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Heart Page 25

by Sandeep Jauhar

  De humani corporis fabrica (Vesalius), 42–43

  delirium cordis, 158

  dementia, 25

  De motu cordis (Harvey), 44–46, 113

  Dennis, Clarence, 94

  depression, 24, 127–28, 215, 237

  Detroit, 94

  DeVries, William, 192, 193

  DeWood, Marcus, 143

  diabetes, 4, 24, 53, 120, 121, 132, 234, 238–40

  dialysis, 196, 212

  diet, 115, 118, 121–23, 127–28, 231–32, 236–37

  Diseases of the Circulatory System (Osler), 131

  Ditzen, Gerda, 102, 103, 105, 106

  diuretics, 180, 186

  Dodrill, Forest, 94

  Dominican order, 22

  do-not-resuscitate orders, 197, 224

  Dotter, Charles, 138–41, 144

  Douglass, Frederick, 62

  Down syndrome, 75

  dreams, 210, 220–21, 223–24

  drug abuse and addiction, 28, 77n, 131

  earthquakes, 25–26, 145

  Easter Island, 144

  Ebers Papyrus, 38

  echocardiograms, 24, 52, 55–61, 71, 132, 184, 203, 233; see also ultrasound

  edema, 34, 82, 146, 180

  Effler, Donald, 127

  Egypt, 41; ancient, 11, 38

  electrocardiograms (EKGs), 53–54, 73, 133, 137–38, 173, 180; in animal studies, 30, 167, 175

  electrodes, 17, 19, 30, 158, 167–68, 172, 174–76, 179

  electrophysiology, cardiac, 52, 153–55, 157, 161, 166, 171, 177–78, 205

  Edler, Inge, 61

  England, 43, 81, 87, 105, 109n, 115, 153, 166

  endocarditis, 69–70, 98

  endothelin blockers, 239

  end-stage heart failure, 22, 36, 184, 186, 190–91, 196

  enlarged heart, 77, 146

  enzymes, 57, 132, 134

  epidemiology, 115–16, 128; see also Framingham Heart Study

  Equal Rights League, 62

  evolution, 18, 93, 195

  exercise, 122, 232, 234, 236–37, 241, 242

  experimental physiology, 104

  Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 201

  exsanguination, 26, 89–90

  Fabric of the Human Body, The (Vesalius), 42–43

  facial deformities, 75

  Falloppio, Gabriele, 51

  falsifiability, 40, 148

  family history, 4, 9, 96, 119, 121

  Fargo (North Dakota), 69, 88, 97

  fatigue, 70, 150, 166, 184, 192

  Favaloro, René, 97

  Fear Heart (Barr), 6

  Feigenbaum, Harvey, 61

  femoral artery, 83, 101, 142

  fight-or-flight reaction, 23, 30, 40, 124

  Fischer, Georg, 63n

  Flood, Lorraine, 207–209, 212–13, 215–16

  Florence (Italy), 42

  fludrocortisone, 223

  fluid dynamics, 160n

  “foam” cells, 134

  Fogarty, John, 190

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 143, 177, 194, 196

  Forssmann, Walter, 103, 109

  Forssmann, Werner, 102, 102–111, 134–35, 140, 141, 161

  fosinopril, 180

  Framingham Heart Study, 113, 116–23, 125, 133; risk factors determined in, 4, 117–18, 120–22, 132, 237, 240

