Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 7

by Jennifer Hanks

  Her arguing and full of fire, or sweet and smiling softly, I couldn’t decide which Kate I liked better.

  I just knew I wanted all of her.



  “Mom! Cookie peed on the kitchen floor!”

  My eyes opened suddenly when I heard Andy calling out to me. His voice was getting closer so I knew he was headed my way and I blinked, trying to shake away the sleep.

  “Mom. Are you sleeping?”

  I looked to the open door to see him peeking inside, his face breaking in to a wide smile when he saw my open eyes. He darted towards the bed and jumped up, Cookie hot on his heels until I was being snuggled by both boy and dog. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and not for the first time wished I had one of those kids who liked to sleep in. It was only eight in the morning, but Andy was already wide awake and ready to go. So was Cookie, apparently.

  “Why were you in the kitchen?”

  He made a face telling me I caught him doing something he wasn’t allowed to do and sat up. “I was going to let Cookie out to potty.”

  That’s what I was afraid of. “Are you allowed to open the doors alone?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Then why were you going to?”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to help you.”

  I sat up and leaned my back against the headboard. “Why?”

  He bit his lip and looked down at his hands. “Luke said you work really hard and I should help you out when I can.”

  I pursed my lips, trying to come up with a good response for Andy, all the while knowing in the back of my mind that I would have to talk to Luke later.

  “Andy.” I waited until his eyes met mine and continued. “Luke’s right, I do work hard, but that’s my job. I’m supposed to take care of you and I love doing it, okay?” He nodded. “The ways you can help me are to pick up your toys when I ask, and use your manners, things like that.” I lifted my eyebrows. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Yeah.” He said, quietly. “Am I in trouble?”

  I shook my head and smiled. “No, you’re not. What you were trying to do was nice, but don’t do that again okay? Next time you’re awake and I’m not, come wake me up like we’ve always done.”

  “Okay, mom.”

  I threw the covers off me and stood. “Okay, I’m going to the bathroom and then we’ll go clean up the floor, let Cookie out and get some breakfast.” I leaned over and kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair. “Sound good?”

  A wide smile graced his face. “Yep, sounds good.”

  I finished up quickly in the bathroom and followed Andy down the hallway towards the kitchen, where I found the pee immediately and cleaned it up after opening the door and letting Cookie outside into the fenced yard. Andy climbed up and sat on one of the two stools in front of our small island counter. “Alright kiddo, what’s it going to be this morning?”

  I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the apple juice, knowing without even asking that he would choose that, before closing the door and grabbing a small cup from the cupboard. I poured the juice and slid the cup his way while he continued to think, which he did every day before he always asked for the same thing.

  “Pancakes!” He shouted, bouncing up and down on his seat.

  Yep, pancakes, just like every day. Some days I say no and make him different things, but for the most part I just concede to pancakes. Today was one of the days I’d concede.

  “You got it.” I started pulling everything I’d need from the cupboards and placing it on the counter before turning back and starting my coffee. I added ingredients to the bowl, my mouth watering at the smell of the coffee brewing and watched Andy drink his juice.

  A thumping sound caught my attention and Andy jumped down from his stool. “Can I let Cookie in?”

  “Yep.” I watched Andy run over to the kitchen door and swing it open, barely getting out of the way before Cookie ran by him.

  “Mom, can I watch T.V.?”

  I looked over to where he stood and smiled. “Yeah, kiddo, go ahead.”

  “Thanks mom!” He called over his shoulder, already headed to the small living room, Cookie hot on his heels.

  I mixed up the pancake batter and then took a minute to pour myself a cup of coffee, which I immediately took a drink of and moaned. I love coffee, especially flavored, which this one is. I’d say it’s my one indulgence. I pulled a skillet out of the cabinet and made my way to the stove, turning the heat on and started making pancakes, their smell mixing with the coffee made my stomach growl. I worked quietly and had almost all the pancakes made when the doorbell rang.

  “Can I get it with you, Mom?” Andy yelled, running in to the kitchen.

  I reached up and smoothed down my hair that was hanging long around my shoulders and down my back. Who would be at my door this early on a Sunday morning? I turned the stove burner off before making my way towards the front door, Andy by my side and looked out the small window on top of the door, backing up when I saw my visitor.

  “Who is it?” Andy called out loudly to the person on the other side like I’d taught him.

  “Luke.” I heard called back with a chuckle.

  “Mom!” Andy yelled. “Luke’s here! Can I open the door?”

  I dropped my head and glanced down at my shorts and oversized t-shirt before sighing loudly. Stepping back, I unlocked the door, motioning for Andy to open it like he likes to do.

  “Hi Luke!” Andy called out excitedly when he finally had the door open and was face-to-face with him.

  “Hey buddy.” Luke smiled and put his hand on the top of his head, ruffling his hair like I’d done only a little bit ago.

  “Did you come for pancakes?” Andy asked.

  Luke put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Well, I do love pancakes.”

  “That’s what we’re having!” Andy smiled huge.

  Luke squatted down with a serious look on his face and pretended to whisper to Andy. “Do you think it’s okay with your mom?”

