Lisa's Gift

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Lisa's Gift Page 13

by Mackenzie McKade

  Jana swallowed hard, trying to hold back the scream perched on her tongue.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be finished with you.”

  If only it was true, Jana thought.

  Trembling, she let her legs part, hoping that the damn thing would move away from her crotch. Leaning over her, Nicolas slipped a hand beneath her dress and pressed the clit stimulator closer, more firmly against her wet pussy. She arched her back, squeezing, “Fuck you,” from her tight mouth, as another wave of electricity surged through her body, tossing her about on the seat. She couldn’t have held still if her life depended on it.

  Nicolas cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to her feet and to his lips. He took her mouth in a brutal kiss. The thump in her chest was her heart as he released her with a start. “Later. I promise.”

  Jana couldn’t stop her arms from folding around him. She pulled him to her, hungry for more. With a powerful thrust she ground her hips to his. As if to show who was in control, he switched off the stimulator, extracted himself from her embrace, and backed out of the fitting room, leaving Jana alone and shaking with need.

  What was going on with her? Why was she letting this man have freedom over her body? Truth was that all this was new and exciting to her. For so long she had lived such a boring and lonely life. Lisa and Nicolas made her feel like she belonged and was a part of something special.

  Within a heartbeat she would have easily let him take her, even knowing that a salesclerk stood beyond the door. And if she were truthful, watching him fondle the remote control, teasing her, had made her hotter than hell. She wanted him to activate the vibrator. More astonishing, she wanted to come in front of a crowd. And she would have if he hadn’t forced her into the dressing room.

  “How did they look?” The salesclerk’s sexy purr sounded more like an invitation to showcase the next pair of panties herself.

  “Gorgeous. Now I want two of the black and rhinestone outfits like the one in the display case.”

  Jana tried to remember what ensemble he referred to. Then she heard a low moan in the next stall and knew it was Lisa.

  The door swung shut as Jana exited the dressing room. “Two?” Jana heard the rise of hope in the salesclerk’s voice. Surely the saleswoman didn’t think the second set was for her. The smile on her face fell when Nicolas said, “The blonde in this other room belongs to me, too.”

  Belongs? Did she belong to him?

  He opened his arms and Jana went willingly into them, giving the salesclerk a smirk for good measure. Amazingly, she did feel like she belonged to him, or at least wanted to until this game played through. He pressed his lips to her forehead, then he snaked one arm around her shoulder. As the saleswoman turned to retrieve the lingerie he requested, Lisa exited with a sated grin on her face.

  “Thank you, Nicolas,” Lisa breathed. He held out his free arm and Lisa slipped next to him.

  A young man shopping with his girlfriend walked by with a grin plastered on his face. Admiration gleamed in his eyes. “Yeah. Buddy.” His gaze scanned both Lisa and Jana with envy. His girlfriend punched his arm but he just laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked away.

  When the salesclerk returned she handed Lisa and Jana each a black corset that laced loosely in front with silver rhinestones, so three inches of their skin would be bared. The tiny matching thong had a row of rhinestones that connected the front and back of the panties.

  Nicolas’s hand slid down Jana’s back until it rested on her ass, and then he gave her a subtle push. Lisa moved forward in perfect unison with Jana. “Girls, make sure they fit. I’ll wait for you at the register. Oh, and I want those panties Jana tried on.”

  Jana hadn’t tried the thong on. She hadn’t had the opportunity since she’d been thrown into an orgasm that took every bit of her attention. But obviously she would be trying it on in the future.

  Once she was in the changing room, Jana slipped her arms into the corset as she thought about what just happened. Who would have thought? Certainly not in her wildest dreams would she have believed she was capable of this irrational behavior.

  Yet, it was exciting to push the boundaries of propriety.

  Perhaps Lisa was right. Jana slipped one leg and then the other into the panties and pulled them up, riding high on her hips. Maybe they both just needed to let go and simply feel. Widen their horizons. Couldn’t she just once grasp onto something that felt so right, so good?

