Blind Devotion

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Blind Devotion Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  The bed dipped, and she let out a yelp. “Fuck, I’m just sitting beside you.”

  She nodded, reaching out but coming against air.

  “Here, I’m here.” Pussy took hold of her hand and placed it on his body.

  “You’re there.” She touched his body and frowned. “You’re naked?”

  “I didn’t have time to put clothes on. I wanted to get the stuff and get back to you. I forgot to put a shirt on. It doesn’t matter. The guy at the store didn’t charge me much. I think he was too busy ogling my hot bod,” he said.

  Chuckling, she squeezed his arm. She really did love the feel of his skin in her hands, and she told him so.

  “See, you only want me for my body,” Pussy said.

  “No, I want you for more.” She did her best to smile.

  “I’m going to kiss you now.” The bed creaked under his weight.


  His fingers slid over her cheek, and his palm went to the pillow at the side of her head. At first his lips grazed hers, showing her where he was. “I’m close to you now.” His tongue caressed her lips, and she opened her mouth.

  Meeting his tongue with her own, she kissed him deeply. Circling his neck, she moaned as his body pressed to her front. His chest grazed her nipples. Crying out, she held onto him, never wanting to let him go.

  “Fuck, I’ve never felt this way from a fucking kiss,” he said, muttering the words against hers.

  “I love you kissing me.”

  Pussy tensed. “What?”

  “I like when you kiss me,” she said. What was wrong with what she said?


  You said the love word. Men hate the love word. Don’t say it again.

  “I’m going to get some water,” he said, releasing her.

  He moved away from her, and she was alone again. She heard him moving around.

  “Are you in the bathroom?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m going to trim your pubic hair.”

  “That’s very clinical.” No one had touched her between her thighs. Pussy was the only man to get this close to her, and she wasn’t going to let anyone else near her. The only person she wanted was Pussy. If she’d had her sight, she wouldn’t have stayed at home. She knew in her heart she wouldn’t have let her mother get this bad. Some way she’d have put a stop to it. In the back of her mind she couldn’t help but feel let down by her mother. She shouldn’t have to take care of her mother.

  More movement reached her ears as he put stuff down.

  “I’m just putting this bowl on the drawer beside the bed.”

  “I’m sorry I said love. It was stupid of me.”

  He chuckled. “Took me by surprise, babe. Never had a woman say she loved something I did. They’ve enjoyed what I do but never loved it.”

  “Are you trying to make me jealous?” she asked. A jolt of pain went straight through her heart at the mention of the other women in his life. Why did he have to be so mean?

  Get up and leave.

  She didn’t want to. Sasha wanted to know what he could do to her.

  “No, I’m not trying to do anything. I’m just being an ass.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m new at this.”

  “New at what?”

  “Caring. I’m not used to caring. I never usually have to care about anyone or anything,” he said.

  “Do you care about me?”

  “Yes, I do. I care more than I like to.” His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “I’m going to be using a razor and some scissors. Please be still.”

  “Then talk to me. It helps to calm me when I hear you talk.”

  “I’ll remember that, baby.”

  She licked her lips and waited. The bed dipped under his weight. He placed something beside her hip. Pussy opened her thighs. She went to close her thighs but stopped herself.

  He needs to get to you.

  “Good girl,” he said.

  “I’m not used to this.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t expect you to be used to this. You’re innocent.” Pussy’s palm landed on the inside of her thigh. “I’m going to start trimming in a second. I’ve got a towel here. Lift your ass up,” he said.

  She lifted her ass up, and when he placed a palm on her stomach, pushing her back down, she relaxed. The towel was soft underneath her ass.

  “This is the strangest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “I’ve never done this before. This is a new experience for the pair of us,” he said.

  “If you’ve never done this before, should I trust you near me?”

  He chuckled. “This is going to take some getting used to.”


  “Talking all the way through what I’m doing.”

  “Do you want me to shut up?” she asked.

  “No, I actually like to hear you talking. Strange, huh? I’m used to hating a woman talk.”

  She let out a growl. “You’re going to drive me insane with your sexist talk.”

  “Not being sexist. I just know what I like a woman’s lips to do, and it has nothing to do with talking.”

  Heat filled her cheeks. She could only imagine what was on his mind. Yes, Pussy would like his women to do a whole load of other things rather than talk.

  “How long have you been part of Chaos Bleeds?” she asked.

  “Over ten years. I joined at a young age, and I’ve been a full member around the same length of time,” he said.

  “Do you have any family?”

  “The club is my family.”

  She heard the scissors and felt the small tugs on the hair covering her pussy. Trying not to be embarrassed was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  “What made you settle down?” she asked.

  “There’s a club up in Fort Wills. They’ve stayed in the same place for a lifetime and only go on the road when the need requires. They’re strong and happy. We’re all getting older, and moving from one state to another within a week has lost its appeal.” He continued to work on her pubic hair as he spoke. She loved the way he talked. The deep rough tones of his voice made her melt. He had to see that she was turned on by what he was saying.

  “Do you still ride?”

  “Yes, I still ride. I’ve not got the need to change my location anymore. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  She nodded. “I liked being on the back of your bike. It was fun.”

