Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Extraordinary Book of Facts: And Bizarre Information (Bathroom Readers)

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Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Extraordinary Book of Facts: And Bizarre Information (Bathroom Readers) Page 35

by Bathroom Readers' Hysterical Society

  Ford, Henry, 227, 228

  Ford cars, 210

  Ford Motor Company, 141

  forensics, 362–366

  forks, 27, 65

  Fort Knox, 146

  fortune cookies, 67

  fortune telling, 285

  Foster, Jodie, 366

  Fox, Michael J., 127

  fragrance (perfume), 181

  France, 98

  francium, 37

  frankfurters, 21

  Franklin, Benjamin, 30, 73, 142, 310, 313, 352

  Fraser, Laura Gardin, 277

  Fraze, Ermal Cleon, 27

  freckles, 226

  Freemasony, 85

  french fries, 143, 172

  French language, 189

  Freud, Sigmund, 50, 73

  Friday the 13th, 207

  Friedman, Stanton T., 384

  Frisbees, 75

  frogs, 12, 283

  fruit, 32, 131, 143, 192, 350–351

  Fulgham, Dan D., 387

  Funicello, Annette, 286

  furlong, 325

  furniture, 213

  fuzz, 14


  G. I. Joe, 91

  Gable, Clark, 133

  Galton, Francis, 364

  gambling, 7, 100

  game shows, 372–375

  games, 7

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 73

  garbage, 9

  Garden of Eden, 67

  Gardiner, Sandy, 155

  Garfield, James, 163

  Garland, Judy, 1

  garlic, 44

  garlic juice, 126

  garnet, 31

  gasoline, 210

  Gateway Arch, 303

  Gatorade, 175

  geese, 283

  gems, 31, 83

  General Mills, 53

  genuine, 179

  George I, 326

  George III, 287

  George Washington Bridge, 303

  German language, 189

  Geronimo, 317

  gestures, 298

  ghost stories, 93

  ghosts, 121

  Gilligan’s Island, 101, 273

  gin, 322

  Ginsberg’s theorem, 139

  giraffe, 72

  Girl Scout cookies, 52

  give someone “the bird,” 57

  glaciers, 294

  glass, 80

  Glinieckj, Al, 197

  god, 146

  Goddard, Henry, 363

  Goethe, Johann, 352

  gold, 31, 37, 80, 83, 126, 162

  gold records, 99

  gold rush, 31

  Golden Gate Bridge, 303

  goldfish, 10, 71

  Goldilocks, 128

  Goldwyn, Sam, 271

  golf, 81, 116

  golf ball, 90

  gomer, 14

  Gone With the Wind, 133, 147

  goose bumps, 226

  gorillas, 222

  government, 47, 248

  Graceland, 58, 95, 338

  grams, 193

  grandparents, 114

  Grant, Ulysses S., 120

  grapple tree, 157

  grass, 212

  grasshoppers, 235

  Grateful Dead, 302

  Grauman’s, 183

  Graves, Peter, 101

  Grease, 133

  Great Indian Hornbill, 138

  Great Wall of China, 62, 303

  Greece (Greeks), 19, 77, 303

  Greek mythology, 31, 180

  Green, Robert M., 245

  green cards, 47

  green onions, 131

  Green’s law, 139

  Greenland, 98

  greeting cards, 60

  Gregorian calendar, 20

  greyhounds, 107

  Grigg, Charles L., 175

  grocery shopping, 297

  Guano Islands, 345

  Guatemala, 42

  Gummi Bears, 69

  gun ownership, 9

  gypsy, 23–24


  Haas, Eduard, 292

  hail, 184

  hair, 67, 111, 112, 194, 214, 278, 319

  hair spray, 329

  Hale, Nathan, 287

  Hales, Sarah Joseph, 38

  Haley, Jack, Jr., 109

  Haley, John, 64

  half-mast, 280

  Hall, Charles, 100

  Hall, Joyce C., 60

