Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two)

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Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two) Page 7

by Raminar Dixon

  There were footsteps, soft sneakers on the lino floor. A cupboard opened and closed. She let it wash over her as she rested on the bench. She wanted to hold this moment of utter peace to her private thoughts for ever and ever.

  But the spell had to be broken. She felt the warmth of Danny's body as he squatted down beside her and stroked her damp cheek. "Come on, beautiful. You've done really well. But you do need to sit up and eat something."

  She mewed in protest. His strong hands went under her arms and he started to ease her upright. She could barely support herself, and he moved onto the bench beside her to hold her close.

  He'd been so hands-off until now that Ciara relished the unexpected nearness of his body. "Danny..."

  "Eat. You need to be grounded again," he said, pushing an energy bar into her shaking hands.

  "No, I..."

  "Yes. Gym instructor's orders. Eat."

  As she nibbled she came to realise the sense of his words. The world swam back into focus again. She forced the bar down. "Thank you."

  "That's all right. Feel more yourself again?"

  "Yes. But I want to feel more like...well, like I just did!"

  He laughed. "You took to it like a natural. Well done. It's always the women who are successful and in control in real life, that find such release in giving up control in sex play. Your husband doesn't take the lead, does he?"


  "I know you're married. We've got your records of next of kin, remember? Even if you're careful to take your ring off at the tanning salon." He tapped her finger with a smug smile. "He probably married you because of your confidence."

  "Shit. Yeah." It was making sense now. Frank always did expect her to be in control. Up to a point – the point that suited him.

  "Well, here, you are not in control. Except for coming into this room willingly. You step in here, and you're basically saying to me, I can do whatever. Fuck your ass with a machine if I wanted to."

  "And you did."


  "So, what's next?" Ciara shivered as she cooled down, and Danny stood up, supporting her as they walked over to the shower room adjacent to the main room.

  "Next? Get clean, and get warm."

  "You know what I mean." She took the fresh white towel from a bundle on a chair while he turned the jets of hot water on.

  "The final part of the induction. Be here next week, slightly later time. Come around two o'clock, and make sure you ate beforehand. Nothing too heavy, though."

  "What's planned?" She paused at the open screen of the shower, letting the steam wash out over her. Danny retreated to the other room, pausing in the doorway.

  "We'll just bring everything you've learned together," he said mysteriously, and disappeared.

  Ciara stepped into the shower, already tingling with anticipation.

  * * * *

  Ciara was still on a high when she got home. She parked up and sat in the car for a minute or two, gathering her thoughts and reliving the feelings of the morning. She became aware she was ravenously hungry. And she couldn't avoid her husband any longer.

  Frank was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, a mess of bags and junk food in cartons around him. He looked up sheepishly. "I couldn't wait for food," he said. "Preaching takes it out of me for sure." He patted the stool next to him. "I'm sure the gym does, too. Jump up, honey. There's plenty. Tuck in."

  Ciara understood he wasn't just offering food. It was an olive branch, plain and clear. She accepted, sliding onto the leather barstool with great care. Her ass was throbbing. Every move she made reminded her of how she'd got the beating, and she hugged the memory close.

  "I sent Mobeen home for the day. It is the weekend, after all."

  Frank chewed slowly, giving himself thinking time. Eventually he said, "she wasn't here as part of her shift."


  "She, ahh, popped by to say hello."



  There was a long and awkward silence. Ciara realised that Danny was right: Frank was waiting for her to take control. Again. So she took a deep breath and said, "Frank, you asked me before if there was an issue in our relationship and I said no. I lied. There is. But – before you get upset – it's not you. And it's not me, either."


  "It's just sex." She shrugged, trying to appear more relaxed and nonchalant than she felt.


  "Yeah. Frank, I'm not lying when I say I love you. I really do! You're a good man. But our sex life sucks. It's made me bitter and resentful of you and that's wrong of me. I've let it cloud how I feel about you. But sex and love can be too different things, right?"

  Frank nodded. "I guess."

