Just Physical

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Just Physical Page 37

by Jae

  Suddenly, the one thing she wanted more than anything else was to taste that wetness. So far, she had denied herself that experience since it had seemed much too intimate for the nature of their arrangement. But now she no longer had to pretend that things between them were just physical, and she craved tasting Crash with a fierceness that surprised her.

  “Crash,” she murmured against her lips, her hands roaming restlessly against her warm sides. “Can I taste you?”

  A tremor raced through Crash as if she could already feel it. “God, yes. I thought you didn’t…”

  Jill pressed her index finger to Crash’s lips. “I did. I do. I just couldn’t allow myself… But now I want all of you.” She took her hand away and slid a little lower in bed. With her lips, her tongue, and her teeth, she made love to Crash’s breasts until Crash was moaning and writhing beneath her. After pressing one last kiss to a hardened nipple, she moved downward and traced the arc of Crash’s ribs with her hands and her mouth.

  Goose bumps followed in the wake of her touch, and she traced them with her tongue, fascinated by how responsive Crash was to her. Every kiss to her sensitive sides made Crash arch up against her; every touch produced a moan, and every lick made her muscles quiver.

  It was an incredible experience, and Jill had to squeeze her thighs together as she slid even lower. With her fingertips and her tongue, she traced the defined planes of Crash’s belly.

  “Jesus.” Crash gasped. “I feel like I’m going to come any second.”

  Jill peered up at her, taking in the lovely flush that had spread all over Crash’s body. “Not yet,” she murmured. She softly stroked the tender skin where Crash’s abdomen met her thigh.

  Crash’s breath hitched, so Jill did it again. And again, each time with the same result.

  Then, taking mercy, she slid lower and started exploring Crash’s legs.

  The strong muscles vibrated beneath her touch.

  Jill planted kisses just above one knee, then moved upward, licking a hot trail along one outer thigh.

  Crash shifted her legs apart, silently telling her where she wanted her touch, but Jill ignored it for the moment and repeated her caresses on the other leg.

  “Jill…” Crash groaned and wove her fingers through Jill’s hair. “Save the teasing for later. Much later.”

  “I’m not teasing,” Jill answered. “I’m loving you.”

  Crash lifted her head, and their gazes connected. Crash’s eyes shone with emotion as she caressed Jill’s hair, tucking a strand of it behind her ear. Then she dropped her head back to the bed and let Jill take the lead again.

  Jill pressed a loving kiss to the inside of one thigh. She snuggled her cheek against the soft skin and breathed in Crash’s enticing scent. Not too long ago, she had thought she would never experience this again, and now she was about to taste the woman she loved. The thought made her mouth water and her head spin.

  Crash tenderly trailed her fingers through Jill’s hair.

  Holding on to a muscular thigh with one hand, Jill used the other to spread Crash open. Slowly, she slid her tongue against her.

  Crash made a strangled sound deep in her throat and gasped out Jill’s name.

  The sound sent shivers down Jill’s spine. Her whole body tingled with excitement. She immediately went back for more. She took her time, savoring Crash’s taste—salty yet sweet at the same time—and caressing her with languid strokes of her tongue, and then, when Crash began to move beneath her more urgently, she made her touch firmer.

  A shudder went through Crash. She brought her knees up and dug her heels into the mattress, pressing herself closer.

  Jill reached up, caressed one sweat-dampened leg, and then guided them both to rest over her shoulders. Using her moans and gasps as guidance, Jill swiped her tongue over Crash’s clit, then glided the tip lower, dipping into her, then back up.

  The sounds of pleasure coming from Crash were incredibly arousing.

  “Jill,” Crash whispered, sounding vulnerable.

  Dazed, Jill looked up until their gazes met. The expression of open need on Crash’s face made heat pool low in her belly. Groaning, she curled her lips around Crash’s clit and sucked gently.

  Crash’s hips surged up. Her hands clutched at Jill’s head, her hair, the bare mattress. Urgent sounds came from her, but the only words Jill understood were her name and “don’t stop.”

  Not that she had any intention of stopping. With Crash straining against her, she alternated between quick flicks, firm strokes, and gentle suckling. A slight tremor started against her tongue. In response, pressure grew in the pit of Jill’s belly until she felt she might come right along with her. She cupped Crash’s muscular ass with both hands, holding her against her.

  Crash’s body arched up once more. With both hands, she clutched desperately at the back of Jill’s head and her hair.

  Maybe the tug on her hair should have hurt, but instead, it translated into sparks of pleasure rushing down Jill’s body.

  Crash’s strong legs tensed to either side of her face. With a shout, she fell back onto the bed.

  Jill stayed with her, enjoying the musky taste of her for several more moments before sliding up the sweat-slicked, quaking body. Quickly, she wiped her mouth and trailed kisses all over Crash’s flushed cheeks.

  For several seconds, Crash just lay there, panting, then she clutched Jill against her body and held her close. Groggily, she lifted her head and kissed Jill, moaning into her mouth. She gazed up at her with an expression of wonder, her blue irises still just thin rings. “God, Jill. You ruined my stunt career. I may never be able to move again.”

