Playing for Keeps/Body Check (Rules of the Game)

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Playing for Keeps/Body Check (Rules of the Game) Page 4

by Heather Peters

  Nick stepped into the café and closed the door behind him.

  "Just came from the ortho; need surgery; shoulder hurts like a bitch. Anyway, I'm starving."

  Now he gave her that puppy dog eyed look and curvy smile that said, "Please feed me."

  Jenna had to stop from laughing and actually thought his ruse was kind of sweet. I'll give him a break, and then toss him out on his ass.

  "Why didn’t you get a hot dog from the street vendor?"

  "Come on Jen, have a heart, please? I'm in considerable pain here. Maybe a crust of bread and a glass of water?"

  She tried to suppress a laugh. "Gosh, you are pathetic. Sit down. How about some baked ziti and roast leg of lamb leftover from last night?"

  Nick slid his jacket off so fast and sat at the nearest table, Jenna thought he'd fall over. "Don’t go to any trouble."

  "Believe me, I won't."

  Leaving Nick in the dining room, she went into the kitchen and dug into the industrial sized fridge for the food she wanted.

  Making a man-sized plate of ziti and lamb for Nick, she heated it up, then, grabbed some grated Romano cheese, silverware and linen napkin, and stepped back into the dining room, where Nick actually was wincing and obviously making an attempt to settle his shoulder more comfortably in his sling.

  Jenna felt bad for teasing him, and knew the food would perk him up. In the meantime, they had to talk about why he shouldn’t come back.

  If she allowed him back in her life, disaster would soon follow.


  Making himself comfortable, Nick allowed himself to look around, really look and see what Jen had created.

  The café was warm, homey and smelled like his mom's kitchen.

  Even though the eatery was closed, he could still pick up the aromas of garlic, tomatoes and bread. His mouth began to water.

  She looked gorgeous today. He caught a nice view of leg when she let him in. Wearing a lavender dress, and tall impossibly high heels, Nick wanted to devour her on the spot.

  Her hair was worn loose and wavy, swinging over her shoulder in mass waves. She wore no jewelry except a small gold crucifix around her neck, and a dainty gold watch. Her beautifully manicured fingernails aroused him. He wanted her hands on him, touching him, making him hot and hard.

  Slow down, he forced himself, as he heard pots and pans sounds coming from the kitchen.

  Well, he was at least in the door. Now to talk to her, without anyone interfering.

  Looking toward a far wall, it was obvious repairs were in progress. The floor boards were cordoned off near her office, looking like some damage took place there.

  "We had a little flood the other night when that thunderstorm passed over."

  She was balancing three trays in her arms and hands, easily and gracefully, as if she'd been doing so all her life.

  "The carpenters are coming back in the morning to finish the job. They left a mess, so I kind of blocked off a few tables so they could finish painting the wall."

  "It's gorgeous, Jen. You’ve done a wonderful job. I'm proud of you."

  "I'm proud of you too, Nico." She placed the huge platters before him.

  "As I remember, you could eat your way through Brooklyn," she joked, placing a platter of lamb in the center of the table. A large bowl of ziti was placed in front of him, and another rather meaty platter of antipasto followed. She also added sliced garlic bread. The feast virtually covered the entire area of the round table, making Nick laugh.

  "Ok, I said I was hungry, but did you invite all of Carroll Gardens for lunch?"

  Jenna sat across from him and managed a smile. "I'm kind of hungry too. Dig in, I hope you enjoy it."

  "Looks and smells incredible, Red. Gosh I've missed this."

  He grabbed a flat plate and began to fill it with bits of cheeses, olives and Italian ham, then handed it to a grateful Jenna.

  They ate in silence, taking sips of wine, sampling the sumptuous faire, and listening to the background music on the stereo.

  Nick snuck looks at her while she ate. Although maintaining a perfect figure all these years, Jenna could sure pile it in. She pulled apart a swatch of hot Italian bread, enjoyed forkfuls of cheese and baked ziti and cut herself a generous bite of lamb and roasted potatoes. Nick savored each morsel, taking his time, while stealing glances at the lovely woman across from him. Jen had always had a knack with food and her tomato sauce had been as good, if not better, than his mother's recipe. He could get used to this.

