The Sex Chronicles

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The Sex Chronicles Page 3

by Zane

  We were married the following spring, I quit community college and went to Howard University, graduated with honors, and I’m now in law school. Geren gave up boxing and started his own accounting firm. My boo is still built like all hell, though. We’re doing very well and moved into the house we had built from the ground up six months ago. We have a set of three-year-old twins, and life has never been better.

  Sometimes dreams do really come true. I got my future in check, and I got my Mr. All That. By the way, my uncle Lou still has his gym open, and Geren’s younger brother, Geoffrey, works out there now on a daily basis. He is the spitting image of my boo. I often wonder what lucky girl will snap his ass up. One of you younger sisters want the directions?

  Be My Valentine

  It was twelve on the dot when I pranced into your office as instructed by the agency. I was dressed in white tights and black mid-high tap shoes with red ribbons in my hair. What was most striking about me was the huge red heart, about twice the size of my body, made out of quilted material.

  I had only been working with the singing telegram agency for a little over a week, hoping to cut down on a little bit of the financial stress attending the School of Music at the city college was putting on me, when I was overwhelmed with assignments for Valentine’s Day. You were my fifth one, and the day was only halfway over. My feet were sore, my head was hurting, and the heart was making my skin itch. Somehow, I still managed to smile as I entered your office.

  I almost tripped over an extension cord. I couldn’t see my feet, the costume was so big. You caught me just in time before I toppled to the floor. It was then our eyes first met. You had the most sensitive, beautiful eyes I had ever seen on a man. The warmth emitting from your hands made my heart skip a beat.

  You let go of my arm, and the trance was broken. I regained my balance and then told you my name was Yardley. I explained I was from the Songs R Us Singing Telegram Agency. I informed you that you were the lucky recipient of a singing telegram from a woman named Shannon and asked you to confirm that you were indeed Clarence.

  Once you assured me your name was Clarence, I handed you the card from her and started tap-dancing my little heart out, sore feet and all. You found the song I sang, about Cupid shooting you with his arrow, very amusing. Our eyes met again, and I realized how sexy you truly were.

  I finished my little song-and-dance routine and reached into my bag so I could get the box of chocolate candy included in the package deal. Graciously, you accepted it from me, and I was on my way out the door, after telling you to have a nice day, when you asked me to hold up a minute.

  You reached into your pocket and withdrew a ten-dollar bill. I refused it, making you aware that all tips were already taken care of. Once again, I said good-bye and headed toward the door. Once again, you asked me to wait a moment.

  At that point, I began to get a bit confused. My next assignment was clear across town. I was pressed for time, so I told you I really had to go. That’s when you started talking real fast, trying to fill me in on the whole sordid story before I disappeared out of your life for good.

  You explained how Shannon, the woman who sent the telegram, was your ex-girlfriend whom you recently discovered cheating with a close friend, how you had made no bones about telling her it was over and done with, and yet she was being persistent in trying to get you back.

  As interesting as the whole thing was, I was wondering what any of it had to do with me, so I asked. “What does that have to do with me?” That’s when you told me how cute you thought I was, asked me was I involved with anyone, and when I replied with “No one special,” you asked me out on a Valentine’s date later in the evening.

  I started making up excuses on top of excuses at first, telling you how much studying I needed to do, how tired I would probably be after working all day, and so on. It turned out Shannon was not the only persistent one. You kept on me until I committed myself to the date.

  I wrote down my address and phone number and hurried out. You yelled behind me, letting me know you would be there to pick me up about eight. As I got in the elevator, I had the biggest blush on my face. You were so sexy, and I was so excited. I had been depressed about spending Valentine’s Day alone. In the span of a few minutes, all that had changed.

  The rest of the afternoon passed by swiftly. Time always flies when you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off. I was beat after spending the whole day hopping on and off subway trains. It was the fastest way to get from place to place and not have to worry about parking. People on the subway trains had gotten a big kick out of seeing me dressed up like a heart, with the exception of this one little bratty kid who kicked me in my leg and then ran away before I could stuff a tap shoe up his ass.

  I got back to my dormitory room, totally exhausted, but I had no intention of breaking the date with your sexy ass. I took a long, hot shower that helped refresh my aching bones, took the red ribbons out of my hair, and transformed myself into a sexual diva by the time you arrived to pick me up.

  When you pulled up in your black Jag, I was anxiously waiting for you in the community room of the dorm. It took every inch of willpower in my body to keep myself from bum-rushing you at the door. Instead, I let one of my dorm sisters answer the door when you rang the bell and pretended like I wasn’t pressed. She showed you to the community room, where you handed me a dozen long-stemmed red roses, a box of candy, and a teddy bear holding a little red pillow that had Be My Valentine embroidered on it.

  I was extremely impressed you would shower me with so many gifts, having just met me that afternoon. I told you how much I appreciated the gifts. I asked my dorm sister to put the roses in a vase for me and take them, along with the other items, up to my room. The look on your face told me how pleased you were at the new me. Instead of being cute, as you described in your office, I was a hottie in a red spandex above-the-knee dress and red high-heeled pumps.

