Henry VI

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by Bertram Wolffe

  3 The cull has been exhaustively and authoritatively documented by the Jesuit Father Paul Grosjean in Henrici VI Angliae Regis Miracula Postuma (Société des Bollandistes, Bruxelles 1935), which contains the full latin text of B.L. MS Royal 13 C viii (the contemporary account of the miracles) and all relevant documents from English and papal archives. See also The Miracles of King Henry VI, ed. and trans. Ronald Knox and Shane Leslie (Cambridge 1923); Cardinal Gasquet, The Religious Life of King Henry VI and John W. McKenna, ‘Piety and Propaganda: The Cult of King Henry VI’, in Chaucer and Middle English Studies in honour of Rossel Hope Robbins, ed. Beryl Rowlands, 72–88.

  4 ‘Yf my Lord of Canterbury and my Lord of Winchester … do send the process hither … the sentence of canonization shal shortly pass here’, the king’s proctors at Rome to Cardinal Wolsey, 13 April 1528 (Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic, IV, pt. II, 1841, no. 4167).

  5 The Fabric Rolls of York Minster, ed. James Raine (Surtees Society XXXV, 1859), 83; Grosjean, 157.*

  6 Ibid., 157–8 from Laurence Booth’s register.

  7 Acts of Court of the Mercers’ Company 1453–1527, with intro., by Laetitia Lyell (Cambridge 1936), 139 (4 November 1480).

  8 One of the Windsor pilgrims (Thomas Fullar, miracle no. 40) repeated his pilgrimage there because earlier he had not been made welcome at Chertsey (according to the Windsor scribe).

  9 W. H. St John Hope, ‘The Discovery of the Remains of King Henry VI in St George’s Chapel, Windsor’, Archaeologia, LXII (1910), 533–42.

  10 John Rous, Historia Regum Angliae, ed. Thomas Hearne (Oxford 1745), 127.

  11 MS Bodley 277, pasted in on fol. 376V., see Campbell Dodgson, ‘English Devotional Woodcuts of the late fifteenth-century with special reference to those in the Bodleian Library’, The Walpole Society, XVII (1928–9), 104–7.

  12 Brian Spencer, ‘Pilgrim Badges of King Henry the Sixth’, Henry VI Society Newsletter (December 1972), 10–13.

  13 Exhaustive list in Grosjean, 234–62. Modern survivals include paintings at Warfield (Berks.), Binham Abbey (Norfolk), St Michael’s at St Albans, Eye (Suffolk), Ludham, Barton Turf, Litcham, Gateley and Witton (Norfolk), Alton (Hants.), Whimple (Devon); stained glass portraits in York Minster, All Soul’s College, Oxford, St Mary’s Hall, Coventry, Ashton-under-Lyme and King’s College, Cambridge (details ibid., 252–4).

  14 Roger Ascham, The Schoolmaster, ed. J. Upton (London 1711), 128.

  15 B.L. MSS Royal 13 C. viii and Harley 423, a partial copy; Grosjean, 1–307.

  16 Ibid., 230, citing the Household Book, 21 Henry VI11 from J. Payne Collier, Trevelyan Papers prior to A.D, 1658 (Camden Soc, 1857).

  17 John Foxe, The Book of Martyrs, ed. S. G. Potter (Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London 1873), 279.

  18 Wilkins, Concilia, III, 640 (1494); Grosjean, 207–9, from Arch. Vatic. Reg. Vat. 984, fols 49–50V. (1504), both of which contain references to an earlier bull of Innocent VIII; Grosjean, 215–16, from Arch. Vatic. Reg. Vat. 1204, fol. 228V. (1507).

  19 See above, p. 351, n. 4.

  20 The Works of Francis Bacon, ed. J. Spedding and others, 14 vols (London 1857–74), VI, 233–4.

  21 Grosjean, 169–76.

  22 ‘Henry VI; A Very Small King’, The Times, Saturday 19 August 1972.

  23 See Basil Clarke, Mental Disorder in Earlier Britain, 151–75, for a modern medical discussion of the healing miracles.

