Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series)

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Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series) Page 35

by Salsbury, JB

  She did all that. For me?

  The guy who choked her in her living room? In front of her kid?

  I swallow past the lump forming in my throat. “She did that?”

  He has the decency to keep his gaze forward, allowing me my privacy as I process all he’s shared. “She wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  She’s a single mom with a mouth to feed. Her job is her lifeline away from Stewart. And yet, she risks it to save my reputation. After everything I’ve done, she throws herself up to shield me?

  That is what’s going on here, right? It has to be. But one question nags me to ask. If she cares about me, why haven’t I heard from her? Where was she when I was in jail, and why didn’t she answer my call? Maybe this is her parting gift. Her way of saying thanks for the good time, sorry it didn’t work out.

  I groan and rub my temples. This is all so damn confusing. One thing at a time. First Gibbs.

  “I’ll get Gibbs to confess. You name the time and place. I’m there.” Even off duty and in his civilian clothes, I decide not to share my plan to break Gibbs’s nose for conspiring with Stewart against Layla. I’ll wait until after he confesses, but it will happen.

  “Meet me at the station at oh-six-hundred. We’ll go from there.”

  I push my beer bottle away and stand to leave. “Thanks for the drink.”

  My mind is miles ahead of my body, envisioning my confrontation with Taylor, planning my speech to perfection.

  This is the final obstacle to getting my life back. Saving my career is an added bonus, but not the prize.

  I want my woman back. And Gibbs is going to make that happen. I won’t accept anything less.


  Stepping foot into the training center feels like strutting down Las Vegas Boulevard naked with a propeller strapped to my johnson. And it has shit-all to do with the mic stuck to my chest. Everyone here, from front desk to fighters, is staring. And these stares aren’t giving me the warm and fuzzies. It’s all death glares and whispers. Not that I blame them. They’re convinced I’ve shamed the UFL. I’d do the same thing if our roles were reversed.

  I drop my head and play the part. It’ll help if they believe I’m guilty.

  I’m halfway through the sparring floor when I hear my name. I quicken my pace.

  “Wait up, dude.” Rex jogs to me, and unless I want to run off like a pussy, I have to stop.

  “What’s up?” I flick a glance toward the hallway that leads to the executive offices. “I’m kind of in a hurry.”

  Breathing heavy, he pulls off his gloves. “I heard about what happened. Tried calling a few times, but got your voicemail. You okay?”

  “Fine. We’ll talk later. I’ve got shit I need to talk to Gibbs about.” I turn to leave.

  “Blake, man.”

  I stop and look over my shoulder at the concerned sound in his voice.

  “I know you didn’t do it. Been fighting with you for years, and…” He pulls at his lower lip, probably looking for that damn lip ring he never wears when he trains. Giving up, he shrugs. “Just thought you should know.”

  “Thanks, dude. Appreciate it.” I move toward the hallway, knowing that if I stand there for another minute talking about my innocence, I’ll get too fired up to do what I have to do.

  Stopping just before the corridor that leads to Taylor’s office, I take a deep breath. I’m not nervous to get his confession as much as I’m dreading Layla’s desk. Jonah had told me that she was taking time off to sort her shit, but he never said how much time. What will I do if she’s there?

  With no time to consider the possibility, I make my way down the hall. Her desk is empty. Thank God. I take a quick glance. It looks exactly the same, down to the picture of Axelle with a sweet smile on her face centered among her things. I accept the pain that twists in my chest and use it to push my legs forward.

  Taylor’s door is open. He’s sitting at his desk and looks up from his computer but says nothing.

  I put on my most pathetic gait and step into his office, shutting the door behind me. “You got a minute?”

  “You’re not supposed to be here. You’ve been put on probation.” He almost sounds happy about it. And now, I know why.

  “I’m not here to train.”

  He motions to a chair. “Have a seat.”

  I sit and keep my eyes to my lap. My redirected gaze serves two purposes. One, to look desperate. Two, if I look into this fucker’s face, I may be forced to break it. “I’m not one for candy coating, so I’m just going to come out and say it. I know you made a deal with Stewart Moorehead. He’s confessed to sending Doc Z in exchange for you hiring Layla.”