  Nick kept refilling their glasses until they were both relaxed, their stomachs full. They sat back, and sighed.

  "What, no dessert?" he teased.

  "After that meal? You're lucky you got what I gave you."

  He had a feeling she wanted to get down to business.


  Ok, here it comes. The 'why did you come back' speech.

  He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her hair shone from the sunlight coming through a window. Her hands, clasped on the table, all business like. And her eyes, oh god, those beautiful expressive amber eyes, eyes that held his heart for many years.

  "Look, Nico it's been wonderful seeing you again."

  Nick loved that she'd called him Nico. Seemed the wine had gotten to her just enough to help her relax. He hoped that worked in his favor.

  "You have a life back in California. We just can't pick up where we left off. We're divorced. You went your way, and I went mine. I stayed in Italy to heal and live my life. And you saw your dream come true. It's all as it should be."

  Nick dabbed his mouth with a linen napkin then dropped it on the table.

  "Is it really? What are you afraid of, Jen? Afraid that if I touch you like I did the other night that you'd allow that wall of defense drop and let yourself go?"

  She looked up at him and tears filled her eyes.

  "You don’t understand. When we parted, my heart broke. But you were destined to become a superstar."

  His shoulder was beginning to throb again. He flexed his fingers, and the pain worsened. Damn cortisone shot, when would it kick in and give him some relief?

  When would Jen realize that he was in more than physical pain and give him some relief? "Just talk to me Red, make me understand."

  She shook her head and threw her hands in the air. "This was a bad idea. You shouldn't have come here, and I shouldn’t have let you in. Too much water under the bridge, Nico, too much in the past, too much…"

  Her voice trailed off, and she stood and backed away from him. "Why do you have to ruin this beautiful meal we shared? Why won't you listen to me?"

  Now he stood, balancing himself with one arm, while the one in the sling protested.

  "The past is dead and gone, Nico."

  "No." He kicked the chair behind him so hard it crashed against the bar. "Well, I'm not dead and I'm sure as shit not gone."

  But she didn’t recoil or retreat. She stood there, gorgeous and sexy and making him ache with wanting her.

  "Now I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen, Red."

  His closeness made her body do crazy things, feel like she'd melt into a puddle of mush. He gathered her in his arms, embraced her, while she surrendered temporarily to the power of his presence, his scent, his voice.

  His name came out in a breath. "Nico…"

  He cupped her face in his palms, forcing her to look up and meet his dark gaze. "I don’t know if I want to kiss you or… I don’t know. Tell me why you ended us?"

  "How many times do I have to tell you? To make you understand? We were young. You in California, I was halfway around the world. The accident happened. My parents were gone. Grace barely lived. And I wanted to die."

  The last was said in a choked voice Jenna barely recognized as her own. "There was nothing you could do for us. Nothing."

  "I would have found a way, Jen. You know I would have."

  She shook her head, frantically. "No, that’s not what I wanted for you. Playing baseball has been in your blood sin
ce you were a kid, Nico. You don’t have any idea what I went through."

  "Because you never let me in! You tell me you're hurt, your legs are broken. Grace in a coma, your parents were dead, and you turn around and refuse my help, my support. My love."

  Jenna broke out of his embrace, afraid of how comfortable she found herself in his arms, shocked at how much she wanted to stay there. Saddened by the fact that she never got over him.

  Why did she invite him in? Why did she feed him and smile at him? Why was she so damned weak?

  "And how were you supposed to travel back and forth to Naples when your career was just getting off the ground? Did you think I would really ask you to give that all up for me?"

  His anger was apparent when he drew his fingers through his hair. "You never gave me the chance to make that choice!"

  Jenna didn’t want to discuss this any longer. So she turned on him. "You want to know why I ended 'us'? Because I suffered a mental breakdown!” Her hands flew in the air to make her point. "I was in therapy for endless months, every day Nico, trying to deal with the fact that I virtually killed my parents and nearly killed my sister! Don't you get it?"

