Ruth Restrained

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Ruth Restrained Page 2

by Krys Antarakis

  ‘No, you don’t,’ Elsa teased, with a mischievous expression. ‘I’ll keep them until we meet up again. You’ll enjoy being bare.’

  Ruth held her friend’s eyes with a dumbfounded gaze, and then meekly settled into her car, closed the door, started the engine, and drove away.

  She joined the motorway and set the Beetle’s stubby nose steadily southward. As she drove, the curious lunch hour assumed a dreamlike quality. Its reality was certain, for her skirt was damp beneath her naked pussy, and the seatbelt pressing her shirt tightly against her bosom revealed her nipples were hard as ripe acorns. She was astonished at how meekly and willingly she had followed orders. Elsa had not simply revived her love of doing daring things, she had elevated it to new heights.

  As this self-analysis proceeded, the miles slipped by and she became conscious of a pressing discomfort. The drinks she’d consumed at lunch were working through her and very soon she would have to relieve herself. A roadside banner announced the next rest area was twenty miles away. She glanced at the speedometer, which was quivering on seventy, and as she was calculating how long she had to hold out, her mobile phone rang.

  ‘Hi there, baby,’ Elsa’s voice emerged from the speaker of the hands-free panel. ‘I bet you’re ready for an orgasm.’

  ‘What I need right now is a good pee,’ Ruth retorted. ‘It’s your fault for buying me all those drinks.’

  ‘Where are you?’

  Ruth described her location.

  ‘I know it. In a couple of miles you’ll come to an interchange. Leave the motorway and head east. There’s a transport café about two miles down. I’ll ring you again in, say... five minutes.’ There was a clicking sound as the connection was cut.

  Ruth drifted obediently into the nearside lane and turned off at the exit. The café was in sight when the phone rang again.

  ‘Hi, you should be there by now,’ Elsa’s cheerful voice said.

  Ruth confirmed she nearly was.

  ‘Good. Pull into the lorry park. Beyond the lorries there’s a grassy bank. Park nose-in.’

  Ruth followed the instructions and switched off her engine. The pressure in her bladder was intense as she threw off the seatbelt and reached for the door release.

  ‘Get out and face the café,’ Elsa’s voice continued emerging firmly from the speaker. ‘Lift your skirt up around your waist, spread your legs, and give yourself the biggest frig of your life. Now listen for a moment...’

  A silence followed, only the crackle of atmospherics indicating the line was still open, and then came a familiar sucking, squelching, slapping sound Ruth recognised instantly – it was the sound of a prick shafting a really juicy fanny. She felt herself heating up, her own vulva ripening between her legs, and any reserve she might have harboured evaporated as she listened to Elsa being fucked. She flung open the car door and stepped out onto the rough ash surface, tugging on her skirt.

  Elsa’s voice emerged from the car, less controlled, her words broken up by sharp intakes of breath. ‘I bet... you can guess... what I’m doing for Morgan. Are you joining in?’

  Ruth thrust her fingers into her own wetness, pushing them into her pussy while her thumb stroked her eager clitoris. Figures were emerging from the building, but she paid them no heed. The phone continued to broadcast Elsa’s indulgence, but Ruth was elsewhere... seven years in the past, an excited nineteen-year-old perched on a study desk, her hand thrust down the front of her panties, watching, mesmerised, as her half naked friend was shafted by a strapping Nigerian named Ambrose. And she had gone next. She relived the vivid memory of the delicious pain that ended her virginity. Her body had seemed to split open when Ambrose’s magnificent cock spread her innocent vagina, driving relentlessly into her unplumbed depths. No penetration since had hurt quite as much or been quite as sweet... the memory swamped her mind as she probed herself, spurring herself on until her pleasure exploded.

  The phone was still talking to her as she drifted back to reality. ‘Was that good?’ Elsa asked.

  ‘Oh yes...’ Ruth panted. It had been really good, the best orgasm she could ever remember achieving alone. ‘But I’m bursting still. I’ll have to go now.’

  ‘Do it on the grass and take the phone with you,’ Elsa directed. ‘We want to hear.’

