In the End (Lifetime #3)

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In the End (Lifetime #3) Page 6

by Ariadne Wayne

  She beamed.

  “Mr Mason goes to my school,” she announced to her grandmother.

  “Is, that right?”

  “I teach the same year Paige is in.”

  Natasha placed a cup on the table in front of me. “That’s how we met, Mum.”

  I looked up to say thanks and received a kiss as well. This felt good, normal, like everything I always wanted. Apart from the intense stare coming from the other side of the table, being here with Natasha and Paige felt like home.

  I had pangs thinking that this could have been my life with Ella and Finn. If I hadn’t screwed everything up. But this wasn’t some kind of replacement, this was something so new.

  “Did you want some breakfast, Sam? I’m just going to make some toast. I’m ravenous.” Natasha glowed red as she said it, and I winked at her.

  “Toast would be great.”

  “Can I call you Sam?” Paige asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “There’s trouble. Tell you what. When we’re at school, you call me Mr Mason. When we’re here, you can call me Sam.”

  She nodded. “What about …when we’re at the supermarket?”

  “You can call me Sam.”

  “The park?”

  “Depends. Is it a school trip or just the three of us?”

  She grinned, revealing a gap at the front where she was missing baby teeth. My heart lurched. Finn had a similar gap. “Just us.”

  I slowly nodded. “Pretty sure you can call me Sam there too.”

  “Paige, leave Sam alone.” Natasha laughed.

  “She’s fine. We need to set the ground rules.” I met Natasha’s eyes, so happy and full of life. When was the last time she’d smiled like that, truly happy?

  I’d turn the world on its head to make Natasha Rankin smile that way all of the time.

  UNDER THE EAGLE eye of Natasha’s mother, I ate my toast, drank my coffee, and complimented Paige on every single toy she brought out to show me.

  “Sam, Sam.” She produced another stuffed cat and shoved it in my face. I couldn’t be annoyed. She was enjoying having someone new to show off her things to, even if the living room now resembled a toy shop. It was clear Natasha put her daughter first.

  “Paige, that’s enough.” Natasha shook her head.

  “I don’t mind.” I reached for Natasha’s hand and squeezed it. “It’s important to her.” Shifting my gaze back to Paige, I smiled. “I’ve got a little boy about your age, and he always loves showing me his toys.”

  “You do?” Paige’s eyes grew wide. “Where?”

  “He lives with his mummy, too. I’m gonna go see him next weekend.”

  She clapped, turned and ran back down the hall, probably to go and get something else.

  “I’m sorry,” Natasha said.

  “She’s fine. At least she’s not upset about me being here.”

  “He’s right, Natasha. It could have been a lot worse.”

  At Janet’s words, Natasha rolled her eyes. “You two ganging up on me already?” Her lips quirked, like she was trying to suppress a smile. If her mother hadn’t been there, I would have grabbed her and pulled her to me, but that would have to wait for another time. It would be too easy to make more of a bad impression, and although I didn’t know where this was going, that was the last thing I wanted.

  “This is my Barbie, Sam.” Paige emphasised my name like it was a naughty word she’d suddenly discovered. She waved yet another toy at me.

  I chuckled as she handed me the pink doll. “Well, that’s really nice.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip, looking at me.

  “Are you okay, Paige?”

  “I have more Barbies. Denise gets them for me. They’re my favourite.”

  Natasha placed her hand on my shoulder. “Denise is an old friend of mine. She works in a second-hand shop and gets things Paige might like.”

  “Is that right, sweetheart? How many Barbies do you have?”

  Behind me, Natasha groaned.

  “Lots.” Paige’s eyes lit up. “I can go and get them.”

  I shook my head. “Tell you what. Why don’t you save them for next time I visit?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Thanks, Sam,” Natasha muttered behind me.

  “I should probably get going. Leave you to your morning. Want a hand putting those toys away, Paige?”

  “Nope.” Paige grinned.

  Turning, I looked back at Natasha. “Need some help?”

  She shook her head and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll walk you out?”

  “You’d better.” I shifted my focus to Janet. “It was nice meeting you.”

  “You too.” She still looked at me with narrowed eyes. It might take a bit of work to gain her approval if this kept going.

  “I’ll walk you to the car.” Natasha reached for my hand, and I stood, linking my fingers in hers as we walked toward the door. I loved this, feeling as if I were a part of something special again. I hadn’t felt like that in so long, and it was wonderful.

  We walked toward the car, hand in hand. Part of me didn’t want to leave, wanted to spend the day with her, but she hadn’t invited me to stay and she might need to spend some time explaining things to her mother without my company.

  “Thank you for last night.” The words seemed inadequate, but if I told her all the things that were in my heart right now, she might run a mile.

  Natasha leaned on me, kissing my arm. “Thank you.”

  “I feel bad leaving, but I’m thinking you need to talk to your mum and daughter.”

  She nodded. “I never meant for Paige to find out about you this quickly. I’ve not let anyone else into our lives.”

  I palmed her cheek, and she closed her eyes at my touch. “It’s okay. Nothing about this was planned. We’ll just see how we go. I can promise you one thing, though.”