  Hallmark Cards, 60

  Halloween, 104, 153

  hamburgers, 196

  Hamilton, Margaret, 142

  Hamlet, 16

  Hamlet, 147, 241

  hammocks, 14

  hamsters, 330

  Handel, 331

  hands, 252

  handshakes, 298

  hangnails, 24

  Hanks, Tom, 127

  “Happy Birthday,” 38

  Harding, Warren G., 186

  “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” 38

  Harley-Davidson, 141

  Harn Darn Jun, 93

  Harrison, Benjamin, 185

  Harrison, William Henry, 120

  Harry, Deborah, 13

  Hart, Dolores, 127

  Harvard University, 239

  Hasbro, 156

  hats, 181, 265

  haunted houses, 9

  Haut, Walter G., 387

  Hawaiian Islands, 287, 347

  Head, Edith, 4

  headache, 126, 237

  hearing, 48

  Hearst, William Randolph, 367–371

  Hearst Castle, 367–371

  heart, 137, 225

  heart attack, 237

  heaven, 77, 114, 180

  Hecht’s law, 139

  Hefner, Hugh, 211, 262

  height, 9, 135

  Heinz, Henry J., 53

  Heinz ketchup, 258

  Heisman, John, 97

  helicopters, 200

  helium, 36, 88

  Hellman, Richard, 52

  Hemingway, Ernest, 106

  Hendrix, Jimi, 13, 376–380

  Henkin, Robert, 320

  Henry I, 325

  Henry VIII, 66, 326

  herbicides, 32

  herbs, 258

  heroin, 156

  Herschel, William, 364

  Hershey, Milton, 293

  Hershey Bar, 293

  Herzegh, Frank, 210

  Hetherington, James, 181

  Hewitt, Foster, 75

  Hewlett, William, 60

  Hewlett-Packard, 60

  hiccups, 237

  Hickock, Wild Bill, 191

  highways, 110, 204

  Hill, Marcus, 177

  Hinduism, 66, 299

  hippopotamus, 72

  Hires, Charles, 257

  histamine, 393

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 4

  Hitler, Adolf, 51

  hoaxes, 361

  hockey, 66

  hockey sticks, 75

  Hodgson, Peter, 170

  Hoffa, Jimmy, 73

  Hoffman, Dustin, 142

  holidays, 104

  Holliday, Doc, 191

  Holly, Buddy, 95

  Holmes, Sherlock, 364

  Homer, 128

  honey, 143, 280

  hooker, 122

  Hooker, Joseph, 122

  Hooper, William, 100

  Hoover, Herbert, 250

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 337

  Hope, Bob, 142

  Hopkins, Anthony, 366

  Hopper, Grace, 240

  horns, 319

  horse racing, 75

  horsepower, 146

  horses, 35

  hospitals, 113

  Hostess Twinkies, 260

  hot dogs, 21, 172

  Houdini, Harry, 54

  hounds, 222

  household accidents, 34

  household hints, 201

  houses, buying, 9

  Howe, Julia Ward, 38

  Howland Island, 346

  Huey (helicopter), 200

  hula skirts, 265

  hummingbirds, 43, 107, 125, 138, 259

icanes, 64, 80, 234

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 14

  hydrogen, 36


  IBM, 141

  ice, 299, 330

  ice cream, 16, 69, 245, 260, 297

  ice hockey, 66

  Iceland, 98, 190, 230, 251

  ichthyosis, 226

  Ideal Toy Corporation, 169

  Illuminati, 352

  imaginary friends, 70

  Incan Empire, 309

  inch, 325

  income, annual, 114

  income tax, 103, 121, 330

  India, 150

  Indians, 317

  insects, 33, 55, 84, 216, 219, 235, 320

  insomnia, 113, 249

  interstates, 110

  inventions, 63–64, 99–100, 155, 224, 313

  Iraq war, 295

  iron, 88

  Iron City Beer, 27

  irony, 1, 40

  Isabella, Queen, 326

  islands, owned by U.S., 344–347

  Israel, 279

  Issawi’s law, 139