  France, 153, 174

  Frankfurt State Hospital, 65–66, 66

  Freedmen’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.), 65

  free radicals, 133

  Friedman, Meyer, 126–27

  Friedreich’s ataxia, 184

  Friesinger, Gottlieb, 172

  Galen, 40–43, 45, 63

  gap junctions, 10

  Garfinkel, Alan, 160

  General Motors, 94

  genetic heart abnormalities, 212; see also congenital heart abnormalities

  genetics, 35, 69, 123–24, 221, 234

  Geneva, University of, 171

  George III, King of England, 105

  Georgia, 144

  Germany, 65–68, 90, 102, 107–109, 140; in World War II, 173

  Getting Over Garrett Delaney (McDonald), 17

  Ghazali, al-, 41

  Gibbon, John Heysham, 73, 86, 89–96

  Glidden, Frances, 84, 85

  Glidden, Gregory, 79–85

  Glidden, Lyman, 80, 82, 85

  gonorrhea, 105

  grave robbing, 42

  great arteries, transposition of, 81

  Greatbatch, Wilson, 169–71, 174

  Great Depression, 73

  Greece, ancient, 38, 40

  Green, Henry, 100

  Groote Schuur Hospital (Cape Town), 186

  Ground Zero, 201–205, 207, 210, 213

  Gruentzig, Andreas, 140–44, 239

  Guy’s Hospital (London), 87

  Haecker, Rudolf, 68

  Hahnemann Medical College, 163

  Hall, Joan Lord, 21

  hallucinations, 213, 223

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 23

  hardening of the arteries, see atherosclerosis

  Harvard University, 27, 117, 172, 173

  Harvey, William, 14, 43, 43–47, 63, 113

  Hawaii, 123

  heart attacks/myocardial infarctions, 7, 37–38, 96, 110, 114, 153–54, 185, 190; risk factors for, 4, 23–24, 118, 120–22, 127–28, 133, 231–32, 237; sudden death resulting from, see sudden cardiac death; survival of, 137–44, 169, 172, 196, 207, 211, 221, 239; symptoms of, 24–25, 74, 120, 224; see also cardiac arrest

  heart block, 166–71

  heart cells, 10, 24, 37n, 150–51, 160

  heart failure, 9, 24, 94, 148–50, 157, 163, 240; end-stage, 22, 184, 186, 190–91, 196; transplants for, 185, 189, 191; treatments for, 191–92, 196, 239; see also congestive heart failure

  heart-healthy lifestyle, 13, 121–22, 231–32

  heart-lung machines, 70–73, 86, 88–97, 89, 95, 113, 187, 190; surgical alternatives prior to invention of, 74–75, 79–80, 83, 84–86, 168

  heart transplantation, 163, 183, 186–89, 191, 192, 195, 238

  heparin, 91n

  herbal supplements, 148, 163, 181

  hereditary disorders, 184, 212

  Hertz, Carl Helmuth, 61

  high blood pressure, see hypertension/high blood pressure

  Hildegard of Bingen, 14

  Hill, Luther, 68

  Hinduism, 28–29, 185, 226–29, 234

  HIV, 165

  homeostasis, 125n

  Honshu (Japan), 25

  hopelessness, 30–31, 163, 214, 237

  Hopkinson, Mary, 91–93

  hormones, 124, 185–86

  hospice, 164

  House Appropriations Health Subcommittee, 190

  Houston, 189–91

  Howard University, 64

  Hugo, Victor, 186

  Hunter, John, 105

  hypertension/high blood pressure, 37, 115, 125n, 238; as cardiovascular risk factor, 24, 54, 120–21, 129, 132, 137, 237, 240; emotional/psychosocial factors in, 23–29, 31, 124–28, 206, 220–21; methods for control of, 139–43, 231–32, 236–238, 240

  hypothermia, 77–79, 82

  IBM Corporation, 93

  iliac artery, 140

  Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 7

  immigrants, 48, 122–24, 234

  immune system, 188

  India, 7–9, 26, 35–36, 122, 227, 234, 243; partition of, 28–29, 129

  infections, 75, 105, 139, 148, 189, 191, 194–95, 212; postsurgical, 84, 88, 168–69, 177; of transplant patients, 186, 188

