Chemistry Lessons

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Chemistry Lessons Page 22

by Jae

  “I have it on good authority that the pH scale only goes to 14.”

  Regan shrugged. “They should extend the scale. It was a 100 out of 14.”

  “So…I’m better than drain cleaner?”

  Regan burst out laughing and stroked Ky’s shoulder.

  The sound warmed Ky almost as much as Regan’s hand on her skin. “God, I love that sound.” She touched her fingertip to the corner of Regan’s mouth.

  Regan kissed the pad of her finger. “And I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Ky rolled them over so she was on top, eliciting simultaneous moans as her thigh slid between Regan’s legs. She captured her mouth in a passionate kiss, morning breath be damned. “Let’s see if we can extend that scale some more.”

  * * *

  When Regan woke up for the second time, the sun had risen higher in the sky.

  Ky was spooning her from behind, tenderly cradling Regan’s breast in one palm while she slept. Regan’s arm rested over Ky’s to keep her hand in place. She stayed still, relished the feeling of Ky’s bare skin against her own, and let the sense of peace and happiness fill her until she thought she might burst.

  Mmm, I could really come to love mornings. Was it even still morning? She had no idea how late it had been when they had fallen asleep again.

  Careful not to dislodge Ky’s arm, Regan lifted her head and peered at the alarm clock on her bedside table.

  Nearly eleven o’clock.

  Shit. She had to wake Ky up because they were meeting their friends for lunch at The Observatory in an hour. Reluctantly, she turned in Ky’s arms.

  Ky cuddled closer, pressing her breasts against Regan’s.

  Arousal flared through Regan. She bit back a moan. That so wasn’t motivating her to get out of bed. Would it be too conspicuous if both of them texted to say they couldn’t make it to lunch?

  “Ky?” Regan traced her fingertips up and down Ky’s spine to wake her up as gently as she could.

  “Again?” Ky mumbled sleepily.

  A giggle rose up Regan’s chest. One night and Ky already thought she was insatiable? Okay, maybe she was, at least where Ky was concerned. “Nope. I’m not waking you for that. But we have to get ready, or we’ll be late for lunch with Eliza, Denny, and the others.”

  Ky opened her eyes and lifted her head off the pillow. Her bangs flopped forward, tickling Regan’s nose. “Oh.” She actually sounded disappointed.

  Apparently, Regan wasn’t the only insatiable one.

  “How long do we have?” Ky asked, now fully awake.

  “Not long enough for that. Unfortunately.”

  Ky chuckled. “That’s not why I was asking. I just want to lie here with you for a few more minutes and bask.”

  The way she said it made Regan smile. “Bask?”

  “Yeah. I…” Ky reached up and cradled Regan’s face in one hand. She lightly traced the rim of Regan’s ear with her index finger. “I’m happy, Regan. It might just be endorphins or some other chemistry thing, but…I’m so incredibly happy that it’s almost unreal.” Her eyes were alight with so much joy that Regan could barely believe she’d caused it.

  Her own eyes filled with tears as her emotions spilled over. She pressed her hand over Ky’s. “I’m incredibly happy too. You make me happy.”

  Their lips met in a tender kiss.

  “And it’s so much more than just a chemistry thing,” Regan added in a whisper.

  “More than chemistry?” Ky widened her eyes. “I never thought I’d hear you say that.”

  “I didn’t either.”

  They kissed again, and this time, the kiss quickly heated up.

  “Are you sure we don’t have time?” Ky asked breathlessly.

  “Yeah. It’s eleven, and we really need to shower before we leave.”

  “Eleven?” Ky wasn’t normally one to sleep that late. “How did that happen?”

  Regan grinned. “I could explain…or show you, but that would make us late.” She kissed her again and murmured against her lips, “Very, very late.”

  Ky let out a frustrated growl. “Damn. I’d like to pay for Eliza’s and Denny’s lunch to say thanks for driving me to Lake O last weekend, so I guess we have to show up.” She slid out from under the covers and sat up, but Regan pulled her back, not ready to share her with anyone, even their friends.