  24 As the papal bulls of 1494 and 1504 and the guide lines laid down in Morton’s Register specified it should be.

  25 The Times, loc. cit.

  26 Foedera, XII, 563–6.

  27 Grosjean, 189.

  28 Pope Julius II (1503–1513) gave permission on 20 May 1504 (Grosjean, 212–14 from Arch. Vatic. Reg. Vat. 986, fol. 53V, 54V. and Foedera, XIII, 103–4). Henry VII’s supplication, which from the great similarity of language between the two appears to have produced this bull (Grosjean, 176–8), is conjecturally dated 1496 solely from its position in Morton’s register. It must, however, be dated post 5 March 1498 when the council gave its decision in the Chertsey-Windsor-Westminster contest. Morton died in 1500 so it is possible that the petition was addressed in the first instance to Alexander VI.

  29 Holinshed’s Chronicle (1806 ed.), 529–50, cited by Grosjean, 203.

  30 Ibid., 201, citing the account of the abbey sacrist as printed by A. P. Stanley, Memorial of Westminster Abbey (London, 3rd cd., 1869), 521, for the payment.

  31 Foedera, XV, 111 (30 December 1546).








  The sources correlated here are household accounts, instruments under the sign manual, signets and privy seal, other royal warrants to the chancellor or to the exchequer, records of council meetings at which the king’s presence was recorded, the rolls of parliament, occasional town records, the very few chronicle references which fit and Winchester College records for his visits to Winchester. Dating under the great seal normally reveals the whereabouts of the chancellor, not the king. Failure to appreciate this largely invalidates the only previous itinerary of the king attempted (by Mabel E. Christie in her book Henry VI, 375–89).


  JULY 211–30 Canterbury, AUGUST 4–5 Merton. SEPTEMBER 3 Westminster. OCTOBER 13 Kennington. 17–21 Westminster. NOVEMBER 1 Merton. 6 Kennington. 23 Westminster. DECEMBER 19–31 Eltham.


  JANUARY 1–8 Eltham. 18–MARCH 26 Lambeth. 27–APRIL 2 Merton. 5–8 Kennington. 9–17 Westminster. 18–20 Kennington. 21–22 Staines. 22–24 Windsor castle. 24–25 manor in Windsor park. 25–27 East-hampstead. 27–28 Merton. 28–29 Windsor castle. 29 Colnbrook. 30 Sheen. 30–MAY 2 Merton. 2–11 Kennington. 11–12 Staines. 12–16 Easthampstead. 16 Chertsey. 17–23 Merton. 23–JUNE 3 Sheen. 3–4 Kennington. 4 Tottenham. 5–8 Copped Hall. 9–14 Hertford. 16–JULY 12 Kennington. 12–15 Sheen. 15–16 Kennington. 16 Sheen. 16–17 Barnet. 18–19 St Albans. 19–20 Dunstable. 20 Dunstable, Brickhill, Stony Stratford. 21–26 Stony Stratford. 26–29 Northampton. 29–30 Market Harborough. 30–AUGUST 5 Leicester, 5–6 Loughborough. 6–8 Nottingham. 8–9 Newstead. 9–11 Nottingham. 12–13 Loughborough. 13–19 Leicester. 19–20 Nuneaton. 20–26 Kenilworth. 26–27 Stratford-on-Avon. 27–29 Winchcombe. 29–30 Chipping Norton. 30–SEPTEMBER 8 Woodstock. 9–12 Boarstall. 12–13 Aylesbury. 13–23 King’s Langley. 23–24 Uxbridge. 24–NOVEMBER 5 Sheen. 6–14 Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell. 15–18 Sheen. 18–20 Staines. 20–28 Easthampstead. 29–DECEMBER 3 manor in Windsor park. 3–4 Colnbrook. 4–10 Sheen. 10–13 Hanworth. 14–18 Sheen. 18–20 Kennington. 20–31 Eltham.


