Lisa's Gift

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Lisa's Gift Page 6

by Mackenzie McKade

  Serving himself a heap of salad, he picked up his fork. “Where were we? Ah… Yes. I was just about to tell you what I see in you.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t,” she said, looking down into her plate as she stabbed at a piece of lettuce.

  “Strength,” he offered the single word.

  Her head shot up. “Strength?” Their eyes met and he felt her surprise. Obviously she’d expected something superficial. Like how her eyes sparkled beneath the light like two crystals, or perhaps how silky her hair looked draped across her shoulders like a red curtain.

  The salad was good, fresh and crisp, the dressing not too tart he noticed as he took a bite. He would have to remember to compliment Antonio later tonight.

  Nicolas let her think about what he said before he continued. “Look at what you have achieved in such a short period of time.” He picked up the basket the waiter had set before them and offered her a breadstick, but she shook her head. “You’ve been alone since you were eighteen. Moved to a different state. Started a new life where you had no friends or family to rely on. You have a college degree and have a brilliant career ahead of you. How many people can say that?”

  A warm sensation filled him when she smiled. “A lot of people have degrees.”

  “True. But not all of them have put themselves through school,” he countered taking a sip of his wine.

  She stabbed another piece of lettuce with her fork, but didn’t put it in her mouth. Instead she shrugged. “I was given a scholarship.”

  “You earned that scholarship. Even so you did this by yourself—alone.” He placed his hand over hers. “Jana, Lisa says you are a strong, beautiful person. I know she’s right.”

  A soft expression fell across her once-tight features as she extracted her hand. “Thank you.” She grinned, dropping her gaze once again to her salad plate.


  Continuing to smile, she met his eyes. “You’re not exactly what I thought you were.”

  He pulled his brows together. “What did you think I was?”

  “Well, arrogant for one.”

  Nicolas feigned surprise as he flinched at her words.

  She giggled, the sound like bells swaying in the breeze. “Superficial and a whoremonger.”

  He pressed his palms to his heart. “I’m hurt.”

  “As if,” she said. Her eyes danced with laughter for the first time that night.

  “Well perhaps whoremonger is accurate, because I sure want to taste your lips right now.” An ache began between his thighs, tightening and pressing against his black slacks. His sight was riveted on her full lips. How soft would they be against his? Would she whimper softly beneath his attack?

  “Nicolas. I’m sorry, but I’m simply not attracted to you.” She swallowed hard, giving away the fact she lied. “If I’ve done anything to mislead you, I apologize.” Her hands left the table.

  It was a challenge he couldn’t ignore.

  “The thought of me pressing my lips to yours, of my tongue delving between them doesn’t make your nipples hard?” He waited only briefly before saying, “Tell me your breasts aren’t heavy. That a slight tingle hasn’t begun slowly filtering through them, aching for me to stroke them? Place my hot…wet…mouth on them?”

  He trapped her gaze with his and paused. “Tell me you’re not moist just thinking of how my hands would feel caressing your body, stroking the flame that burns in your belly, building it into a raging wildfire. Because that’s exactly what I would do to you.”

  With his last words her eyelashes lowered halfway, the thick fringe hiding how her eyes had grown steamy. The increased rise and fall of her chest was a dead giveaway that he had aroused her.

  He continued.

  “I would touch every inch of your body with my hands and mouth. I’d make you scream for me to take you. Then when every nerve ending grew so raw that your skin was alive, I would enter your pussy slowly until you tossed back your head and screamed my name.

  “Nicolas,” he said his name in a whisper. “Your orgasm would explode as I filled you.”

  “Stop.” She breathed the word.

  What the hell had he done? His cock was rock hard. His palms itched to touch her. His mouth watered to taste her. This was torture and he had driven himself to this unbearable point. He couldn’t find the strength to release her from the hold he knew he had on her.

  “Stop? Or do you really want me to lay you on this table in front of all these people? Grab your ankles, slowly parting your legs, before I bury my face between your thighs, licking and sucking your clit?”

