Dream Travel

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Dream Travel Page 14

by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter 6

  They entered the house and moved quickly up to the room where they knew the little girl would be waiting. They began their chanting prayers and the house was silent. The silence was chilling and it was so quiet that it alarmed them. The harmony of the prayers grew louder and higher.

  The laughing began, but the little girl could not be seen. They were hoping that no devil would appear before them but in that instant the faces on the walls materialized. The little girl appeared more viscous and more determined this time.

  Objects began to fly all over the place quickly and violently. The little girl came towards Megan but Jane tried to block her. Jane was thrown across the room. The others also tried to intervene, but all were thrown across th e room except Dr. Brent.

  The little girl was angry and took a knife stabbing him many times. Everyone was horrified at this violent crime. Megan stood there unable to move. The little girl took the gun, she shot her parents with and shot Megan . Megan was on the floor dead.

  Megan lay on the floor dead and then her body caught on fire. Megan's body vanished and everyone was in horrible shock. Dr. Brent's body then burned and his body too vanished.

  The little girl laughed and said her mission was done. She went up in flames and then she too was gone. The devils laughed and the house started to burn. The devils kept laughing and everyone fled from the house.

  The four remained watching the house burn in flames. The laughing ceased once the house was in total flames. The house was now black and the flames were no more.

  Everyone wept for the death of their two companions and wept out of relief that it was finally over. It had been a battle tl1ey wanted to win, but all was lost. Lives were lost, especially the life of Megan, who they wanted to save. The four were grateful to escape witl1 their lives.

  Jane was in shock and they escorted her to the car fearing she might die right there. Maria held her in the car as if she were holding on to her mother. Father Brian was the designated driver and Tenske was in the passenger seat. They all looked on as if they were in another world.

  Tenske and Father Brian told Maria they would be in touch to see how Jane was doing. Maria stayed at Jane's house taking care of her during this ordeal. Maria contacted Martin and Betty-Anne to inform them of their daughter's death.

  The funeral was simple and brief. Jane stayed in her bed unable to move. Maria had to persuade her to eat something. Jane would not eat for several days. It was as if Jane died with Megan. She had no desire to live anymore. Maria felt her friend's pain so deeply that she could not see the point of all this.

  There was a deep sadness in this house and a stillness that kept even the heavens quiet. Maria felt helpless and wished more could be done. It was a sadness Maria never had experienced before in her life.

  The sadness of Jane was unbearable to Maria. Jane was going to die and Maria knew this. Jane would not go on because she did not want to. Jane could bear this pain because she was going to see Megan soon. She had resigned herself to death and no one was going to cheer her up. Jane felt no hope and there was a numbness that words could not express.

  Jane had bared many things in her life but loneliness was the greatest burden she has ever known. This pain would never go away.

  Her longing for death was now greater than ever.

  Pain can be so deep for some that they lose hope. Some know when they are ready to die. Why can some bear more pain than others? It is hard to say. Each soul is so complex and their circumstances are unique.

  Some can be struck with such force or with extreme burdens over and over again. Some just snap and no prayer seems to bring them back. Is there a level we all can reach where it is ju st too much to take anymore?

  Pain is something that no one likes or always understands.

  Faith and hope are so important in times of pain. Some choose to die whereas others move on to new dreams.

  Some are walking in tunnels now, wondering when will there' be light at the end of this tunnel. Some walk in the desert wondering when will their thirst be quenched? Hope is the only thing that keeps them going.

  Those who go through pain grow humble and dependent on God's mercy. Pain usually makes those of faith stronger. It is not this life that they depend upon. Some have lived their life fully and want to die.

  Why do some not depend on God? Faith is a safety net for times of trial and tribulation. The real sadness in the world is lack of faith in God.

  It may not seem that you can go on but God will give you the strength. Anger and pain can move us forward, until, we are like butterflies free of bondage. It is this pain and anger synonymous, of one another, learning to let go, that gives us true happiness and peace.

  If we accept Christ then we accept the joy and pain of becoming new creatures in Christ. Life can be painful, but good can come out of this pain. We hope for the promise of a new day.

  We all hope for happy endings, bu t this is not always life. Being a Christian though, gives you hope for new joys. We can conquer and live out our dreams, with prayer. You may be vexed now, bu t then you will have joy.

  Each new spiritual level brings about a new sense of pain and then joy. Each new phase of life challenges us to changes. We must change if we are to continue to have peace and joy.

  If we refuse to change, we refuse the life God intends for us to have. Joy is, knowing we have God to renew our strength for a new day. It is heaven that we long for in our hearts.

  Jane prays to God to have one last dream travel to Knock, Ireland before she dies. She prays that God will take her soon. She prays to all of heaven and Mother Mary.

  She knows in her heart that Tenske is gifted in such matters of death and the afterlife. She must see him one more time. He will help make her dreams come true. She will pray hard and long for her last wishes.

  She must gather strength to prepare her journey to him. He has gifts from his ancestors that she desires. It will be worth the price to see Megan again.

  She longs to see her husband again. This time they will never part and there will be no pain. It is time to leave her son, but he must not know of her plans.

  She will get well so Maria can get back to her life. She must not know any of this. It is time to leave this earth and she has a new confidence in her prayer s.

  Time is not lost, but it changes like a vast space. It creates new life and new hope. Stars die and new stars are formed. Space is constantly changing and new discoveries are always happening in this chain of space.

  Space is that of a spirit, always touching new lives. New life replaces the old ones. There is a stillness that constantly evolves touching the next form.

