The Deplosion Saga

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The Deplosion Saga Page 7

by Paul Anlee

  But Darian wasn’t done. “The thing is, since I no longer find it reasonable or rational that God exists, it would be a sham to attend church services. I can't worship something I don’t consider real.”

  Paul placed his fork gently and deliberately on the rim of his plate, and folded his hands in his lap. He’s just a teenager–he reminded himself. He may have an immeasurable IQ, but he’s still a teenager. Rebellion is his duty. “Okay, so tell me, why have you stopped believing in God?”

  “It’s not so much that I don’t believe in any specific god, say the Christian one or the Muslim one. It just seems that the concept of any god doesn’t fit with what we know about the universe. Under those circumstances, I would think that the burden of proof for something so improbable should rest with the claim of the believer of the particular deity.

  “Even if one were to dismiss a fundamental interpretation of the Bible or Quran as being provably incorrect, and were to argue in favor of a more complex version of a hypothetical god, that god can be demonstrated to be a logical contradiction and therefore not to exist.”

  “And how do you get that, exactly?” They had never broached this subject before and he needed a moment to wade through the complexity. “Maybe you could simplify it for me; you know, me being a mere mortal and all.”

  Darian responded without hesitation, “The Bible says that an omniscient and omnipotent God created the universe, not God is the universe, right? In fact, pretty much all creation stories say that God is not of the universe but is formless and timeless, outside the universe He created.”

  “I didn’t know you read your Bible or listened at church, for that matter.”

  “Oh, I listen to everything. I don’t believe what everyone says, though, just because they say it’s true. Anyway, that definition of God is self-contradictory.”

  “Oh, really? How do you figure?”

  “What would it mean to be the Creator?”

  “The standard definition? To have made the stars, the planets, all life.”

  “So, to have formed the various forms of matter and energy based on the pre-existing natural laws of the universe?” Darian asked.

  “Well…no, not exactly.”

  “No, that wouldn’t work. The Creator can’t operate solely within the natural laws of this universe, or we’d have to posit an even higher intelligence that made the natural laws in the first place.”

  “Okay. I’ll give you that.”

  “So, in fact, God the Creator can’t be just any higher intelligence or power but rather THE highest intelligence or power possible. One that is capable of making the natural laws that govern matter and energy in the universe?”

  “I guess…” Paul knew he was being maneuvered down a logical path he didn’t want to follow, but he couldn’t see an off-ramp. He’d have to tag along for now. “Okay, for the sake of argument, let’s say, yes.”

  “So, who made the natural laws that permit the existence of God?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody makes natural laws that govern God! He is all-powerful and eternal.”

  “He just exists, right?”

  “That’s what I’m saying. God exists.”

  “How do you mean He exists? What’s He made of? How does He work? What does He think with?”

  “God is a nameless essence, beyond human fathoming.”

  “Well, if He exists, one would think He’s composed of something rather than nothing, right? Maybe not the same stuff of this universe, maybe some kind of spiritual energy or something like that, but not nothing.”

  “No, he’s not nothing.”

  “Okay, we can agree: if God exists, He’s something rather than nothing.”

  “Yes, we can agree on that.” Paul felt a logical trap closing in.

  “Then, what are the laws of nature that govern the something that God’s made of? Where did they come from?”

  “They didn’t come from anywhere. They’re eternal, like God.”

  “So there are laws of nature, somewhere outside of our universe, that God didn’t make?”

  “The eternal laws of God’s essence? Maybe.”

  “Can God alter the laws of nature that govern God’s existence? Could he make a copy of himself, for instance?”

  “That one makes my brain hurt,” Paul complained.

  “Because if He can’t, then He’s not omnipotent. Not if there are some other laws of nature He didn’t determine, the ones that govern His existence. He didn’t make those laws.”

  “Maybe not those. But, in the context of this universe, He’s all-powerful.”

  “But then, we’d have two ways that laws of nature could come about. There’s one set that governs God’s existence—that determines how His essence works—and there’s another set that He made for our universe.”

