Scifi Romance: Solaris (Paranormal Alien Space Romance) (Fantasy Interstellar Military Short Stories)

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Scifi Romance: Solaris (Paranormal Alien Space Romance) (Fantasy Interstellar Military Short Stories) Page 1

by Linda Mathers

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  Sci-fi Romance

  By: Linda Mathers

  Solaris - Sci-fi Romance

  Chapter 1.

  Cassie stood on the stage at the front of the Auditorium in the Starship Solaris surrounded by her peers. She was dressed in the traditional green robes all her other classmates were wearing. This was the day they had all been looking forward to since they were kids. It was finally graduation day. Her entire life, 21 years exactly in fact, had been leading to this moment. Today was the day she selected her career path.

  She looked out from the stage and saw her mother and father. They both beamed with pride, excited to see their only child graduating University. Cassie’s mother, Angela, was the Chief of Surgery on the ship’s medical deck. Her father, Avery, was Lead Science Officer. Cassie knew they expected her to follow in their footsteps and choose a career in the Sciences.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” the University Dean began, “to commence our graduation ceremony, please allow me to introduce Captain Ulysses Jackson, Commander of Solaris.” The audience stood and the entire Auditorium applauded as Captain Jackson walked to the podium. He, in turn, waved politely and cleared his throat into the microphone as a signal for everyone to stop clapping and take a seat.

  Cassie looked at the Captain as he stood in front of her. He had grey hair always kept cut short in a military fashion. His face was stern, but could appear friendly on the rare occasions he smiled, and his uniform was always clean and well-pressed as another indicator of his military background.

  “Today is a very important day,” Captain Jackson began. “It is the day when another generation of scholars leave the comfort of the classroom and join the working class on Solaris as productive members of the crew. For three years, these students have been studying toward a goal of their choice and today they will announce their career ambitions and begin working in that chosen field.” There was another round of applause and the Captain took a moment to take a sip of water before he spoke again.

  “Before we begin, it is customary that we take a moment to remember the importance of this ceremony. One hundred years ago, we fled the Earth. Our precious natural resources were dried up and the human race was doomed. That was until the world’s greatest minds collaborated and built the Starship Solaris. The world’s leaders selected their best scientists, doctors, scholars, and soldiers to populate the crew. Those original crew members were tasked with finding a new home for humanity. They established this system of educating our children to make them productive members on the ship as a way of ensuring our survival. Now, we carry on that great tradition and introduce our newest generation.” There was yet another round of applause and Captain Jackson stepped down from the podium.

  “Let us begin,” said the Dean. “Steven Addams, please approach the podium and announce your career choice.”

  Cassie stood in her spot as Steven Addams walked to the podium with his head held high and proudly stated “Maintenance” into the microphone. There was applause from the crowd, he shook the Dean’s hand and walked back to his spot on the stage. Cassie’s stomach turned knots on itself as the Dean went down the list and got closer and closer to her name. She had studied medicine and biology in University to appease her parents, but she knew her career choice was going to come as a shock to them. Finally, she heard her name come through the speakers: “Cassandra Sterling”.

  She took a deep breath and began walking slowly toward the podium. When she arrived, she looked out at the audience and saw the excitement in her parents’ faces. She looked down at the microphone, trying to avoid seeing the inevitable disappointment in their eyes. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, unsuccessfully, then spoke.

  “I would like to join the Landers,” she said as bravely as she could manage. She looked back up and saw the blank looks flash across her parents’ faces. She faked a smile and walked over to the Dean to shake his hand, then returned to her spot.

  Chapter 2.

  Back in the apartment, Cassie’s parents finally broke their silence. Nobody in the family had spoken a word since she had announced her intentions to join the Landers. Her mother was the first to speak.

  “Why, Cassie? The Landers of all professions. I told you already that you can intern with me on the medical deck. A perfectly safe and secure job.”

  “If you didn’t want to be a doctor, you could have joined me in my lab,” Cassie’s dad said. “I’ve seen your University grades. You did even better than I did in your biology courses. You could have been the next Lead Science Officer.”

  “All your father and I want for you is to be safe and happy,” Cassie’s mother spoke up again.

  “This is what I want,” Cassie finally said. “The Landers are the best on the ship. They have to be to survive going down to other planets. And it’s a prestigious career. The Landers will be the first to set foot on whatever planet we eventually live on. I know it’s dangerous, but I can handle it. That’s why I took survival courses in University.”

  “I don’t think you really thought this through, Cassandra,” Cassie’s dad said. She hated when her dad used her full name. It usually meant he was upset with her. “People die on landing parties all the time. We can never really predict what’s down there from the ship. The weather could be so extreme it kills them the instant they step off the ship or there could be lifeforms that murder them on sight. It’s not just about knowing survival skills. Sometimes, people just die on those missions.”