  Jenna was on a roll now, and couldn’t stop if she wanted to. "I couldn’t make heads or tails of anything in my life, if you want to call what I had, a life. I was ill, I couldn’t face anything for a long time. You were where you had to be, and I was not going to be the one to place more guilt on myself by making you sacrifice your life for me."

  He dropped down in a chair and covered his face with his large palms. For moments the only sounds were the traffic outside, and the faint notes of a classic Italian melody playing on the café stereo.

  She hated herself for hurting him, but he had to know.

  Jenna walked over to him, the pain in her leg causing her limp to make an appearance. Taking a chair and pulling it closer to him, she sat, covering his hand with hers.

  "I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Let's face it, Nico, I'm damaged goods. All those years in Italy, I was in therapy, strengthening my legs, and learning to cook at the Naples Academy for Culinary Science. You deserved so much more than the burden of me and Gracie. But I'm proud that you received all that you deserved."

  He lifted his face, his eyes red rimmed, and she followed suit. Tears threatened to fall, but Jenna sniffed them back.

  "You wanted answers, Nico, well you got them. Please forget you came here, forget me and enjoy your wonderful career. I know your shoulder will heal, and you'll be ready and able to pitch again when spring training begins."

  Satisfied that she told him everything, Jenna surmised that he'd probably be leaving. They'd both live with her decision and for a split second, she wondered if she wanted him to go, to leave forever.

  Her leg cramped as she rose from the chair, causing her to stumble.

  Right into Nick's arms.

  He didn’t let her go, but, led her toward her office with one steady arm. Focusing on her, he tripped and nearly fell, gaining his footing in the nick of time, but he felt something in his shoulder give. He didn’t care. He wanted her, and all the pain in the world wasn’t going to stop him. "Forget you? I haven’t seen you in twelve years and you're telling me to forget you? Don’t you know that you’ve always been my girl? Loved you all my life, even when I was three thousand miles away? We have to face it, Jen, you are a lousy liar. Please…"

  He brought his head down to hers, his mouth a breath away. "I wanted you then. I want you now. Kiss me. I need you to kiss me, Jen. Baby, please."

  He carried toward her office, kissing her all the way. Her earlier words of protest and rejection forgotten, she met his lips with equal fervor. Realizing she'd become a hypocrite in a matter of minutes, she stood on tiptoes, filled her fists with handfuls of his shirt, then pulled him closer to her as their mouths fused and pressed against one another.


  Her knees weak, her body melting from his touch, her mouth throbbing from the pressure of his lips crushing hers, Jenna cried silently, giving in to Nick's seduction.

  "Why are you doing this to me?" she asked weakly, not sure why she had asked the question at all when she knew the answer. She wanted him, no matter what her words stated, she longed for his warmth, his taste, his kisses.

  She knew the answers to all her questions. No matter the distance and years passed, no matter how angry she was to have him come back into her little peaceful, world, this was her Nico.

  "Stop talking, Jen, just feel."

  She could taste the hint of tomato mixed with wine on his breath and she reveled in his touch.

  His hands were magic, sliding down her arms, across her breasts, caressing and touching her until her nipples throbbed and she found herself melting and her core moist. Stop him, her mind screamed. Stop him before you both do something you'll regret.

  But Jenna knew it was too late. She ran her fingers through his short wealth of hair and pulled his head back, searching for his mouth and planting a kiss that seared both of them.

  His tongue swirled and dove and encircled hers. Jenna answered with a passion she'd only ever shared with Nick. "God, I want you, Jen, here and now. So sorry," his voice trailed off as he lifted her leg, slid his fingers up her thighs, and tore off her thong, making her cry out.

  "Wrap your legs around me." His voice was breathless and filled with pain, and it was then Jenna remembered his shoulder.

  "Nico, no, you'll hurt yourself."

  "Right now I'm in agony, and it's not just my shoulder, Jen. Please, help me."