  JANUARY 1–7 Eltham. 7–10 Kennington. 10–11 Staines. 11–15 Easthampstead. 15–18 manor in Windsor park. 18–21 Reading. 21–29 Sonning. 29–30 Maidenhead. 30–MARCH 4 Windsor castle. 4–5 Colnbrook. 5 Brentford. 6–10 Kennington. 10–14 Eltham. 14–15 Dartford. 15–17 Rochester. 17–26 Maidstone. 26–31 Leeds. 31–APRIL 1 Rochester. 1–2 Dartford. 2–3 Kennington. 3 Brentford. 3–4 Coln-brook. 4–25 Windsor castle. 25 Colnbrook. 25–MAY 21 Kennington. 21 Colnbrook. 21–26 Windsor castle. 26–30 Henley-on-the-Heath. 31–JUNE 9 Windsor castle. 9–10 Colnbrook. 10–14 Westminster. 14–25 Havering atte Bower. 25–27 Copped Hall. 28–30 Havering atte Bower. 30–JULY 1 Ingatestone. 1–2 Chelmsford. 2–3 Brentwood. 3–8 Havering atte Bower. 8–12 Westminster. 12–21 Windsor castle. 21–28 East-hampstead. 28–30 Odiham. 30–AUGUST 1 Kingsclere. 1–2 Andover. 2–5 King’s Somborne. 5–8 Clarendon. 9–11 Salisbury. 11–12 Marlborough. 12 Faringdon. 14–26 Woodstock. 26–27 Banbury. 27–SEPTEMBER 13 Warwick. 15–19 Fulbrook Lodge. 24–OCTOBER 6 Woodstock. 7–11 Oxford. 13–24 Woodstock. NOVEMBER 1–14 Eltham. 14–19 Windsor castle. 21–24 Easthampstead. 24 Henley-on-Thames. 30–DECEMBER 1 Warwick. 1–3 Kenilworth castle. 4–11 Goodrest Lodge. 13 Kenilworth castle. 14–15 The Pleasance at Kenilworth. 19–31 Kenilworth castle.


  JANUARY 1–6 Kenilworth castle. 9–15 Goodrest Lodge. 26–29 Easthampstead. FEBRUARY 1–12 Windsor castle. 13–16 Easthampstead. 16–20 Windsor castle. 22–27 Eltham. MARCH 2–9 Fulham. 10–11 Westminster. 11 Dartford. 12 Rochester, Sittingbourne. 14 Canterbury cathedral. 15 Ospringe. 17 Rochester cathedral. 18–28 Hospital of St James by Westminster. 28–APRIL 17 Windsor castle. 18 Henley-on-the-Heath. 21–27 Windsor castle, MAY 1–8 Kennington. 8 Sheen. 10–16 Windsor castle. 17 Sheen. 18–27 Kennington. 29–JULY 8 Windsor castle. 9–20 Sheen. 23–27 Windsor castle. 28–29 Easthampstead. 30 Odiham. AUGUST 5–27 Windsor castle. 30 King’s Langley. SEPTEMBER 2 Copped Hall. 3–12 Havering atte Bower. 12 Kennington. 14–19 Windsor castle. 25 Guildford. 30–OCTOBER 6 Windsor castle. 