  Italian language, 189

  Italy, 98, 322


  Jack Daniel Distillery, 161

  jackpot, 122

  Jackson, Andrew, 163

  Jacob, Mary Phelps, 26

  Jagger, Mick, 13, 286

  jam, 260

  James, Jesse, 191, 229

  James, Richard, 170, 247

  Japan (Japanese), 15, 77, 81, 372–375

  Jarvis Island, 347

  jaw, 288

  Jaws, 147

  Jazz Singer, The, 183

  jeans, 265

  Jeans, James, 118

  Jefferson, Thomas, 163, 185, 271, 352

  Jeffrey, Michael, 379–380

  Jeffreys, Alec, 365

  Jell-O, 69, 172

  jellyfish, 10

  Jeopardy!, 101, 273

  Jerusalem artichokes, 131

  jet lag, 331

  jewelry, 83

  jiffy, 20

  “Jingle Bells,” 17

  Joan of Arc, 73

  jobs, 199, 274, 307

  Jockey shorts, 116

  jockeys, 75

  Joel, Billy, 142

  Johnny Appleseed, 127

  Johnson, Edward H., 102

  Johnson, Lyndon, 250

  Johnson, Magic, 177

  Johnson, Tom, 75

  Johnston Atoll, 346–347

  joke books, 93

  Jolly Green Giant, 156, 262

  Jones, Edward D., 161

  Jones, James Earl, 109

  Jordan, Michael, 177

  Juan, Dr. Stephen, 204

  jukeboxes, 19

  jungle animals, 72

  Jupiter, 174


  K, 275

  kaleidoscope, 327

  karate, 49

  kayaking, 49

  Kaysing, Bill, 356

  Keck Telescopes, 30

  Keebler, Godfrey, 61

  Keller, Helen, 73

  Kelly, Gene, 183

  Kenmuir, John, 108

  Kennedy, John F., 250, 360

  Kentucky Derby, 75

  kerosene fungus, 51

  Kerouac, Jack, 106

  ketchup, 53, 201, 258

  kidnapping, 304

  kidneys, 225

  kilograms, 193

  kilts, 181

  Kimmel, Jimmy, 380

  King, Stephen, 106

  King Henry VIII, 241

  King of Kings, 183

  King Tut’s tomb, 126

  Kingman Reef, 344

  Kinko’s, 61

  kissing, 16, 65, 154, 192, 197, 289

  kitchen utensils, 8, 65

  kitty litter, 99–100

  kiwifruit, 131

  Klugman, Jack, 365

  knights, 65

  knock off work, 312

  Krachie, Ed, 21

  Kraft, Joseph, 293

  Kraft Caramels, 293

  Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, 52, 305


  L&M cigarettes, 156

  Labric, Pierre, 197

  lacrosse, 75

  Lake Nicaragua, 42

  Lake Titicaca, 42

  lakes, 188, 294, 305

  land ownership, 47

  landfills, 88

  Landsteiner, Karl, 364

  languages, 189, 283, 298

  lapis lazuli, 31

  Las Vegas, 180, 284

  Latham, Peter Mere, 366

  laughing, 50, 70, 119, 221

  Lauper, Cyndi, 1

  Laurel, Stan, 109

  Lavakan, 63

  Lavassor, Madame, 102

  Lawrence, Joseph, 61

  laws, loony, 164, 279

  lawsuits, 43

  lawyers, 214

  layoffs, 274

  Lazarus, Emma, 29

  lb., 275

  lead, 37, 88

  leeks, 44

  left vs. right, 319

  left-handedness, 34, 173, 252

  leftovers, 25, 172, 215

  Lego, 91

  Leigh, Vivien, 133

  lemons, 92, 254

  Lennon, John, 13, 211

  leopards, 223

  leprosy, 126

  let the cat out of the bag, 324

  letters, of alphabet, 290

  lettuce, 44

  Lever Brothers, 22

  Levi’s, 265

  Lewis, Jerry, 109

  liberal arts, 77

  libraries, 242

  Library of Congress, 242

  life expectancy, 5, 214

  Lifebuoy, 276

  Lifesavers, 260, 292

  light-years, 174

  lighthouses, 281

  lightning, 34, 80, 166, 203, 291

  limelight, 14

  limerick, 196

  limey, 350

  Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 73, 120, 127, 132, 163, 271, 277