  We drove downtown, and you surprised me with a horse-and-buggy carriage ride through Central Park. It was so romantic. I can’t ever remember a man treating me with such a special evening. Little did I realize, the night was far from over.

  We spent the entire carriage ride getting to know each other better. I told you all about growing up on a farm down South, while you shared your NYC upbringing with me. It was obvious we came from completely different backgrounds, but we got along like old military buddies.

  After the carriage ride, we got back in your car and headed to a restaurant/jazz club in Jersey. I had heard the place was very nice, but had never been there. We had a lovely steak dinner, with champagne, while listening to the band play some awesome jazz music.

  It was then you took me totally off guard, got up from the table, and went up on the stage to sit in with the band. You shook hands with a couple of the fellows in the band whom you obviously knew. One of them handed you a saxophone.

  You announced to the whole audience that you were dedicating your sax solo to me. I couldn’t help but blush. You played the saxophone with such grace and perfection, it made my heart skip a beat like it did when you touched me in your office.

  I was so happy to find out we shared a love of music. It made my interest and admiration grow for you. When you finished your solo, the audience gave you a standing ovation. I stood up and clapped louder than any of the rest. I even stuck my pinkies in the corners of my mouth, trying to get off a whistle or two.

  We kicked it way into the late-night hours, sipping more champagne, listening to the band, and delving deep into each other’s minds. Halfway into the second bottle of champagne, I knew I wanted to make love to you before the night was over.

  It was getting near closing time, and I was quite tipsy, which made me bold enough to talk freaky to you. I told you, “I want you to take me someplace and fuck me in all three holes till I pass the hell out!” Astonishment came over your face.

  You recovered quickly and expeditiously paid the check. But instead of leaving the club li
ke I thought we would, you led me through the kitchen and up a stairwell. The club was on the street level of a large building. We walked up a good four flights. I had no idea where you were taking me.

  I thought you were nuts when you stopped at the top of one of the flights of stairs and started unlatching a window. You pushed the window up, and the February air started breezing in. You helped me out on to the fire escape. It was a little difficult because my dress was so tight.

  I told you about my tremendous fear of heights, and you reassured me nothing would happen to me. Once you kissed me, all of my fear disappeared, and I became lost in your touch. Your kisses were so tender, your hands were so gentle, and my pussy was so incredibly wet.

  I started to unbuckle your belt while you began to work on my dress, pulling it up and exposing first my thighs and then my red satin panties. I got your pants unzipped and whipped out your dick. I told you to sit down on the steps of the fire escape. I sat on the step directly below you.

  I started sucking your dick, immediately getting to partake of some delicious precum. That only made me want to suck it all in. That’s exactly what I did. I deep-throated your dick until I could feel your balls slamming up against my chin as I took it in and out my warm mouth.

  You leaned back on your elbows and enjoyed being my late-night dessert. I pulled your pants down farther around your knees and spread your legs, biting gently on your kneecaps as I worked my way up to your balls. I carefully took your ball sack into my mouth and then suckled on it, contracting my cheek muscles around it.

  I sucked you long and hard. I had never sucked a man’s dick so fervently before, and that, mixed with the excitement of being on a fire escape, turned my ass out. I sucked you royally, like the Nubian king that you are, until you gave me the succulent treasure I was hunting for and came in my mouth. I sucked you soft and then worked at it until it was hard again. After all, we still had some unfinished pleasure to attend to.

  Once you were hard again, you got up and told me to get on my knees on one of the steps and spread my legs. I complied and pushed my booty out to meet you as you rubbed the head of your thick, juicy dick up and down the crack of my ass.

  I was craving for you to take my ass, but you moved your dick farther down and aimed for my pussy instead. Your dick entered me, and I was dazed. So many nights, I had dreamed of a dick completely filling my pussy to the brim like yours.

  You started fucking me hard, just the way I love it, and spread open my ass cheeks so you could finger-fuck my ass at the same time. Before you pushed your finger all the way in my ass, I was cumming like all hell.

  You used your free hand to reach around and caress my hard nipples, managing to pop one out of my cleavage-showing dress and bra with little effort. We could hear all the horns and tires hitting potholes on the street below. For a few moments, I had forgotten we were so high up. I looked down and saw all the people and cars and almost freaked.

  Being the intelligent man you are, you sensed my fear and told me to enjoy it and give you all my pussy. I started grinding on your dick hard, trying to grip onto it like a vise every time it tapped the bottom of my pussy.

  I’m not sure exactly how long we stayed up on that fire escape fucking, but by the time we went back downstairs, the place was practically deserted except for the band members getting their things together and the manager.

  You took me up on the stage, grabbed the sax again, and played me a private solo. I grabbed a microphone and sang a romantic ballad to you I wrote for one of my music classes.

  You took a Valentine’s Day that otherwise would have been spent in my dorm room feeling lonely and depressed, and turned it into the best one I ever had. Instead of taking me back to my dorm, you did what I requested in the restaurant. You took me home to your penthouse apartment and fucked me in all three holes until I passed the hell out.

  Now, I live in your penthouse with you, and every day is Valentine’s Day, because every day you give me your heart and I give you mine.

