Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5 Page 64

by Holly Hood

  “What are you thinking about?” Slade asked stroking my hair. He caught me staring at him.

  I hoped he didn’t think I was some freak.

  “Thinking that everything for once feels right,” I said. “Here we are, no interruptions, no nothing.” I smiled as he moved closer.

  “Oh the possibilities,” he said with a smirk. “But, there is something I need to do right now.”

  My frown was apparent. Slade’s smirk turned into a smile. He took me by the chin and planted his lips on my mouth making my inside aches for more of him. My fingers traveled through his hair, pulling him closer to me.

  “Was that what you needed to do?” I asked. We connected again.

  He nodded his head keeping his lips on mine.

  Once again I was reminded how good everything was.

  “I wish this is how it could be every day,” I told him.

  “Why couldn’t it be?” He pulled me on top of him. “Are you telling me you still have no faith in me?”

  I rolled my eyes staring down at his beautiful image. One I could get used to seeing every day for the rest of my life. “Because things don’t work out that way, life isn’t that simple.”

  My life never proved to be that simple. My parent’s ruined their marriage and the ending of my teenage years, the ones that were supposed to be the most important.

  Slade ignored my negativity. “It couldn’t be simpler. I care about you.”

  I waited for more. And this time he didn’t fail. “I’d even be willing to throw the l word around.” He laughed at me as I tried to slap him for being so careful, he said it once before.

  “Just one time I would like you to take your feelings seriously.” I grabbed his hands off of my rear end and brought them above his head pinning them in place for added dramatic effect.

  “Should I write you a love song?” He smirked. “And by the way this doesn’t intimidate me, it turns me on.”

  I refused to give in. “I don’t want a love song.”

  “Every other girl in this world does,” he said lifting his head trying to lure me in with a kiss.

  I kissed him. “How do you know that things will work out alright this time? What if the coven or the mayor tries to ruin our lives for something we did or didn’t do like they always seem to do?”

  “Because I took care of it,” Slade assured me. “If I hadn’t we wouldn’t be back here.”

  I shook my head. “What does that mean? Do you think because you tell me it’s over that I am going to believe it?” Things weren’t that simple.

  “I would like to think that you would,” he said with a nod.

  I released my grip on his wrist and climbed off of him sitting at the edge of his bed. Slade touched my back, planting a kiss on my shoulder. “Some things are better left unsaid. I’m not trying to lie to you, everything is taken care of. That’s all you should be worried about.”

  I wasn’t feeling reassured. “You killed Audrey. I don’t understand how they would let that go,” I said, frowning.

  “What?” he said.

  I hoped I wasn’t right. “You’re keeping it from me because you did something, just like the night of the accident. Am I right?”

  Slade didn’t answer.

  I was uncomfortable and panicked. Whatever he did I was sure it wasn’t good. I was sure that I would lose it if I heard any more bad news in my life. But I needed to know.

  “It doesn’t matter. Just listen to me when I say that it doesn’t matter and let’s enjoy the way things are,” he tried to get me back into his bed. And that would have been my first choice.

  “I can’t stop thinking about it,” I admitted fighting off his lips; I pressed a palm into his chest stopping him. “What do they want you to do?”

  Slade shook his head growing irritated with all my questions. “Hope. Let it go.”

  “Does it involve me?” I pointed a finger at myself.

  “It has nothing to do with you or me,” he ran a hand through his hair getting up. “Can we just not talk about this anymore?”

  I let out a long breath of air, trying to tell my mind to stop. It was bad enough Slade once again made peace to keep bad things from happening. I didn’t need to add unneeded stress on top of it.

  “Fine, I won’t mention anything else about it.” He sat down beside me, thankful from the look on his face that I wasn’t badgering him anymore. “I trust you, and I don’t think you would keep anything from me that would hurt me.”

  “Or us,” he said. “I know in the past I’ve made decisions that screwed up your life and the life you could have with…me. But this time I am trying to do whatever it takes to give you what you want.”