  Jana gulped down a gush of air. “Fuck.” She squirmed in her chair.

  “Oh, doll, I will do more than fuck you,” he promised, the idea sending his hormones into a frenzy of desire.

  “No. I didn’t mean— Oh shit! Just stop, Nicolas, stop.” She pressed her palm to her mouth. She mumbled through her fingers, “This isn’t right. You’re sleeping with Lisa.”

  Nicolas’s hand slipped beneath the table. He cupped his hard erection as his eyelids grew heavy. God, I wish this was your hand, doll. “Lisa and I have an agreement.” He ran his fingers across his engorged cock. “There is no commitment between us.” He reached for her hand, removing it from her full lips, and she didn’t fight him. Instead her hand trembled. What would she do if he placed her hand between his legs, showed her how she affected him? He scooted closer to her.

  Jana was almost his. He could feel her surrender in the softness of her skin, the way her fingers intertwined with his.

  The server arrived with their main course and the moment was lost.

  She jerked away from his touch. A light blush crossed her cheeks as her spaghetti was placed before her.


  But the evening was still young and Lisa had promised to stay away the entire night.

  Chapter Seven

  Two weeks had passed and Jana was strung tighter than barbwire on a fence post. She entered Lisa’s home office and sat in front of the computer. The small room was neatly organized, with shelves containing several medical books, romance novels, and knickknacks on one wall. Family portraits were hung on another and a third wall was swallowed up by a picture window. A candle on the desk gave off a light scent of vanilla.

  Nicolas was relentless in his pursuit of her. The night Lisa had been called away on a medical emergency, leaving Jana alone to dine with Nicolas, had been the worst.

  Damn. It made her horny just remembering the seductive words he spoke.

  Jana stared at the black screen before her. She would be lying if she said Nicolas’s words that night hadn’t affected her. She’d been so aroused by the time they arrived home that it took everything she had not to accept his invitation for a night of pleasure. Just remembering the evening sent a wave of heat across her body. She was thankful when the air conditioning kicked on and a cool breeze caressed her skin.

  It had been extremely difficult knowing he lay naked down the hall from her that night. Lisa hadn’t returned home until late the following morning. Jana had even had to deal with Nicolas’s attempts at seduction the next day.

  Oh my. What a hardship that had been.

  Jana placed her fingers on the keyboard, but they didn’t move.

  In fact, Lisa’s emergencies and the occasional headache always seemed to bring Nicolas and Jana together.

  And the weirdest thing about the whole situation was that Lisa had encouraged her to sleep with Nicolas. Well, maybe she didn’t come right out and say it, but the insinuation was there. A suggestion that barely ever left Jana’s mind.

  With a few keystrokes she typed in Medical Devices’ internet address and pressed the enter key of her computer. Lisa had insisted that Jana utilize the now-converted office. It was a small room that Lisa’s mother had used for sewing and crafts.

  As Jana’s new place of employment’s site popped up on the computer screen, she noticed a picture of Nicolas on Lisa’s desk. He was bare-chested in a pair of faded bl
ue jeans. The cocky smile on his face was so endearing that Jana picked up the picture, bringing it closer.

  There was definitely more to Nicolas than what she’d first thought. Three nights ago Jana had one of those dreams that woke her in a scream. Apparently, he had heard and rushed to her side. He had held her cradled in his arms, stoking her gently. He spoke of Italy to distract her. In great detail he described the city he had lived in. Luscious green hills covered with grape vines and dotted with olive trees. He shared a story about a scrawny kitten he and his brother had kept hidden from his parents for over two weeks. When his father discovered the animal, Nicolas immediately had to find a new owner. The elderly lady down the street had taken the homeless cat in with a promise that he and his brother could visit anytime.

  For two hours he had talked to her, helping her to relax and laugh. When her eyes grew heavy, he kissed her forehead and said goodnight. She had slept late that day, her dreams filled with just one man.