  The Interstate

  You pick me up from my office around 6 P.M. It is cold and damp, and the sun has been replaced with gray clouds. There is a light drizzle as I push my way through the faceless people on the crowded downtown street, holding a newspaper over my head to shelter me from the rain.

  I make it to the curb, where you have reached over and pushed open the passenger-side door for me. I get into your black sports car. You help speed up the process by taking my leather briefcase and tossing it in the backseat.

  You glance into your side-view mirror as I buckle my seat belt, hoping for a break in the traffic so you can pull out and join the slow-moving parade of cars headed toward the interstate. When you realize it will be a few seconds before you can maneuver the car into the street, you turn toward me, lean over, and give me a kiss on my painted, full lips. They are a little damp.

  There is a break in the traffic. I take off my high heels to rest my aching feet as you proceed slowly in the direction of the on ramp to the interstate. You have some jazz playing softly on the stereo system. The only other noise in the car comes from the wipers clearing the droplets of rain off the windshield.

  The rhythm of the wipers moving back and forth in slow motion makes me fantasize about the way your dick moves in and out of my pussy when you fuck me slowly in our king-size waterbed. I can feel my white silk panties beginning to get moist because I have been dreaming of having you inside me all day at work.

  I gaze at you, the outline of your profile as you patiently make your way through the four city blocks of traffic to the interstate. Once we get on the highway, the traffic is moving slowly. You relax a bit and start asking me about my day. We exchange standing-around-the-water-cooler stories, but my eyes are concentrating on the bulge in your pants. I lick my lips, admiring the fact that you always fill out your pants so well, even when you aren’t hard. I want you to be hard, though. I want you to knock the bottom out my pussy.

  I begin to run my fingers up and down the inside of your right thigh. You look at me, and I give you the look you know all too well in return. The look that tells you how much my body is yearning for your touch. The highway is crowded with thousands of people in cars, trucks, but we are in our own little world. The rain begins to come down heavier, and you turn the wipers up to a higher speed. The faster rhythm of the wipers only makes me hornier. I hate the fact we won’t make it home for at least another half hour. I need you with a quickness.

  The traffic has come almost to a standstill. There is an accident up ahead. That makes me even more perturbed. By this time, I am feenin for you big-time. I take off my seat belt, lean over, and start suckling on your earlobe. The scent of your cologne arouses me even more.

  I continue to suck on your ear and flick my tongue in and out of the canal as I caress your dick through your pants. You bring the car to a complete halt long enough to bury your tongue in my awaiting mouth. Your kisses always bring me so much joy. The car behind us blows the horn. The traffic has started moving again, and we are holding up the flow of cars in our lane.

  I pull away from you so we can move on, but my pussy is on fire. I sit in the passenger seat with my left knee on the leather and my other leg over by the door so you can see my panties while I move them to the side and begin to finger my pussy. I suck my own juice off my fingers as you watch intently, darting your eyes back and forth between the road and my pulsating clit.

  I continue to finger myself and then let you have a turn of tasting the sweetness. I put my fingers up to your mouth so you can suck them. I kiss you again, this time both of us tasting my pussy on our tongues as they intertwine. I unbuckle your trousers and dig for the treasure until I have it safely removed and easily accessible.

  I place my head between your stomach and the steering wheel and take the head of your dick in my mouth, contracting my cheek muscles on it and drawing some of the precum out of it. As always, it is delightful. I waste no time deep-throating your dick. You begin to shiver as y
ou lose control of the steering wheel a little. I suck harder. I don’t care if we wreck or not as long as I get my freak on.

  We are in the far left lane, and you see a small dirt road coming up in the median, one of the ones that is covered by trees and has a sign stating “Authorized Vehicles Only.” You pull off the highway onto the road and park up among the trees so the car is practically invisible to those passing by.

  You push your seat all the way back so I can get to your dick better. The rain starts to come down in heavy spurts, as if all the angels in heaven are crying tears of joy at the same time. I deep-throat your entire dick and gag a little on it because of its mass. You begin to moan and caress the back of my neck with your fingertips and run fingers through my hair.

  I suck you for endless moments, caressing your balls gently in one of my small, delicate hands and holding the base of your dick in the other. You tell me you are cumming seconds before you shoot a hot load of cum into my mouth. I lap up every drop that escapes from the sides of my mouth until I get it all.

  I lower my head farther so I can suckle on your balls. You reach over and pull up my skirt, reach your hands under my panties, and begin to finger my ass. I squirm as cum starts to trickle down between my thighs onto the seat of the car.

  Even though the rain is coming down hard and beating up the roof of the car, you tell me to get out. You know making love in the rain has been a longtime fantasy of mine. I slip my shoes back on as you get out and walk around to my side and open the door for me. I join you in the rain. You pick me up and carry me to the hood of the car. I lie back on the hood while you pull my panties off.

  The traffic is picking up now. The accident has been cleared. I marvel at how fast the cars seem to be passing by the spaces in the trees as you begin to suck on my moistened clit. The rain is pouring down, and we are both instantly drenched. My hard nipples are prominent through the sheer material of my blouse. I look up to the clouds as the rain falls all over us.


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