  Natasha’s eyes flicked open. “What’s that?”

  “You won’t get rid of me in a hurry. Not unless you really want to.”

  Her smile grew. “I don’t want to.”

  “Good. Those condoms are all mine.” I bent forward and gave her a tender kiss. “Talk to you later, beautiful lady.”


  She waved as I climbed into my car and started it up. My heart was so settled looking at her, like I was where I was meant to be.

  Maybe I’d found what I needed.

  Chapter 7


  I liked Sam, really liked him. Could this turn into something more? We were in tune with each other, had this mad attraction between us. I’d been in a self-imposed bubble, hiding away for a long time. Maybe it was time to get out of it.

  He opened the door of his car, winking before climbing in. I grinned as I waved goodbye.

  I want to see him again.

  I turned back to the flat and saw the dining room curtain twitch. My energy drained at the thought of facing my mother. She’d been pleasant enough with Sam, but now I’d be subject to her scrutiny. I’d tried so hard not to burden her with my problems in the past and failed.

  I took as long as I could to walk inside and sit back down at the table. Paige had emptied her entire bedroom into the living room, but all I could do was smile.

  “Are you sure you’re not rushing into anything?” Mum asked, her brows furrowed in concern.

  “Mum, even if I am, it’s been two years since I left Dean. There’s been no one else. Sam wants to see me again, and I think we’re both in a place where we’re ready for something new.”


  “He’s had a hard time too. He and his wife broke up before their son was born, and he didn’t know him for the first few years of his life. He’s spent the last three years focusing on getting to know his child.”

  Mum’s shoulders relaxed. “That poor man. Why did they break up?”

  That question had crossed my mind, but when she asked it, my defences went up. “Does it really matter? She’s married to someone else and
has children with him. Sam has had to deal with that too. He’s nice, and he cares, and he likes me.”

  She nodded. “You deserve something good. And maybe this is it. He seems pleasant enough. I just don’t want to pick you up from the hospital again.”

  “Mr Mason’s cool.” Paige stood in the doorway. How much did she hear? “He takes junior assembly sometimes, and he’s funny.”

  I grinned. “I’ve even got the Paige seal of approval.”

  Mum leaned back in her chair and focused her gaze on me. “I hope this turns out to be everything you want, Natasha. I really do.”

  “So do I.”

  SAM WASN’T FAR from my thoughts all day. It was pretty safe to say the memories of the night before consumed me. His gentleness, the way his hands had caressed my body, that wonderful feeling when we were joined … He’d known just how to touch me, and I wanted more, so much more.

  My phone buzzed on the coffee table, and I grinned at the message, warm fuzzies filling my heart.

  I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Nothing could wipe the smile from my face as I keyed in a response.

  That’s funny, I can’t stop thinking about you either.

  Turning on the couch, I stretched out, dropping my head on the armrest. I bit down on my bottom lip, waiting for a response. It was like being a teenager all over again.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like this. It’s crazy. I know you were worried it was just going to be a one-night stand, but I really like you.

  I sat and stared at that for the longest moment. We were in a similar position, Sam and I, looking for something after a long break. I’d be happy to explore whatever this thing was with him. It helped that Paige already liked him.

  I really like you too.

  I’m glad to hear it. I was a bit worried about the number of times you called my name last night. Thought you might have been telling me how awful I was.

  Laughing loudly, I rolled my eyes. He’d been far from awful. About as far as you could get.

  I think you know that wasn’t why I was calling your name.

  I felt free for the first time in, well, ever. Even though he was all the way at the other end of the phone, my body burned at the thought of his. I’d promised myself not to rush anything, but I wanted his hands on me as they were the night before. I wanted his lips on mine while he slid his fingers into me. I closed my eyes, remembering each gentle touch.

  I was sure it was. You didn’t come that often, did you?

  My face melted with embarrassment, heat searing my cheeks. The truth was that I had come last night more times than I had during my entire marriage. Dean wasn’t that good at that bit. Sam, on the other hand …

  I might have done. I think we need to try again to be sure.

  It took everything in me to send that text. But I was so deep in this now, there was no going back.

  I closed my eyes, clasping the phone to my chest. Dean had been the first serious boyfriend I’d had. I’d left school, and we’d married young before I became pregnant with Paige. He had been all I’d known.

  Now I knew better. Now I wanted better.

  I wanted Sam.

  My heart thumped as my phone rang. Sam.

  “Hello?” My voice trembled as I answered.

  “We could spend all evening texting, or we could just talk.”

  His voice—just the sound of his voice sent shivers through me. That same voice that had murmured in my ear the night before, telling me how beautiful I was, how good he felt when he was inside me. I’d never been spoken to like that, never heard anything that made me feel so sexy.

  “We could.” My voice wavered as I struggled to keep my cool.

  “You know I’m only around the corner from you. I could come over and we could talk in person.”

  “You are?”

  He laughed. “We’re practically neighbours.”

  “That could be dangerous.” I hadn’t flirted with anyone in forever. It was weird I felt so comfortable doing so. I wasn’t very trusting after everything I’d been through.