  She turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her lips were full and slightly pink from Nicolas’s kiss. The black against her fair skin and her auburn hair was striking. Jana couldn’t remember when she looked sexier. Pressure built in her chest, emotion she had fought down for years. She wanted to be sexy, wanted to be loved. Not one to dream for the impossible, she knew there wasn’t any hope with Nicolas, but maybe someday—someone.

  “Jana, I love it. What do you think?” Lisa’s voice floated over the top of the dressing room.

  “Very pretty,” Jana replied, starting to undress.

  “Pretty? Nicolas has a wonderful eye for clothing and women. Now we need heels to go with it.” Lisa laughed.

  And apparently that was exactly what Nicolas had on his mind as he ushered them toward the nearest shoe store. They found the perfect silver and rhinestone stilettos that looked like they were made for the lingerie.

  Male pride sparked in Nicolas’s eyes. He set down the packages he was holding and pulled Jana into his arms. “Doll, tonight I’m going to take you to places you’ve never been.”

  Jana felt paralyzed in his embrace, drowning in his eyes and ready to travel the world in his arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The flickering of the light on Nicolas’s telephone announced a message awaited him. He set down his packages, hit the hands-free button and dialed in his password. Over the speaker he heard:

  “Hey, buddy. This is Trent. Sorry, but I’ve been called out of town. We’ll have to reschedule tonight’s party in about two weeks. Looking forward to meeting your new woman.” Then the recorder went dead.

  Disappointment rose on quick feet, but maybe this wasn’t all bad. He disconnected the call and dialed Lisa’s telephone. He couldn’t wait to hear Jana’s voice, but it was Lisa who answered.


  “Hey, baby. Change of plans,” he said.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Party’s been canceled. Trent had to go out of town. Why don’t you and Jana come over and I’ll fix you that meal I’ve been promising? Afterward maybe we could go over some of the aspects of Trent’s party to ensure Jana is comfortable with our plans.” This was going to work out even better. Jana needed more time to become accustomed to their way of life, and to him.

  “Sounds good. What time?” He wasn’t surprised when Lisa agreed so quickly.

  “How about seven? I need to go to the store and get a couple of things.” If he was going to try Chicken Marsala again he wanted fresh ingredients, and the time to properly prepare it before Lisa and Jana stole his attention.

  “Until seven.” Her voice was a breathy release as she hung up.

  Damn, Lisa was hot. But it was a certain redhead he couldn’t get out of his mind. His gaze went to his packages, remembering the French maid and naughty schoolgirl costumes, and he grinned. Perhaps a little role play was also on the menu tonight.

  After putting away the things he bought from the mall, he exited his house and climbed into his truck. He always kept a well-stocked kitchen. There wasn’t much to buy, except some fresh chicken breasts and more garlic, perhaps a fresh bouquet of flowers and candles.

  Tonight he wanted things to be perfect. Why it mattered he didn’t really know. All he did know was that he wanted Jana to feel comfortable with him and his home.

  Again Jana dressed to match Lisa’s attire. They both wore short evening gowns, Lisa’s red and hers emerald green. Funny, but she hadn’t been dressed this formally in over three years and never twice in one year. It j
ust wasn’t really her style.

  But she had to admit that it made her feel sexy. The way the silk slid over her curves was arousing. And she knew that Nicolas would appreciate her appearance.

  As she took one last look in the mirror, Lisa sauntered into her old room. “You look beautiful.”

  “I look overdressed,” Jana retorted, pulling the short thing down only for it to pop right back up where it was supposed to be at mid-thigh.

  Lisa sat on the bed and then patted the mattress for Jana to join her. “Come here.” Jana took the few steps it took and sat. For a moment her friend just looked at her. “You’re having fun with Nicolas and me, aren’t you?”

  Jana felt a warm blush overtake her face. Man, she hoped this wasn’t going to be a heart-to-heart discussion.

  Lisa placed her palm on Jana’s thigh. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed.”

  “Lisa, it’s just sort of weird.”

