Tweety Pie, 4
“Twelve Days of Christmas,” 19, 38
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” 38
Twinkies, 69, 260
tycoon, 85
Tyler, John, 120
Tyndale, Walter, 328
UFOs, 50, 134, 305, 381–387
Unfaith, 380
United Fruit, 55
United States Steel, 94
University of Guelph, 16
unspeakable law, 139
Urada, Kenji, 240
urine, 329
U.S. armed forces, 66
U.S. Constitution, 47
U.S. Marines, 62
U.S. Navy, 47
U.S. Postal Service, 108, 141
V.I.P., 275
Valentine’s Day, 104, 214
vampire bats, 46
Van Buren, Martin, 163
van Gogh, Vincent, 68
vanilla, 258
Vatican City, 98
vegetables, 32, 44, 131, 192
vegetarians, 121, 350
vending machines, 117
Venice, 230
Venus, 340
Venus flytrap, 212
vertigo, 48
Vespucci, Amerigo, 142
Victoria, Queen, 126, 326
Victoria Falls, 150
Vidocq, Eugéne François, 363
Villemain, Jean Nicot de, 28
virtues, 77
vision, 255, 348
vitamins, 348–351
Vitascope Hall, 102
volcanoes, 251
Vollmer, August, 365
volunteering, 134
vomitoriums, 65
voting, 9
Vucetich, Juan, 364
vultures, 125, 259
waiting, 9
Wake Island, 344
Walden (Thoreau), 229
Wales, 44
walking, 261
Wall Street Journal, 161
Walls, Jeannette, 380
Wal-Mart, 141
walrus, 96
Walt Disney World, 231
Ware, Paul, 366
Warner, Charles Dudley, 272
Warren, Bill, 345
warthog, 105
Washburn Crosby Company, 53, 262
Washington, Booker T., 277
Washington, George, 132, 163, 188, 287, 296
Washington Monument, 231
wasps, 55
watches, 265
water, 56, 80, 88, 90, 143, 294
water beds, 100
water treatment, 33
watermelon, 143
waterskiing, 49
Watkins, John Elspeth, 388–390
Watt, James, 146
Wayne, John, 127
WD-40, 22
We Never Went to the Moon (Kaysing), 356
weapons, concealed, 129–130
weather, 80, 166, 184, 234
webs, spider, 238
weddings, 270
weight, 135
Weishaupt, Adam, 352
well-heeled, 323
Wellington’s law, 139
Welwitschia mirabilis, 157
“We’re Off to See the Wizard,” 38
Wesley, Charles, 38
West, Mae, 109
whales, 74, 96, 164, 198, 217
wheat, 143
Wheaties, 53, 141, 192
whiskey, 161, 322
Whistler, James McNeill, 306
White House, 3, 47, 248
wieners, 21
Wilcox, George, 382
Wiley, Ralph, 100
Williams, Tennessee, 128
willy-nilly, 14
Wilson, Woodrow, 120, 250
windmills, 303
wine, 322
Winthrop, 65
witch doctor, 65
witches, 65, 228
Wizard of Oz, The, 133
wok, 65
wolves, 105
women, 28, 50, 112, 119, 214
Wonder Woman, 153
Wonders of the World, 77
Wood, Bill, 359
woodchucks, 272
woodcock, 138
woodpeckers, 39–40, 198
Woods, Tiger, 81, 141
workers, 199, 274, 307
world records, 16, 197
World War II, 345, 346
Wright, Ernest, 128
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 169
Wright, John, 169–170
Wright brothers, 227
wristwatches, 27
Xenophon, 93
X-Men, 242
XXX, 276
yak, 62
Yale University, 353
Yankee bean soup, 47
yard, 325
yawning, 79
yeast, 60
Yellowstone National Park, 231
Yeltsin, Boris, 95
yogurt, 94
Yonge Street, 151
Yosida, K. Y., 365
“Yankee Doodle,” 209
yo-yo, 117
“You’re a Grand Old Flag,” 38
Ytterby, Sweden, 36
Yule, Sarah, 271
Zappa’s law, 139
zip codes, 108, 284
zipper, 197
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Extraordinary Book of Facts: And Bizarre Information (Bathroom Readers) Page 37