Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two)

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Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two) Page 3

by Raminar Dixon

She settled into her usual rhythm. The smell of sweat, the sheen across the muscles of the bodies around her, the pulse of the music and the shine of the lights made her feel alive. She was aware of her body and she liked it.

  She looked around, nodding to the regulars and checking out the newcomers. There was nothing really of note. Then she caught sight of Danny and she quickened her pace on the treadmill.

  There was a guy who wouldn't mellow into a hardware store manager and a weekend lay preacher, that was for sure.

  Danny saw her looking, and he grinned, and to Ciara's delight he came across to greet her.

  "Hey Ciara, back again?"

  "It’s the quality of the staff here," she said, nodding at his branded vest. "I can't stay away."

  Danny grinned. He was in his early twenties, bronzed and buffed and the lust object of every single woman who used the gym. However much the gym paid him for instructing, he was worth twice as much just as eye candy.

  "Gym's not everything," he said. "You wanna mix it up with other sports, you know."

  "Oh really? What would you suggest…for stamina….for flexibility…?"

  Danny's eyes lingered on her breasts, full enough that she could feel them jiggle even under her industrial-strength sports bra. "Mmm…cycling's good for stamina."

  "I'm more of an indoor person."


  "I would need to be shown the moves. I bet you'd be good at that, Danny. Helping women to get into position."

  He laughed and shook his head. "I'll sign you up to the yoga classes here, if you like."

  "I can't learn in a group. I prefer one-on-one."

  "Martha does individual tuition."

  Ciara had turned up the pace to impress Danny but she was finding it hard to sustain. It was getting hard to keep her breathing steady. "I'm one of those people who don't like to be told what to do by a woman."

  "Hmm. I think I can see exactly what you need." Danny leaned in close and held her gaze. Ciara tried not to gasp with the effort she was making to look effortless.

  "And can you give me what I need?"

  "Yes," Danny whispered. Then he straightened up. "But not today. You might want to mix up your pace a little," he added as he walked away. "Try intervals."

  Ciara slowed the machine but her heartrate took some time to drop to normal.

  * * * *

  Ciara got home in just about as bad a mood as she'd left in. She'd always flirted with Danny but this time there'd been more…and then he dropped it. Damn it. Back in the house, Frank had sent Mobeen home and had set the table for a candlelit dinner. She ate her way through the chicken and vegetables in a sullen silence. Frank seemed to assume it was her period coming, and just served her up a bowl of ice-cream. Why did he have to be so fucking thoughtful all the time?

  He offered her a shoulder massage, a foot rub, a foamy hot bath, and her choice of television viewing. In frustration she refused it all, and stalked off to phone her kids.

  Of course, both were unavailable. Lenny was about to play ball and Karen was heading out to see a movie with her girlfriends.

  Ciara went to bed early and sulked.

  Saturday was the usual whirl of shopping and paying the obligatory visit to family and catching up on beauty routines. When Sunday rolled around, Ciara dropped the bombshell on Frank:

  "I'm not coming to church today."

  Frank's face fell. "Honey, why not? I know you're not so into it as I am but I love to have you there, supporting me."

  "But isn't it hypocritical of me to go for you, not for god?"

  Frank frowned as he tried to work it out. "Well, no, not at all. God doesn't mind so long as you're there."

  "I've got things to do."

  "What things? We've got Mobeen now, hon. You don't need to be run so ragged."

  "Frank. It's just today. I'm sorry. Go on, you'll be late."

  He backed slowly out of the house, looking for all the world like he was a small child and a bird had just pooped on his ice-cream. Ciara waited five minutes once the car had backed out of the garage, then headed out for the gym. She was going to nail Danny today.

  * * * *

  Weekends were as busy as evenings at the gym but Ciara was fired up with her determined purpose today. She wore her most supportive and form-fitted black gym wear, and she hunted Danny down, finding a rowing machine free near where he was running through an induction with some new members.

  And then she ignored him.