  “When has weird ever offended you?” Lisa tittered and then it faded as her features grew serious. “If anyone would have told me that you and I were going to be engaged in a ménage a trois, that you and I would make love, I would have laughed in their faces.” Moisture misted her eyes. The deep breath she inhaled was ragged, as if she fought for control to continue. “But I want to let you know how much it’s meant to me,” she choked. “How much it means to me that we are comfortable with each other. That we have this time together, because I do love you, Jana.”

  This conversation was awkward. Still, Jana said, “I love you, too. But, Lisa, you have to admit this is weird. You… Me… Nicolas. What’s supposed to come from this relationship?”

  Again Lisa chuckled. “Ever the logical one.” She shook her head and a single tear fell as her expression again went serious. “Nothing—something—everything.” She squeezed Jana’s thigh. “Don’t try to analyze it, just go with it. Nicolas and I are wrong for each other. We both know that, but we have found similar ground to meet on. We like to fuck.” She swatted Jana’s thigh playfully. “Now let’s get going. You haven’t tasted anything until you’ve tasted Nicolas’s Chicken Marsala.”

  Within ten minutes they were in Lisa’s Corvette and headed for Nicolas’s house. As Lisa chatted about the new homes and schools that were popping up all around the valley, Jana watched her. Her friend’s mood swings, not to mention the headaches, had Jana worried.

  “When was the last time you went to the doctor about your headaches?”

  “What?” Lisa’s attention jerked toward Jana and then back to the road ahead of her. “I thought we were talking about the development in Arizona.”

  “No, you were talking about the rise of homes across the valley. I want to talk about your health.”

  Lisa’s hold on the steering wheel tightened. “There’s nothing to talk about. I’ve gone to the doctor. He’s given me these pills. End of story.”


  “Jana, there isn’t anything more to say. Besides here we are.” She steered the car into Nicolas’s driveway.

  “This isn’t over,” Jana warned.

  “Yes it is.” Lisa switched off the car and was out of there in a flash. Her hips swayed as she approached the front door to Nicolas’s house. “Coming?” she yelled over her shoulder.

  “But— What’s the use.” Jana shook her head, as Lisa graced her with a bright smile.

  Lisa didn’t bother knocking; she just turned the doorknob and walked in. The house was alive with smells that made Jana’s stomach growl. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was or how much she enjoyed seeing Nicolas again until he came around the corner.

  Dressed in a black and white tux, he was a vision. A woman’s fantasy. Her fantasy.

  His wavy ebony hair was a stark contrast to his shirt. When he looked at them a bright smile broke across his face.

  Lisa raised her chin to receive his kiss.

  Nicolas looked suave and elegant as he left Lisa’s side and approached Jana. Her heart leaped and her pulse sped.

  “Doll,” he murmured before capturing her lips. The kiss was tender and sweet. When they parted he kept an arm around her shoulders. “I hope you girls are hungry.”

  “I am,” Lisa replied.

  “Me, too.” Jana gazed into his sapphire eyes. Hungry for a lot more than food. The thought gave her pause and she almost laughed aloud. She was becoming a brazen harlot. Whenever she was around Nicolas, all she could think about was sex.

  Nicolas found it difficult to think about anything other than sex when Jana looked at him that way. Her innocent sexuality made his cock respond, growing firmer beneath his slacks. If he didn’t put distance between himself and this woman they’d never make it through dinner. He released her and strode toward the kitchen.

  “It’s beautiful,” he heard Lisa say as she made her way to his large dining table. “Flowers and candles. How lovely, Nicolas.”

  “Nothing but the best for my girls,” he said, heading for the light switches. All the lights needed to be dimmed in his great room. Lowering one but not the others would ruin the effect. Perfection was what he was seeking. He’d already lit the candles. The wine was on the table, as well as the salad. The main course was in the oven to keep warm until they were ready for it.

  As he entered the dining room, shadows flickered across Jana’s face. It warmed him to see her smile. She looked content, if not happy.

  “Ready to eat?” He first held out Lisa’s chair and then Jana’s, sitting them on either side of his own chair, before he sat. “I’m sorry that the party was canceled. Trent said he would reschedule it in two weeks.”