  Jana set the picture down and drew her attention toward the computer screen. Medical Device’s website hadn’t changed since the last time she’d visited it. She knew it was nervous energy and a need to do something that had brought her to the computer.

  Again her gaze swayed toward Nicolas’s picture.

  She was becoming used to having him around the house, used to his sporadic appearances while she was taking a shower. No one in the house seemed to be worried about the bathroom door’s broken lock, except for her. And each day Jana was entertained with some sexual foray between Nicolas and Lisa. Breakfast took on a whole new meaning.

  Just the thought of their slick bodies in motion made her breasts grow heavy. She squeezed her thighs together, fighting the ache that slowly developed.

  Hell, she was beginning to think they were doing it on purpose just to see her reaction. Or maybe they just got off on having an audience. Her fingers tightened around the wireless mouse as she moved it to select another page within Medical Devices’ site. Of course, she could have complained, but didn’t. It was better than cable television and her nights were filled with the rhythm of her vibrator.

  She read once again the history of the company, but her thoughts were tugged back to Lisa and Nicolas. Jana had mentioned several times about moving out, each time faced with a flood of Lisa’s tears.

  On more than one occasion, Jana had walked in on Lisa and Nicolas, Lisa restrained by either her wrists or both wrists and ankles. Kitchen, office, living room, they didn’t seem too particular where or when they played. Sometimes Lisa was blindfolded and sometimes Jana could hear the snap of a whip and the blissful moans of her friend. There were no tears, no screams of pain and suffering, only those of ecstasy.

  Clearly the game they were playing was not abusive. Even if she didn’t understand the dynamics, who was she to pass judgment on the rights and wrongs of what others did behind closed doors? Only, with Nicolas and Lisa, closed doors was never the case.

  She chuckled, selecting another page. Clicked on several more links, but her mind continued to drift back to the strange situation she found herself in.

  Both Nicolas and Lisa talked openly about multiple partners, not to mention the heightened awareness brought on by pleasure-pain in their bondage play, making it sound interesting and exciting.

  But Jana still had her doubts on the benefits of this lifestyle. Once she found a man she could trust, she wouldn’t want to share him with anyone.

  She plugged the word bondage into the browser and pressed Enter. Selecting one of the multiple listings, she waited for the picture to appear. Perhaps being tied up wouldn’t be too bad. But she would have to really trust him—right now Lisa was the only one she would relinquish that kind of power to.

  What an odd thought. She shook her head.

  On her screen was a picture of a woman with her hands bound behind her, a collar around her neck. Hooked to the collar was a chain fastened to the ceiling. Cuffs circled her ankles forcing her legs apart. Beside her stood a man with a leather paddle in his hand. The title said, “You May Already Be into SM”.

  The following questions appeared:

  Can you get off by having your nipples bitten?

  Jana’s eyes sprung wide. She loved having her nipples pinched and bitten.

  Do you enjoy being fucked hard and wild?

  Yikes! Did she have to admit to that one too? She squirmed in her chair and leaned forward.

  What about lovers who tie each other up with silk scarves?

  Jana relaxed, her shoulders dropping as she inhaled and said, “Never done that one.”

  Do you like to be spanked?

  No! Emphatically no. Then she paused. Tommy, her last boyfriend, had occasionally swatted her playfully on the ass in passing. She had found that arousing, even looked forward to his next whimsical mood. And yes it stung, not to mention she hadn’t been turned off by it.

  What did that mean?

  She scrolled down and froze when she read: Congratulations! You may already be a pervert.

  Uneasy laughter spilled from her lips as she read on to discover that there were many forms of BDSM. One of the most common mistakes was linking BDSM with nonconsensual violence, rape and brutal acts—like abuse. “The failure to distinguish between nonconsensual fantasy and the reality of consensual play is all too familiar,” she read aloud, before she heard a door slam.

  Frantically, she pushed one button and then another, the screen going blank just before Nicolas entered the room.

  “Hey,” he said, and then frowned. “Is everything okay?”