  She monitored him using the mirrors around the vast hall. He looked her way, expecting to greet her. At first he shrugged and carried on with his work; he must have assumed she didn't see him.

  But as time went on, and his group of new gym bunnies were working their way around, he started to look more puzzled.

  Finally he walked directly up to her and said, "Hi, Ciara!"

  She kept her eyes on the digital dashboard of the machine, and nodded. "Hi."

  She could see him out of the corner of her eye. He hung around a few moments, then moved away. She caught a glimpse of him in a mirror.

  The bastard looked amused!

  In fury she redoubled her efforts on the rower.

  For the next twenty minutes they played a cat and mouse game of sideways looks and apparently frantic exercise. Every action Ciara made started to become imbued with sexual meaning. She was sitting astride a bench and her attention focussed on the leather between her thighs. She reached up to pull some weights down and she felt her breasts rise. She bent to touch her toes and stretch her hamstrings and she focussed on her round ass swelling ripely under her lycra.

  By the time she was cooling down with some gentle stretches, she was wild with need. So when Danny walked towards her with a smouldering look on his face, this time she didn't avoid his eyes.

  "Ciara." He didn't mention the previous half hour. "How's the training?"

  "Had a good session today."

  "Good. Great."

  She lifted one leg and braced it against a bench to ease her muscles. Her thigh rippled. Danny looked and nodded. "You're looking…sleek," he said, standing so close she could see the tiny hairs on his skin.

  "Thanks." She swapped legs.

  "So, about this one-to-one session we were talking about before…?"

  "Mmm-huh?" Ciara planted both feet on the floor and touched her fingers behind her back, working the kinks from her shoulder muscles.

  "I have a window."

  Ciara thought about it. She looked at the beefy bulk of Danny. She thought about Frank, pale and acquiring a gut. She had wanted this. And now…?

  "When?" she asked.

  "How about now?"

  She dropped her arms to her sides, and looked him deep in the eyes, trying to read his intention. Was she making this up? What exactly was he offering?

  There was no way of untangling her desires from the situation. Perhaps her radar was wrong, but what the hell.


  Danny grinned, sexy lines creasing his tanned cheeks. "Follow me. I'm gonna give you a workout your body will remember for a long time."

  * * * *

  That sounded promising. Very promising.

  As Ciara followed Danny out of the main hall and down a corridor towards the classrooms and group rooms, she had a fleeting pang of guilt about Frank.

  But then…this was a gym. It was about exercise. What she was about to do was just a way of working out that she hadn’t done before. It wasn't like it was an affair or anything, was it?

  In a sense, she was keeping her body toned and slim for Frank.

  Yeah. It was fine.

  Danny led her to the end of a corridor, and produced a key. "This is our special work out room," he explained as he unlocked the door. They stepped into a room that had low wall lights and no windows.

  And he locked it behind them, leaving the key in the door.

  Ciara looked around in bafflement. It was just another gym – it didn’t look special at all.

  Shit. Had she tot
ally misread the whole situation? Was she really about to do a bunch of star jumps?

  Danny was smiling. He walked over to a sloping padded bench with a motorised piston at one end, and grab rails at the top. "Just drop your clothes, and have a seat here," he said.

  Ciara took one step towards it, and then stopped. "Drop my clothes?" Just when she was thinking it was innocent.

  He nodded. "It's better…to be able to sweat it out."

  Ciara was confused, and her heart started to hammer. This was a seduction – just a very strange one. "Okay…" she said.

  "Don't be worried," Danny said. His low voice was like treacle, hypnotic and reassuring. "You have the most amazing body. Why not show it off?"

  Well, hell yes. She did. Ciara hadn't got all this way to chicken out now. So she peeled out of her vest and shorts, and unhooked her bra. They fell to the floor in a head, and she stood boldly facing Danny. His eyes roamed up and down. Her nipples hardened.

  "Lovely. You sure take care of yourself. Now let me take care of you…" he waved towards the bench again.

  As Ciara stood astride the bench, about to sit down, she paid more attention to the piston and pump at the lower end.

  Holy mother of fuck.