  infectious diseases, 29, 37, 62, 115–17

  inferior vena cava, 63

  inflammation, 96, 128, 132, 168

  insulin resistance, 234

  International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 205

  ischemia, 137

  Israel, 174

  Italy, 153, 195; Renaissance, 42

  Ithaca (New York), 169

  Jalife, José, 159

  Japan, 24, 25, 188n;
immigrants in U.S. from, 123–24; in World War II, 114

  Jarvik, Robert, 192, 194

  Jarvik-7 artificial heart, 192–94

  Jauhar, Mohan, 10, 184

  Jauhar, Pia, 241

  Jauhar, Rajiv, 4, 221–24, 226–29

  Jauhar, Sonia, 57, 235

  Jefferson Medical College, 88–89

  Jesus, Sacred Heart of, 22

  Jewish Hospital (Louisville), 195

  Johns Hopkins University, 30, 70, 91n, 118, 172, 176

  Johnson, Jacqueline, 77–78

  Journal of the American Medical Association, 187

  Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 99

  Joyce, James, 140

  Jude, James, 173

  Julian, Desmond, 137

  Justus, Wilhelm, 65–67

  Kanpur (India), 7–9, 29, 242

  Kanpur Agricultural College, 7, 20

  Karp, Haskell, 190–91

  Kent (England), 43

  Kentucky, 195

  kidney failure, 53, 193

  kidneys, 11n, 59, 125n, 185–86; artificial, 73, 189

  King of Hearts (Miller), 68

  Kirklin, John, 94

  Klinische Wochenschrift, 107–108

  Knickerbocker, Guy, 172–73

  Koch, Robert, 116n

  Kolff, Willem, 189–90, 192

  Kölliker, Rudolf Von, 19

  Kouwenhoven, William, 172–73

  Lancet, The, 114, 231

  language problems, 96

  learned helplessness, 214

  Le Fanu, James, 73

  left anterior descending (LAD) artery, 133, 142

  Leonardo da Vinci, 41–42

  leprosy, 117

  leukemia, 77n

  Lewis, John, 77–78

  lidocaine, 60, 101

  Life magazine, 139

  lifestyle, 13, 121–23, 231–32, 234, 241

  Lifestyle Heart Trial, 231

  “Life You Save May Be Your Own, The” (O’Connor), 69

  Lillehei, C. Walton, 73–77, 79–86, 94–96, 145, 168–69, 171, 187, 239

  Lima (Peru), 105

  lipoprotein(a), 233–34

  liver, 37n, 40, 43, 45, 57

  Lolita (Nabokov), 114

  London (England), 87, 109n, 115–16

  London Daily Mirror, 84–85

  London Medical Society, 116

  Lost Art of Healing, The (Lown), 26–27, 206

  Louisville (Kentucky), 195, 196

  Lower, Richard, 187

  low-fat diets, 231, 232

  Lown, Bernard, 26, 173, 205–207

  Loy, Una, 194

  Lund, University of, 61

  lung cancer, 142, 144, 237

  macrophages, 37n, 133–34

  MacWilliam, John Alexander, 157, 160, 219

  magnets, 19, 146–50, 163, 179, 180, 211

  “Maintenance of Life During Experimental Occlusion of the Pulmonary Artery Followed by Survival, The” (Gibbon), 92

  Malaria Control in War Areas, U.S. Office of, 117

  Malpighi, Marcello, 44n

  Marcus Aurelius, 40

  Marmot, Michael, 123, 124, 126

  Massachusetts, University of, 117

  Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston), 93

  Mayo Clinic, 94

  Mayo-Gibbon oxygenator, 94

  McDonald, Abby, 17

  McGill University, 153, 161

  McIntire, Admiral Ross, 114

  McLean, Jay, 91n

  McMichael, John, 109n

  McQuarrie, Irvine, 81–82

  Meadors, Gilcin, 118–19, 122

  Mediators of Atherosclerosis in South Asians Living in America (MASALA) study, 123n

  meditation, 207, 217, 232, 235, 241

  Mediterranean diet, 232

  Medtronic, 170, 175, 179

  memory deficits, 96, 221

  mental lassitude, 184

  metaphorical heart, 13–14, 20–23, 25–26, 31, 128, 241; history of, 40–42, 45, 130

  metastatic cancer, 77n, 144

  Miami, American Heart Association conference in, 142

  midazolam, 177

  Middle Ages, 11n, 21, 40

  Miller, G. Wayne, 68

  mind-body interactions, 205

  Mines, George, 153, 153–59, 161, 166

  Minneapolis, 73, 80, 84, 171

  Minneapolis Tribune, 78

  Minnesota, 88, 168; University of, 74, 77, 80, 94, 168, 187

  Minnesota Medicine, 95

  minority groups, 62, 64, 122, 124, 157, 234

  Mirowski, Michel, 173–77, 211, 239

  misdiagnosis, 94

  mitral valve, 69, 88, 193

  Montgomery (Alabama), 68

  Montreal, 153

  morbidity, 138, 168

  Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 58

  morphine drip, 197

  Morristown (New Jersey), 232, 235–38

  mortality rates, 90, 93, 113, 138, 168, 211; for cardiac wounds, 63, 68; reduction in, 96, 130, 157, 238–39

  Mountin, Joseph, 117, 118

  Mount Zion Hospital (San Francisco), 126

  Mower, Morton, 174–75

  Müller, Heinrich, 19

  multi-organ failure, 193

  multivariate analysis, 120

  Munch, Edvard, 16

  Muslims, 28–29

  Mustard, William, 93

  myocardial infarctions, see heart attacks/myocardial infarctions

  myocardial wire, 168–69

  myopericarditis, 132–33

  Nafis, Ibn al-, 41

  National Guard, 202

  National Heart Act (1948), 115

  National Heart Institute (NHI), 115, 119–20, 123

  National Institutes of Health, 87, 115, 117, 123n

  National Society of Professional Engineers, 171

  natural catastrophes, 25–26, 28, 145

  natural healers, 147, 165

  Nature, 159

  nausea, 150, 184, 192

  negative affectivity, 127; see also anxiety; depression

  neuroscience, 53, 124, 231, 240

  New Delhi (India), 9, 243

  New England Journal of Medicine, 176, 232, 239

  New York City, 51, 63, 64, 161, 234–35; hospitals in, 109, 207 (see also Bellevue Hospital); 9/11 terrorist attack on, 3, 201–205, 207, 210, 216–17