9–14 Kennington. 16–NOVEMBER 4 Windsor castle. 5–7 Eltham. 8–30 Kennington. DECEMBER 1–22 Westminster. 24–31 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–12 Windsor castle. 15–FEBRUARY 24 Reading. 26 Windsor castle. 28 Eltham. MARCH 2 Rochester. 4 Sittingbourne. 5–6 Canterbury. 11 Kennington. 13–APRIL 29 Windsor castle. 30–MAY 5 Kennington. 10–14 Westminster. 14–21’ Windsor castle. 24 Chertsey. 26–28 Windsor castle. 31 Sheen, JUNE 2–20 Kennington. 20–JULY 9 Windsor castle. 12–16 Easthampstead. 17–26 Windsor castle. 27 High Wycombe, AUGUST 1–3 Woodstock. 8–15 Windsor castle. 16–20 Sheen. 23–27 Windsor castle. 30–SEPTEMBER 3 manor in Windsor Park. 5–OCTOBER 7 Windsor castle. 8–11 Sheen. 13–14 Westminster. 14–17 Eltham. 18–29 Westminster. 29 Sheen. NOVEMBER 2–23 Windsor castle. 23–28 Westminster. DECEMBER 1–9 Windsor castle. 12–13 Easthampstead. 21–29 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 8 manor in Windsor park. 15–26 Sheen. 27–30 Westminster. FEBRUARY 2–3 Windsor castle. 3–16 Westminster. 18–MARCH 4 Windsor castle. 5 Sheen. 7 Eltham. 10 Ospringe. 13 Canterbury and Sittingbourne. 15 Rochester, Dartford. 15–16 Eltham. 17 Kennington. 18 Sheen. 23–26 Windsor castle. 27 Uxbridge, Kennington. 29 Royston. APRIL 1–3 Cambridge. 5 Hertford castle. 6–MAY 1 Windsor castle. 3–JUNE 26 Sheen, JULY 1–14 Havering atte Bower. 14 Havering atte Bower, Stratford, Kennington. 15 Kennington. 16–18 Sheen. 22–25 Westminster. 27–AUGUST 2 Sheen. 2 Sheen, Bagshot. 4 Basingstoke. 5–7 Winchester. 9 Hartfordbridge. 13–27 Sheen. 28–SEPTEMBER 8 Eltham. 9–11 Sheen. 14 Hanworth. 17 Copped Hall. 19–20 Waltham. 22 Hertford. OCTOBER 1 King’s Langley, Hertford. 2–3 Hertford. 3 Hertford, Waltham, Tottenham, Westminster, Sheen. 4–12 Sheen. 12–27 Westminster. 27 Westminster, Uxbridge. Sheen, 27–NOVEMBER 10 Sheen. 11 Sheen, Westminster, Eltham. 12–27 Eltham with visits to Westminster. 28 Westminster. 29–DECEMBER 11 Sheen. 11 Sheen, Hillingdon. 11–14 Hillingdon. 14 Hillingdon, Sheen. 14–18 Sheen. 18 Sheen, Kennington, Eltham. 18–31 Eltham.