  It was a dildo – a huge one, too – on a metal arm.

  Her stomach flipped.

  Danny was at her side, and he put a warm hand on her shoulder, both calming her and pressing her down onto the bench. "It's a beauty, isn't it?" he murmured.

  The leather was cold and she wriggled, but it soon warmed up. Her arms fell naturally to wrap around the padded bars either side. Her legs were splayed apart and the cool air kissed her shaven pussy. A few inches away, the enormous rubber cock hung from the piston.

  As she looked at it, trying to imagine the monster entering her, Danny flicked a switch. The machine emitted a low hum that was almost soothing. Almost, till you focussed on the size of the dildo that was slowly thrusting back and forth.

  The hypnotic rhythm made her thighs clench in anticipation each time it surged forward, brushing her cunt lips then falling back, then forward, then back, steadily and slowly.

  Danny stood behind the machine, hands on hips. To her blurring eyes, it seemed as if the monster cock was part of him, punching to and fro between her legs. Ciara quivered. She usually took some dedicated foreplay to get her into a decent state of arousal but she could feel that this time, she was already wet. And just knowing that she was turned on made her juices flow even more.

  Could she really take it? It looked huge. Danny smiled and reached down to tweak a dial, and the piston began to move towards her trembling hole. She let her legs fall open even wider. She began to move her hips in response to the throbbing cock, eager for it and terrified in equal measure.

  "You look wet," Danny said. She felt like he was eating her with his eyes. "You might want to spread some of your juice over that cock."

  Tentatively, Ciara reached down and felt her swollen labia. She was gushing. She coated her fingers and then stretched down further to smear it over the pumping rubber dick. It pulsed in her hand.

  Now it was butting into her pussy each time it came forward, and Ciara had to grab hold of the bar again. With each thrust, it moved closer and closer. Ciara's brain was screaming I'll never take that! but her body was straining down, desperate to swallow the whole thing.

  And then it was pushing into her entrance and just as quickly it was sliding out again, and back in – but further – and out. Now with each throbbing movement in, the girth of the rubber cock stretched and strained her cunt lips with a delicious stab of pain, but each time it slid out it left her feeling empty and needing it filling her up again.

  The slow progress was tantalising; she pushed down with her hips, trying to get the whole massive dildo right in. She didn't care anymore how wide it was; she wanted that whole goddamn thing inside her.

  And suddenly there it was, buried inside, and Danny adjusted a dial so that it stayed in, and she felt stuffed fuller than she ever had been before, and she screamed.

  "How's that?" Danny asked.

  She looked down at him, standing proudly behind the throbbing machine, and gasped out, "that's…oh my god. Yes."

  "Great! How about I turn it up a bit?"


  Ciara kept her eyes on the piston as the speed increased and the dildo started to hammer harder into her swollen, abused pussy. Her clit felt huge and she needed to rub it, but she didn't want to take her hands from the rails.

  "Please…" she begged Danny, "frig me, touch me."

  "I'd like to see you touch yourself. Man, it's hot standing here, watching that drilling into you."

  Hesitantly, but burning with the need, she let go of the bar with her left hand and dropped it to her clitoris, and ran her fingers around the nub. The machine's rhythm was still increasing. She was being pounded, hammered, she was going to be split apart, and she felt the orgasm building deep within. She started to push and touch her clit. The piston hummed with furious pace and she threw back her head as her cunt spasmed around the monster cock, clenching and thrashing and rubbing her clit harder and harder as she came with an energy she had never felt before.


  And Danny kept the machine going and suddenly she felt the orgasm build up again, though her pussy was throbbing and her clit was sore. "Nooooo…." and she came again, hard, and screamed as her body tore itself upwards and off the machine, and finally Danny brought it to a halt.

  She realised she was bunched at the top of the bench, clinging to the bars and quivering. She looked down at the flood of juice across the bench.

  "You really gush some, don’t you?" he said with appreciation.

  "Not usually…" she managed to croak out. "Oh my fucking god. I won't be able to walk for a week."

