Wolves at the Gate

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Wolves at the Gate Page 2

by Shane Van Aulen

  The good news for the Templars was that their two-armored cruiser had taken only minimal damage from their part in the battle. Both the Papal Cruisers LeBlanc and Heath were returning from the Sargasso System along with the heavy cruiser ISS Beowulf. They were also bringing back with them two Spider class repair ships. The Karduan forward repair station had six of them and these brig size ships would be invaluable in helping to complete repairs to the ships around Blue Rock.

  Captain Hope wanted to consolidate the 12th ships with those recovered at the repair station. Using the freed Confederation prisoners to crew them, he hoped to be able to fill out the 12th Defense Fleet’s forces. The Templar squadron would stay at their outpost at Blue Rock until the 34th Attack Fleet could be moved up along with the Wolf Squadron. If they could combine their forces they would have a considerable force to carry out the Hawk’s plan.

  Their ancient commander had considered continuing his advance to draw the enemy away but the Star Wolf and the Raven both needed repairs as well as several other ships that took damage in the attack. The freed prisoners needed to recuperate as well as time to determine their crew placements on the liberated ships.

  All in all, he believed that it would be a minimum of three weeks to get prepared for the next phase of his operation. Their forces would have to continue to hide out in their respective systems forcing the enemy to try and find them while tricking them into believing they were somewhere else.

  Hope had declared that they were once more in hiding and in Fleet in Being mode, hence curtailing their combat operations. He knew that the enemy would relentlessly search in vain for them, all the while spreading their limited forces out even further. Their Task Force had already destroyed more than four squadrons worth of ships and now would appear to have once more vanished. He hoped it would drive the enemy’s Grand Fleet Mistress mad with frustration.

  There was still the chance that they would be found but all three locations that their forces were harboring were well defended and could dominate an enemy squadron-sized force. It was all a calculated risk but so was war.

  The Star Tiger remained in-system just long enough to update the base’s Preceptor, Knight Commander Sir Jacob. They also sent them the recordings of the Battle of Sargasso Station, in which the Templar’s armor cruisers and fighters took part in. Both Commander Hunter and Lt. Collins felt that they would enjoy seeing the battle and maybe it would help encourage them for the next part of their fight. It wasn’t that the Templars were fainthearted quite the contrary.

  It seemed back when the Star Wolf had first visited their base that they were on orders to stay out of this war and do all they could to maintain their neutrality and the safety of their outpost. The reason why was a question that had never answered as Captain Hope didn’t care why as long as the Templars got off their butts and joined the fight.

  Luckily, the Hawk had a few tricks up his sleeve including a Papal Bull and an Imperial Edict ordering all para-military forces in the United Earth Confederation to active service which included religious military orders. After that, the Templars willing and even happily joined the war against the Karduans. Some would say that they were itching for the fight and now they could finally scratch that itch.

  Moving on, the Star Tiger did stop and go bends, quickly taking them through system after system. Their restored stealth plating had allowed them to refuel without being detected. Even so, they didn’t find much opposition along their route.

  They also avoided any systems with human colonies. This was due to the fact that many planetary systems had surrendered and signed treaties with the Karduans. Cmdr. Hunter didn’t want to risk making contact with any questionable colonies in the occupied zone of the Delta sector of the star cylinder.

  Lt. Mike Collins was now his acting first officer for his undermanned crew as they made their way to the last few bends that would take them to Confederation Starbase 24 in the Ryu-Six System.

  In truth, they could have filled out his ship crew with prisoners from the Karduan repair and recovery station but for several reasons they had decided not to.

  Captain Hope needed every crewman for the ships that they had recovered. They would need all of them to not only operate the ships but also to run the repair base. The second reason was that most of the prisoners were in horrible shape and would need weeks of rest and proper food to recover their strength. The last reason was that the Star Tiger was heading back to Confederation lines and would be able to replenish her crew once she was safely home. So, instead of a full crew, they had the survivors of the original crew and a handful of volunteers.

  Mike stood by the helm feeling both comfortable on the bridge of an attack cruiser and a little out of sorts. He had to admit he had gotten accustomed to being the captain of his own ship and it took him a few days to get used to his new role as the ship’s executive officer. He had served on the Star Wolf under captain Hope and knew both the role of the XO as well as attack cruiser operations and systems. He also had the added benefit of having Commander Mark Richards as a role model.

  Cmdr. Richards was an outstanding first officer and now had his own command on the Heavy Cruiser ISS Agamemnon. He had also been given the duty of reforming and repairing the damaged ships of the 12th Defense Fleet. It was a job he was carrying out in an exemplary fashion which was not a surprise to anyone who served with him.

  “Captain, we have two more maximum cycle bends and we should be at the Ryu-Six System,” Mike announced turning and looking back to Commander Hunter.

  “Let’s plan to refuel at the next system,” he ordered.

  “Aye, sir,” Mike replied as their ship moved back into the gravity well for another bend.

  Coming out of the well their maser station’s specialist sang out.

  “Sir, I’m detecting three Karduan ships in system.”

  “Location and type,” Lt. Collins asked.