  JANUARY 1–8 Eltham. 8 Eltham, Dartford, Rochester. 9 Sittingbourne, Ospringe. 10–11 Canterbury, n Canterbury, Ospringe. 12 Sittingbourne, Rochester. 13 Dartford, Eltham. 14–16 Eltham. 16 Eltham, Kennington, Sheen, 17–19 Sheen. 19 Sheen, Staines. 20 Staines, Easthampstead. 20–22 Easthampstead. 22 Easthampstead, Staines. 23 Staines, Sheen. 24 Sheen, Westminster. 24–28 Westminster. 29 The Wardrobe in London. 30 The Wardrobe, Westminster. 30–FEBRUARY 2 Westminster. 2 Westminster, Eltham. 2–12 Eltham with visits to Westminster. 12 Eltham, Westminster. 14 Westminster. 15 Westminster, Sheen. 16–MARCH 27 Sheen with visits to Westminster. 27 Westminster, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 28–APRIL 9 Windsor castle. 9 Windsor castle, Sheen. 9–20 Sheen. 20 Sheen, Colnbrook. 21 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 21–26 Windsor castle. 26 Windsor castle, Sheen. 26–MAY 5 Sheen. 5 Sheen, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 5–11 Windsor castle. 11 Windsor castle, Colnbrook, Sheen. 11–17 Sheen. 17 Sheen, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 18–JUNE 6 Windsor castle, 6 Windsor castle, Sheen, Brentford, Langley. 6–12 Langley. 12 Langley, Clapham, Sheen. 12–18 Sheen. 18 Sheen, Colnbrook. 19 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 19–JULY 10 Windsor castle, Brentford. 11–16 Fulham. 16 Fulham, Brentford, Colnbrook. 17 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 17–30 Windsor castle. 30 Windsor castle, manor in Windsor park. 31–AUGUST 8 manor in Windsor park. 8 manor in Windsor park and castle. 9 Windsor castle. 9–20 Windsor castle, 20 Windsor castle, Sheen. 20–24 Sheen. 25 Sheen, Kennington. 26–29 Kennington. 30–SEPTEMBER 3 Sheen. 3 Sheen, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 3–27 Windsor castle. 27 Windsor castle, manor in the park. 27–30 manor in the park. OCTOBER 318 Eltham. 22–26 Easthampstead. 31–NOVEMBER 4 manor in Windsor park. 8–28 Easthampstead. 29–DECEMBER 8 Windsor castle. 10–16 Sheen. 18–31. Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–13 Windsor castle and manor in Windsor park. 16–30 Eltham. FEBRUARY 2–7 Westminster. 8 Brentford. 9–17 Windsor castle. 18–19 Maidenhead. 21–22 Windsor castle. 24–MARCH 3 Sheen. 7–APRIL 11 Eltham. 11 Eltham, Kennington. 17–23 Windsor castle. MAY 5–18 Westminster. 19–23 Eltham. 24–26 Westminster. 26 Westminster, Sheen. 26–JUNE 20 Sheen. 23–JULY 1 Windsor castle. 2 Brentford. 3–8 Westminster. 8 Westminster, Sheen. 10–15 Windsor castle. 17–18 Easthampstead. 21–29 Windsor castle, AUGUST 3–6 Eltham. 15 Eton College. 16–26 Eltham. 27 Camberwell. 28 Brentford. SEPTEMBER 1 manor in Windsor park, Henley-on-the-Heath. 1–4 Henley-on-the-Heath. 9–10 manor in Windsor park. 15–OCTOBER 18 Windsor castle. 19 Colnbrook, Sheen. 19–29 Sheen. 30 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 30–NOVEMBER 7 Windsor castle. 7 Windsor castle, Easthampstead. 7–10 Easthampstead, 10 Easthampstead, Sheen. 10–28 Sheen. 28 Sheen, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 28–DECEMBER 10 Windsor castle, manor in park and Easthampstead. 10 Colnbrook, Sheen. 12–19 Sheen. 19 Sheen, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 19–31 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–7 Windsor castle. 7 Windsor castle, Colnbrook, Uxbridge, Rickmansworth. 8 King’s Langley. 15 Sheen. 31–FEBRUARY 6 Westminster. 8–23 MARCH Sheen. 23 Sheen, Hillingdon. 23–26 Hillingdon. 26 Hillingdon, High Wycombe. 27–28 Watlington. 28 Watlington, Culham. 28–APRIL 4 Culham. 4 Culham, Abingdon. 4–16 Abingdon. 16 Abingdon, Culham. 16–19 Culham. 20–26 Woodstock. 