  "You've been lusting after Mobeen the way you don't lust after me, yes?"

  "Oh no, Ciara, I love you!" he blurted in protest.

  "I know you do, sweetie, but you don't lust after me."

  Frank was bound by his morals to tell the truth. "Okay, okay, you're right. Mobeen..." and it all came tumbling out. "Mobeen is sweet and innocent. You're so sorted and in control, you're so confident, I feel like a small boy with you. Mobeen looks up to me."

  Ciara bit back her snort. So Frank really did want to be the big dominant man after all – but his own wife scared him too much! She softened her face and smiled encouragingly. "Frank, that's fine. Please. Because I love you so much, I want you to be happy. So go ahead. Explore some happiness with her."

  "But I can't cheat on you, honey!"

  "Frank! It's not cheating if I know about it."

  He frowned, his mind working overtime. Ciara finished the doughnuts and licked her fingers, and went off to the garden to read as he remained sunk deep in thought.

  * * * *

  Ciara rocked in her hammock, reading a trashy magazine. It was all her skittering thoughts could cope with. The final session! Next week! When it all would come together! She tried to picture what Danny meant. Each hole filled? By machines? By him? How? The leather paddle machine, the tit pumper, the dildos and Danny's own cock? Her mind whirled.

  Her phone buzzed and she picked it up from the table beside her.

  Danny! Slowly she thumbed the message open. Oh god please don't be cancelling was all she could think.

  Oh god. Oh no. Oh yes. He wasn't cancelling the upcoming appointment, that was for sure. Oh no.

  Just to let you know, the message ran. Next week's session will be a group one.

  Ciara swallowed and let her magazine fall shut. Her imagination blazed.

  Hammer It Home

  Ciara lay back in the bath, trying to picture all her tensions floating away with each exhalation. This kind of bullshit mumbo jumbo visualisation cropped up in every other glossy magazine that she read. And it never worked.

  A glass of wine. That'd work. Too bad she was heading out the door in thirty minutes to her very special gym class.

  A special class with an incredibly sexy instructor: Danny. Ciara had lusted after the fit young man for years, and in the past few weeks he'd responded to her flirting. At least, he had seemed to. Now she had her doubts. Wasn't she really just being toyed with?

  Ciara was not used to being someone else's plaything. She was in control at work and at home. Yet when Danny had hooked her up to a heap of machines in his playroom at the gym, she'd willingly gone along with it. At first, she'd submitted to him on the promise that it was part of the process and she'd eventually get to have sex with him. But now, she realised, the journey had become as fascinating as the final destination.

  And the final destination was happening today.

  She'd taken machines in all her holes, and hooked up to her tits as well. The meeting for today was supposed to be the day she got to feel the real live Danny inside her, not a rubber cock on a pumping piston. Then he'd thrown her a curve ball by texting that it'd be a group session.

  Group session? What the hell? Men? Women? Christ. Could be two goats and a politician for all she knew. Danny
certainly kept her guessing.

  She couldn't relax. She heaved up out of the bath and towelled herself down. She'd been at the salon all morning, getting waxed and buffed and polished to a shine and she knew she looked pretty damn hot. She tied up her hair in a loose knot, and dressed in a simple sheath dress of expensive linen. She took care that her bra and panties matched, even though she knew she wouldn't be wearing them for long. A splash of light make-up on her face, and she was done.

  She padded out of the bathroom into the bedroom, silent in stockinged feet, and came up short in the doorway. Her husband Frank was sitting on the edge of the bed, hunched over, head in hands, facing away.

  Frank. They'd been married a long time. He was a good man in every sense of the word: loyal, faithful, hard working, churchgoing, utterly tedious in his gentle compliance. Ciara loved him in the same way she loved puppies, popcorn and Morgan Freeman. A pure love that in no way ever involved lust or sex.

  "Frank," she said as she walked around the bed to sit next to him. She laid a hand on his thigh but he flinched, and she withdrew it in surprise. "Frank?"

  "I have sinned, Ciara," he said in a low and dull voice.