  “Basking,” she said firmly. “Two minutes.”

  Ky sank against her with a happy sigh.

  * * *

  Despite their best intentions, basking had made them ten minutes late. Not that Ky cared. Their friends would probably assume Regan’s infamous dislike of mornings was what had made them late.

  All the parking spots in front of The Observatory were taken, so they had to park a few blocks away.

  Hand in hand, they rushed down Stark Street.

  As they approached the sidewalk tables, Regan pulled her to a sudden stop. “Wait!”

  Ky sent her a questioning look. “Did you forget something?”

  “Yes. We both did. Our friends don’t know about us yet, and this”—Regan held up their joined hands—“is a dead giveaway.”

  “Oops.” Ky stared down at their hands. Amazing how natural it felt already, as if it had never been any other way, yet it had been barely more than four weeks since they had first gone on a date to prove they didn’t have any chemistry. “Should we just tell them?”

  “Your call,” Regan said.

  Ky shook her head. “Our call. That’s a decision we should make together. What do you think?”

  “Hey, you two! Wait up,” a familiar voice behind them interrupted before Regan could say anything.

  They traded a long look, then squeezed each other’s hand once before letting go. Their friends would have a heart attack if they walked up holding hands. They’d have to find the right moment to tell them.

  When they turned, Denny and Eliza hurried toward them hand in hand.

  Damn. The sight instantly made Ky regret letting go of Regan’s.

  Regan brushed the back of her fingers with her own as if sensing her thoughts. She flashed a grin at their friends. “And here I thought we were the only late ones.”

  A deep blush rose up Denny’s neck. Her short hair was still damp. “Um, we…”

  “…had a problem with the shower at our place,” Eliza smoothly finished her sentence. She practically glowed at the our place statement, as if the newness of living together still hadn’t worn off.

  Regan laughed her booming laugh that made Ky grin reflexively. “Oh yeah, I can see that.” She nodded at Denny’s hair.

  Eliza gave an unrepentant shrug and leaned into Denny. “So what made the two of you late? Can’t be a shower problem.”

  A mischievous twinkle entered Regan’s dark eyes. “Bask—”

  Ky pinched her hip. “Oh, you know Regan. It’s hard to get her out of bed in the morning.”

  “Me?” Regan pinched her back.

  Heather stuck her head out of the restaurant. “Are we having lunch on the sidewalk?”

  Together, they trooped inside, where Miranda was already waiting at their usual table.

  Regan slid onto her favorite seat at the window, and Ky quickly sat next to her. Not that anyone else would have taken that spot anyway. It had always been hers.

  The waitress took their drink orders. It was the blonde woman who had tried to slip Ky her phone number, and she avoided looking at Regan as she held out a stack of menus.

  “I don’t think we need them,” Heather said. “We all know exactly what we want, right?”

  Ky pressed her knee to Regan’s and smiled. “I do.”

  “Me too.” Regan swiped her thumb over Ky’s hand beneath the table.

  It took considerable self-control not to take Regan’s hand, pull it to her lips, and kiss it. God, this pretending to have nothing but platonic feelings was harder than expected. How on earth had she done it for so many years? Now that she had experienced how wonderful it was to love Regan wit
h everything she had, there was no going back.

  “So everyone wants their usual?” The waitress looked at Ky. “The pulled-pork sandwich and… I’m sorry, I forgot what everyone else usually orders.” A blush stained her fair cheeks as she peeked over at Regan. More quietly, she added, “And I’m also sorry about last time. I really had no idea the two of you…”

  “It’s okay.” Regan’s kind smile crinkled the skin around her eyes. “Neither did we.”

  “Oh,” the waitress said, but Ky could tell that she didn’t get it.

  It didn’t matter—as long as she got that Ky was with Regan and wasn’t interested in anyone else.

  Once the waitress had taken their orders and walked away, their friends gave each other puzzled looks.

  “What was that all about?” Eliza waved her hand toward the waitress’s retreating back. “And what did you mean by ‘neither did we’?”