  Taylor’s eyes are intent, his lips pressed into a tight line.

  “Layla’s gone back to her husband. Stewart got what he wanted, but I’ve been fucked in the process.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Taylor, I’ve lost everything. The girl, my career, my reputation. Fighting’s all I have. I’m here to make you a deal.”

  He doesn’t say yes, but he’s not telling me to fuck off and get out of his office either.

  “I’ll confess to taking steroids. I’ll admit that I was weak and the pressure of my fight with Wade was too much. I’ll beg for my fans to forgive me. It’ll be great publicity for the UFL.”

  The motherfucker’s eyes light up. Asshole.

  “I’ll do the talk shows, interviews, whatever you want. All I ask is that you keep me on as a fighter, and that you back my confession. Show the public that you’re forgiving me and giving me another chance.”

  “That’s it? All I have to do is show support?”

  “Yeah, that’s it. I have to say, this was brilliant. I’ve never seen so much UFL media coverage. You played that perfectly.” I scratch my chin and grin. “I do have one question though. The steroids angle was a huge risk. It could have discredited the sport, and you could have lost.” I lean forward and keep my voice quiet, but loud enough to be picked up by the mic. “How did you know it would work?”

  “I don’t know what you’re—”

  “Cut the shit, Gibbs. If we’re going into this together, let’s do it without the piles of lies between us. This deal I’m offering is huge. The cops will back off their investigation of the UFL, of Doc Z, but I need to trust you. So tell me. How did you know?”

  He looks around the room as if contemplating my words. “How do I know you won’t fuck me?”

  I hold up my hands. “You’ve got the upper hand. It’s the owner of the UFL’s word against the jailbird fighter’s. No one will believe me over you.”

  Exhaling a long breath, he shrugs. “It was a business deal. Nothing personal.”

  It was personal to me, you son of a fuck! “Right, business. I get it.”

  “Lance Armstrong brought bicycling to the forefront with his blood doping. I thought I could do the same.”

  My temper threatens to overcome my restraint. If I blow this now, I’m back to Internet searches for doctor that doesn’t exist. I bite back my rage. “But blood doping and steroids is bad publicity.”

  His lips curl into an evil smile. “No such thing as bad publicity.”

  It takes every bit of my energy to fake a grin. His answering chuckle tells me he bought it. I still need more.

  “I get it wasn’t personal, but why me?”

  “Wrong place at the wrong time. We could have doped up one of the other fighters with oral steroids, but you needed the cortisone. That helped. I would have waited until the perfect opportunity arose, but your fight was right around the corner so…” He shrugs. “I thought we’d have to wait until you got tested before your fight. It was Stewart’s idea to provoke you into a fight at Layla’s place. As over-doped as you were, he was convinced he could get you to roid rage. Doc Z told him you were getting close to that on your own. He provided the push. I want you to know, I didn’t agree to that. I thought the steroids was enough, but he wanted retribution for you banging
his wife.”

  “I appreciate your honestly, Gibbs.” I stand, unable to take another word from his backstabbing mouth. The steroids are leaching from my system, so I no longer have the urge to rip off people’s limbs, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to beat this fucker’s ass bloody.

  He stands and moves around his desk. “I’m glad you came to me, Blake. Now that everything’s out on the table, I think we’ll be able to spin this to our benefit, as well as to the UFL’s.” He offers his hand.

  I smile and shake his hand. “I agree.” Yanking his arm, I grab him behind the head and smash his face into the corner of his desk.

  He grunts and cups his face. Blood spills from his nose.

  “Spin that, bitch.” I turn and walk to the door just as it opens.

  Undercover cops file into the room, yelling for Taylor’s cooperation. Lieutenant Hodgeson is waiting outside, leaning on Layla’s desk. He pops the earpiece from his ear. “Easy enough?”

  I rip the mic from my chest and hand the equipment to him. “Yep. Just uh… be careful.” I point over my shoulder. “The floor in the office is uneven or something. Gibbs tripped and busted his face up.”