  "We all do, Frank. But we get forgiven, right?" Every weekend, Ciara dragged herself out to watch her husband preach but they both knew she was playing on her phone during the services.

  "I've sinned against you, my wife!" he blurted out, turning his teary pale eyes to fix her with a curiously intense gaze. "I've been unfaithful. I've sinned against you and the sanctity of marriage!"

  "Oh." Ciara felt a sudden relief. That made what she was up to with Danny so much better now. "Mobeen?" she guessed, naming the home help Frank had hired recently.

  "Yes." Frank crumpled. "Mobeen."

  "Oh." Ciara was intrigued. Mobeen was young, dark and lovely. Frank was... well, a washed-out middle aged man with an unhealthy interest in gardening and Bible studies. "When and where?"

  Frank shuddered. "All the time. In my head. I sin with my eyes when I look at her. I should cast out my eyes!"

  Ciara sighed. "You haven't actually slept with her, have you?"

  "I have sinned in my heart!" Frank bawled.

  Ciara rolled her eyes and patted his leg again. "Frank, it's no big deal to me. I don't feel sinned against. In fact...uh, I feel flattered. Yes, honoured! I mean, I would if she slept with you. Seriously, listen to me, honey. If I had a husband that other women wanted, well, I'd feel proud that you were mine, wouldn't I? And also, I know our love is strong enough to cope with affairs. Sure it is. If I was playing away, I'd still be me – still the Ciara you know and love, right?"

  Frank's white hands clenched as he gripped his head, pulling at his sparse hair. "I don't know, Ciara. Would you...would you play away?"

  "I love you Frank. You're a strong and fine husband. But... ahh... there's a difference between love and sex. I would never love anyone but you."

  Frank straightened up, and stayed silent for a long and painful moment. Then he turned to her, and grabbed her shoulders. He seemed to see her properly. "You look mighty fine and dressed up. Tell me. Are you having sex with another man?"

  Ciara opened and closed her mouth a few times. Strictly speaking, no. She'd been fucked by machines at the orders of Danny. Did that count? Literally, no. But she understood the sense of what he was asking, and had to answer with integrity.

  "Yes, I am."

  Frank leapt to his feet, wrenching his hands from her body as if she'd turned to acid. Unfamiliar feelings of rage chased over his face. With a suppressed roar, he ran from the room, leaving Ciara sitting on the bed.

  She was suffused by a sense of finality, and with that came calmness.

  * * * *

  Ciara couldn't remember the last time she was this nervous. She parked as far from the gym entrance as she could. She wanted to walk slowly, to get her thoughts in order, to still that fluttering in her belly.

  She was also afraid of what would happen after today. Not with her marriage – Frank was firmly out of her mind. But with Danny. He had promised this was the end of the induction process, and implied he'd finally fuck her. But he'd never actually confirmed that. And if he did – or if he didn't – what then? She had a feeling she was just another fucktoy for him. Would he move on to the next mark?

  She shook her head and squared her shoulders. Fuck it. Fuck him. What did she want, a relationship with the young squirt? No, hell no. She'd built this up too far in her head, aiming for the end when she should have been concentrating on the journey. This afternoon was about sex, pure hedonism, and boundaries being shoved back.

  But the apprehension lingered as she entered the lobby of the gym and saw Danny was waiting for her, with a handful of other women around him. None of which were making eye contact with her, or each other.

  Oh shit.

  "Ciara, welcome." Danny was effortlessly smooth as he glided over and kissed her cheek, his hand pressing into the curve of her back as he urged her to join the bevy of waiting women. "Relax."

  Easy for him to say. He looked in his element, dressed in black shorts and singlet, all muscular and smooth and powerful and clearly in control of the situation.

  They stood around in awkward silence. Two more women joined them, bringing their total up to eight, and Danny grinned. "Time to go. Follow me, ladies. Though you all know where we're going."

  They trailed after him, all tall slim beauties with curves and waists. Their beauty was all they had in common – otherwise he seemed to have no preference for hair colour, skin colour or features.