  Andy threw his head back and looked at me. “Is it okay mom?”

  I took a sip from the coffee cup I was holding before replying. “Sure, Andy.”

  He grabbed Luke’s hand and dragged him in to the house towards the kitchen. Luke laid his hand along my hip when he was passing by and squeezed. “Morning.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply from the impact his touch and voice had on me. Following them into the kitchen, I skirted around the counter to the stove and turned the burner on to finish the pancakes. I added more batter to the pan and looked over my shoulder, meeting Luke’s eyes. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Yeah,” he said softly, his eyes locked on me.

  I poured him some coffee and set out the milk, before grabbing a few plates and forks to set on the counter. Finishing up the pancakes, I listened to Andy tell Luke all about Cookie’s accident this morning and how he thought he’d get in trouble, but he didn’t.

  “Your mom’s right buddy, you shouldn’t open doors by yourself.” Luke said.

  “I know.” Andy said happily.

  I sat down the plate holding the pancakes. “Help yourself.”

  Andy dove right in, putting some on his plate and adding syrup. I moved around the counter to cut them up for him, but he stopped me. “Mom, I can do it.”

  “Okay.” I said, and handed him back his fork.

  “Wow are you gonna eat all those?” Andy yelled out looking at Luke and causing my eyes to go to his plate. It was piled high with pancakes and syrup.

  “You bet.” He smiled and took a big bite.

  My eyes grew wide at the size of the bite he took. I lifted my cup to my mouth, taking a small sip and let my eyes flicker down over his arms and chest, noting how his t-shirt stretched tight along his chest, how his biceps strained the too tight material and wondered if he bought his shirts small so they’d do that or if he was just that big. He lifted another forkful of
pancakes dripping with syrup to his mouth and my eyes, completely without my command, followed the fork’s path until his lips closed tight around it.

  I felt my face heat when my eyes continued to move up and saw his watching me intently. I shifted my gaze back to Andy who was still chewing away happily and gave him a smile, earning me one back.

  “Aren’t you eating?”

  Luke’s voice forced me to glance his way and I nodded. “Yeah, I was just making sure there’s enough.”

  “There’s enough.” He pointed his fork at the plate of pancakes in front of him and Andy, his face serious. “Eat.”

  I nodded and made myself a plate before digging in. I cleared my throat after I chewed and swallowed a few bites, my attention on my food. “What brings you by this morning?”

  “I came to mow the yard.”

  I stopped, the fork halfway to my mouth, and lifted my eyes to his. “What?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t have anything to do this morning so I thought I’d come help you out.”

  I shook my head, laying the fork down on my plate. “No, Luke, I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “Can I do it with you?” Andy turned to face Luke.

  He shifted his eyes from mine and faced Andy. “Sorry buddy, you can’t help me with that, but I’m sure your mom can find more things she needs help with and maybe you and I can do one of those together.”

  Andy brought his attention back to me. “Do you have something I can do with Luke?”

  I smiled at Andy. “Honey, put your plate in the sink, go brush your teeth and get dressed. I’ll talk to Luke and we’ll figure it out.”

  He jumped down. “Okay.”

  When he disappeared down the hall, I turned back to Luke and threw my hands on my hips.

  We needed to talk.



  Shit. She looks pissed and I’m smart enough to know she sent Andy out of the room to give me hell.

  She leaned forward, putting her palms on the counter, her eyes sparking with fire and whispered. “What are you doing?”

  I pulled the coffee cup to my lips answering before my next drink. “Helping out.”

  Her eyes widened. “I didn’t ask you for help.”

  I shrugged. “So?”

  Her eyebrows made it to her hairline this time. “So? I didn’t ask for help because I don’t need help Luke.”

  “You need help. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”

  She reared back. “I’m not being stubborn. I have a system and it works fine for us.”

  I leaned back, set the cup down and crossed my arms over my chest. “Oh yeah? What’s your system? Work yourself until you fall over or get sick?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “My system is none of your business.” She pointed back at herself. “I am none of your business.”

  I stood up and made my way around the counter, laying my plate in the sink with Andy’s before turning to face her. “None of my business?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m not. And another thing,” she moved closer to where I was leaning back against the sink and poked me in the chest, “Stop telling my kid stuff, like he should help me out more.” She lifted her finger and pointed at the kitchen door. “That’s why he almost let Cookie outside by himself because he was helping me like you told him to.”

  I pushed off the counter and moved towards her, watching her throat when she swallowed hard, and reveled in her uncertainty. Backing her up against the island, I gripped the edge, placing my hands on either side of her hips. “You are my business Kate,” I leaned in close, breathing in her sweet scent, my lips skimming along her ear when I whispered, “because I’m making you my business.”

  Lifting one of my hands, I wrapped my fingers around the long strands of her dark hair and pulled my head from her neck. “As far as Andy’s concerned, I know now I need to be more specific.”

  She shook her head adamantly, but I cut her off. “Kate. I promise you I won’t do anything with Andy without your permission. Okay?” I leaned down until I could see her eyes. “I was only trying to help. As far as everything else, though, I’m not giving up.”