  Space is a creation and the. planets occupy their post.Natu re and creatures form together this space. This atmosphere is accepted by each new spirit that holds space like a mother. The spirit instinctively knows where it belongs. Nature is a spirit and it longs for its' home.

  Whales cry out to their God and to the ocean. The ocean is their home but they know there is another time when they will be free to roam. Everything is confined but shall someday not be. The whales know this is not where they belong.

  Every heart and every spirit is a part of the plan. The creations are in a. different time but soon all will be free. Home is a space where no time exists. Space is always changing until it reaches its' home.

  The dolphin s cry out to the fish. "We will all be free." It is a time of confinement. The space is a frontier of new hopes, but eventually home will come to us all.

  We are one with nature, but we seem bent on destroying it. We destroy ourselves and those we love. Nature is our mother as the Indian s would say. Do not destroy your elders for they are your people.

  The night is dark and vast, but full of changes. The night is at peace, while creatures stir and sleep. The 'night accepts the creatures and the animals accept the night.

  It is a time of connecting. It is a time of peac e. Love reigns the earth tl1tough all its' folly.

  Do not grieve the day that is lost, for tl1ere will be another. Do not grieve the night for it will come again. Do not lose the sun for the moon is here.

  Hold the night, for there will not be ever, the exact same night. Do not lose the spirit of a friend, for none can replace this individual spirit. Do not refuse another spirit, that may come to you in the night.

  Hold each moment as long as you can, for this moment will soon be gone. Do 'not fret this moment for it is now you live. Each memory is like a canvas full of colors and texture.

  Each time a soul is touched it expands into the universe. The universe hold s this moment forever in a star. The star shines brightly amongst the angel dust.

  Pain holds the j oy and the joy holds the pain. They are one in destiny and roam until they are home. It is each tear and laughter that fills the space in time.

  Each new life is connected to the old one. Each old life is connected to the new. Each place is holy ground.

  Each soul is protected by nature. Nature grows angry at times and renews the earth. There is a time to be born and a time to die. Life is forever like a tree. The tree loses its' leaves but grows new ones.

  Dogs accept the earth as it is. Lions do not question the fairness of life. Creatures accept nature and nature accepts them.

  It is a circle that is never broken this space, this life. Life dies and then it is renewed. Angels flock to each spirit and creature leading them to their path. It is this connection that unites everyone.

  Each life adds to the earth as a collection of dust and covers the ground. Angel dust is in the sky, radiating from each spirit. The dust forms new ground and new sky. Each particle is necessary for life to exist.

  Each soul progresses towards this light of eternity. Every soul is necessary for life. Death is but a passing moment, which is only death to this world. Death is but a transformation into eternal bliss. Death perfects the soul to new heights.

  Death is necessary to make things new. Space never really changes, only appears to grow and expand. Life is a chain of events that knits one picture, which is heaven.

  Earth is but an image of heaven. Earth is but a part of space. Space is all knowing and consuming. It does not vanish for it is eternal.

  Eternal pangs are that of joy. We will all be transformed into a butterfly, free at last. No boundaries are there in heaven or pain. It is a moment of truth beyond this realm.

  This realm is but a moment in time and space. Heaven is the final frontier. It will not die nor change. It is a place we cannot comprehend with our bodies but with our spirit.

  Do not be vexed for this life is but a moment. We will all be

  free if we choose to be. Eternal is the heart of each spirit as they make their way across the sky, to the stars and angel dust shall we rise.

  Her dreams have been realized and she will sing for God eternally.

  Maria leaves Jane reluctantly but knows it is time to go. Jane thanks her for coming into her life and Maria thanks Jane. "If I don't see you again then I'll see you in the rapture," Jane said.

  Jane knows what she must do. Her prayers will be answered. Tenske will help her to make it so. It is time to rise forever.

  Maria is amazed at her recovery. Jane fixes her breakfast as if nothing has occurred. Maria is very suspiciou s of her.

  Jane calls Tenske and he agrees to meet her. She explains to him what she wants. He tells her he knows and will help her. He tells her that everyone eventually comes to this time in their life when they are ready for the next life.

  Jane feels comforted by his words as she hangs up the phone.

  She will be meeting with him soon. She knows that God has always sent her a spiritual guide when she needs it the most. It is time for her to prepare her affairs. Her house and dogs will go to her son.

  She will have to insist that Maria get on with her life. Jane can be very convincing so she knows Maria will go. She q must keep the rosary that Patrick gave her around her neck so she can dream travel one more time.

  She will wear her wedding ring forever, until she dies. It is a time of sadness but mostly joy for her at last. It has been a good life but now it is time for a better one.

  She will now see her dad, brother and other son. She has missed them and now will be with them forever. The most important thing is she will see Christ.

  Jesus she has loved for a long time. She longs to see him like never before. It is time to go home, to be with her true husband. She has felt like his bride for a long time.

  Jesus gave her life and gave it abundantly. She hopes that everyone will come to know him. She has no regrets on leaving this

  The ladies parted and Jane speedily got everything in order so she could meet Tenske. She looked at her dogs one last time and assur ed them that it would not be long before they were reunited. She started her car and left for home.

  She was not afraid to die. She always wondered if she would be ready when it was her time to go. Now she was ready to die.

  She thought of all the people she has known and felt good about her life. She wished she had done more for others, but may be the quality of her relationships was enough. She made a difference in her little corner that she was given. She felt loved and forgiven by God. She knew it was her time to go and would be with a friend when she did leave this world. She offered up one final prayer for lost souls.


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