  He raises his eyebrows but doesn’t call me out. “I’ll make sure to watch where I step.” Shifting slightly, he spots the picture of Axelle and picks it up. “Pretty girl.”

  “She is. Just like her mother.”

  “Well, looks like we’re all done here. I’m sure your lawyer will be in touch with the details.” He hands me the framed photo. “Looks like you got your life back, Snake.”

  My life, yes.

  But not my heart.



  I can breathe again. After getting Stewart’s confession, I went home and slept for fifteen hours. Setting up my ex in a covert undercover operation with the LVPD was exhausting. But knowing he’s in custody where he’ll pay the price for what he did to me, and to Blake, makes it easier to relax.

  It’s three in the afternoon when I venture to my kitchen for food. Axelle finally went out with Cara, leaving me alone to marinate in the silence. I know that her getting back to her social life doesn’t equal healing. That’ll take time, if it’s even possible.

  Learning that the man she’s known as dad her entire life is not only a liar but also a gang-rapist isn’t something she’ll get over anytime soon. I’d offered to hunt down her biological father, to have blood tests done, but she refused. Not wanting to push her too hard too soon, I decided to give her the space she needs to process. Maybe in a few years, even though she swears she’ll never want to know, she’ll change her mind.

  I’m still coming to terms with the way Axelle was conceived. Anger, betrayal, and confusion all fight for control in my head. But none of them comes close to the guilt. I regret that I didn’t see through Stewart’s true intentions before I gave him my life, and I’m ashamed because I couldn’t protect Axelle from the ramifications of my horrible decisions. I see years of therapy in our future, but the prospect isn’t daunting. It’s comforting. Because in that future there’s no Stewart. There’s only us.

  Only us.

  I take a deep breath past the smothering sadness that has been my constant companion. I miss Blake. I’ve worried about what he must be going through. He lost his reputation, his career, everything he’s worked hard to accomplish.

  All because of me.

  Rummaging through my cupboards, I think back to that night in his music room. The despondent look on his face when he explained his reason for hiding his gift. He was forced to downplay and lock away his natural talent in order to protect himself. Even as an adult, he hides his music from his friends, all because he’s afraid that at any moment something will steal it away.

  Then I come along and do exactly that. Rob him of the thing he loves most.

  His fighting.

  No longer hungry, I give up my search for food. My head is heavy, and I contemplate going back to bed for the next few days. Sitting at the kitchen table, I rub my temples. “I’m going to need a new job.”

  Chances are I’ll be fired when the UFL’s parent company gets wind of my involvement in Gibbs’s arrest. I can’t afford to go more than a week without income, and even that’s a stretch. Lucky for me, Vegas has a lot of opportunities. An online job search should keep my mind busy for a few—knock, knock.

  I stare at my front door. Who the hell could be stopping by? I finally charged my phone but haven’t checked for missed calls since I woke up.

  “Who is it?” I make no move to stand. If it’s a door-to-door salesman, I don’t want to exert the effort.

  “Open the door, bitch.” Eve’s unmistakable voice filters clearly through my open kitchen window. “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

  “You’re going to freak her out.” Raven’s hissed words make me grin… “Layla, it’s us. We’re just checking up, wanted to see if you’re okay.”

  “Don’t lie, Rave.” Eve’s attempt at a whisper fails. “We’re taking you out. So let us in. Holding all these hangers is killing my fingers.”

  “Eve, stop being so pushy,” Raven says.

  I’m covering my mouth, laughing my ass off. These two will never leave, and if I know Eve, she’ll take extreme measures if I don’t comply.

  “You haven’t seen pushy yet. But if she doesn’t open this door in the next three seconds, I’ll bust it—”

  I scramble up from the table and fling open the door. “No, don’t. I’m here—Ompf!”

  Raven tackle-hugs me. “Oh my gosh, Layla. Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” She stands back and holds my shoulders, checking me over. “Are you okay? You look okay. Tired maybe, but okay.”