  Paul grasped for theological straws. “Maybe God is just the Creator of this universe, not all universes. Maybe God has His own God.”

  “And maybe that God also has a God in His universe. And then that God has a God who created His universe,” suggested Darian.

  Paul frowned.

  “If that’s the case, why don’t we just cut out the middlemen, and worship the God at the top of the heap? Oh, wait. There is no top. It’s just Gods all the way up.”

  “Darian, this argument is getting ridiculous. It’s impossible to make natural laws. They’re just there. God used the natural laws to make all Creation.”

  “The natural laws just exist?”

  “That’s right.”

  “And they always did?” Paul could feel the trap closing in.


  “Therefore, no one made the natural laws; they weren’t created. Therefore, there is no ultimate Creator, for there was something before Him, some set of natural laws. Therefore, God the Creator, or at least God the ultimate Creator, doesn’t exist!”

  Paul couldn’t help but follow the logic. At the same time, he wasn’t about to give up his faith so easily. “You’re just playing semantics with me. Even if the natural laws just exist, God would have always, necessarily, existed alongside them.”

  “Then, we can say they are equivalent, even equal? God is natural law, and natural law is God?”

  “I don’t know. I’d have to think about that for a second.”

  “But if they’ve both necessarily existed together, forever, it would be impossible to have one without the other.”

  “Yes, impossible.”

  “So, together, they are a single thing?”

  “I think I see where you’re going.”

  “If by God we mean natural laws and vice versa, then either you have to conclude that natural laws are intelligent and intentional, or you have to conclude that God is just another way of saying Nature.”

  “Maybe that is all I’m saying. God is another way of saying Nature.”

  “Even more, God is Nature.”

  “Okay, sure. God is Nature.”

  “And Nature just is, without intelligence or intention. God the Creator is not a conscious entity, just Nature at work.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Paul had never been unhappier to be led to a new way of thinking about something. “Nature is God, and God is Nature. There is no Higher Intelligence in the sky with a Plan for humanity. Or if there is, He’s not an all-powerful ‘God’, just someone a lot smarter than us.” He looked miserable.

  Darian suddenly realized that, although he was winning the argument intellectually, he was taking something important from his father. “Dad, I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I hope being so damn smart helps you be happier, and to find meaning and purpose in life without any guidance from God.” Paul pushed his food around his plate. Why did his chest feel so heavy? Maybe a little resentment at being bested? Sure, maybe a little. At the same time, he felt a reluctant twinge of pride in how well Darian had argued.

  He let the flood of uncomfortable questions wash over him. If the kid is right, then what happened to Sharon’s soul afte
r her death? How can we find purpose in life if not through doing God’s work? How could the universe have popped into existence without anyone creating it? He was too tired to discuss it any further, and he had no answers of his own. At least, none that would satisfy Darian.

  No longer sure that it would help, Paul said a quick prayer that Darian might someday find the answers he sought. For all his years of bible study, he still couldn’t find the answers to his own questions.

  Darian finished his meal in silence.

  Later that night, before heading to bed, Paul couldn’t stop himself from launching back in, “Do you hate religion, or just us Christians? Are we just some inferior species to you? Fools?” He regretted his words as soon as he heard them but there they were, spoken.

  As brilliant as his lattice made him, as full of knowledge, and as understanding as he’d become, Darian was still a sensitive teenager and capable of being hurt. His confident young face crumpled, and he looked like he would break. “No, I don’t hate anyone, and I don’t think you’re all fools.”

  “Do you hate people who can’t see the Truth the way you do, or do you just feel sorry for them?” Paul couldn’t stop himself; the words kept tumbling out.

  “Dad, I don’t hate people because they don’t know everything. I don’t know everything. If people find strength in some belief system that doesn’t make sense to me, that doesn’t make them bad or inferior, just human.”

  “I see, just human. Poor creatures.”