  Jana’s heart was running a mile a minute. It pounded so hard it throbbed in her ears. Then a sense of relief rushed over her—that was close. She fought back the giggle that teased her throat.

  “Fine. I’m fine.” She released the mouse and lowered the cover on Lisa’s Powerbook, before pushing to her feet.

  He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure?”

  Nicolas was too observant.

  He continued to search her face. “I have some time off and—”

  “Lisa isn’t here.” She took a step away from him.

  What looked like frustration wrinkled his brows. “I know that. I just thought perhaps you’d like some ice cream.”

  “Ice cream?” The surprise in her voice was obvious even to her. Crap. She hated it when he threw her off guard, which was becoming more and more frequent. Today ice cream, yesterday he had asked her to go to the zoo, but an emergency call from the restaurant had interfered with the trip.

  Damn Nicolas.

  “A little milk, sugar and vanilla, perhaps a strawberry or two… Ice cream. Harmless ice cream.”

  She had to laugh at his teasing. For once the rogue looked harmless. His hands tucked in faded blue jeans. The Arizona State University T-shirt he wore looked like it had seen better days. He looked casual, relaxed. Even his hair looked like it had been finger-combed.

  “I’d like that,” she said. For the first time, she wasn’t scared things might get out of control with Nicolas. He was an enigma to her and she couldn’t help but want to know more about the person behind the charismatic persona he wore.

  He extended her his hand. She hesitated, staring down at it before lifting her gaze to meet his.

  Sapphire eyes twinkled as he said, “Take it. I promise not to bite.” His warmth folded around her hand. He raised her wrist to his mouth and set a gentle kiss upon it. Through half-shuttered eyes, he whispered, “Well, maybe a nibble or two.”

  She tried to wedge her hand out of his, but he held tightly. “I-I really shouldn’t go,” she stuttered. What was she thinking?

  “Come on. It’s too late to chicken out now.” He winked and she felt her heart melt.

  This was wrong. She shouldn’t consider going anyplace with this man, but she wanted to.

  With a deep, calming breath she gathered her courage. “Okay.” It was just ice cream. As he escorted her out of the house, his hand slipped away from hers, slidi
ng across her hip to settle in the small of her back. Without protest, she allowed him to guide her to his truck, loving the feel of his hand on her body.

  Man oh man. So this was what playing with fire felt like.

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, Nicolas thought. He tried to look away, but the way Jana’s tongue swirled around her ice cream cone had an innocent sensuality that drove him crazy. Thankfully, the table hid his rise of excitement each time he thought about her licking and wrapping her tongue around his cock.

  Her light floral perfume rose above the sugary sweet smell of ice cream and confectioneries.

  He needed a diversion. “Are you looking forward to starting your new job?”

  Jana glanced up at him and frowned. “Yes and no.”

  When he leaned over and wiped the ice cream off her upper lip, she startled. What he had wanted to do was lick the chocolate off her lips and then sample her kiss, but the noisy Girl Scout troop at the counter gave him pause.

  “Uh…thanks.” She took another swipe at her cone. “I’m anxious to get deep into the trenches of this company, but scared shitless to see what it involves.”

  Honesty? Was this the first time she had truly been honest with him sharing her real feelings—her fears? It must have surprised her as well, because she immediately grew quiet.

  Two young girls were giggling and whispering into each other’s ears as they looked at him.

  What? he thought of asking just before he felt cold wetness upon his hand. Ice cream dripped down the side of the cone, making a mess as it ran down his hand and onto the table. Quickly he licked the sides of his cone, then using several napkins wiped up the remainder. He’d been so entranced watching Jana’s tongue glide around her ice cream cone that he hadn’t been enjoying his own.

  “I’ve never experienced the unknown growing up in a family business.” He shifted in his chair, trying to ease the discomfort growing between his thighs. “I just focus on keeping the business successful so that my younger brother can continue to go to college. With both my parents gone he’s all I have—he depends on me.”


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