  “A destroyer escort and two Karduan freighters,” he quickly replied and added, “They are by the gravity well, near the third planet which is a gas giant.”

  “They are probably refueling,” Commander Hunter remarked.

  “Should we close on them and move to a firing solution, sir?” Mike inquired knowing that these three ships would be easy prey for the Star Tiger.

  “Deploy ram-scoops to refuel and close to a thousand meters,” Hunter said looking not to his XO but to the holo viewer.

  “Sir?” Mike questioned knowing that was an extremely close range to attack from when they didn’t have too.

  “We’re not going to take them, instead we are going to use them as our ticket into the next system,” Edmund Hunter explained with a slight smile.

  “The next bend we’ll probably take us into the picket ships guarding the bend to Nova Orbis and the starbase,” Collins said catching onto his plan.

  “If we bend in by ourselves we might be detected on the event horizon of the gravity well even with our stealth armor,” the Commander commented.

  “But if we follow these ships in when they bend we won’t be detected,” Mike finished nodded his head and smiling.

  “Didn’t Captain Hope teach you that trick?” Hunter asked looking to his young first officer.

  “I remember learning it at the academy but Captain Hope never had an opportunity to use it in the field. Mostly, we destroyed or captured every enemy ship we ran into,” he explained.

  Cmdr. Hunter nodded and said, “There is always something more to learn.”

  “Helm, bring us to a thousand meters to the DE’s stern. Mind your interval and let’s keep pace with them,” Collins ordered.

  “Aye sir, the helmsman acknowledged.

  The attack cruiser moved into a position trailing the enemy ships. The ISS Star Tiger’s stealth armor was active and the enemy ships couldn’t detect the predator that was stalking them from behind. It took time to get into position but the Karduan ships were in no hurry and were also limited to the maneuver speed of their slowest freighter.

  “They’re breaking orbit and are heading to the gravity well,” the maser operator reported several hours later.

  Mike moved up and stood next to the helm station.

  “Stay with them,” he instructed.

  “Yes, sir,” came his reply as he adjusted course.

  “Navigation station, scan the well’s weakest point and plot our bend to the next system. We want to bend in right behind those supply ships,” Lt. Collins ordered.

  Once more an “Aye sir” was called back as the bridge staff prepared to follow the enemy ships into the gravity well.

  The destroyer escort and the two freighters polarized their hulls and disappeared into the gravity well.

  “Here we go, take us in,” Cmdr. Hunter ordered sitting back in his captain’s chair.

  “Polarize the hull and open the bend,” Mike said.

  The attack cruiser was pulled into the bend and in another second later emerged in another star systems. The three enemy ships were still ahead of them along with a Karduan fleet.

  “Holy,” commented the Star Tiger’s helmsman at seeing the immense Blue force blocking the bend to Ryu-Six System.

  “There are two standard destroyers covering this gravity well,” the maser operator sang out.

  “Types and number of enemy ships that are in-system,” Lt. Collins ordered wanting a full picture of what they were facing.

  “Most of the Karduans are at the second gravity well by the gas giant,” the space radar and sensors operator announced.

  “Only two destroyers are covering the Beta Well?” the fire control officer remarked.

  “They are only worried about the front door,” Mike replied realizing that the Beta Well led deeper into their own territory whereas the Alpha Well was the bend that led to the Confederation base.

  “Follow the freighters into the system,” Hunter said in a calm voice wanting to move away from the two sentry destroyers.

  “Aye sir,” replied the helmsman.

  “No movement from the enemy ships,” specialist operating the maser system added.

  Mike moved to the maser station and looked over the specialist’s shoulder.

  “What do we have?” he said just loud enough for the maser operator to hear.

  “Sir, they have a battle destroyer, two more standard destroyers, two companion destroyers and four destroyer escorts at stations keeping near the Alpha Well,” he replied sounding a little nervous.

  Lt. Collins patted him on the shoulder and stepped back.

  “Seems a little light for a battle group?” he said looking back to the captain’s chair.

  Cmdr. Hunter nodded, “No star destroyer, no smaller scout ships or any other support ships.”

  Mike walked over to him shaking his head.

  “Sir, if the 34th Attack Fleet is at Starbase 24 then why hasn’t she attacked?” he asked again just loud enough for Hunter to hear. They both knew that the enemy battle group was formidable but it wasn’t a full squadron and should have been no match for the 34th Attack Fleet.

  The Commander made a sour expression.

  “That’s one question that we will have to ask when we find them,” he said and added, “for all we know the starbase has fallen and there might be another Kardie squadron sitting there at Ryu-Six.”

  “Orders, sir?” Mike asked.

  “Take us to the Alpha gravity well and prepare to bend,” he said leaning back in his chair and staring up at the holo-map.

  “Aye sir,” Collins said and echoed his order to the helm.

  It took several hours to cross the system to the second gravity well. All the while the Blue’s battle group held their station keeping positions. The two Karduan freighters and the frigate size destroyer escort fell behind the faster attack cruiser as they plodded along.

  “Sir, should we hit them before we bend out?” Mike suggested knowing that the Star Tiger like the Star Wolf was able to fire its spinal particle cannon and bend with ease.

