Let’s note that some researches challenge the fact of referencing these manifestations to mutational process, and it’s considered that they are in fact rather simply collateral features of soul-world-outlook component of the individuals. Rather active discussions on this matter are being conducted now in scientific community.
4. “Dire Liar”
So-called “pathological” lies – a radical feature of manifestation of occurring mutations of this type. Mutants of “Dire Liar” type resort to concealment of the facts of objective reality so often that sometimes appear to be incapable to distinguish own fiction from reality. It’s hard to say for sure what purpose in each case is being pursued by mutating individuals and whether is this purpose a rather conscious choice and not a consequence of influence on their soul structure of mutational processes, however the fact of change of a soul structure of individuals is undoubtful, in which connection this type of changes has been separated into a dedicated type.
Due to considerable shift of negative processes towards the identity of each separate mutating individual instead of its expression in general society, this type of mutation is considered to be as moderately dangerous.
For still unknown reasons most subject to this type of mutations are female individuals.
5. “Crafty-Looking/Crafty-Tooking”
Earlier classified type of mutation “Crafty-Tooking” in connection with its additional studying has been renamed to “Crafty-Looking”, however old name has been kept.
Those individuals who have undergone this type of soul-genetic mutations, could probably become the best speculators and deceivers of the last centuries. At present time however in connection with an active position of Ministry of Health concerning eradication of any harmful and negative spiritual processes of individuals of our planetary society, this type of personal changes is considered negative.
Distinctive feature of individuals of given type is their ability to describe for other individuals objective reality in completely or considerably distorted state, achieving thus their personal, obscure for healthy individuals, egoistical goals. Thus, unlike mutants of type “Dire Liar” mutants of this type clearly realize limits of objectivity and illusion at deception of others, but this, however, doesn’t stop them from implementing of their egoistical plans.
Distinctive feature of mutants of this type is a certain so-called “cunning” shine of eyes of their planetary body, being shown during process of their communication with other individuals.
6. “Fear-No-Less”
This type of mutation has been known to humankind from ancient antiquity, however was classified as mutation relatively recently. Mutants of type “Fear-No-Less” appear to be totally non-resistant to any kinds of insurance feelings, be they either self-made or being born in the course of interaction with a planetary spatial continuum.
Probably, this type of mutation would even not be so socially dangerous, if it was limited to the spiritual-world-outlook world of a separate individual subject to this mutation. However because subject to the specified type of mutations individual becomes involved in fate relations with others, untimely strengthening of manifestations peculiar to this type of mutations, can prove to be fatal for other individuals. The history knows many similar cases when destinies of one people were altered by cowardice of others, however detailed research of this question lies beyond this research. Let’s note that manifestations of this mutation bear rather stochastic instead of permanent characters, which is, however, not a reason for their classification as less socially dangerous.
Let’s note that a lengthy process of increasing of characteristic for this type of mutations decrease of synthesis in the organisms of individuals of hormones “Tranquility” and “Self-confidence” can lead to considerable lowering of resistance ability to all other types of mutations.
7. “Absence-Conscious”
This type of mutation is characterized by almost total change of spiritual component of individual, knows as “conscience”. Primary stage of mutation is characterized by periods of its spontaneous deactivation. In more extreme cases process of its considerable destabilization can be observed, up to a full atrophy.
Mutants of this type by their external manifestations can be similar to mutants of “Rage-caging” type in aspect of causing violent harm to others, however process of harm infliction by these individuals is practically never accompanied by active external manifestations and has exclusively ego-concentrated character which, in our opinion, makes them much more socially dangerous, and in this regard this type of mutation was considered as considerably socially dangerous.
It has been noticed that in overwhelming majority of cases this type of mutation further transforms into a “No-Heart-No-Less” type.
8. “Imp-In-Limb”
Rather new type of mutation, which has considerably amplified in the last dozens of years.
Probably, some soul-genes were brought from old centuries of so-called “Middle Ages” from so-called “witches”, but it’s also possible that this type of mutation is inherent only by only planetary generation. Anyway, the question of the reasons of give mutation is still rather open and as thus being actively discussed in scientific community.
Mutants of this type appear to be considerably predisposed to carrying out various so-called “magic rituals” with so-called “spirits”, as well as to “black magic”, manifestated in “plots”, “curses”, “malefices”,”damnation” and some other forms of psychosomatic suggestions. Some individuals of this type can also show considerable interest in visiting cemeteries, tombs and other places of burial of planetary bodies of other individuals for purposes of “dark plots”.
It’s still not totally clear of how real are such influences in fact, and whether it’s an amplification of process of mutations of “Fear-No-Less” type. Anyway, in any case we desire to recommend to other individuals to try avoiding excessive contacts with individuals of this group.