  Ruth grabbed the instrument, scrambled up the grassy bank heedless of any possible observers, and squatting, surrendered to nature. The relief as she let go was exquisite, and her hand was shaking slightly as she straightened up, holding the phone to her ear.

  ‘Just a little taste of what games can do,’ Elsa said, sounding replete. ‘We’ll be in touch soon.’

  Suddenly becoming aware of her exposed position, Ruth ran back to her car. She grabbed a tissue off the dashboard to dry herself, her pussy ultra sensitive and wanting more. Bemused, but feeling deliciously relaxed, she started the engine again and drove away.

  It was early evening when Ruth parked in the deserted office garage. She got out and lifted the Beetle’s front lid to retrieve her suitcase, but the moment her hand touched the handle she snatched it back as though it was electrified. She had suddenly remembered the security cameras, dozens of them covering every angle leading to the vault. There was no way she was going to offer the security guard titillating scenes of a young woman donning her panties. It would not hurt her to go bare a little while longer.

  Grasping her laptop and camera, she slammed the lid closed and hurried towards the lift. All the way down the motorway she had been unable to think clearly about anything except sex, and now the urge to find fulfilment again was almost painfully strong.

  The office seemed deserted when she entered and walked through to her desk. Working automatically, she connected the laptop to the network and logged on. It took only a few moments to set the machine to begin downloading its stored text and visuals. She sat in her swivel chair, her legs spread, as the hard drive clicked steadily. Her bare bottom was tingling strangely. ‘I’m in heat,’ she murmured to herself.

  The laptop flickered and displayed its prompt-on screen. She spun the pointer to shut down and closed the lid. Alicia could begin transforming the downloaded information into house style prose in the morning, and the graphic’s department could begin work on the pictures. She picked up the digital camera next and crossed to the security store that lay along the short corridor. The door on her right was partially open, and as she passed a voice called out, ‘Who’s there?’

  Ruth halted, and peered around the edge of the door into the office. ‘Another slave shackled to the treadmill?’ she quipped, but the word slave sent a delightful chill down her spine and her clit almost vibrated in response.

  Lewis Stone looked up from his work. ‘Oh, it’s you.’ He looked and sounded pleased to see her. ‘What news from the frozen north?’

  Ruth slipped into the room. ‘Excellent. There are over two hundred paintings in the collection. Most have cast iron provenance, and about ten of those are significant works by mainstream artists. There are even two possible Josiah Parry’s.’

  Lewis was looking at her but not meeting her eyes, apparently unmoved by the news. Ruth could feel him staring at a point halfway between her throat and her navel, and suddenly she knew why. Her nipples were standing out like hat pegs, creating large dark peaks through her crisp white cotton blouse. When he finally replied his voice sounded detached and distracted, as though he wasn’t really hearing her. ‘Good. What’s your estimate?’

  ‘Three quarters to a million, without the Parry’s,’ she told him. ‘I’ve put my report into the system. We can talk it over now, if you like.’

  This offer, combined with the generous figure, seemed to break Lewis’s trance. Raising his eyes, he met her smiling gaze. ‘That is excellent,’ he enthused. ‘That’s quite a haul for a minor collection. I expect you’ve done your usual thorough job. There was no need to come back at this hour, though.’
  She laughed lightly, shrugging off the compliment. ‘Thank you, but I had to bring the camera back. By the way, is your ID handy? I’ve left mine on my desk.’

  ‘I’ll bring it.’ They stepped across the corridor to the door of the secure room. He fed his card into the slot and entered his pin number. The door clicked and hummed open.

  Ruth reached up to place the camera in its marked spot on the top shelf, and it was no real surprise when she felt his hands reach round and close over her breasts. She said nothing, just held her position, savouring the contact. She ought to have turned and slapped his face, issued dire warnings about sexual harassment, and clung to her dignity as a female professional. With any of the other principals she would not have hesitated to do so, but Lewis was different. Until now she had trusted him implicitly, and from the moment his eyes had fixed on her nipples, she had been turned on.