  Ky looked at Regan. Not telling their friends right away was one thing, but actively lying about their relationship…

  Regan nodded her agreement.

  “Wait a min!” Wide-eyed, Heather stared back and forth between them. “You didn’t mean…?”

  Miranda leaned across the table as if afraid she would miss something. “What, what, what?”

  “Turns out I didn’t know as much about chemistry as I thought I did. At least not about the chemistry between Ky and me.” Regan tangled her fingers with Ky’s, lifted their joined hands to her lips, and kissed Ky’s knuckles.

  Silence settled over the group for a moment as everyone stared at them. Then they all shouted something at the same time, and chaos broke out.

  “I knew it!”

  “No chemistry, my ass!”

  “It’s about time!”

  “You owe me fifty bucks!”

  Then came the questions, but Ky didn’t fully understand any of them because everyone was talking over each other.

  “Settle down, everyone.” Regan used her teacher voice on them, then pointed at Eliza as if calling on one of her students.

  It worked. Everyone else fell quiet.

  Ky gave her an impressed nod. If they ever had children, that voice would come in handy. Then Ky froze. Whoa, kids? Slow down! That was a topic for down the road. Way down the road.

  “When…? How…?” was all Eliza got out, pulling Ky’s attention back to the conversation.

  “It’s all Jenna Blake’s fault,” Ky said with a big grin.

  Regan laughed. “That’s not really how it all started.”

  “I know, but it made you laugh, and that’s my favorite sound.” Well, except for the little gasp you make when I touch you. As if nothing has ever felt so good.

  Fire sparked in Regan’s eyes, as if she knew exactly what Ky was thinking.

  “Is that what we’re in for now?” Heather asked. “Mutual adoration and lovesick looks?”

  “Not that different from before,” Miranda muttered.

  “Um, Heather,” Eliza said quietly. “We don’t know that they’re ready to call it love.”

  Heather’s eyes widened. “Shit. You’re right. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. So, you two… This isn’t just a friends-with-benefits thing, right? I mean, I’m cool with it if it is, but—”

  “No,” Regan said firmly. “It’s not. I know it’s pretty fast, but…” She looked at Ky, who held her hand more tightly and finished the sentence with her. “…we’re head over heels in love.”

  “Aww.” Eliza sighed happily.

  Heather snorted. “After twenty-something years, I wouldn’t exactly call it fast. More like crawling to the finish line in reverse. But congratulations. What made you finally figure it out?”

  “Actually…you did.”


  “Well, all of you. You just wouldn’t stop with all these remarks about how perfect we would be for each other, and when we went on a date—or three—to prove that there was no chemistry between us, we started to see each other in a new light.” Regan’s words addressed their friends, but her gaze was on Ky.

  “So it’s been going on since last month?” Miranda asked. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “There wasn’t anything to tell at first,” Regan said. “At least that’s what I had convinced myself of. I told myself it was only a fluke. Until I kissed her.”

  Denny lifted one hand. “Wait. You kissed her?”

  “Oh, as if you got up the courage to kiss Eliza first,” Ky muttered.

  Miranda shook her head as if to clear it. “I feel like I’ve missed a few steps here. Tell us everything from the beginning.”

  Regan stole the pickle garnish from the plate the waitress slid in front of Ky. “Well,” she said with a grin, “it all started with a family-size bag of M&Ms…”

  Chapter 17

  Ky had spent most of the following week fantasizing about Regan and their weekend plans, which involved only the two of them and Regan’s queen-sized bed.

  But then Regan’s father had called, asking for help with the restaurant opening, and now they were on their way to the Vancouver Waterfront, where the second location was.

  Ky tried hard not to be disappointed. Come on. You love spending time with the Romanos. Her pep talk was less than successful because right now, there was only one Romano she wanted to spend time with. God, you’re so smitten.

  Regan took the City Center exit and continued west. She glanced over at Ky for a moment. “I’m really sorry.”

  Ky reached across the middle console and slid one hand onto Regan’s thigh, marveling at how good it felt to no longer have to restrict how often and how long she touched her. Finally, she could truly be herself, keeping no barriers between them at all. “Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault Vanessa got sick on opening day.”