  She closed her eyes, shutting me out, before pushing away from the counter and going back towards the coffee pot where she poured a fresh cup of coffee for herself. She turned back around quietly sipping from her cup, her posture defeated, her expression exhausted.

  I stepped forward, but stopped myself, recognizing she needed space, which I was willing to give her. For now. “Where’s your lawn mower?”

  She nodded her head towards the kitchen door. “In the shed.”

  “Is it locked?”

  She nodded again and pulled open a drawer below the counter beside her, grabbed a set of keys and handed them to me. I held her eyes as long as she let me until she looked away and turned to the sink, turning on the water and rinsing our breakfast dishes. I walked out the door and headed for the small shed sitting in the back corner of the fenced in yard, opening the door quickly and finding the old mower. I messed with it a few minutes and sighed, the thing was on its last leg. I pulled it from the shed and started it, surprised it started right up. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to finish, Kate’s yard wasn’t that big, but about halfway through I glanced up to her small back deck to see Andy sitting with Cookie on the top step, watching me. He waved his hand excitedly when my eyes met his and I waved back, warmth spreading through my chest. I would never understand why his father gave this up.

  I finished and pushed the mower back into the shed, before pulling my shirt off to wipe the sweat from my forehead. I barely took a step out and Andy stood before me, his head thrown back, smiling wide, Cookie jumping at his side, trying to get the tennis ball he held in his hand. I squatted down putting us face-to-face and smiled back. “I’m proud of you for waiting on the deck and keeping a close eye on Cookie.”

  He beamed. “I was waiting for you.”

  “What’s your mom doing?”

  He frowned. “She was talking to herself I think.”

  I dropped my head and smirked at the ground. She was most likely cursing me out. I looked back up when Andy continued. “She told me to clean my room.”

  “Did you?”

  He nodded his head quickly. “Yeah, and I fed Cookie. What are we going to do now?”

  I looked around the yard, but everything else looked pretty good. “Let’s go inside and see what else we can help your mom with.”

  We made our way back in to the house, Andy calling out for Kate as soon as we stepped into the kitchen. I noticed the kitchen was clean and the vacuum had been run in the living room already. I also heard the humming of the washing machine. Jesus, she moves fast.

  I heard her footsteps coming down the short hall before she appeared, a spray bottle in her hand. Andy ran forward, meeting her at the mouth of the hallway. “Luke finished the yard already. What else can we do?”

  She smiled softly at him and reached out to run her hand through his dark brown hair. “Did you finish your room?” He nodded and she looked thoughtful. “Well, I guess you’re done then.”

  “What can I do?” I asked.

  Her head slowly raised until our eyes met. “Thank you for doing the yard, but there’s really nothing else you can do. I’m finishing the bathroom and then Andy and I have to run to the store to grab a few groceries.”

  “I can do that for you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s just easier if I go.”

  “Okay, well Andy and I will take Cookie out to play until you’re ready to leave.”

  “Yay!” Andy shouted, heading for the kitchen door.

  “Luke, you don’t have to—”

  “I know.” I interrupted. “I want to.”

  I didn’t give her an opportunity to respond, instead followed Andy’s lead and moved quickly to the door, swinging it open and following Andy and Cookie outside. It only felt like we played a few minutes when it was in fact almost forty-five m
inutes before Kate stuck her head out the door, announcing she was ready to go. I followed Andy into the house and filled Cookie’s water bowl, avoiding Kate’s stare, knowing she was trying to find a way to keep me from going with her.

  “Can we take your truck Luke?”

  Andy’s voice brought my attention back to him and I smiled. “Absolutely. If it’s okay with your mom.”

  “Mom, can we?” Andy begged.

  Kate grabbed her purse from the table. “Sure, Andy.”

  I grabbed my shirt, still hanging from my back pocket and pulled it over my head, not needing to see Kate to know her gaze was settled on me. She dropped her eyes immediately when I glanced her way and turned to leave the house, Andy bouncing along beside her. I moved ahead of her and opened the passenger side door, causing her to frown and look adorably confused. I guess her ex was an even bigger douche than I thought if he never even opened her door for her. I didn’t have to help Andy, he was already in and buckled. We drove to the store she told me she prefers while Andy chattered about Cookie, including how fast he runs and how quickly he was learning to play fetch. He wasn’t wrong, the dog was ridiculously smart.

  I parked and we got out, making our way in to the store. I grabbed a shopping cart and smirked. “I’m pushing.”

  She couldn’t contain her grin and I was fucking thrilled to see one finally grace her beautiful face this morning. “Really? Are you calling dibs?”

  “You better believe it.” I winked and she shook her head, but the grin never left her face. “My brothers and I used to fight over who was pushing the cart.”

  We started walking. “Who usually won?”

  I leaned my elbows on the cart and followed her. “Depended on who went. Although no matter what, Jake and Ben always lost.”

  She glanced back at me after putting milk in the cart. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “They were the youngest. Age won cart pushing and the front seat spot in the car.”


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