  “It’s true, Cassie,” her mother added. “When I was an intern, I had to perform an autopsy on a Lander. At first, there was nothing to show cause of death except some bruising on his head and face. My first thought was blunt force trauma, but when I opened him up I saw all of his organs had been sucked out through his mouth and nose. I can’t imagine a worse way to die. And that was Chief Lander—what chance does a young girl like you have?”

  Cassie sighed. She had known her decision would cause a fight. Her parents rarely supported her decisions unless in line with their plans for her life. “I’m an adult now, Mom and Dad. I’ve made my decision and there’s nothing that can change it. You know the law just as well as I do. Careers chosen on graduation day are permanent.”

  “We’ve known Captain Jackson for a long time, maybe we can get him to grant you an exception,” Cassie’s mom chimed in.

  “That won’t work. You know that the Captain won’t go against Regulations. It’s just not in his nature. Cassie is right. She is a Lander,” Cassie’s dad said shaking his head in defeat.

  At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Cassie’s dad walked over to a screen on the wall near the door and switched it on. A video from the camera outside showed an older man, possibly in his 30s, dressed in a Lander’s uniform standing at the door. Cassie’s dad looked at the screen, back at Cassie, then back to the screen before he ope
ned the door, pressing the button near the screen.

  The man walked in and extended his hand toward Cassie. “Hi, I’m Jason Miller. I’m the Chief Lander and I just wanted to come by and welcome you to the team.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad to be a part of your team,” Cassie said shaking Jason’s hand.

  “I saw your University transcript. I’m really impressed. Medicine and biology as a double major is no small feat. You also managed to take survival skills and marksmanship. Were you studying to be the whole Landers team by yourself?” Jason joked.

  “I just wanted to be prepared,” Cassie said blushing slightly. She wasn’t used to so much praise.

  “Before we get your training started, I just want to ask you a few things. Do you mind?”

  Cassie shook her head and led him to the couch where they could talk comfortably. Cassie’s parents sensed they needed privacy and excused themselves to the kitchen. Once they were alone, Jason began the interview.

  “For starters, why the Landers?”

  “I’ve always admired the Landers. Your job seems so adventurous and exciting. You get to explore new planets,” Cassie answered.

  “It’s not all excitement, you know. It’s dangerous and important work. We are the ones who decide if a planet is fit for human life and if we can actually make a new home on it. You think you can handle that?”

  “I can. I studied hard my whole life for this.”

  “You are going to be our Science Officer and double as Medic if and when we need one. But don’t think you can just take samples and do lab work. You need to be in top shape just like everyone else on the team. Can you handle that?”

  “I’ve exercised all through University. If I wasn’t doing school work, I was on the Gym Deck.”

  “Good. Be at Landers HQ at 0500 hours tomorrow. We are coming close to an uncharted planet. You are going to be getting the crash course.”

  With that, Jason stood up and left the apartment. Cassie continued sitting, stunned. She couldn’t believe just the day after volunteering for the Landers she would be part of a landing party. She thought she would have to endure months of training before being allowed on a planet’s surface.

  Chapter 3.

  Cassie was nervous and excited all at the same time as she woke that next morning. She showered, got dressed, ate breakfast, kissed her parents good-bye, and rushed out of the apartment. She half-walked, half-ran down the halls of Solaris.

  The living quarters were situated in the very center of the ship, with thousands of different halls and corridors leading to the thousands of different sections of the ship. If Cassie hadn’t grown up on the ship, she would have gotten lost. However, she knew this ship like the back of her hand and headed directly for Landers HQ located in the belly of the ship, closest to the hangar where the Landers stored their landing shuttle.

  When she arrived at Landers HQ, she was greeted at the door by Jason and another Lander with a Nordic sounding accent who introduced himself simply as “Lars”.

  “I’m the Operations Officer here. I basically go over all the data we get on the planet from the Science Officers on the Lab Deck and decide if we land, where we land and what we do when we get there,” Lars explained.

  “Come on, Cassie. Let’s go meet the rest of the crew,” Jason said, leading her into Landers HQ.

  Cassie was stunned by what she saw inside. Against the far wall were screens and monitors covered in pictures and maps along with lists of relevant information. Lars walked in the room and began to take notes on everything on the screens. To her left was what she could only call an “arsenal” hanging on the wall. Guns and various other weapons of all shapes and sizes were displayed. She saw three soldier-looking men taking different weapons off the wall and looking them over. In the center of the room was a large round table surrounded by chairs. Already sitting at the table was another woman. Jason walked Cassie over and introduced her.

  “Cassie, this wonderful woman here is Jennifer O’Reily. We just call her ‘Mom’. Mom, this is Cassie, the new Science Officer,” Jason said as he introduced the pair.

  “Why do they call you ‘Mom’?”

  “I’m Overwatch. I keep an eye on things from the ship. If I see the weather is turning rough or get satellite images of something nasty coming in then I call all the boys back home, thus the nickname ‘Mom’,” Jennifer explained with a smile. Cassie felt comfortable with this woman. The nickname may have been used as a joke, but she definitely had a motherly warmth in her eyes.