  “I know, but you work in a kitchen all week. You shouldn’t have to fill in for my cousin on the weekend.”

  “Hey, your family is my family. That has always been true, and it’s especially true now that we…”

  “…are doing the no-pants dance?” Regan stopped at a red light and grinned at Ky, eyes twinkling.

  “Admitted we’re in love,” Ky said.

  The teasing expression on Regan’s face transformed into a blissful smile. “Aww. As much as I love doing the no-pants dance with you, I think your version of the sentence is even better.”

  Ky couldn’t resist leaning over the middle console to kiss her.

  Before their lips could meet, loud honking from behind startled them apart.

  “Oops.” Regan tore her gaze away from Ky’s and steered the car across the intersection and toward the waterfront. “You really don’t mind helping out at the restaurant, do you?”

  “Not at all. Cooking is fun, and getting to do it with you and your dad is even better.”

  Regan chuckled. “It’s better for customer satisfaction if I’m not doing any cooking. I’m just along as your driver and fan club.”

  “That’s what you think. I’m sure your sister will take advantage of her role as the restaurant’s business manager to boss you around.”

  “True. She already threatened to put me to work as a bartender.”

  “Ah, mixing stuff together. That should be right up your alley.”

  “Yeah, it should be fun.” Regan sighed.

  Ky studied her. “That was not the fun kind of sigh. Um, I mean…”

  “There are a dozen different replies running through my mind right now,” Regan said, her voice low and sultry, “none of them safe to mention five minutes before we’ll see my family, so I’ll resist…for now.”

  Ky squirmed in the passenger seat. God, the things Regan could do to her with just a few words… She tried to direct her thoughts back to the topic at hand. “So why the unfun kind of sigh?”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing my dad and Mac and the new location, but if I’m being totally honest…” Regan let go of the wheel with one hand to rub her cheek. Was she blushing? “I admit I was more looking forward to havi
ng you all to myself tonight.” Her voice dipped to a husky tone that made Ky flush along with her.

  She cleared her throat. “I have to confess I was really looking forward to that too.”

  “Good to know it’s not just me. I was starting to feel a little silly.”

  “It’s not silly, and it’s definitely not just you; believe me.” Now it was Ky’s voice that became husky.

  A visible shiver went through Regan. “We’ll have fun helping out my family,” she said loudly, as if trying to convince herself. “It shouldn’t be this hard to keep our hands off each other for a few hours, right? I mean, we spent the past twenty-five years without constantly fighting the urge to rip each other’s clothes off.”

  Ky shoved away the images flashing through her mind at Regan’s words. “Yeah, but we were just kids for most of those years, and we didn’t know the two of us would be…better than drain cleaner together.”

  Regan’s contagious laughter filled the car.

  Ky chuckled along with her and caressed Regan’s leg with her thumb. “Seriously, it took me a moment to adjust to the change of plans, but I really don’t mind helping out your family. It’s only three more weeks until summer break, and then it’ll be just the two of us.”

  “Us and Rizzoli and Isles, at least on Saturdays.” Regan playfully wrinkled her nose. “Or would that be considered a double date?”

  “I’d be willing to risk it,” Ky said. “Because this time, I’ll finally have the right woman as my date.”

  “Mm-hmm, me too.” Regan made a left onto Grant Street and found a free space in the parking lot just a few steps from the restaurant. She turned off the engine, unbuckled her seat belt, and leaned across the middle console. “Now, where were we when that rude honking interrupted us?”

  Ky lowered her mouth toward those tempting lips. “Here?” She placed a soft kiss on Regan’s upper lip. “Or maybe here?” She gently nipped the bottom one. “Or—”

  Regan surged forward, slid one hand into Ky’s hair, and captured her lips in a demanding kiss that made Ky forget her teasing game.

  She had no idea how much time had passed when they each finally sank back into their own seats, breathing hard.

  “Wow,” Ky whispered. “If that’s my reward for helping out at a Romano restaurant, maybe I really should consider working for your dad.”


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