  I smiled and threw my arms around him. “Do you know how great that is to hear?”

  He gave me a weird look. “Oh, here we go. Are you getting emotional on me again?” He kissed me before I could argue that I was and that he could get used to it. It was him after all who caused all my joy. He never said something so sweet before.

  “It’s great is all,” I said settling back into the pillows of the bed.

  Slade nuzzled against my neck throwing an arm across me. “That’s why your idea is so crazy.”

  I traced one of his tattoos. “What idea?”

  “Killing the mayor, if we want a new start, if we want to have everything work out we need to get the hell out of Cherry,” Slade said.

  I turned away. As romantic as it seemed to run away with the guy I was crazy about it also saddened me. Even when my family and I were at odds I still loved them. And I still wanted to be around them and share in their lives.

  “How can one man be so evil?” I said.

  Slade stroked my hair. I rested my head against his chest; the warmth of his skin reminded me that sometimes evil and dark things weren’t so bad. If not for something evil I wouldn’t have been laying there with Slade. On the other hand because the mayor was so evil we never knew what was to come.

  A lot of evil people walked the world. And I thought it was unfair they existed.

  Chapter 29

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Slade said adjusting his hat over the black bandana underneath.

  “You look great,” I promised him smoothing out his white t-shirt.

  He hung his aviators down the front of his shirt and gave me a pitiful look. It was almost enough to change my mind and tell him he that he didn’t have to go the town meeting with me.

  I tugged him by his belt buckle, and gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips. “It will be fine. And if anyone has a problem with it I will take care of it.”

  Slade gathered up the contents of his wallet and cell phone and slipped them in his pocket. “I’m not worried about the town, I’ve put up with the town for a long time.”

  I waited while he did a final check of himself in the hallway mirror. I never had seen him so nervous before. “Than what are you worried about?”

  He shot me a disturbed look. Like I was supposed to read his mind—well I guess if I wanted to I could have.

  “Your father, your grandmother, your entire fucking family,” he ticked off.

  We headed down the stairs of the RV. I checked my image in my compact. “I will handle my father. I will handle everyone. And as long as you don’t cuss like a sailor I think things will go alright.”

  He grabbed me by the arm. “I never heard you complaining about my dirty mouth.”

  We kissed again and more and more I wanted to go right back inside and forget about the town meeting altogether.

  “I may like it, but my dad will just use it against you,” I said. “And we are trying to avoid that aren’t we?”

  Slade nodded in agreement. “Let’s get going before I change my mind.”

  I took his hand, trying my best to keep him comfortable and let him know that no matter what, I was by his side and it didn’t matter what anyone thought. We were in it together, and allowed to be part of the town meeting as much as anyone else.<
br />

  It didn’t seem as much of a town meeting as it did a social gathering for all the upper class snobs in our town I thought as we entered the swanky hall. An excuse for the town to get together and do what they did best—judge everyone that wasn’t like them.

  I searched for Nona. She was the reason for my appearance. She insisted the entire family come. Any other time this was something we sat out of.

  “Sweet pea,” Nona said coming to stand beside Slade and me. She furrowed her red brows at the sight of Slade. I took her by the elbow releasing Slade’s hand.

  “Please be nice to Slade or I will leave,” I told her. I wasn’t going to let my family disrespect him anymore.

  Nona nodded but preoccupied herself with the guest coming in. “I’ll do my best.”

  “I would hope so because he means a lot to me,” I told her, narrowing my eyes in warning. “I didn’t even want to be here.”

  Nona huffed. “I will be respectful of your boyfriend, who might I add wasn’t that a few weeks ago.”

  I plastered on a fake smile. “Good. We are going to have a seat before all the festivities start.” I hurried back to Slade.

  “Kill me,” Slade groaned as we made our way through the crowd to the table the rest of my family sat at, Elliot and Easton moved down making room for Slade and me.