  She undid his belt and drew down his zipper in seconds. Her hand searched for, and found his erection, velvet encased in steel. Hearing him cry out, she smiled at the power she wielded over him.

  Then he slowed down, to her surprise. "Jen, baby, don’t have a condom."

  It was up to her. Make a damn choice, she demanded. His head was resting on her shoulder. He was in pain, and the longer they were pressed into the door, the worse it was.

  She was hurting too, wanting, aching, her body hot, and wet and crying out for him.

  The hell with it. "Don’t stop, Nico, don’t stop."

  He exhaled a long winded breath as his fingers found her wet heat. "I don’t think I can, Red."

  And with the strength of one powerful arm, he lifted her onto his hard length, positioned himself inside her, and began to stroke.

  Jenna was in flames, kissing him, pushing into his arousal, feeling him grow harder and thicker. She had to have him, had to experience the strength of his body deep inside hers.

  He kissed her again, his breath growing shorter and shorter, his body pistoning in and out of her, faster and faster, harder and hotter.

  Jenna's body began to crest, rise with his, until they both reached that crescent that told them there was no going back.

  With three long full strokes, Nick threw his head back, squeezing her hips, holding on to her as if she'd disappear if he let her go.

  "I'm coming, Jen. Come with me, baby, go over with me."

  Jenna screamed with her oncoming orgasm, meeting him at the top of the cliff, and together they toppled over.


  Nothing had changed. Nick had a sense that when he made love with Jen again, it would be as intense as the first time.

  Straightening her clothes, then his own, Nick found the bathroom, and wet a paper towel with warm water. He returned, kneeled and gently washed her.

  She tenderly touched his hair while he administered to her. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were bright with what he hoped was hope that they could start anew.

  "I'm sorry I was such an animal," he told her, kissing the fingers that touched him. "But you do that to me, even after all these years."

  "It was two of us, not just you, Nico." Her voice was soft and sexy, just like the rest of her. He kneeled before her, and took her hands in his.

  "Don't tell me you regret what just happened, Jen. Please don’t."

  Jenna felt a single tear slide down her ch
eek as she shook her head. Her voice barely broke the silence of the room. "No, I don't."

  Nick surprised her by sniffing back his own tears. He nodded. "Ok. You know I'm like a bull in a china shop when I want something. And when I saw you on that cooking show, well, Jen, I just knew that there was still something there."

  Jenna brushed her hair back over her shoulder and stood. "What do we do now?"

  Nick attempted to stand, but the pain in his shoulder was so intense, now he was the one to stumble. "Nico, what's wrong?"

  He began to break out in a sweat, and became dizzy and nauseated. Managing a tiny pained smile, he tried to make light of the situation, but failed miserably. "I guess I wasn't concentrating on anything but you when I took that little tumble a few minutes ago."

  Jenna's eyes widened with concern. "Oh God, Nico, you're sweating profusely. Can you walk to the car? I'll get you to the hospital right away."

  Nick just shook his head. "Think I've dislocated my shoulder. Call 911."


  Guilt devoured Jenna as she sat in the waiting room at the local hospital. Nick was safely ensconced in the hospital emergency room, and looking at the huge round clock on the wall, ticking away the long minutes that had turned into hours, she hoped he'd be alright. Once again, the few minutes of happiness they shared had turned into a crisis. And Jenna had to make it up to him. It was because of her that he'd dislocated his shoulder, and was being prepped for shoulder surgery at this moment.

  Jenna had known that as sure as the sun rose in the East, that once she touched Nick again, once he was buried inside once more, that there would never be anyone for her.

  Taking a seat on one of the comfortable sofas and rubbing her still cramping leg, she ignored the sounds of the wall mounted TV, and just allowed herself to go back to the time when she and Nick had been in love as young college students.

  It was a time when they had their entire lives ahead of them.

  He was going to play baseball, and they'd follow wherever and whichever team would draft him.

  And she would be with him, and eventually become a great chef, open a cozy family café much Café Valentine, and they would have a family and live and love forever.


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