Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 14

by Jennifer Hanks

  “You calling me tonight, baby, tells me exactly where we are, exactly what we are.”

  I nodded because again, exhaustion was overwhelming me, but also because he was right. I hadn’t wanted anyone else but him. I could’ve called Pike or Tucker or even 911, but I didn’t. I called Luke.

  That did mean something. I just didn’t have the energy tonight to be afraid of it.



  I made my way through the crowded bar, skirting around people who seemed determined to make me drop my tray. It wasn’t really their fault, it was Friday night and Henry had a band playing so the crowd was large and there wasn’t much room for me to squeeze through. It was me, Melanie and Bella on the floor tonight, along with Tucker and Logan behind the bar. We could’ve used a few more staff we were so busy. Pike and his men were littered throughout, and I imagined managing security was horrible for them tonight.

  A few people called out hello to me as I passed and I threw them a smile, but I couldn’t say who they were for sure. I’d met a lot of people over the last few months working here and I couldn’t remember them all. Since last Friday night everyone had been on high alert. Pike had tightened up security and he and Luke had pulled the tapes. They spotted the car and when it started following me, but it was too far from the cameras for them to see much detail.

  Luke had spent Friday night into Saturday at my house, but after Pike followed me home Saturday night, I told him to go home. Andy didn’t realize Luke had spent Friday night and I didn’t need to try to explain to him why he wanted to spend Saturday. I did the same on Sunday and every night since because I had the feeling if he had his way, he’d have spent every night this week. As it was, he was at my house every night well after I put Andy to bed and he called me every morning to check on us, but there wasn’t another issue.

  Pike and Luke seemed to think it was someone at the bar that night who had his eye on me, thought he’d get what he wanted by following me home and when he didn’t, he gave up. Alcohol makes people do crazy things, but that was by far the craziest thing that had happened to me.

  After I delivered a tray full of drinks to a rowdy group of women out for girls’ night, who’d made me laugh when I showed up with their shots, I made my way to another table. Taking their order, I told them I’d be back as quickly as I could but made no promises as to how fast that would be. It was really that busy.

  I threw my tray up on the bar and nodded at Tucker, who was finishing up a few drinks for Bella. I glanced around the club and smiled, knowing Henry had to be happy with the turnout. The band was great, really loud but had been taking breaks, so at least we could hear ourselves talking some of the time.

  “You doing okay?”

  I turned my head at the familiar voice and smiled at Cam. “Yeah.” I looked over his shoulder before meeting his eyes again. “Where’s Sydney?”

  He gestured towards the dance floor where I could just barely make her out dancing with Lucy. “They like this band.”

  “Ahh,” I raised my eyebrows. “apparently, a lot of people do.”

  He grinned. “It has to suck trying to work in this crowd.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not too bad, but I do prefer the non-band nights.”

  “What’d ya need, Kate?”

  I swung my gaze to Tucker when I heard his voice, smiled and yelled out my order. He tapped the bar and started making the drinks. Cam leaned in, putting his elbows to the bar and facing me, now because of his position we were eye-to-eye and I hesitated, sensing something was wrong.

  I took in the serious expression on his face. “Is everything okay?”

  His eyes flicked to the bar before finding mine again, this time filled with pain. “Did Luke tell you we were all with him when he was shot?”

  I gulped but nodded. “Yeah, he did. He said you saved his life.”

  He squinted his eyes and rolled his lips together. “I thought we lost him, Kate. We couldn’t find a pulse right before the ambulance showed up.” He rubbed his palms together and looked down at the bar. “It scared the fuck out of me and my brothers.” He looked back at me, linking his hands together. “He’s the best of us. The most honorable, the most trustworthy, most admirable. He would do anything for any one of us and I do mean anything. I waited my whole damn life to work with him, beside him every day and that night I stood by watching him bleed out.”

  I flinched at the picture he was painting. I couldn’t imagine how they felt that night. “Why are telling me this?”

  He rolled his lips together again before taking a deep breath and continuing. “He told me you were pissed that Jake and Ben thought you were jerking him around.” I dropped my eyes but raised them when he called my name. “They’re just being protective. We all are. And if we go overboard, it’s because we almost lost him.” He tapped his palm against the bar when Tucker started loading my tray, but my eyes remained locked on Cam. “Just,” He exhaled loudly, “just don’t judge Luke by our actions. We’re not as bad as you may think.”

  I picked up my tray, now full and turned to fully face Cam. “I think you have an amazing family, Cam. I wasn’t mad they thought that of me, I was embarrassed.” He looked like he wanted to say something, but I shook my head and continued. “And the truth is, your brother scares the shit out of me Cam. I’ve never met anyone like him and it’s hard to believe he’s real.”

  He leaned down and grinned. “He’s real, Kate. Believe me when I tell you, there isn’t a better man I know except maybe my father.”

  I nodded, but knew it was time to get moving. “I better get back out there.” I rolled my eyes. “Thirsty people get kind-of nasty if they have to wait too long.”