  Dad’s expression changed in an instant when he found himself sitting next to Slade and I. The entire hall whispered into each other’s ear. But I didn’t care.

  “Dad,” I started, fixing my hair as I did my best to keep my composure as I stared back at the crowd. “Be nice.”

  Dad lifted his sparkling cider. “Always am.”

  I fidgeted in my seat.

  “Slade, it’s nice to see you,” Dad said shooting a small smile down to Slade. He adjusted his tie and settled back in his seat.

  Slade bit down on his lip ring, reminding my dad of his wild side. “Same to you.”

  It was awkward, I fidgeted in my seat some more. “What is going on here anyways? Why was Nona so dead set on having us all come?”

  Dad shrugged.

  Elliot offered his opinion. “Nona thought if you showed yourself the entire town wouldn’t think your some crazed witch on a murder spree.”

  I looked at Dad and then at Slade.

  “Hey, I’m here because she insisted,” Dad said.

  Slade ran a hand down his neck shifting in his seat. “Sadly it will take more than showing your face to get any kind of sympathy from these people.”

  Elliot laughed at Slade’s remark, but not Dad.

  “These people want a safe community,” Dad said. “Nobody should have to worry about being killed.”

  Slade dropped my hand from beneath the table and sat up straighter. “I agree. So don’t you think they would do something about it?”

  Dad fumbled for words.

  “Oh I forgot, they blame me and my family every time something bad happens here,” Slade said giving his own words in place of Dad’s.

  I squeezed his leg. “Please be nice he’s my dad.”

  Slade’s hand slipped up my thigh. “That was nice.” He worked a hand further up until his fingers hit my upper thigh making me hot and bothered.

  The mayor adjusted the microphone at the podium while everyone found a table to sit at. “Good to see everyone.”

  I rolled my eyes, such the liar. I stopped Slade’s hand from slipping past my panties and interlocked my fingers with his. He pulled my hand into his lap, and let me know how turned on he was.

  I shot him a look. He smirked.

  “We are supposed to be on our best behavior,” I whispered in his ear.

  Slade lips pressed into my ear. “We could always sneak off to the bathroom or broom closet.”

  My heart sped up at his request. “Stop, you’re making this hard.”

  “You did that,” he kissed the delicate skin behind my ear making me giggle like a schoolgirl. Dad shot us both a look from his side of the table. I dropped my head my hair hid the embarrassment that I was almost caught doing bad things with Slade by my own dad—yet again.

  I rested my head against his shoulder breathing in his fresh showered scent of shower gel and body spray. I couldn’t have been more intoxicated by him at that moment.

  “We are here to discuss the recent events in Cherry. The death of Sara Lucas and my beloved wife, some of you knew my wife very well. Those who didn’t know her just know she will be missed.” The mayor adjusted his tie; I was sure lying to a mass of people made anyone uncomfortable. “I called everyone here today to let everyone know that this is not a time to panic. We have everything under control; we will not stop until we find the person behind this.”

  I couldn’t help but notice Dad shifting in his seat, or that everyone’s eyes shifted across the room to Slade and me as the mayor spoke.

  Nona took the spot beside Dad. “What did I miss?”

  “The part where the entire town started staring at us,” I told her.

  Nona ignored me and raised her hand; she stood up smoothing out her pencil skirt. “Mayor, I’m sure everyone wants to know if you have any ideas or leads.”

  The Mayor nodded. “The coroner seems to think it is drug related.” He dropped his gaze to the podium.

  I did my best not to roll my eyes at the absurdity of his statement. I knew all too well what the cause of his wife’s death was. And who was behind it. My gaze fell on the exact reason—Hutch.

  My grip on Slade’s hand got even tighter. And right next to him was K. It seemed anymore wherever Hutch was so was K.