  “Great. That will give us time to prepare you,” Lisa said to Jana.

  “Prepare me?” Jana’s voice rose with concern.

  “Salad?” Nicolas asked Jana. She nodded, and then gazed back at Lisa, awaiting an answer.

  “Why of course. You don’t want to go in there blind.” Lisa stabbed a piece of lettuce and placed it into her mouth, chewing and swallowing before she continued. “You know I met Nicolas at Trent’s home. It was my first introduction to an EPE club. I found it daring and exciting. A new experience.” She looked again at Jana. “You’ll love it.”

  “EPE?” Jana had yet to taste her salad.

  “Erotic Power Exchange or what is commonly called BDSM.” After a drink of her wine, Lisa said, “I guess the best way to explain it is that sexual partners, of their own free will and choice, actively incorporate the power element in their lovemaking. I find power heady. Don’t you?” Lisa’s sigh was blissful.

  No one answered Lisa. Yet, Jana sat on the edge of her chair, her expression intense, as if she weighed the pros and cons of this unknown world.

  Yes, Nicolas agreed silently. Power was erotic. A woman giving away her power was like setting his adrenaline free. He compared it to the same sensation a person got from an intense sport, a runner’s high. The endorphin rush was like a drug.

  “Discovering the boundaries of one’s mind is amazing,” Lisa said. “The sense of belonging, the trust involved when sharing your darkest dreams and fantasies is life altering. It can be thrilling, relaxing, and,” she winked at Jana, “revealing.”

  This was exactly the reason that Nicolas found it hard to believe that Lisa had known nothing about EPE when they’d first met. Either she hadn’t been totally honest or she was a natural, always knowing what to do in each of their scenes. Plus, the expert way she had handled Jana, guiding her into their threesome play had been a surprise.

  “I’m not sure that this is for me,” Jana said, chasing around a tomato with her fork. She was beginning to falter again. It was as if her mind told her to say one thing, while her body told her to do another.

  “Jana, you have to give it a try. Say that you will,” Lisa pleaded with her sweetest voice.

  Nicolas stood. “Why don’t we table this discussion and pick it up in a more appropriate place, like say my dungeon.”

  “Now?” Jana chirped in surprise as her fork fell from her hand and
landed with a clink on her plate.

  “No.” He let his hungry gaze linger a moment longer on her face, before he promised, “Later. Right now I’m going to get our dinners.”

  Jana released a sigh of relief. All this talk was making her rather nervous. Yes, it sounded interesting, but scary too. She didn’t know whether or not she could go through with it. But there was a voice in the back of her head that urged her on. She’d already gone through more in the last thirty-six hours than she had ever expected to in a lifetime. Hell, in the last two and a half weeks since she’d walked in on Lisa giving Nicolas head.

  And what had happened in the dungeon…she had enjoyed herself, enjoyed reaching beyond her comfort zone to experience things that she had only held in the deepest, darkest corner of her mind.

  Nicolas was the perfect host as he set a plate before her, filled her wine glass, kissed her tenderly on the cheek, and then took a seat between her and Lisa.

  Dinner was delicious as they chatted about matters at the restaurant and Jana’s new job. While she put the last bite of succulent chicken into her mouth, she glanced at Nicolas as he asked Lisa about the new wing of the hospital that was planned.

  Nicolas was every woman’s dream. He cooked, he cleaned, he was interested in the things that mattered to a woman, and he was dynamite in bed, but he had the one hang up that most men did—commitment.

  Lisa was crazy not to find someway to snatch this man up. He smiled and Jana felt it straight to her toes. Then the most bizarre thought entered her head. If Lisa wasn’t interested in him, maybe, just maybe something could develop between her and Nicolas.

  No sooner did the thought rise than she began to chastise herself for the silly notion. Nicolas wasn’t looking for a forever after scenario. Same as Lisa, he was only in it for fun.

  “Dessert?” Nicolas asked.

  Lisa leaned back in her chair. “What do you have?”

  “Cheesecake—or me.” His voice dropped low and sexy.


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