27 lslip, Tetsworth. 28 Stokenchurch, High Wycombe. 29 Beaconsfield, Hillingdon. 29–MAY 7 Hillingdon. 8–25 Berkhamsted castle. 25 Berk-hamsted, King’s Langley, Chalfont. 26–29 Hillingdon. 29 Hillingdon, Chalfont. 29–JUNE 11 Berkhamsted castle. 12 Chalfont, Uxbridge. 13 Stanwell, Bagshot. 13–15 Bagshot. 15 Bagshot, Farnham, Alton. 16 Alton, Warnford. 17 Warnford, Southwick. 18 Southwick, Meonstoke. 19 Meonstoke, Tisted, Alton. 20 Alton, Farnham, Bagshot. 20–22 Bagshot. 22 Bagshot, Stanwell, Sheen. 22–JULY 20 Sheen. 20 Sheen, Staines, manor in Windsor park. 20–27 manor in Windsor park. 27 manor in Windsor park, Bagshot, Henley-on-Thames. 27–AUGUST 4 Henley. 4 Henley, Marlow, High Wycombe. 5 High Wycombe, Stokenchurch, Tetsworth. 6 Tetsworth, lslip, Woodstock. 6–12 Woodstock, 12 Woodstock, Langley in Wychwood. 12–20 Langley in Wych-wood. 20 Langley in Wychwood, Woodstock. 20–25 Woodstock. 25 Woodstock, lslip, Tetsworth. 26 Stokenchurch, High Wycombe. 27 Marlow, manor in Windsor park. 27–SEPTEMBER 11 manor in Windsor park. 11 manor in Windsor park, Staines, Kingston. 12 Clapham, Eltham. 12–17 Eltham. 17 Eltham, Clapham, Kingston. 18 Staines, Windsor castle. 18–NOVEMBER 3 Windsor castle. 4–9 manor in Windsor park. 10 Sonning. 13–14 Wallingford. 17–19 Donnington (Berks.). 19 Donnington, Andover. 21–22 Winchester. 24 Dogmersfield. 25 Dogmersfield, Stratfield Mortimer. 28–DECEMBER 31 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–20 Windsor castle, 23–29 Sheen. 31–APRIL 13 Westminster and Windsor castle. 16–18 Southwick. 22–27 Titchfield. MAY 1 Alresford. 2 Winchester. 5–8 Windsor castle. 11–14 Westminster. 15–21 Eltham. 26 Tower of London. 29–JUNE 6 Westminster. 7–9 Eltham. 12–14 Canterbury. 17 Dartford. 17–21 Eltham. 22–JULY 10 Windsor castle. 13–16 Westminster. 17 Windsor castle. 19 Sheen, Brentford, Westminster. 21–26 Windsor castle. 26 Windsor castle, Westminster. 27–AUGUST 2 Fulham. 4, 6, 7, 10 Westminster. 10–SEPTEMBER 7 castle and manor in park of Windsor. 10 High Wycombe. 13–22 Woodstock. 22–23 Osncy. 23 Osney, Wallingford. 25 Marlow. 27–OCTOBER 5 Windsor castle. 12 Cambridge. 15 Royston. 18 Copped. Hall. 24–29 Eltham. 31–NOVEMBER 16 Westminster. 18–19 Eltham. 21–DECEMBER 2 Westminster. 5–7 Wi
ndsor castle. 9–16 Westminster. 18 Eltham, Sheen. 19 Sheen. 21–31 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–18 Windsor castle. 26–MARCH 21 Westminster. 22 Sheen. 25 Windsor castle. 27–APRIL 8 Westminster. 16–26 Windsor castle. 28 Henley-on-the-Heath. MAY 3–5 Guildford. 6, 9 Windsor castle. 14–17 Tower of London. 21, 25 Windsor castle. 31–JUNE 2 Tower of London. 3 Brentford. 10–17 Windsor castle. 19–20 Odiham castle. 20–21 Farnham castle. 22–JULY 23 Westminster. 25–26 Cambridge. 29 Brandon, Walsingham. 30 Walsingham. AUGUST 1 King’s Lynn. 3–5 Bury St Edmunds. 6 Sudbury, Colchester. 7 Witham. 10–11 Stratford Langthorne. 13–29 Windsor castle. 31 Winchester. SEPTEMBER 1–2 Alton. 4–13 Windsor eastle. 21 Cookham. 25 Marlowr-30 Huntingdon. OCTOBER 4 Ramsey. 7 Leighton Buzzard. 9 Berk-hamstead castle, 10–NOVEMBER 3 Windsor castle. 4 Colnbrook. 6–7 Sheen. 8–15 Westminster. 16 Eltham, Dartford. 17 Gravesend, Rochester. 18 Rochester, Sittingbourne, Ospringe. 19 Ospringe, Canterbury. 20 Canterbury. 21 Canterbury, Ospringe. 22 Ospringe, Sittingbourne. 23 Sittingbourne, Gravesend, Dartford. 24 Dartford, Eltham, Westminster. 24–DECEMBER 1 Westminster, Sheen. 2 Sheen, Brentford. 3 Brentford, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 4–12 Windsor castle, 13–19 Sheen. 19 Sheen, Colnbrook. 20 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 20–31 Windsor castle.