  Darian didn’t bite. “Look, I’ve been reading a lot of biology these days, and clearly a behavioral trait as deeply ingrained as unreasonable faith, faith in something without any good evidence, must have some inheritable advantage in order to have survived in the species so long.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Imagine that we were all machines with great computational power but no emotions. What principles would we use to guide our activities? How would we decide what to do with ourselves? How could we distinguish good activities from bad? Useful from useless? Our computers are machines and they can only do what they’re told. So what motivates us otherwise? What gives us inner strength? Our irrational emotions. And faith is one of those emotions.”

  “So having faith provides motivation?”

  “Sure. Faith has given people the courage to explore the world when fear of the unknown incapacitated those around them. It has driven people to pursue their ideas in business, science, technology, and the arts despite disbelief and derision from their family and peers. When we're fighting a losing battle—whether individual or full-scale war—and rational assessment would suggest we stop struggling and give up, faith gives us the motivation and inner strength to carry on. Faith is very powerful. Historically, great confidence has led humanity to great achievements.”

  Paul smiled wryly. “Maybe that big brain of yours is good at something besides science and technology, after all.”

  “Thanks…I think. But faith can get carried away and lead people to believe things that are completely untrue, just because someone claims it to be true. It's like we're wired to trust people who express great confidence in their ideas.

  “The thing is, psychos, sociopaths, and charlatans can express great confidence as well as true leaders. And people can’t always tell one from the other. Some profess such strong faith that others think they must be divinely inspired and will give up wealth and family to follow someone like that on their crazy journey.

  “But confidence is a sign that someone believes they’re right, not that they are actually right. In fact, sometimes, the more outrageous the person's belief, the greater the confidence and fervor it's expressed with. This has helped a lot of extremely improbable claims become widely accepted.”

  “Ah, back to religion.”

  “Sadly, yes. People have used religion to provide the justification to carry out horrible acts of war, murder, slavery and discrimination. Anyone should hate that part. Religious faith can inspire people to overcome their limitations to act for the common good beyond their normal family and tribal groups. But it can also get abused. It's used to vilify and dehumanize outsiders, to claim some twisted sense of superiority, to call individuals, communities and whole countries to war. Faith itself isn’t the problem, but specific belief systems can be counterproductive to human progress.”

  Paul looked at his son in a whole new light. It’s not just that he’s smarter. He’s mature, wise beyond his years. “So, without any religious faith, with just Nature, how do you find the strength and motivation to carry on?”

  Darian spread his arms wide, grinning. “Look at me. I’m young. My body is full of life-affirming hormones coursing through my veins. I have a pretty good life. I haven’t lived long enough for fear to conquer me.” Paul was relieved to see this flash of boyish playfulness—his son!—still alive and well inside this passionate philosopher sitting across from him.

  “Seriously, though? I don’t know. I don’t have an answer to that. The universe is still full of so many fascinating things. I hope to figure out the point of it all before it becomes boring and predictable.”

  Paul marveled at his son’s growth, fearlessly facing the universe on its own terms, exactly as it was. “You know, I realize the dendies make you a lot smarter than you used to be, but when did you become so wise?”

  “Wait until you read my analysis of War and Peace before you conclude I have any wisdom at all,” quipped Darian, back to being a typical smart-aleck teenager. Paul shook his head and rolled his eyes with dramatic exaggeration.

  They laughed it off, and parted with a hug. It felt good to share a rare “normal” father-and-son moment. Exhausted, Paul wished his son goodnight and they went to their rooms.

  Darian drifted off to sleep thinking about the challenge his father had given him earlier, to figure out how one might live a life of meaning and purpose in the universe as it was, without the promise of some future reward or the threat of future punishment. His dreams that night were more vivid than normal, and his dendies were unusually active. While Darian dreamed, the dendies got down to work. They estimated a lengthy computation.


  NSA Classified- Level III, File No.: 06-84857

  Recorded: April 17, 2032, 18:30, Dallas, Texas.

  Subject: Yeshua’s True Guard (YTG) Executive Committee meeting.

  Source: Verified. Compiled from quadruple-redundant neural recordings made on-site by NSA24135 Spyders. Original ocular and aural recordings attached.

