He stroked my hair, guiding my head against his chest.

  Chapter 24

  I rolled over in bed searching for my alarm clock. I lifted dirty clothes off the floor finding it. It was almost noon and I was still in bed.

  The pounding continued at my bedroom door. I shuffled across the floor and turned the lock.

  “You look like shit,” Karsen said. She lifted laundry from my bed and took a seat.

  “What made you come?” I asked. She hadn’t talked to me since the incident at the café.

  “Nobody has heard from you,” Karsen pointed out, she stared down at her nail polish. “Not even Slade.”

  I made a face. “I told him I wasn’t feeling good.”

  Karsen rolled her eyes. “He thinks your doubting him. He also thinks you’re convinced he murdered those women.”

  I wasn’t about to let Karsen in on my little secret. And I wasn’t about to tell her that I thought he might have killed one of them. “I don’t care if you believe me.”

  Karsen scoffed. “I’m getting tired of your bullshit.”

  I stood up. “Well go home, and you won’t have to listen to it.” I stomped across the floor opening up a drawer. I rifled through it for something clean to wear.

  “What were you doing with those two?” She was referring to Hutch and K. More or less K though.

  I pulled off my tank top and tossed it on the floor amongst the rest of my things. “I ran into them at the shore store.”

  Karsen sighed. “I can’t understand what the hell happened to you.”

  I ran a brush through my hair, tearing through the rat’s nest at the back of my head. “I don’t know how you can’t figure it out. I was almost killed last summer, turned into a witch, not to mention my parent’s breakup.”

  I concentrated on the radio until the music came on. Karsen tried to hide the fact it was still odd to see her best friend doing magic around her.

  “Something has changed, and it happened recently. Witch or no witch, parents or none you’re different.” She stood up. “The Hope I know would have never put her hands on me.”

  I turned away.

  “Or drove drunk,” Karsen said cutting into my annoyance like a knife.

  I raised a hand and the door flew open. Karsen jumped at the bang as it crashed into the wall. “You can leave.”

  “Hope,” she said trying once more to get me to understand, like she always did.

  “Just go.” I raised my hand once more slamming the door in her face.

  I was fed up.

  Chapter 25

  There I was again venturing to a place I should stay away from. Alone, like the first time when I met Slade. Only this time it wasn’t Slade at all. It was the Greenhouse. And the person I was meeting was nothing like Slade at all. If anything, Hutch made me feel needed. It was hard to stay unhappy for long with him around.

  And as he walked toward me coming outside of the greenhouse I was glad for once to see him. He was my safe place when I was lost and out of control.

  “Good to see you,” he said slipping an arm around me and we went inside.

  The crowd was as thick as the first time.

  “There all watching us,” I told Hutch noticing all eyes on the two of us.

  “How does that make you feel?” he said against my ear.

  I wasn’t sure, maybe a little paranoid yet a bit special. “Strange.”

  Hutch turned me toward the bar. “What do you want to drink?”

  I shook my head. “No way, we know what happened the last time.”

  He twirled my hair around his finger and pulled me to him. “But this time you can come home with me.” He kissed me, backing me into the bar.

  I pulled away, wiping at my lip gloss. “I don’t know.” The music picked up beats thundering the greenhouse. I watched all the different types of people dancing.

  “What happened to having fun?” Hutch said. He slid a shot over to me. “I like the fun, Hope. I hope you’re over staying upset about that idiot.”

  I threw back the shot ignoring Hutch’s insult about Slade. I tried not to hear it, trying to force myself to have a good time.

  “What makes you think he’s an idiot?” I said to Hutch as he downed a second shot and handed me back mine filled again.

  “Such a powerful guy making such stupid mistakes,” he shrugged. “When you have power you need to know what to do with it.”

  I picked up my shot, downed it and dropped the glass with a bang on the table. “Like you?”

  “Maybe.” He touched my arm. “I’m not trying to come off like an ass.”

  K cut in between us. “Yes he is. He’s an ass all the time.”

  I frowned. I didn’t want to hear this. He was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Hutch leaned forward. “He thinks he knows me, he doesn’t. Don’t take what he says personally.”

  I nodded uncomfortable anymore with being there. I watched K order a round of shots and wished I was anywhere but there. Hutch tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around. “What?”

  “Cheer up.” He took my hand. “Or I’ll make you.”

  I pulled my hand back but he wouldn’t let go. The music was loud and I wasn’t sure I heard him right. His
hand was on the back of my head, he pulled me closer.

  My head pounded, music and chaos plagued my mind as if everything was coming to a head internally as well as in the room at the same time. I didn’t know what was the matter with me. I touched my forehead confused.

  “What’s the matter, doll?” Hutch whispered into my ear. “Not feeling good?”

  I pressed my head into his chest letting him swirl me around the dance floor. “I’m fine.”

  “They look at you because you’re with me,” he said. “They know what I’m capable of and the smart ones wish they could be as lucky as you.”

  We swirled around the crowd. I gripped his t-shirt, trying to hold it together.

  “You’re drunk,” I told him. “You never act like this.”

  Hutch’s lips grazed my ear. “That may be, I get the feeling you’re not happy to be here. Where would you rather be, Doll?”

  I hated the nickname anymore. “It’s a bit hot in here.”

  “Do you want to leave?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Maybe off the dance floor for a little while.”

  I was happy to see he was relaxing. He led me back to the bar. Hutch put a hand on K’s back. “Hope’s a bit tired, take her upstairs for a little bit.”

  “I know where it is,” I said.

  Hutch ran a hand through my hair. “I’d hate to see something bad happen to you in here. Supernaturals can be brutal.”

  I nodded, following K up the stairs. I held onto the railing scared to death. The vibe was all wrong. Hutch wasn’t acting like himself; he was daring me to make the wrong move.

  “Do you think he is okay?” I asked once we were upstairs and alone. K took a seat on the sofa.

  “Is he scaring you?” K asked. It wasn’t concern; it was more amusement that kept him talking to me. “He can be scary so I heard.”

  I sat down close to the door. “It’s just a little different than what he usually acts like.”

  K sat up. “Charming you mean.”

  I nodded.

  “Of course he was charming, that’s what we all do to get what we want.” K smirked. “But I think he’s getting impatient.”


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