9. “Glamorous”
Also a type of mutation which was discovered only recently, which has not yet become widespread. A feature of this process of mutation is a gradually amplifying dependence of an individual on the traditional historically established external attributes of high so-called “social status” of this individual. Despite all rather active attempts of the Ministry of Health of eradication of these historically formed attributes, fixed in consciousness of a part of individuals, there was no considerably progress reached in this aspect still, which is shown in ongoing aspiration to receive such attributes as “wealth”, “glory”, “career”, ”popularity” and some other from the vast majority of individuals of our planetary society and forms a basis of formation of this type of mutations.
Probably, this process would not be so dangerous if growth of similar dependence did not bear with itself such considerable changes of psycho-world-outlook component of individuals; however because this process promotes its considerable negative transformation and amplification of susceptibility of an individuals to mutations “Gold-Mold”, “Crafty-Looking/Crafty-Tooking” and “Orgasmus-Marasmus”, revealed by the Ministry of Health specified tendencies of growth of similar type on dependencies in a context of our planetary society are considered to be considerably socially dangerous.
As it was noted before, during uncontrollable increase of similar dependence in soul-world-outlook component of an individual the process of mutation, classified by us as “Glamorous” becomes activated. For still obscure reasons in some cases the process of mutation can gain transient character and as such the individual becomes so seriously adhered to a set of described above attributes of a high social status, that he becomes incapable of imagining his life without them.
As we managed to find out during researches in case when in the near future the individual manages to gain these attributes, he practically always along with this type of mutation appears to be considerably subjected to mutation of “Orgasmus-Marasmus” type. In an opposite case the in
dividual can become to be even more considerably subjected to one of mutations from the list – “Rage-caging”, “Dire Liar”, “Nervous-Traverse”.
We are being seriously disturbed along with researches from the Ministry of Health by a tendency of last years for more and more propagandized image of world-soul-sensation, provoking strengthening of dependence of individuals from the majority of above-mentioned attributes of “wellbeing” as such tendency potentially promotes considerable growth of mutans of this type.
In these conditions we can only recommend to not trying to adjoin in any continuous prospect with mutants of this type, as well as to realize all senselessness of attempts of achievement of those things and purposes which often remain totally harmful for your soul-psycho health as it is.
10. “Nervous-Traverse”
This type of soul-psycho change of essence of an individual has been known to mankind from ancient antiquity as well, and was classified as negative mutational process only recently.
Radical aspect of mutants of this type is their inability to maintain for long duration a healthy soul and emotional state, and considerably increased tendency of leaving it in the form of so-called “hysterics”. Sometimes similar outbursts can have rather continuous character, occupying several planetary hours. Often similar exiting is accompanied by such external attributes of their manifestation as shouts, groans, cries, inarticulate/muffled diction, incompatible movements. As it was noticed, especially subject to this type of mutations are those individuals with considerably reduced synthesis in their organisms of a hormone “Tranqulity”.
We cannot precisely tell, whether this type of mutation exclusively the consequence of similar decrease in functioning of soul-organs in an organism of the individual, or whether his formation can be promoted by other attributes of planetary social-continuum, for example ones such as more and more accelerating rhythm of life, considerable growth of quantity of information streams, which have been ascertained by researches from Ministry of Health at the last planetary conference.
In any case we desire to note the high degree of efficiency of fighting with this mutation process, revealed by us, by performing such actions as staying of individual outdoors with its thoughtless beholding, complacent communication with other individuals, personal meditations and some other methods which have been known to planetary science for a long time, but have been so considerably demanded only recently.
11. “Ear-no-hear/Eye-good-bye”
The growth of number of individuals, subject to this type of mutation, has been predicted a long time ago, but has actually been formed only in the last dozens of planetary years. Specified process of mutation consists in gradual neglecting of functions (and in some cases – their further total atrophy) soul-organs of sight and hearing of the individual. During this process the individual becomes incapable to not only objectively perceive audio and visual aspects of interaction with other individuals and correctly react to them, but also appears to be subject to considerable distortion of perceptions of real and future objective reality. Being confident of own correctness, such individuals start teaching others of incorrect picture of world-attitude and during that can promote emergence on mutational process of “Mindless” type, and as such this mutational process is considered to be highly socially dangerous.
It should be noted as well that by external manifestations individuals of this type can be similar to individuals of mutational process of “Mindless” type, which is not surprising at all, as this type of mutation is by its nature and aspects of soul-genes alteration can be considered as his successor.
12. “Alcohol-To-The-Fall”
According to its name, mutants of this type appear to be completely non-resistant to such a product of the past and (to our regret) present reality of planetary society, as alcoholic beverages. In this respect their strongest soul-psycho attachment to them is comparable only to similar attachment to attributes of a social status of “Glamorous” mutants. Let’s note that earlier given type of attachment was not considered as a negative one, and moreover it was even considered that the process of consumption of this type of products helps one gain considerably sincere relaxation, disappearance of inner soul-fear and, as a result, leads to growing of internal goodwill and soul-health of the individual.