  We look like a fucking Benenton ad, Ciara thought, turning to spite to quell her nervousness.

  Her spite had no edge as she saw that everyone else looked equally unsure. And was Danny really going to fuck all eight of them? What was he, some kind of machine himself?

  They filed into the room and looked around. Ciara noticed that the machines had been moved around. There were still the pistons and the drilldos, the cocks and the suction cups that had pulled so greedily on her tits last time she was here. But in the centre of the room there was something covered by a large sheet, at least fourteen feet across, taking up a lot of space. Danny directed them to come to the far end of the room, away from the covered thing, and stand around him.

  He was like some kind of twisted ringmaster.

  "What do we need to do before we embark on any kind of exercise?" He was grinning cockily. Ciara had never seen him so full of glee. "We do a warm-up. Ladies, you need to strip off."

  They tried not to look at each other as they began to unhook bras and roll stockings down shapely legs, but with the mirrors lining the walls, they were surrounded by breasts and asses, thighs and glossy hair.

  Ciara stood naked, trying to seem as relaxed and unconcerned as possible. A part of her was deeply curious about what was going to happen.

  "Pair off," Danny ordered, pointing at the women in pairs. "Close your eyes. And do whatever you need to do, to warm each other up."

  Ciara turned to see the startled expression on the face of the black woman to her right. No doubt Ciara herself looked just as surprised. They shared a moment of eye contact before they obeyed, and squeezed their eyes shut.

  Ciara took a deep breath, and reached her arms forwards. She'd never touched another woman before. Sure she'd had her fill of lesbian fantasies – but for real? No. She couldn't resist peeking and saw that her partner was reaching her arms up too. Watching made it worse – she closed her eyes again and a thrill ran through her as skin met skin.

  They moved towards one another. Ciara felt the warm, strong arms of the other woman slide around her body and pull her close. She responded, letting her hands wander onto the other woman's ass, cupping and squeezing. Their breasts pressed together and Ciara felt a nipple hardening.

  It was like a switch was thrown, and they began to kiss, finding each other's lips in their self-imposed darknesses, nibbling and licking. Ciara could hear the wet, breathy pleasure of the women in pairs ar
ound her and it turned her on further.

  The woman she was kissing had soft, passionate lips and a probing tongue, and Ciara responded, sucking on her mouth and diving in with her own tongue. She felt the woman squirm in delight, and it fuelled her own desire. Impulsively, she brought one hand around her body and sought the woman's breast, lifting it and stroking her fingers over the stiff nipples. Suddenly Ciara wanted to suck those tits. She began to kiss her way from the woman's mouth, along her neck, and down her chest.

  "That's enough! Eyes open, and step apart. Warm now?"

  There were mews of disappointment all around. Ciara opened her eyes and smiled at the other woman. She had meltingly large brown eyes, and she smiled back at Ciara.

  As warm-ups went, it had certainly been effective.

  The atmosphere had tangibly relaxed, and the women closed in, moving so that their bodies were touching in a circle around Danny. He spun slowly around, letting his eyes feast on the delectable variety of bodies at his command all around him. Ciara was ready for the next instruction.

  "Ladies, take your places." He walked through them, breaking the ring of flesh, and grabbed a corner of the sheet covering the object in the centre. He whipped it off with a flourish, and everyone gasped.

  Where the hell would you buy such a thing? Was there a secret category on Ebay that she didn't know about? Ciara was amazed as she studied the fuck machine to end all fuck machines that glistened in the centre of the room.

  Eight chairs with stirrups for the legs ranged out from a central point which bristled with cocks and dildos. It was obvious what they were supposed to do, and as one, the women in the room walked slowly over to the reclined seats. It was all chrome and leather. Ciara hopped up onto her chosen chair, and settled back into the comfortable nest of leather. It was cool but warmed up almost instantly. This wasn't sleazy – it was opulent, rich, and welcoming. Even the smell of leather suggested the low purr of James Bond.

  Danny walked around the machine as the women got comfy in their seats. "It's a wonder of the world, isn't it?"


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