  “I keep thinking about touching you.”

  That was all I’d thought about since he’d left that morning. The way his fingertips had stroked my skin, his lips on my nipples, the way his mouth had devoured the space between my legs … I clenched my thighs together at the memory. “I keep thinking about that too.”

  And him, his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Those abs that were pure perfection. For the moment they were all mine, and maybe I should be taking advantage of that fact.

  “Whatever happens, Natasha, I think you should know how much last night meant to me. You’re a beautiful, smart, sexy woman, and I loved every second we were together.”

  “Come over,” I said.

  His breathing was heavy, and I closed my eyes. “Are you sure?”


  “I’ll be there in five.”

  My eyes flicked open, and I sat up. “Really?”

  “I want more, Natasha. See you soon.”

  The line went dead, and I stared at my phone. My chest rose and fell rapidly at the thought of being in his arms again. The sex was amazing, but I loved being held just as much. I had both to look forward to.

  Sam was the complete experience, and I wanted all of it.

  I stuffed my sleeves in my mouth and squealed, stamping my feet in excitement.

  Minutes later, I looked out the glass panel beside the door to see him standing on the doorstep, grinning at me in the bright outdoor light.

  Opening the door, I waved toward the living room. “Come in.”

  He took a couple of steps, bending to give me a tender kiss. “What are we watching on television?”

  I shrugged. “Some cooking show. To be honest, I was a bit distracted.”

  As he stepped past, I closed the door behind him.

  “Why don’t we talk for a while? I don’t want you thinking I’m just here for sex. I’m not.”

  I nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “So what have you girls been doing today?” he asked as he followed me to the couch. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

  “Putting all Paige’s toys back in her room, and cleaning the house. I took her to the park to wear herself out this afternoon. Someone kept me up late last night.”

  He laughed. “I should have stayed to help you with Paige’s toys. Did things go well with your mother?”

  Mum’s concerned expression came to mind. “She just worries.”

  Sam buried his nose in my neck. “I understand that. She’s looking out for you.”

  “She was the one who had to take on looking after both my dad and Paige while I was in hospital. Dean flew into a temper over dinner not being ready on time.” I swallow. Even after all this time, it was still difficult to talk about. But I wanted Sam to know everything. “He beat the crap out of me and broke my wrist. They kept me in for a couple of days, but even that was a lot for Mum to deal with.”

  He sighed. “A lot for you to deal with too. I don’t get anyone who does that. You were supposed to be precious to him. Did Paige see it?”

  I nodded, swallowing hard. “She saw the start of it. I told her to go to her room, and bless her, she yelled at her father before she went. But she saw enough.” Even the thought of that moment brought tears to my eyes, the look of hurt and horror on her face.

  “I’m so sorry.” His voice cracked as he spoke.

  “It wasn’t your fault. But that’s why it’s been the two of us for the last two years. It’s been hard, but good.” I leaned my head against his.

  He squeezed my shoulder. “All I know is that I like being around you.”

  “I like you being around.”

  Turning my head, I met his lips with mine, and he kissed me so softly I wanted to cry. Such tenderness was wonderful. “I can promise you something else.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I promise I’ll never do anything to hurt you
in that way. A man who beats up someone they claim to love isn’t a man.” He let out a sigh. “Now, let’s get comfortable and watch this show. I might learn something.”

  I lay back in his arms, my eyes closed, nearly lulled to sleep by the comfort he brought me.

  He kissed my ear. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe we should lay off the sex while we work this out and get to know each other.”

  “My head’s telling me that’s a really good idea. My body is screaming at me, saying no.” I raised my face, and he leaned his head against mine.

  “Me too. All I know is that you’re on my mind.” Sam linked his fingers in mine. “I want this to be more than just sex for us. If that’s what you want.”

  “I want to see where this leads.”

  “So …?”

  “So we don’t have sex while we get to know each other. Surely that’ll make it better when we do have it again?”

  He nuzzled my cheek. “Can you imagine how explosive that will be?”

  I laughed. “On one condition.”


  “That we start tomorrow.”

  With a loud laugh, he stood, pulling me up off the couch and throwing me over his shoulder. I shrieked with laughter. Sam slapped me gently on the backside. “Shhh, you’ll wake Paige.”

  “She’d sleep through a stampede of wild elephants through her room.”

  “Good. Then I won’t be so worried about you crying out my name. You know, to tell me how awful I am.”

  HIS FACE HAD BEEN BURIED between my legs for I didn’t know how many minutes, but I’d been reduced to mewing sounds as his tongue and lips carried me over the edge time and time again. How did I ever get to be so lucky? How would I give this up, even temporarily?

  “I can’t take this anymore.”

  I stared at him as he emerged from my thighs. What had I done wrong? “Take what?”

  Sam grinned. “I need to be inside you. I’m so hard I think my cock might explode.”

  “We can’t have that happen.”

  As he crawled up my body, he planted kisses over my stomach, between my breasts, up my neck. I moaned at the sensation of his lips brushing against my skin, my nerve endings on fire. “This whole holding-off-having-sex thing is going to be difficult. I suggest we make the most of tonight.”


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