  New York Times, 78, 84, 194

  nightmares, 210, 219–21, 223–24

  Niigata Prefecture (Japan), 25–26

  9/11 terrorist attack, 3, 201–205, 207, 210, 216–17

  nitroglycerin, 4

  Nixon, Richard M., 121

  Nobel Prize, 76, 205; in Physiology and Medicine, 109–10, 134

  Normandy, landing of Allied troops in, 114

  North Dakota, 69, 88, 97, 221

  Northwestern University Medical School, 62

  Null, Gary, 147, 149, 165

  nutraceuticals, 148, 163, 181

  Nyström, Gunnar, 90

  NYU Medical Center (New York City), 207

  obesity, 237, 238

  O’Connor, Flannery, 69

  “On Dynamic Equilibrium in the Heart” (Mines), 158

  “On the Nature of Turbulence” (Ruelle and Takens), 160n

  open-heart surgery, 34, 61, 65, 76, 85, 136, 187; alternatives to, 142, 242; with cross-circulation, 80, 168; with heart-lung machines, 94–96

  Oregon, University of, 138

  organ harvesting, 187–88

  organ rejection, 186, 188

  Ornish, Dean, 231–32, 235–38

  “Oroya fever,” 105

  Oscar Mayer Company, 121

  oscilloscopes, 17, 19, 139

  Osler, William, 70, 84, 98, 131, 133; Harveian Oration of, 46

  oxygenation, 73–74, 86, 91, 93–94

  pacemakers, 34, 53, 130, 167–71, 173, 176, 230; external, 167, 190; natural, 151–52, 152

  Padua, University of, 42, 43

  Pagenstecher, Sanitatsrath, 67–68

  pain, 9, 22, 113, 139, 141, 147, 196–97, 227; absence of r
esponse to, 188; chest, 24–25, 54, 114, 131–33, 164, 204, 224; of implanted defibrillator shocks, 208, 210, 212, 214

  Pakistan, 28

  palpitations, 210; see also arrhythmias; ventricular fibrillation

  parasympathetic nervous system, 30–31, 59, 106

  Parkinson’s disease, 221–23

  Pavlovian response, 209

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of, 114

  Pearson, Karl, 23

  Pennsylvania, 94; University of, 124

  pericarditis, 132–33

  pericardium, 56, 60, 62–65, 72, 242

  Persia, 41

  Peru, 105

  Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (Boston), 90n

  “phantom shock,” 208

  Philadelphia, 73, 86, 163

  physical activity, see exercise

  placebo effect, 148

  Plainview Hospital (Plainview, New York), 224

  plaque, 110, 133, 177, 231–33, 236, 242; atherosclerotic, 37, 42, 118, 129, 134, 221; visualization of, 4–5, 113, 121, 137, 142

  platelets, 37

  Plato, 38

  pneumonia, 77, 84, 193

  Poland, 173–74

  Popper, Karl, 148

  post-traumatic stress disorder, 207, 210, 213

  potassium, 72–73, 97

  Prague, 138

  precordial thumps, 138

  premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), 206, 233, 241

  pressure-volume loops, 129

  Prévost, Jean Louis, 171

  Princeton University, 89

  “Probing the Right Ventricle of the Heart” (Forssmann), 107

  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 160

  processed foods, 123

  Provident Hospital (Chicago), 61–62

  Prussian State Library, 41

  psychosocial risk factors, 24, 119–20, 123–25, 129, 231, 236, 240

  Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 10

  Public Health Service, U.S., 115, 117, 118

  pulmonary embolectomy, 89–90

  pulmonary function tests, 3

  pulse deficit, 55

  “pump head,” 96

  Punjab (India), 9, 28, 34, 129

  quality-of-life issues, 125, 237

  radio-frequency ablative procedure, 52, 211, 217

  Radio Shack, 147

  rapamycin, 144

  rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 221

  Reconstruction, 62

  “reentry,” 154, 154–59, 161

  reflex arc, 53

  refractory period, 151–55, 159

  Rehn, Ludwig, 65–68, 77

  REM sleep, see rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

  Renaissance, 20, 41

  respiratory failure, 193

  restitution, 160

  resuscitation, see cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  Richards, Dickinson, 99, 109

  Richter, Curt, 30–31, 59, 214

  Richter scale, 25

  risk factors, 4, 54, 132, 232, 233, 240; epidemiology of, see Framingham study; ethnic differences in, 122–24, 233–234; psychosocial, 24, 119, 123, 124, 127–30, 206; of heart attack survivors, 176, 211–12, 237, 239


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