  Lincoln Logs, 169–170

  Lindbergh, Charles, 209, 227

  lines, Murphy’s law of, 219

  lions, 72

  lips, 288

  liquor, 322

  Lister, Joseph, 61

  Listerine, 61

  liters, 193

  Little Bighorn, 228

  Little Red Riding Hood, 128

  liver, 225

  Locard, Edmund, 365

  lollipops, 14

  Lombardi, Vince, 97

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 3

  lottery, 20, 21

  Louis XIV, 326

  Louis XV, 313

  Lovett, Lyle, 286

  Lowe, Ed, 99

  Lowe’s law, 139

  Lowell, Percival, 341

  Lubin, Charles, 22

  Lucian of Samosata, 93

  luggage handling, 144

  Lugosi, Bela, 127

  lukewarm, 86

  lunar landing, 356–360

  lungs, 225

  Lynn, Loretta, 286


  M&M’s, 260, 293

  M*A*S*H, 273

  Macpherson, Elle, 108

  Macy’s, 141

  Madagascar, 216

  Madison, James, 163, 185

  Maertens, Klaus, 161

  magazines, 211

  mail carriers, 108

  make money hand over fist, 57

  malaria, 113

  mallee bird, 198

  Malone, Karl, 177

  mammals, 203, 216

  Manhattan Island, 208

  Mankiewicz, Herman, 370

  Mantle, Mickey, 315

  manure, 123

  maple syrup, 310

  maps, Murphy’s law of, 219

  Marble Dry Goods Palace, 103

  Marceau, Marcel, 19

  Marcel, Jesse, 382, 384

  mariachi music, 13

  Marignac, Jean de, 37

  marijuana, 126

  marriage, 25, 270

  marriage proposals, 134

  Mars, 340–343

  Mars, Forrest, 293

  Mars, Frank, 293

  Marston, William Moulton, 153r />
  Martin, Steve, 273

  “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” 38

  Mary Poppins, 4

  matches, 116

  Matisse, 306

  Matsumur, Fuseo, 365

  Mattel, 91

  Mayan Empire, 42

  Mayflower, 287

  mayfly, 55

  mayonnaise, 52, 195

  McDonald’s, 11, 253, 263

  McEnroe, John, 75

  McKinley, William, 120

  McMahon, Ed, 101

  measurements, 193, 325

  meat, grades of, 66

  Medicis, 103

  medieval England, 8

  men, 28, 50, 112, 119, 243

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 38

  mental health, 50

  Mercedes-Benz, 210

  mercury, 88

  Mercury, 162

  mesquite bushes, 148

  Metallica, 380

  metals, 77, 88

  meteorites, 80

  meteors, 174

  metric system, 193

  mice, 62

  Michelangelo, 306

  Michelin, Pierre, 1

  Middle Ages, 8, 65

  Midway Islands, 344–345

  migraine headaches, 24

  mile, 325

  Miles, Sylvia, 4

  military, 295

  milk, 35, 143, 310

  Mill Novelty Company, 100

  Miller Brewing, 141

  Miller, Glenn, 99

  million, 20

  Mills Brothers, 19

  Milton Hershey School, 293

  Mimosa pudica, 157

  miniature golf, 116

  Minnelli, Lisa, 109

  Minuit, Peter, 208

  Mir spacecraft, 30

  mirrors, 30

  Missio, Lino, 64

  Mission Impossible, 101

  Mix, Tom, 127

  moles, 272

  Mona Lisa, 306

  money, paper, 314

  money, 327

  monkeys, 217

  Monopoly, 7

  Monroe, Marilyn, 127

  Montana, Joe, 232

  Montessori school, 239

  mood, 50

  moon, 62, 124, 162, 174, 248

  moon landing, 356–360

  moose, 105, 223

  mopeds, 51

  Morgan, Garrett, 313

  Morgan, Julia, 368, 369

  Morrison, Wade, 175

  Morton Salt Co., 56

  mosquitoes, 84, 394

  Mother’s Day, 104

  moths, 217

  motion pictures, 4, 103, 109, 127, 133, 147, 183

  Mouffet, Thomas, 318

  mountains, 76

  mourning, 206

  mouth, 288, 349

  mouthwash, 329

  movie posters, 133

  movie theaters, 102

  Mozart, Wolfgang, 19

  Mr. Ed, 159

  Mr. Potato Head, 156

  Mrs., 275

  Mt. Rushmore, 231

  mucus, 33

  murder, 34, 203

  Murphy, Edward A., 218

  Murphy’s Law, 218–219

  Murrie, Bruce, 293

  muscles, 225, 351

  mushrooms, 148, 212, 254

  music videos, 13

  Muslim heavens, 77

  Mussolini, Benito, 73

  My Fair Lady, 4

  myths, 299


  namby-pamby, 327

  Nanook of the North, 183

  narcotics, 122

  NASA, 21, 51, 248, 313, 341, 342, 355–360

  Nasubi, 372–375

  National Cash Register Company, 27

  national debt, 94

  national parks, 231

  Native Americans, 208, 317

  Navassa Island, 345–346

  Navassa Phosphate Company, 345

  neckties, 181


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