  He smiled as I passed by him, heading to the table waiting for their drinks. I apologized for the wait when I got there and thankfully they were nice, brushing it off, and continuing their conversations. I moved through the crowd, taking orders and delivering drinks while the band started another set. I stopped when Logan moved to stand in front of me. “Hey, Tucker said take your break.” He held up his hand when I opened my mouth to speak. “He said you have to.” He smirked. “He knows you well.”

  I smiled and nodded when Logan grabbed my tray and headed back to the bar. I would’ve argued out of habit, but I honestly wanted a break tonight, needed to find someplace quiet for my ten minutes. I headed out the back door that led to the alley and took a deep breath when the door closed and I was surrounded by silence. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, savoring the cooler air, well at least cooler than inside seemed. I thought of Cam and our conversation, still surprised he’d approach me and explain why they all seem so protective of Luke, but it definitely made more sense now that I heard it from him.

  I couldn’t blame them. I know if anything happened to my sister or Andy, I’d feel the same. I lifted my head and opened my eyes, only to have a hand slap over my mouth and force my head back against the wall. Hard. I squinted when I felt the pain go up the back of my skull, but quickly re-focused and widened my eyes.

  “Nobody,” He smashed his hand tighter against my mouth. “and I do mean nobody, embarrasses me like that, bitch.”

  I swallowed hard when his eyes traveled down my body and back up, waiting for his next move, trying to think of a way out of this, but he’d shoved his thigh between mine, keeping me from raising my knee and giving him the same treatment as the last time we were at this bar.

  “You have any idea how hard it was to explain two black eyes to my fiancé the next day? You have any idea the shit I’ve been putting up with because of you?” He pushed me back harder and moved his body in tight against mine. His breath reeked of alcohol when he got impossibly closer. “You owe me.”

  I knew what that meant and I knew I had to do something. My eyes darted left and right, but it was dark and I couldn’t see anything in the alley except a dumpster a little way down. He dropped a hand to my hip and repositioned us so he could push his groin against m
e, but his moving around gave me some wiggle room. Taking the only chance I thought I’d have, I opened my mouth under his slackening hand and bit down as hard as I could. He screamed out and yanked his hand away from my mouth, before pulling back and slapping me hard across the face. Hard enough that my head flew to the side. I immediately lifted my hand to cover my cheek when the back door to the club flew open and slammed against the wall.

  He was running before the door fully hit the wall, down the alley and into a waiting car at the end of the alley, idling. I slid down the wall, my back scraping against the cement, trying to catch my breath, reminding myself that I was okay. I heard Pike talking in to his phone urgently when he knelt down in front of where I was leaning against the wall.

  “Kate, Jesus, are you okay?”

  I nodded and let him grab my arm, pulling me gently with him into the bar and straight to the office. He said something else in to the phone still at his ear and cursed loudly while moving me to sit on the couch. He grabbed an ice pack from the small refrigerator/freezer in Henry’s office and came back to me.

  He squatted down in front of me and put the ice against my cheek. “Was it the same prick from last time?”

  I nodded again and laid my hand over the ice, holding it in place. “Yeah.”

  He closed his eyes and swore quietly, turning his head when the office door flew open and Cam charged in. Pike stood when Cam squatted down in front of me and gently laid his hand over my hand, covering my cheek. “Let me see, honey.”

  His voice was quiet, but his eyes were intense and I recognized that same look in Luke’s. I let him pull my hand away and watched his face harden. “Fucker.” He lifted the ice pack and lay it back against my cheek, lifting my hand to hold it in place before standing and facing Pike. “What do we know?”

  Pike exhaled loudly. “Same guy as last time. My boys were on foot, so hopefully they got something for me.”

  “How the fuck did he know she’d be in the alley?” Cam ran his hand through his hair. “Kate do you usually take your breaks out there?”

  I shook my head, but then cringed. “Only on the nights we have bands. I like to have some quiet.”

  “That’s how he knew, he’s been watching.” Pike swore again.

  “Who the hell is this guy?” Cam ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  I pulled the ice from my cheek and stood. “I better get back out there.”

  Cam shook his head. “Absolutely not.”

  Pike nodded. “I agree Kate, you’re done tonight.”

  I looked between the two of them. “I can’t be done. That only leaves Bella and Melanie, they can’t handle it on their own.”

  “Band’s done soon. People will start to trickle out. It’ll slow down.”

  I shook my head, but Pike came to stand in front of me. “It’s not up for debate, Kate. You’re done tonight.” His eyes scanned over my cheek before he scowled. “Your eye is going to bruise. How hard did he hit you?”

  “I don’t know, pretty hard. But I had just bitten his hand that he had over my mouth.”

  Cam sucked in a deep breath and ran his hand over the back of his neck. I turned my head when the door to the office opened and two of the bodyguards on Pike’s security team walked through, scanning the room until their eyes landed on Pike. “We got a plate number.”

  Pike went to them and looked down at his phone before grinning at Cam and nodding. “Good job guys.”

  Joe, the bigger of the two guards, looked over at me and narrowed his eyes when he saw my cheek. “This will not happen again Kate.”

  I looked between them both and smiled. “Thanks guys.”