  “Who are those other three over by the guns?” Cassie asked Jennifer.

  “Those three hooligans are the ones you need to keep an eye on. Jack is the big one on the right, Clark is the one in the middle and Eric is the little guy there on the left. All three of them are elite soldiers. They are your protection on the surface of the planet. Of course, if they don’t have anybody to shoot at, they get bored and tend to stir up a bit of trouble, so most of your job will be patching them up when they hurt themselves or each other.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” Cassie said with a chuckle.

  “Alright, let’s get you fitted for a uniform. We launch in an hour,” Jennifer said leading Cassie back to the locker rooms.

  Chapter 4.

  Cassie eyed herself in the mirror, contorting her body so she could see herself from all angles. Her Landers uniform fit in such a way that she could have sworn it was custom tailored specifically for her body. The blue flight suit that all Landers wore hugged her in all the right places. Her breasts, which she had always considered moderately sized at best, seemed to bulge, and her stomach was pulled in tightly making her hips even more exaggerated. In the back, the uniform performed similar trickery. Jennifer looked on at Cassie in approval.

  “It seems a little tight,” Cassie said.

  “It’s supposed to fit like that. The suit is designed to conform to your body. It keeps it from getting snagged on things when you go on the planet surface. Don’t worry, it flexes and stretches as it needs to in order to provide optimum mobility,” Jennifer explained.

  “You’re suit doesn’t squeeze you so tightly,” Cassie observed.

  “I’m just Overwatch. I don’t need that fancy material. This is just plain synthetic cotton,” Jennifer explained.

  Cassie nodded in understanding as Jennifer led her to an open locker with a backpack in it. “What’s this?” Cassie asked when they stopped in front of the locker.

  “This is your locker,” Jennifer began. “Inside is your equipment pack. It carries all the gear you are going to need on missions. It’s got your various scanners and readers and things, as well as all of your Medic equipment.”

  “What happened to your last Science Officer?”

  “Jerry was his name,” Jennifer said sadly. “He died on the last mission. He was taking soil samples and a superheated pocket of air exploded from the ground. Alice, our previous Medic, rushed over to help and the ground crumbled from beneath the two of them. They dropped into a river of magma below the planet’s surface.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” said Cassie softly. She had heard how dangerous this job could be, but that was the first time it really hit her. Knowing the names of the people who previously had her job and hearing how random and unavoidable their deaths had been drove home the point she was really risking her life.

  “Anyways,” Jennifer said trying to lighten the mood, “that’s why Jason gave you both jobs. He figures he can prevent losing two people in an accident like that if the Science Officer and the Medic are the same person.”

  Cassie chuckled nervously. She couldn’t quite tell if Jennifer was making a joke or if Jason really did assign her both jobs to prevent the loss of two lives. Either way, it was a dark way of thinking and Cassie hoped she wouldn’t become so jaded in the course of her career.

  Cassie, now fully equipped and ready to go, walked with Jennifer back into the main room. The rest of the Landers were seated around the table in the center faci
ng the giant screens. Cassie and Jennifer found empty chairs and sat down. Jason, seeing the whole team was at the table, stood up.

  “Alright, Landers,” he said walking over to the screens. “We are approaching an uncharted planet. As usual, we will go down to the surface of this planet and decide if it is fit for human life. Lars has already done the preliminary investigation with his drones. The atmosphere, water content and gravity level are all conducive for human survival. As for the other factors, I would like you all to meet Cassie Sterling.” Everyone sitting around the table looked at her and waved politely. “She is our new Science Officer and our new Medic. Now, hopefully we don’t have a repeat of last time.”

  Cassie swallowed. If that had been a joke, nobody was laughing. She began to worry that her double position was less about her skill and more of a life-saving measure cooked up by a cold commander.

  “Before we gear up and launch out, we have one order of business. We have to name this planet. I believe it is Clark’s turn to name it,” Jason continued.

  “How about Novus?” Clark said after a moment of thought. “I want to name it after Ashley Novus, my girlfriend.”

  “She’s not your girlfriend, mate,” Jack said with an Australian accent. “Ashely Novus is that prostitute that hangs about in the engine room.” There was laughter from the other men at that remark.

  “She is too my girlfriend!” Clark replied. “She just happens to be a prostitute. We all have to have a job.” Again, laughter from the men.

  “Novus it is,” Jason said trying to bring everyone’s attention back to the briefing. “We each get to pick a planet name and that’s the rules, no matter how stupid or slutty the name is. Let’s get to the shuttle. We got work to do.”

  With that, the team stood up from the table and headed back to the locker rooms. Cassie was the last to stand up. Before she walked away she took another look at Jennifer. Jennifer could see the worry on her face.

  “Don’t worry, Cassie. Boys will be boys, but at the end of the day these guys are professionals and they’re the best. Just do your job and try not to do anything stupid and you’ll be fine.”


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