  She replaced the camera carefully, closed the door, and turned into his embrace. His face was red, whether with passion or shame she did not know, or care. She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. Their lips parted and their tongues explored each other. He held her tightly against him, and then pushing her away slightly, he began fumbling with her buttons, tugged her blouse open and she dropped her arms so he could slip it off her shoulders without interrupting their passionate kiss. His hands groped her hungrily, stroking her back, cupping her breasts and pinching her nipples.

  She pulled away. ‘Not here,’ she whispered, and grasping his hand led him across the corridor.

  He kicked his office door closed behind them and they began tearing impatiently at each other’s clothing, and he groaned in astonished delight when her skirt slid down and revealed her naked sex.

  ‘It was very hot in the car,’ she explained, ‘but now I’m cold, so stoke my fire.’ She jutted her pelvis towards him with a teasing smile.

  He came to her, almost vulnerable in his naked excitement, and bent her back across his desk. There was nothing vulnerable about the big erection that parted her labia, however. Moaning, she raked her pussy over his glistening knob, and taking the throbbing stem in her hands, guided him in. He was hard and thick, and his girth made her gasp as it spread her open. She sighed with pleasure and gave herself to him freely, moving and twisting beneath to keep her clitoris in contact with his firm body as he pounded into her. He did not lack stamina, but within moments his conclusion burst upon him. The swelling and pulsing of his thick shaft inside her was heaven, and she cried for joy when his thumb found her clit and brought her to orgasm while he spurted inside her. Then he slumped heavily against her, and it was a few moments before he raised his head and studied her face closely.

  The hum of a vacuum cleaner carried up from a lower floor. ‘I have to go,’ she said, gently pushing him off her. He straightened up slowly, and his still semi-rigid penis slid out of her with a gentle plopping sound that made her want to giggle, but she controlled herself. Regaining her feet, she slipped her skirt back on and reached for her blouse.

  ‘I’ll see you home, Ruth,’ he offered politely.

  ‘That’s okay, it’s not far,’ she coolly declined his chivalrous offer. ‘And I have my car.’

  ‘All right... you’ll be here tomorrow morning?’

  ‘Naturally.’ She stood up on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the cheek. ‘Thank you, goodnight.’ There was a light in his eyes she had never seen before, and which she deliberately ignored as she turned away.

  Ruth let herself into her flat, and its familiar surroundings seemed slightly alien after being locked up and unventilated for a few days in the summer heat. She turned on the air conditioner then went directly through to the bedroom, where she kicked off her shoes and stripped away her skirt and blouse. She was still simmering with excitement as she unpacked her small suitcase thinking about the day’s events. In a curious and indefinable way, she had changed since the morning. The day’s encounters had opened a door inside her and illuminated aspects of her character she had never suspected were there. In truth, she had behaved outrageously, yet she had no regrets, and apart from the interlude with Lewis, she had retained her anonymity.

  Turning towards her full-length mirror, she studied her reflection. She would have to learn to control this new self who had been born today. Tomorrow, Lewis would see her as the normal, predictable, professional Ruth, and their carnal interlude would never be repeated. Her hand strayed to her pussy, and palmed the still moist flesh. She sniffed her fingers, savouring the lingering aroma of her juices mingled with a man’s semen, and wondered why her resolution not to repeat what had happened in the office lacked conviction.

  But it was time to put the day’s events behind her and get ready for her date with Stanford. Hopefully a dose of normality would calm her down. She took a last appreciative look at her reflection; and decided she was in excellent shape. She had a neat but curvaceous figure, a flat belly, long and shapely legs, and well-formed breasts with plump, upturned nipples. ‘Impudent tits’ an early boyfriend had christened them.

  Elated by her youth and beauty, Ruth reached for her robe and headed for the shower.