  “Kate.” I looked at Pike when he called my name. “Why don’t you pack up a few things for Andy and yourself and come stay at my house tonight?”

  I shook my head in confusion. “Why?”

  He came to stand in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. “Because this guy has a hard-on for you and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be home alone. At least not until Cam gets him in custody.”

  I started to argue but thought of Andy and what could happen if this guy shows up at my house. I nodded. “Okay, I’d appreciate that.”

  “Good, give me ten minutes to wrap a few things up and then I’ll take you to your place to get things and over to the sitters to pick up Andy.”

  I nodded again and sat back down on the couch. Cam gestured towards the ice pack in my hand. “Put that back on your face.”

  I moved the ice back to my face and watched the guys talk, phone calls being made, until the room was empty all except for Joe, who came to sit beside me. I looked his way, taking in his large build and shaved head, a scar running across his temple, he looked bad-ass, but I knew him to be sweet. At least to me and the other girls. “Sorry.”

  He cocked his head. “Why are you apologizing?”

  I shrugged. “I seem to be bringing a lot of trouble to this place.”

  He reached out and grabbed my hand, holding it in his own. “You’ve defended yourself, twice now. It’s not your fault he’s a dick who gets off on harassing women.” He squeezed my hand gently. “Now, just lay low and let us do our jobs.”

  “Okay.” I whispered.

  He grinned. “For what it’s worth, the way you handled yourself both times was fucking awesome.”

  I giggled and looked over at the door when it was pushed open, Bella and Melanie pushing through. “Oh my god, Kate, are you okay?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine, just a little bruised.”

  Bella squatted down in front of where I was sitting. “Pike said you’re going to stay with us, at least for tonight.” When I nodded, she laid her hand on my knee and squeezed. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Melanie stood quietly behind Bella and I knew that was her way. I wouldn’t say she was shy, but definitely a quiet person. “Sorry you guys are stuck with the crowd out there.”

  Melanie waved her hand in the air. “Don’t worry about that. We’re just glad you’re okay.”

  “Well, thanks to Pike and Joe, I am.” I pointed to my face. “I was losing this time.”

  Bella giggled and Melanie smiled, but tensed when Joe moved from the couch to stand beside her. He leaned back against the desk right across from where I was sitting, angling his body so he was close enough that his arm rubbed against hers.

  She glanced over at him, but quickly looked back to me. “I’m going to go back out. The band’s done so everything’s quietening down now.” She waved at me while she made her way to the door. “I’m glad you’re okay, Kate.”

  “Thanks Melanie.” I said to an already closing door. I looked at Joe who was staring at the ground with a devilish smirk on his face. “Joe.”

  He looked up when I said his name. “Yeah?”

  “Are you and Mel…” I trailed off, letting him finish the question in my mind.

  He cocked his head. “Are you and Luke?”

  I pursed my lips and he laughed. Bella rolled her eyes and stood. “I’m going out too. Pike said to tell you he’ll be back in a few minutes and then one of the guys will bring me home when we’re done.”

  I nodded when she reached down and squeezed my hand. “See you later tonight.”


  She poked Joe in the chest on her way past. “You be nice.”

  His eyebrows shot straight up. “What the hell did I do?”

  She was already out the door when he looked at me in confusion. I shrugged because I had no idea what she was talking about either, but it still made me smile.

  He narrowed his eyes when he took in my smile. “What?”

  “I guess I’m not the only trouble maker.”

  He smirked, looking down at his shoes before meeting my gaze. “Well, you got me there.”



  Loud banging woke me from an unusually deep sleep. Most nights, I feel like I sleep with one ear always listening for my phone to ring. In m
y line of work, I never know when I’ll be pulled out of bed by fellow officers, but tonight I’d worked late, playing catch up on a few cases I was working on, including the one involving the Black Widows MC. I hadn’t been lying when I told Kate I was letting the department and federal agencies do their job, but that wasn’t stopping me from digging through everything I had and knew from past encounters.

  After all, I was the one who was shot by their vice-president, with the intent to kill. I could probably move on if this was just another case, but this was not just another case. This became personal the night I lay bleeding out in a parking lot, facing death.

  And I could not let that go.

  I threw the covers off and grabbed my jeans from the chair in the corner, putting them on quickly before heading to the living room, looking at the clock when I walked past the kitchen, seeing it was midnight. I flipped on the light as I walked through the house, getting to the front door and frowning.

  I turned the deadbolt and pulled the door open, coming face-to-face with Cam. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  He pushed past me and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “I need to talk to you.”

  I followed him into my kitchen where he turned to face me leaning his hip against the small island in the center. “What’s wrong?”

  He closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath before facing me again. “I’m going to tell you something, but you can’t lose your shit.”

  I straightened and crossed my arms over my chest. “Tell me.”

  He nodded. “I was at Hanks tonight with Syd to hear the band and something happened while I was there.”

  My eyebrows pulled down in concern. “Did something happen to Syd?”

  He shook his head. “No.” He rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something that sounded like, ‘he’s going to lose his shit’.


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