  Jill chuckled, flushed with this powerful experience. “Too bad,” she said, her voice husky. “Because I’m in urgent need of some touching too. But if you’re out of order, I guess I’ll have to…” She slid her hand down between them.

  A growl rose up Crash’s chest. She rolled them over with a quickness that belied her earlier words and shackled Jill’s hand to the bed with one of her own. Her other hand went down and pressed between Jill’s legs. “Mine!”

  Jill struggled to hold back a moan. “Oh, is that so?”

  “Yeah.” Crash’s eyes flashed as she held Jill’s gaze.

  Jill had always hated that look of possessiveness on her girlfriends’ faces. But with Crash, it sent pleasant shivers down her body. She no longer worried about giving up too much, making herself too vulnerable. After all, she knew Crash was just as much hers. “Then what are you going to do about it?”

  “This.” Leaning over her, Crash bent her head and kissed her so fiercely that every cell of her body seemed to turn into liquid heat.

  Still, she craved more, and Crash seemed to know it intuitively. Not interrupting the kiss, she dipped her fingers into Jill’s wetness.

  Jill had to wrench her mouth away to suck in a much-needed breath. Her head was starting to spin already, and she knew she wouldn’t last long.

  Maintaining eye contact, Crash brushed her fingers over Jill’s clit.

  When Jill threw her head back, Crash immediately took advantage and softly grazed her teeth down her neck. A path of heat rushed down Jill’s body as Crash kissed, nipped, and licked along her neck, across her collarbone, and down her chest until her warm breath teased Jill’s nipple.

  Jill couldn’t wait. She slid both hands into Crash’s short hair and drew her down.

  Crash’s hot mouth settled over one nipple while she gently rolled the other between the strong fingers of her free hand.

  Sensations pummeled Jill from several locations at once, almost too much for her to process. She gasped helplessly as Crash slid one finger into her, adding another source of pleasure.

  Crash paused. “Is this okay?”

  “You need to ask?” Jill got out between ragged pants.

  A grin curled up Crash’s
lips. “Asking never hurt, right?”

  Her ability to hold an even halfway intelligent conversation was rapidly dwindling. She clasped Crash’s forearm. “Less asking. More taking. Now.”

  “As you wish.” Then Crash’s grin disappeared and an intense expression took its place as she started to move, withdrawing and then easing back inside.

  Jill arched against her, feeling the pressure build. Her eyes fell closed. “God, you…” She rolled her head back and forth on the mattress. “More.”

  Crash pressed inside with a second finger and began stroking in just the rhythm Jill needed. “Look at me,” she murmured, her breath hot against Jill’s ear.

  It took some effort to force her eyes open. She gazed into the swirling depth of Crash’s now almost electric-blue eyes as they moved together. She ran her hands down the muscular planes of Crash’s back, clutching her, wanting to feel even more of her. Close. So close already.

  Crash’s callused thumb rasped lightly over Jill’s swollen clit. Once. Twice.

  The third stroke sent Jill plummeting into a free fall. She thrust against Crash’s fingers once more before she stiffened. Her eyes fell shut again. Shouting something, not sure what, she fell back.

  The next thing she became aware of was Crash’s arms around her, rolling them around and cradling her still quivering body.

  “Jesus,” she whispered against Crash’s sweat-dampened shoulder. “That was…”

  “Yeah.” Crash kissed her forehead, her cheek, then her lips, the earlier wildness replaced by tenderness.

  Jill kissed her back before collapsing once again onto Crash’s body. She nuzzled the salty skin. When her thrumming heartbeat finally started to settle, she lifted her head and smiled at Crash. “If I had known it would be like this, I’d have moved my bedroom downstairs months ago.”

  They looked into each other’s eyes and then burst out laughing.


  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all,” Crash said and tenderly stroked the skin of Jill’s arm, causing a rush of goose bumps from the tips of her fingers to her bare shoulder. “I hope I didn’t pressure you into—”

  “No,” Jill said quickly. “I want you to do it.” It made her feel vulnerable, but she wanted to share this with Crash.

  Crash leaned against Jill’s body from behind and kissed the side of her neck. “I want it too, but I admit I’m a little scared. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Jill turned in the circle of her arms and pressed a tender kiss to Crash’s lips. “You won’t. Just don’t put it in too deep.”

  The familiar daredevilish grin inched onto Crash’s face.

  “What?” Jill asked. What could be so humorous in this situation?

  “You know, it just occurred to me that if anyone were to eavesdrop on us right now, they would think we’re talking about something else. Something much more pleasant.” Her voice dropped a register, to a seductive drawl that sent shivers through Jill.

  She frowned for a moment before the penny dropped. “Ooh.” She gazed at Crash, searching her face. “Would you be interested in trying that sometime? Toys, I mean?”

  A moan rose up Crash’s chest. “That’s a rhetorical question, right?”

  Jill grinned. “Yep.” She kissed Crash again, this time with more heat. When the kiss ended, she clutched Crash more tightly and sighed. “I’ll have to give you another rain check on that, though, because we have to take care of this first.” She gestured at the prefilled syringe, the alcohol wipe, and the cotton ball laid out on the dresser in front of them.