  “It’s even better when you’re not wearing a helmet.”

  “Maybe one day you’ll let me ride without a helmet?” she asked, thinking about the wind in her face and what it would feel like to finally be free to enjoy life.

  “Not a chance. You’re wearing the helmet. I’m not risking your life for a little kick.”

  Sasha stayed silent as she listened to the snip of the scissors and felt the tugs lessen with every passing second.

  “I bet watching the sun rise is the most amazing thing in the world. Growing up, I didn’t pay it much attention. There always seemed more important stuff to deal with than watching the sun come up. Wish I had taken the time now to look.”

  He stopped, letting out a breath. “Actually, Sasha, you’re not missing anything. Yes, you can’t see a sunrise or a sunset, but I can promise you that there’s more important things to look forward to in life.”

  “Like what?”

  Kenneth, when her mother wasn’t around, would talk like he was reading off a list all the things she could no longer do or see. All the amazing beauty that was passing her by because she couldn’t see anymore. Her stepfather was a fucking cruel bastard.

  “Like this,” he said.

  Fingers slid through her slit. He touched her clit, and she cried out at the first contact.

  “This is what you can feel. You don’t need to see it to know how amazing it feels.” He rubbed her clit, and she screamed as the pleasure crashed through her.

  Chapter Six

  Pussy saw the wonder on Sasha’s face and knew in his heart he wanted to leave her feeling like
that for years to come. She arched up against his touch, and he fingered her pussy. He’d trimmed away all of her excess pubic hair. All he needed to do was shave her.

  “Are you still with me, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  She was breathless.

  He moved his hand away from her clit. She let out a growl, and he chuckled. “Is my woman getting impatient?”

  “You’re not being fair.”

  “I’ll be able to make you feel much better if you let me finish my work.” He cleaned away the excess hair, finding the act incredibly intimate. Pussy washed a cloth and started to wet between her thighs. He took his time, enjoying the view before him.

  Her eyes were closed as he went to work. Once he cleaned her, he opened up the fresh razor and placed the blade into place.

  “I’m going to start to shave some of your hair. I’ve got some cream for you, but I need you to stay still,” he said.

  “I’m not going to go anywhere.”

  Staring up the length of her body, his cock answered to the call of her body. She was so beautiful that she made him ache to be inside her.

  Take your time.

  The longer he took preparing her and getting to know her the better it would be for him. He worked slowly, shaving away the hair that was in his way.

  She didn’t move as he worked, giving him plenty of time to work.

  “Have you shaved a woman before?”

  “No. I’ve seen a woman do it before.” His thoughts drifted to Ashley, the best friend he’d lost. She’d died too soon.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked.


  “You’ve gone tense, and you’re silent. Is it about the friend that you lost?”

  He frowned. “How would you know that?”

  “I’ve lost my dad, remember? It doesn’t take a genius to know that you and your friend were involved.”

  Letting out a sigh, he swished the blade in the water before sliding the blade across the side of her pussy. He was almost done.

  “I fucked Ashley often. We were best friends, but she didn’t expect anything from me. I shared shit with her that I didn’t with anyone else.”

  “Why didn’t you marry her?” she asked.

  Pussy chuckled. “If you knew Ashley, you would know she wasn’t the marrying kind.” Thinking about Ashley in white didn’t sit well with him. She didn’t want to get married. Ashley didn’t trust in men. She trusted in the rules of the club and Devil. “She fucked all the club. Ashley wasn’t a one man woman.”

  “Were you okay with that?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t want anything else from her. I’m not the jealous type.” However, when it comes to you, I refuse to share.

  There would be no way he’d leave her alone with other men from the club. None of the boys would take advantage of her, but Sasha was his woman.

  “Really? You sound like a lot of women’s ideal man.”

  He laughed. “I doubt that, baby. I’m not the jealous type, and I will not be told what I can and cannot do. I refuse to pick a woman to settle down with.”

  “It must be nice not having to worry about your life,” she said.

  Pussy frowned. He finished her pussy and wiped her clean. “How come you never got a dog?”


  “You know, the dogs that help blind people to get around.”

  Sasha’s hands moved to her stomach. “Kenneth wouldn’t get one for me. He spread a rumor around town that I was terrified of them.”

  “Don’t you think it’s strange he’s trying to isolate you from everything you’ve ever known?” Pussy hated this man the more he found out.

  “I’m blind. My mom adores him. I don’t see a point in arguing with him. He’s made of money, and I wasn’t going to let my mom be unhappy.”

  “Yet, with him she’s become a pill popping alcoholic?”

  Running his fingers across the smooth lips of her sex, Pussy felt his cock harden. She was so fucking beautiful.

  “You don’t know her.”

  “You’ve got to be careful.”

  “I’m always careful.”

  He chuckled. “You’re alone with me, Sasha. I wouldn’t say you’re careful.” Getting to his feet, he stared down at her body. “I’m going to clean this away.”

  Pussy left her alone. In the bathroom, he cleaned away the mess he made and stared at his reflection in the cracked mirror.