  Edmund Hunter let out a soft sign before he answered.

  “It’s tempting but I’d rather them fall into a sense of boredom and monotony,” he explained, “If we hit them now we could get at least one ship but we’d ruin any further chance of surprise. When we come back with a larger force, we’d want them lulled into a sense of apathy. If we attack now they will all be on alert for the next few weeks until they once more become lethargic.”

  Mike nodded, understanding his reasoning while realizing that there was more to stealth cruiser duty than just destroying the enemy.

  Passing by a light cruiser sized companion destroyer undetected, the Star Tiger reached the gravity well and polarized her hull.

  “Open the bend and take us through,” Collins said without prompting from their captain.

  “Aye, sir,” came the helmsman and navigation station’s replies.

  Once more the attack cruiser entered a gravity well and made its bend emerging in another star system across the star cylinder.

  The main viewer showed a different sight to the bridge crew as they all looked at the star system called Ryu-Six.

  Entering the system their maser and space radar systems detected not only the twin stars and six planets but also the Confederation Naval Base. Besides the immense base, there were dozens of warships around her.

  “Sir, two armored cruisers are guarding this well,” the maser specialist reported and then added, “Legend Class.”

  “Hail them and then deactivate the stealth plating,” Hunter ordered not wanting to suddenly appear and get blown away by these armored cruisers.

  “Aye sir,” Mike replied as moved to oversee his orders.

  “The cruisers are the ISS Conqueror and the ISS Formidable,” the sensors operator called out. The Legend Class armored cruiser was the replacement for the old Hero Class heavy cruisers. They were faster and had a much bigger punch.

  “Sir, I have the commander of the Formidable on the line,” the comm. station reported.

  “Open the channel,” Hunter said as his bridge crew looked up and saw the main viewer fill with the images of the armored cruiser’s CIC.

  The Formidable’s bridge was much larger than that of the Star Tiger’s. Though they looked busy, no one seemed very concerned at the sudden appearance of the attack cruiser.

  The ship’s captain was a large man sitting in the central commanded chair. He had a tightly trimmed beard as per regulations and was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Damn it! It is good to see you Edmund!” the red-bearded officer exclaimed.

  Hunter smiled back, “It good to see you too, Bob! What are you doing out here, I thought you were with the 29thth Attack Fleet?

  Commander Bob Williams shook his head in disgust.

  “We got transferred here to help defend the Starbase and found that the 34th was already here. At that point, we were ordered to remain here and we’ve been stuck on sentry duty at this damn gravity well ever since,” he explained not sounding very happy.

  “Sir, there is a squadron of enemy ships only one bend away,” Mike informed interrupting the reunion of the two old friends.

  Cmdr. Williams shrugged, “We’ve been ordered to hold our position and to protect the base.”

  “Who gave you those damn dumb orders,” Hunter inquired wondering why a reinforced attack fleet would sit idle with an enemy force, especially an under strengthened enemy force so close by.

  “At first it was the Admiralty but that was right after the breakthrough. Now it is the base’s Admiral and the 34th Attack Fleet’s Commodore who are making the rules,” he informed still looking like he had something sour in his mouth.

  Cmdr. Hunter let out a sigh.

  “Sounds like a pair of fools,” he remarked.

  “Ed, be careful. They are politically connected fools and until we get orders to the contrary we are to sit right here and watch the war go by,” the captain of the armored cruiser warned.

  “That’s your orders, not mine,” Cmdr. Hunter replied.
br />   “Hey, this is the front line even if nothing is happening in this sector,” his friend kind of joked trying to make the best of a bad situation.

  “Bob, the front line is over a dozen sectors from here and is being fought by the 12th Defense Fleet, a Templar Squadron and a Task Force led by the attack cruiser Star Wolf.”

  “We haven’t heard anything about that?” Williams remarked shaking his head.

  “They managed to create a bulge in the enemy lines as well as the destruction of more than four enemy squadrons,” Edmund explained.

  “Who’s in command?” he asked wishing they had a leader like that with the 34th Attack Fleet.

  “Captain Sir Randolph Hope,” Hunter said with pride.

  “The Hawk!” Cmdr. Williams exclaimed in excitement and then added, “I thought he was dead?”

  “Not hardly,” Mike commented with a smile.

  “What’s your plan?” the captain of the Formidable inquired hoping for some action.

  “I have to drop off Lt. Collins here, along with my reports and some orders for the 34th. Then I’m to make contact with the Admiralty and give them Captain Hope’s intelligence updates and recommendations,” Hunter informed.

  “I wish you luck as Commodore Essex is not going to like taking orders from a mere captain even if it is the Hawk,” Williams replied with frown.

  “We’ll see,” Cmdr. Hunter said with a nod and then cut off the signal.

  “Helm, take us in and head for the battle carrier,” Mike ordered turning away from the captain’s chair and returning to his duties as executive officer.

  The bridge crew couldn’t help but glance to the main viewer as they passed through the system and approached the 34th Attack fleet. Many of the starships were at stations keeping around the Starbase 24.

  “What ships do we have?” Mike asked as he moved to the maser station.


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