  Verified voices: George Colder, Patrick Burton, Saul Trent, Mike Freeman, Dona Nielson, Steve Stockwell

  Colder: Lord, bless this congregation and these good people who have come together in Your Name to bring Your Kingdom to this, Your chosen nation. Let our minds be clear and our hearts steady as we pursue Your Will. In Yeshua, we are strong.

  All: Amen.

  Burton: Before we begin, can I get verification on the security sweep?

  Trent: Yes, sir. The scan shows no transmitting devices present. Everyone’s been cleared. No recorders in the room. Normally, we’d have to worry about laser pickup off the windows, but I think we’re safe from that down here in the basement.

  Burton: Alright, let’s begin by welcoming a man I’m sure y’all know real well, the next Senator from the great State of Texas and our future President, Fred Mitchell. [applause and cheers]

  Colder: Thank you for coming down tonight, Mr. Mitchell.

  Mitchell: My pleasure, George. Thanks for inviting me. And thank every last one of you for your dedication, your faith, and your patriotism. It is truly a great honor to be with you here, tonight. Seeing you here fills me with hope. [applause]

  Colder: Thank you, sir. We have a fairly short agenda tonight. First up is Mike. Can you tell us how our numbers are looking, Mike?

  Freeman: Thank you, George. The Election Committee has been working hard on Mr. Mitchell’s campaign leading up to the primaries. It's tight but showing promise. We’re at 30%. We’re closing i
n on Mr. Conys who's held a steady 35%, and we've pulled ahead of Reverend LaMontagne, who’s in third place at 26%. It looks like we're pretty much assured a victory in the run-off, thanks to the support that will be coming from the Reverend’s people.

  Colder: Is everything in place for Reverend LaMontagne’s announcement?

  Freeman: Yes. Those, shall we say, “enlightening” videos delivered to the Election Committee last month were sent to the Reverend with the anticipated result. Lord knows how he was able to keep his own mother’s falling away from the Church a secret all this time, but the clips of her attending those atheist "services" convinced him he ought to pledge his full support to Mr. Mitchell in the runoff and focus more on his congregation if he wishes to have any kind of political future in this state. His announcement will come tonight.

  Colder: I expect so. [chuckling] Thank you, Mike. Please convey the Executive’s appreciation to the Election Committee for a job well done.

  Freeman: I'll do that, sir. Also, Reverend LaMontagne asked me to pass along his congratulations to Mr. Mitchell on a solid campaign. He looks forward to putting this ugliness behind us and working together to defeat those damned Democrats. He trusts Mr. Mitchell will remember who provided the support needed to win this election, at some appropriate time in the future.

  Colder: I’m sure we’ll be able to find a suitable role for true patriots like the Reverend in the new republic. Next up is Dona, with an update on our liaison with the committees in other states. Dona?

  Nielson: Thank you, George. I spoke last week with the organizing committee in New Mexico. I’m pleased to announce that they've agreed to join us in creating our glorious New Confederacy. We have firm commitments from all the great southern states from New Mexico to Florida, north to Virginia, and west to Kentucky. That makes sixteen standing with us when we throw those devils in Washington out of our homeland and take back control of our own destiny. [applause and foot stomping]

  Colder: That’s wonderful news, Dona. What about our fellow organizations in the north and on the west coast?

  Nielson: I won’t lie. It’s been a nightmare dealing with those lefty socialists in California and in Washington State. Trying to get United Churchers, Unitarians, and Buddhists to agree on anything is a real challenge. But compared to dealing with those commie Canadians and the secular Frenchies in Quebec, it’s been a piece of cake. [laughter] The good news is, we’re finally getting through. The United Brethren along the Pacific coast from California to Alaska have agreed to coordinate their secession with ours. Come January, once Senator-Elect Mitchell assumes control of the Governor’s mansion here in Austin and declares it as the White House of the New Confederacy, Governor Alcraft out in Olympia will declare Pacifica’s independence as well. [cheers]


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