  “Look who joined the party,” Slade whispered into my ear. “Do you think he is here to make sure nobody suspects him as well?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know and I don’t care.” I stood up.

  “What are you doing?” Slade asked standing up as well.

  “We are going to find a bathroom or broom closet,” I told him cutting through the crowd in search of relief. I didn’t want to be there, I knew coming to hear all the lies the mayor spouted was a bad idea.

  “Sounds way better than this,” Slade agreed. I spotted a hallway yanking him to the left.

  And as soon as my freedom was feet from me Hutch stepped in my way.

  “I’m surprised you came, doll,” Hutch said, a typical smug expression plastered on his face. I couldn’t believe I never saw him for what he was—an arrogant prick.

  “Why wouldn’t I? I’m not the reason for the current issues,” I said, trying to go around him.

  “Nice to see you found your way back to the worst decision you ever made,” Hutch said referring to Slade, who did a great job remaining calm until that moment.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of chasing after things you can’t have?” Slade asked him.

  “I could ask the same about you,” Hutch said, his fingers grazing his five o’clock shadow. “It wasn’t too long ago she was all over me and you were a distant memory.”

  Slade blew it off. “We all make mistakes.” He placed a hand on the small of my back and guided me toward the hallway.

  But Hutch wasn’t giving up. “Do you think it’s that simple?”

  I stopped walking and spun around. I didn’t want to talk to him but he left me no choice. “Why are you here?”

  Hutch raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean why am I here?”

  “None of this is about you. And I don’t want your help. So why don’t you just leave it alone?” I said. I couldn’t believe I once allowed him anywhere near me.

  “It’s a shame you think it’s that easy for people to forget who you are,” Hutch said. “Or what happened because of you.”

  I shook my head. Slade stepped in front of me ready to attack Hutch. I grabbed his arm. “He’s not worth it.”

  Slade moved even closer. “It would be worth it to high five him in his fucking face.”

  Hutch extended his arms. “By all means, give it your best shot.” He did his best to egg Slade on. But I wa
sn’t going to let it happen. I pushed into Hutch, and backed him against the wall.

  “You might have thought you were helping me,” I said, stabbing a sharp nail into his chest. “But you are not going to black mail me. I’m not the stupid naïve girl you thought I was.”

  Hutch took hold of my hand, and pressed it into his chest. “I never thought you were, doll.”

  “Don’t call me doll.” I snapped. “Just leave me alone.”

  Slade took my hand. “I think we’re done here.”

  Hutch nodded. “Of course, we all know you know what’s best for her.” He moved out of our way.

  Slade gave him one last glare going past him down the hallway. He turned the first knob, then the second. I spun around to tell him the door was unlocked, but he pulled me inside.

  “He has some nerve,” Slade said, looking around the closet we were wedged in alongside mop buckets, cleaning products and old cardboard boxes with supplies for the hall.

  Slade tugged on the string above our head lighting the tiny room up. I pulled my shirt over my head in a hurry to get to the next step.

  “Did he think he would get to me?” he asked, as he watched me unzip the back of my skirt.

  I undid my bra. “I don’t know. Are we here to talk about Hutch or are we here to have sex?”

  That was all it took, Slade tore my lacy panties down and worked himself out of his jeans. He lifted me up without any strain and pressed me against the wall. A cute smile erupted on his face; his dazzling white teeth grazed my earlobe.

  We kissed, I held on tight ripping and pawing at him. I got him out of his shirt and kissed his chest, my palms dragging down his tattooed chest, down to his awaiting member. I bit his neck, sucking and licking his flesh.

  “You were hot back there,” Slade said between kisses. “Telling him off like that. I like this bad ass side of you.”

  I moaned, throwing my head back, Slade’s hand covered my mouth so we weren’t caught.

  His warm lips slid across my skin, crashing against my mouth, his tongue eased inside, toying with mine, our quick breaths filled the tiny closet. He held tight to my legs, pressing himself against me. Teasing me.


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