  The rattle of the taxi’s engine faded down the drive. The morning breeze sweeping off the moor was gentle and cool on Ruth’s skin. She moved to lift the iron knocker and hesitated, her hand poised over it trembling slightly with trepidation, for this was the biggest decision of her life. She was naked except for the collar around her neck, the silver cuffs on her wrists and ankles, and the chains linking them, secured by padlocks she had fitted herself. She was a captive, a willing captive but a captive nonetheless. Only weeks ago she had been a free spirit, then a chance encounter had changed everything. The keys to her chains, and the shape of her future lay beyond this door, and to knock would be to commit herself forever... Her mind scrolling through exciting memories at the speed of light, Ruth resolutely grasped the knocker...

  Chapter 2

  Ruth stepped out of the shower and slipped on her robe, anxious to reach the telephone. As she hurried across the bedroom her heart was racing. An urgent longing for it to be Elsa on the line had boiled up inside her the moment she heard the ringing sound, and the desire to be ordered to perform another shameless act gripped her.

  But it was only Margaret, to suggest they meet for a workout in the fitness suite. Margaret, the stylist at Ruth’s favourite salon, lived three floors up. They met regularly to keep trim, but tonight it was difficult to crave sobriety when the alternative was so diverting, and she was getting ready for a date, so she turned down the invitation.

  As she dressed for her night out with Stanford, she felt her emotions fizzing like champagne, which amazed her. She was all fired up and ready for more naughtiness. Therefore, from her wardrobe she selected a crimson jacquard dress with a full skirt and a mandarin neck. It was a wonderful garment, specially made at great cost, but one she hardly ever wore because she thought it made her look too mature. It was just what she needed tonight to contain herself.

  Casting a thoughtful glance at Stanford, Ruth nestled into the soft leather seat as the thoroughbred Bristol purred towards the West End. The great car symbolised the comfortable, high-rolling lifestyle to which she had grown accustomed.

  In the wine bar the crowd was as lively as ever, but tonight the banter sounded hollow and the shoptalk about classic cars failed to incite any response in her. Afterwards in the restaurant even the food tasted strangely bland, and it was only during the drive home that Ruth’s spirits started lifting in anticipation of more sex.

  Back in her flat, she hurried Stanford through to the bedroom, hastening the proceedings by stripping naked as she went.

  He watched her askance, but made no comment as seizing the opportunity, he threw off his own clothes, grabbed her around the waist, and lowered her onto the bed. Rapidly, more quickly than usual, he spread her legs and thrust his rigid penis into her welcoming pussy. Despite her wetness th
e rough action dragged at her sex lips, causing her to cry out softly in discomfort, and lying beneath him, pinned down by his weight and his prick, she felt used and strangely violated... whereas Lewis had given her real pleasure...

  She wriggled, settling herself more comfortably around Stanford’s cock, squeezing it tightly with her inner muscles and urging it to greater fullness. She was rewarded by the sensation of his erection swelling within her, and she closed her eyes to savour the sensation of being completely filled.

  Driving deeply into her, he shafted her as though his life depended on reaching a climax in record time, and almost at once he achieved his goal, his cock jerking wildly as he pumped her full of his semen. Then he slumped across her, panting. But when he tried to pull out she hooked her legs over his back to keep him inside her. ‘Let go,’ he protested. ‘I want to lie down.’

  ‘No,’ she said, and giggled playfully as she held him more tightly against her.

  ‘Don’t be childish,’ he responded sourly, forcing his body upward to break her hold on him.

  Feeling hurt, Ruth let him go.

  He rolled inelegantly onto his back next to her and turned away, pulling the duvet up over him.

  Ruth lay still and gazed up at the ceiling, anger and disappointment simmering inside her. Her craving for another orgasm had intensified all evening only to remain unfulfilled. She fingered herself surreptitiously, slipping a finger into her pussy, which was still oozing his warm semen, and the action soothed her somewhat. Determined not to capitulate to a destructive mood, she turned towards him, pressing her breasts into his broad back. She reached over his body, groping for his prick, and felt him stir as her fingers enclosed his soft length.

  ‘Oh dear,’ she murmured, ‘you’ve gone all floppy. Now that’s not right. You should be strong and straight, stiff and hard, a really big spear to shaft me with.’ As she spoke she eased the foreskin back to expose his glans, and nipped it firmly between her thumb and finger.


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