  What the fuck are you doing?

  He was losing his mind. Sasha had dominated his thoughts from the first moment they met, and they’d not even seen each other. Staring at her in the diner, he thought she could see. Later on, when he found her left alone he’d found out the truth.

  Don’t mess with her.

  Devil’s words ran through his head. “Don’t fucking interrupt me. This girl, you’ve taken her away from her family and telling me you’re not letting her back to the people who can protect her? Please, tell me, Pussy, if that’s not laying fucking claim to her, what is?”

  He couldn’t let her go back to that monster of a stepfather.

  You’re getting too involved.

  Ashley appeared in his mind with her smiling face. They’d just fucked, and she’d given him an orgasm with her tits. She was lying on the bed with her feet kicked back in the air.

  “What are you going to do if you ever fall in love?” Ashley asked.

  “Simple, I’m never falling in love.”

  “You can’t never fall in love. I bet the woman you finally give your heart to is going to be the most loved woman in the world. You’re too sweet for your own good.”

  Pulling out of the memory, Pussy moved toward the doorway to watch Sasha. She was lying on the bed, tapping her foot in time to whatever tune was in her mind. He could never hurt her. She’d been hurt too much in her short life.

  All he wanted to do was take her away from the pain and give her something to love. He knew he’d be good for her. She’d never want for anything.

  Over the years he’d fucked many women and gotten what he wanted out of them. None of them left a lasting mark, not even Ashley. She only played in his mind because of their friendship. Sasha had taken him by surprise.

  He’d take her to the clubhouse before he took her anywhere else.

  Entering the bedroom, he cleared his throat.

  “You’re back?”


  “You took a long time.”

  “I’ve been standing there watching you, baby. You’ve no idea how hot your body is.” He gazed down at the bed and gave her a final chance to turn back. “This is your choice, Sasha. Once I get my jeans off, I’m going to fuck your tight cunt and make you feel on cloud nine.” He heard her gasp. “This is your last chance to back out. I’ll put my shirt on, help you get dressed and then we’ll listen to a movie or something.”

  “I don’t want to listen to a movie. I want you to fuck me, Pussy. I want you to show me how good it can be between a man and a woman.”

  “You know you’ll get to feel this with a guy you deserve.”

  Why are you giving her a reason to stop tonight?

  His cock was hard as a fucking rock, begging to get as close to her as possible.

  “Do you not want to? If you don’t want me then we can get dressed.”

  Before she finished, he removed his jeans, kicking his boots across the room. He wanted her. Kneeling on the bed, he took hold of her hand and placed her fingers around his shaft. “Baby, wanting you is not a problem. I fucking ache for you.”

  She squeezed his cock. A V formed between her eyebrows. “Why do you keep asking me if I want to stop?”

  “I don’t want you to wake up in the morning and regret giving your cherry to a fucking asshole. I’m not the kind of man you deserve.”

  Her smile lit up her whole face, and Pussy felt himself falling. He’d seen women in the Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls MC sporting that same kind of expression. Lexie looked at Devil as
if he could walk on water.

  “You’re sweet. My sweet, bad-ass biker.” She moved her hand up and down his shaft, peeling back the skin. He groaned. “What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?”

  She withdrew her hand.

  “Everything you do is fine.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “I’m going to need you to talk to me, tell me what you like.”

  “I will.”

  Stroking a finger down her face, he caressed over her breast. She was ripe for the plucking.

  You’re going to be the first man in her life and the last.

  Pussy stared down into her unseeing eyes and knew he wasn’t going to be able to let her go after this night. The last few months he’d been trying to catch the merest glimpse of her. He drove through town trying to avoid the places he’d seen her. His brothers would be at the diner, and he’d try not to look for her or stare at her when he did see her.

  She’d become his hidden obsession.

  Moving between her spread thighs, he glanced down at her shaved pussy. “I’m going to lick and kiss every inch of your body.” He claimed her lips before she had a chance to comment. Caressing down her body, he fingered her breasts, sliding his hands down to cup her cunt. He slipped a finger through her wet slit, feeling her wetness soak his finger.

  Kissing down her neck, he licked over her pulse and flicked the tips of her nipples with his tongue.


  “Yes, baby.” He muttered the response against her body, loving the sound of his name on her lips.

  “What … are … you … doing?” Each word came out on a gasp.

  Dipping his tongue down into her belly button, he felt her body shake from the smallest of touches.

  “I’m getting to know your body,” he said. He slipped between her open thighs and stared at her pussy. “I’ve done an excellent job with your cunt.”


  Sasha cried out as he opened the lips of her sex. Fisting the blanket, she tried to bring focus to her crazy, blank world. Everything he did seemed highlighted by touch. There was nothing more for her to do other than hold on as he took her for a ride.

  “So fucking pretty.”

  Something wet, she guessed his tongue, slid through her slit. As quickly as he started, he pulled away. “This here.” He pressed his thumb against her. Pleasure took over her body. Arching up, she tried to thrust against his thumb as well as get away from him. “That’s your clit, and I’m going to flick my tongue over you until you come all over my mouth. I want to swallow your cum.”


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