  “I know.” Crash inhaled and exhaled audibly. “Ready?”

  “No. But let’s get it over with anyway.” Jill moved out of Crash’s arms and closer to the dresser. “God, I hate arms.” Not only were they the hardest to reach of all the injection sites, they also hurt more than other places.

  Crash bent and kissed the back of Jill’s arm, where the needle would go soon. “I love them.” She straightened, pulled her around, and looked into her eyes. “I love you.”

  The words brought a smile to Jill’s face, despite her nervousness. “I love you too.” She still marveled at her ability to say it out loud. With a deep breath, she reached for the alcohol wipe, only to have Crash’s fingers cover hers.

  “Let me. Please.”

  Other than the very first time, when a nurse had shown her how to inject herself, Jill had never let anyone do this. She didn’t even use an auto-injector because doing it manually allowed her more control. It was scary to let Crash take over, but she had promised not to shut her out of this part of her life. The MS was here to stay, but so was Crash.

  Without saying a word, she let go of the alcohol wipe.

  Crash tore it open, stepped behind her, and gently swiped the alcohol pad over the back of Jill’s arm.

  Her tenderness made Jill’s breath catch.

  Crash moved around her and removed the syringe from its blister pack. With a focused expression, as if she were about to perform a stunt, she pulled off the needle cap.

  “Remember that you need to hit—”

  “Fat, not muscle. I know. I read every article and watched every YouTube video there is about your kind of injections.”

  Jill had to smile. How typical of Crash to approach everything like a stunt—preparing as much as she could, then facing her fears head-on. She vowed to do the same. “I’m ready.”

  Crash’s thigh brushed Jill’s as she took up position behind her. She gently pinched a fold of skin on the back of her arm. Her warm breath bathed Jill’s neck as she exhaled.

  It occurred to Jill how very intimate this experience was—something that could bring them closer instead of pulling them apart.

  She barely winced when the needle went in. The familiar burning started as Crash pressed the plunger and the solution went into her arm.

  At the count of ten, Crash slowly pulled out the needle and disposed it in an old detergent bottle Jill kept on the dresser for just that purpose. She pressed a cotton ball to the injection site and stepped around to face Jill, still applying pressure to her arm. “How was I?” The grin on her face belied the worry in her eyes.

  “Wonderful,” Jill said, meaning it.

  “No burning?”

  “Just a little.” Her eyes and her heart actually burned much more than her arm—and in a more pleasant way.

  Crash cupped her cheek with her free hand. “Are you really okay?”

  Jill nodded. “I’m fine. This was just pretty…emotional for me.”

  “I know.” Crash caressed her face with her fingertips.

  Jill leaned even closer and brushed her lips against Crash’s. “Thank you,” she said, for so much more than just injecting her arm.

  “You’re very welcome.” Crash threw the cotton ball into the trash can and wrapped both arms around Jill, her hands sliding up Jill’s bare back to find the hook of her bra. “Now let’s see if we can’t take your mind off that residual burning…”

  If you enjoyed Just Physical, you might want to check out the first two books in Jae’s Hollywood series, Departure from the Script and Damage Control, the novel which first introduced Jill.


  Jae grew up amidst the vineyards of southern Germany. She spent her childhood with her nose buried in a book, earning her the nickname professor. The writing bug bit her at the age of eleven. For the last eight years, she has been writing mostly in English.

  She used to work as a psychologist but gave up her day job in December 2013 to become a full-time writer and a part-time editor. As far as she’s concerned, it’s the best job in the world.

  When she’s not writing, she likes to spend her time reading, indulging her ice cream and office supply addictions, and watching way too many crime shows.

  Connect with Jae online

  Jae loves h
earing from readers!

  E-mail her at: [email protected]

  Visit her website: jae-fiction.com

  Visit her blog: jae-fiction.com/blog

  Like her on Facebook: facebook.com/JaeAuthor

  Follow her on Twitter: @jaefiction



  Damage Control


  ISBN: 978-3-95533-369-0 (mobi), 978-3-95533-370-6 (epub)

  Length: 140,000 words (347 pages)

  An actress practically since birth, Grace Durand has finally made it in Hollywood. When a photo of her in a seeming compromising situation with another woman is plastered all over the tabloids, she fears for her career as a lead in romantic movies.

  Desperate for a publicist who’ll convince America that she’s straight, Grace hires Lauren Pearce, one of Hollywood’s leading PR agents, not knowing that she’s a lesbian.

  Lauren has dealt with PR nightmares for years, so doing damage control for one more rich, spoiled client shouldn’t be a problem—or so she thinks. But the more time she spends with Grace, the more she realizes how different she is from her television persona.

  Getting involved with her client is not in her game plan, especially since it would confirm the rumors and ruin Grace’s career, but the attraction between them is growing as they run the gauntlet of the paparazzi together.

  Departure from the Script


  ISBN: 978-3-95533-369-0 (mobi), 978-3-95533-197-9 (epub)


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