  "You'll get used to it," Danny said with a grin. "There's a shower through that door behind you."

  She stood up, wobbly, and staggered through to stand under the hot blast of water and try to think about what had just happened.

  She'd wanted to be fucked by Danny. But she'd just been pounded by a machine. While he watched.

  And it had been great.

  But she still wanted Danny, and she couldn't help feeling a little short-changed. But then he had said she'd get used to it…so there was going to be another chance, surely?

  Her legs felt heavy, as if she'd run a marathon. When she came back into the main room, he had gathered up her clothes into a neat pile on a chair.

  Danny was silent as she dressed. She looked around with a fresh eye at the machines around the room, and started to see the reality. There were more pistons and dildos. There were double-dildo machines, and her ass twitched at the thought. There were plastic cup-like things attached to tubes, and ropes, and straps, and things that she couldn't work out at all.

  Her pussy pulsed.

  "Same time next week?" Danny asked as he led her to the door and unlocked it.

  "Uh." Where had her smart tongue gone? "Uh. Yeah. Yeah, okay."

  Ciara walked down the corridor and out into the sunshine in a daze. What the fuck just actually happened?

  * * * *

  She spent the week in a daze. That night, Frank was attentive and she submitted to some straightforward missionary sex while making a shopping list in her head. Her pussy felt bruised but it didn't matter much. Frank was pretty much two pumps and a squirt, and she moaned along like usual.

  That week at work she went through the motions. She was high up in management but had been doing it so long that she could autopilot through conference calls and meetings convincingly.

  Frank noticed her distance and finally confronted her on Thursday as they sat in the lounge. She was flicking through a trashy magazine and Frank was drafting out a sermon with his Bible on his lap.

  "Honey, is everything okay?"

  "Sure, Frank. Are you?"

  "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. How are you getting on with Mobeen?"

; Ciara curled her lip. She still wasn't happy but she had to admit it was easier to have her around doing the shitty jobs. "She's picking it up," she said grudgingly.

  "Good, good, I'm glad. You just seem…so quiet."

  Ciara shrugged and turned another page. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

  "Is there anything lacking? You know, in life? In your life? In our relationship…?"

  Ciara flapped the magazine closed and looked across at her husband's concerned face. "What?"

  "You seem withdrawn. Is there anything I can do to … spice it up a bit?"

  Ciara stifled a groan. The last time Frank had the crazy idea he was supposed to "spice things up", he'd bought her a scratchy nurse's outfit.

  Cheap clothes burn well.

  "No Frank, everything is fine. Maybe it's…are you happy? Do you need to spice things up?"

  He looked startled. "No-"

  Ciara pressed on. "Look. All couples get to this point in their relationship, don't they? I know you love me. But men…have needs, right? Mobeen's a lovely looking girl. It's not an affair if I know about it."

  Frank's face went slack and a fire of embarrassment spread over his cheeks. "I did not hire her for that!"

  "Sure, I know that. But think about it. If you need to pep it up…"

  Frank stood up and clutched the Bible to his chest. "Ciara! I would never do something like that to you!"

  Ciara picked her magazine up again and opened it at the fashion pages. Frank gulped and gasped, and left the room in a cloud of confusion. Ciara smiled.

  * * * *

  When Sunday rolled around, Ciara had her excuse all ready. She'd gone to bed early on Saturday night with a headache, so it didn't look like too much of a co-incidence when she announced before church that she still felt ill. Frank tucked a blanket around her, and left her nestled on the couch with the tv remote.

  She gave it a good ten minutes before she sprang up and headed to the gym.

  She entered and spotted Danny with a private client. He nodded to her, but continued with his work. So Ciara got onto the treadmill and jogged for a gentle few minutes while she waited for him to finish.

  As she ran she relaxed into her stride, and let her mind wander.

  This time, she vowed she was going to get her hands on his actual body. She was going to feel his chest, see his dick, taste his lips. This time, fun though it was, she was not going to let herself be fucked by some machine. She was going to get herself some manflesh.


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