  Eve kicks the door shut and strolls past us, both of her arms weighed down with what looks like an entire wardrobe.

  “I’m fine. Sorry about my phone. It died, and I finally got around to charging it.”

  Her blue-green eyes continue to take me in from face to feet. “I think you need to get out.” She grabs my hand and drags me to my room, where Eve has laid hangers and hangers of clothes on my unmade bed.

  “No, I don’t feel like going out.” I lean up against my dresser, eyeing the fabulous dresses and outfits that they brought over. I cross my arms, hoping they see it as a sign of defiance rather than what it really is. Me wanting to tear through those clothes like Bridezilla at a wedding gown sale.

  “Uh-uh. I didn’t pull a muscle dragging all this shit up here to be told you don’t feel like going out.” Eve rubs her shoulder, grimacing. “So get your ass in a shower and let’s do this.”

  Raven sits on the edge of the bed, pleading with her eyes. “Come on, Layla. It’ll be good for you. A night out with the girls, a few drinks, some laughs… what do ya say?”

  That actually does sound nice. I could use a few drinks. And after my extended nap, I don’t see myself falling back to sleep anytime soon.

  I shrug. “That could be fun.”

  “She’s in.” Eve spins me toward my shower. “Now go get cleaned up, and then we’ll help you pick out something to wear. Lord knows there’s plenty to choose from.”

  “Thanks, guys.” I leave Eve at my bathroom door, shutting it enough for privacy but leaving it cracked so we can talk. I flip on the hot water and strip down. “Where are we going anyway? I heard there’s a fun wine bar at The Cosmopolitan.”

  “Oh, um… we thought we’d go somewhere a little more relaxed,” Raven hollers from my bedroom.

  Relaxed sounds good.

  “Just tell her,” Eve says loud enough for me to hear.

  That doesn’t sound good.

  I wrap a towel around my naked body and stomp into my room. Both girls are standing just a foot away from each other, locked in a heated whispered discussion.

  “Tell me what?” I cock a hip and wait.

  “Huh?” Raven tries to act clueless, but it doesn’t work.

  “You should know that having a teenage daughter kinda makes me
an expert lie detector.” I swing my scowl from one fibber to the other. “Where are we going?”

  Raven clears her throat. “It’s a surprise.”

  “I hate surprises.”

  Eve steps up to me and grins. “We’re going to The Blackout. It’s Battle of the Bands.”

  “No, no way. I’m not going. I can’t go.” I spin on my heel and walk back to the bathroom to put on my clothes.

  They follow me in. “Layla—”

  “I’m not ready.” I shake my head. “I can’t do it.”

  “He’s not going to be there. I had Jonah check. It’s his brother’s last night in town, and he’s taking him gambling,” Raven says.

  “How do you know they won’t stop by? I’ll be a nervous mess all night wondering if he’s going to walk through the door.” I grip my towel tighter to keep from losing it.

  “He won’t.” Raven’s expression turns sad.

  “You don’t know that.”

  She and Eve exchange a look. “I do know that. He’s taking some time off. Not just from fighting, but from everything. He told Jonah he needs a few weeks to be alone.”

  “Oh.” Of course he is. He’s mourning the loss of his career and his reputation. Even the most loyal fans have reason to doubt Blake. Athletes rarely make a full recovery after a steroids scandal.

  It’s all my fault. If he’d never met me, if I’d stayed in Seattle… I pinch my eyes closed and push back the searing thought.

  Suddenly, getting as drunk as possible sounds pretty good. The burn of alcohol should deaden the ache in my chest. I’ll let Raven and Eve dress me up and drag me anywhere they want. As long as there’s a bottle to help me forget. Even for only one night.

  I look back and forth between the concerned eyes of my friends. “Okay, give me fifteen minutes.” My voice sounds how I feel. Distant and robotic.

  They nod and leave me to my shower. Guilt invades with vengeance, coaxing bitter tears to slide in silence. My hot tears dissolve into the steamy spray as if they never existed. If only I could do the same with the past.


  “Layla, you might want to slow down,” Raven yells to me over the pounding music.


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