However, as modern science has discovered, this mean like any other substitute cannot provide even the illusion of similar effects to a natural healthy synthesis of hormones “Good nature” and “Self-confidence” in organisms of individuals; moreover, overconsumption of this type of liquids in a long-term prospect conducts to gradual atrophy of functions of soul-brain, which promotes emergence and development of a mutation of “Mindless” type. Moreover, in some cases continuous process of consumption of specified means leads to emergence of essentially more dangerous type of mutations, classified by us as “Animal-Toll”.
Due to these aspects of influence of mentioned means on the majority of individuals, the Ministry of Health has taken rather active position on complete eradication of their production and sale on all planetary continuum, however any considerable successes in this matter have not yet been achieved.
13. “Gold-Mold”
Known for a long time, this process of soul-mutation has been classified as it is only in the last several years. As we managed to find out during continuous researches, only in a smallest number of cases such a mutation type is spontaneous by its nature, however in the most cases it’s only the development of such formed earlier mutational processes like “Absence-Conscious” and “Glamorous”.
Mutating individuals are distinguished by increased aspiration of accumulation and preservation of money by any means possible. To many of them give totally strange and unclear for other healthy individuals please such aspects of their lives as considerable bank account, rich apartments, cars and other aspects of material manifestation of planetary continuum. Some of them with a process of mutation have gone rather far do not shun of deception and treachery for achievement of similar purposes of self-enrichment at the expense of others. The history of our planetary society knows many cases when similar silver-adoring tendencies of one individuals defined destinies of others, however detailed consideration of these cases lies beyond our research.
Due to possibility of similar fate-bearing influence of mutating individuals of this type on others, given type of mutation is considered to be highly socially dangerous.
14. “Harmful-Artful”
Probably, the most rare of types of mutations, classified by us, besides not differing by any amplifying tendencies of growth. And this fact can’t help pleasing the entire scientific community.
Mutants of this type differ by increased tendency of machinate, set traps, and to harm other in every possible way, more often by a way, called as “stealthily”. The process of mutation can gain increased activity in so-called “childish” age of formation of soul-world-outlook components of individual, however further in overwhelming majority of cases gradually comes to naught.
However on still unknown reasons approximately in 2-3 percent of cases the process of mutation can outlive the age timespan of “childish” period of soul-formation of the individual, and stretch itself further through his planetary life. In this case mutating individuals appear to be considerably dependent on such aspects of own life-development, as the aspiration to cause harm to others. These amplifications of similar desires carry more often stochastic instead of permanent character and can especially actively manifest themselves during periods of spiritual-defective emotional conditions on an individual, such as “irritation”, “envy” and “contempt”.
Let’s note as well, that a serious amplification of specified processes of mutation (especially in combination of mutational processes of “Rage-caging” type) can lead to a considerably growth of synthesis of extremely harmful to organisms of individuals of hormone “hatred”, that, in turn, can become the catalyst for transformation on mutation of this type into a highly soci
ally dangerous type, classified by us as “No-Heart-No-Less”.
15. “Silly-Willy”
Collateral type of mutation, being a product of base type, classified as “Mindless”, in present time is spreaded among small number of planetary individuals.
For mutating individuals of this type it’s common to see objective reality in a little distorted perception (which is a consequence of development of mutational processes of “Mindless” type), which leads to their not-so-always adequate life manifestations. More often, however, such inadequate manifestations bear exclusively personal character and don’t do any harm to other members of planetary society, and in this connection with type of mutation is considered to be little socially dangerous.
It happens so that cases of manifestation of mutations of this type carry such an objectively strongly pronounced character for other individuals that they (either for fun or somewhat seriously) call this individual exactly that way : “Oh, silly one!”
16. “Orgasmus-Marasmus”
Greatly amplified in last time type of mutation, more often it’s a consequence of development of mutational process of “Glamorous” type.
It’s peculiar to mutants of this type (at early stages of mutational process) to have strengthened or practically unstoppable desire (in a case when development of the process of mutation takes extreme forms) to receive pleasures (more often of a physical nature in aspect of own planetary bodies). Similar desire can receive such a strongly pronounced character that for achievement of the goal of self-satisfaction the individual will not shun anything – beginning from aspects of social acceptability of own actions and finishing with aspects of own spiritual-psycho health. Borders of this mutation have started to gain such a widespread character at present, that it becomes impossible to accurately express main aspects of this sort of manifestation of tendencies of self-satisfaction of ill individuals.
On the Wings of Hope : Prose Page 21