  JANUARY 1–10 Windsor castle. 10 Windsor castle, Bagshot. 11 Bagshol, Guildford. 12 Guildford, Chiddingfold. 13 Chiddingfold, Midhurst, Arundel. 14 Arundel, Chichester. 15 Chichester. 16 Havant, Wick-ham, Botley. 17 Boiley, Southampton. 18–23 Southampton. 24 Aires-ford, Alton. 25 Alton, Farnham. 26 Guildford. 27 Guildford, Newark priory (Surrey), Windsor castle. 28–FEBRUARY 3 Windsor castle. 3 Windsor castle, Uxbridge, Watford. 4 Hatfield, Hertford. 5 Hertford, Buntingford, Roysion. 7 Royston, Cambridge. 8 Cambridge, Newmarket. 9–MARCH 6 Bury St Edmunds. 6 Bury St Edmunds, Thetford. 7 Pickenham, Litcham. 8 Walsingham. 9 Hilborough, Brandon Ferry. 10 Brandon Ferfy, Mildenhall, Newmarket. 11 Newmarkei, Cambridge. 11–14 Cambridge. 15 Royston. 16 Puckeridge, Ware. 17 Cheshunt, Toitenham. 18 Tottenham. 19–20 Westminster. 20 Westminster, Brentford, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 20–MAY 4 Windsor castle. 4 Windsor castle, Bagshot, Farnham. 5 Farnham, Alton, Alresford. 6–8 Winchester. 9 Bishop’s Waltham. 10 Alresford, Alton. 11 Alton, Farnham. 12 Farnham, Bagshot. 13–19 Windsor castle. 19 Windsor castle, Colnbrook, Brentford. 20–26 Westminster. 26 Westminster, Brentford, Colnbrook. 27–JUNE 12 Windsor castle. 12 Windsor castle, Coin brook. 13 Westminster, Windsor castle. 13–16 Windsor castle. 16 Windsor castle, Brentford. 17–22 Westminster. 22 Westminster, Colnbrook. 23 Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 23–29 Windsor castle. 30 Colnbrook, Brentford, Greenwich. 30–JULY 15 Greenwich with visits to Westminster, Eltham, 16 Eltham, Greenwich. 17 Greenwich, Stratford. 18 Stratford, Havering atte Bower. 19 Barking, Westminster. 20–27 Westminster and Greenwich. 28 Westminster, Brentford. 29 Brentford, Colnbrook, Windsor castle. 29–AUGUST 1 Windsor castle. 1 Windsor castle, High Wycombe. 2 High Wycombe Stokenchurch, Tetsworth. 3 Tetsworth, Islip, Woodstock. 4 Woodstock. 5–7 Osney, Dorchester, Ewelme. 8 Ewelme, Reading. 9 Reading, Maidenhead, Windsor castle. 10–14 Windsor castle. 14–15 Eton College. 15–17 Windsor castle. 17 Windsor castle, Sonning. 18 Son-ning, Theale, Newbury. 19 Newbury, Hungerford, Marlborough. 19–28 Marlborough. 28 Marlborough, Bishop’s Cannings, Potterne. 29 Potterne, Trowbridge, Farleigh Hungerford. 30 Farleigh Hunger-ford, Bath. 31 Bath, Keynsham, Bristol. SEPTEMBER 1 Bristol, Sodbury. 2 Sodbury, Malmesbury. 3–4 Malmesbury. 4 Malmesbury, Lechlade. 5 Lechlade, Faringdon, Abingdon. 6 Abingdon, Dorchester, Wallingford, Sonning. 7 Sonning, Maidenhead. 8–13 Windsor castle. 13 Windsor castle, Colnbrook. 14 Colnbrook, Brentford. 15 Brentford, Westminster. 16 Westminster, Greenwich. 16–22 Greenwich. 22 Greenwich, Welling, Dartford. 23 Dartford, Gravesend. 24 Gravesend. 25 Gravesend, Rochester. 26 Rochester, Sittingbourne. 27 Sittingbourne, Ospringe, Canterbury. 28 Canterbury, Faversham. 29 Faversham, Maidstone. OCTOBER 2 Rochester. 3 Dartford. 4–5 manor in Windsor park. 8–17 Windsor castle. 18 Brentford. 23 Eltham. 26 Brentford. 27 Colnbrook. NOVEMBER 3 Windsor castle. 13 Westminster. 14 Waltham Abbey, Ware. 15 Buntingford, Royston. 20 Royston. 21 Buntingford. 22 Ware. 26 Westminster. 27–28 Brentford. 29–DECEMBER 9 Windsor castle. 9 Windsor castle, Brentford, Pleshey. 10 Pleshey. 11 Pleshey, Romford. 12 Romford, Greenwich, Dartford, Gravesend, Rochester. 13 Rochester, Sittingbourne, Ospringe, Canterbury. 14 Canterbury. 15 Ospringe. 16 Ospringe, Sittingbourne, Rochester. 17 Rochester. 18 Rochester, Gravesend, Dartford. 19 Westminster, Brentford, Windsor castle. 20–31 Windsor castle.


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