Ruth Restrained

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by Krys Antarakis

‘Or the subject’s physical limits,’ Ruth added.

  ‘Which are in part determined by her own imagination,’ Conrad argued pleasantly. ‘All limits are capable of being exceeded, Ruth, as experience will teach you. Now I think we should return to the others. It is not good for either Corinne or Lisette to enjoy too long a reprieve.’ He shepherd them across the yard and through a door adjacent to the training room, which brought them to a smaller room fitted out in a similar style. ‘Our playroom.’

  Ruth noted that the playroom contained a shaggy horse, a whipping stool and an arrangement like a short set of asymmetric bars. There were more paintings, of naked girls again. She recognised Lisette and Corinne, and the others she guessed were the rest of Conrad’s slaves. Each portrait was surrounded by photographs in the same way Zelda’s had been, and the range of activities the girls had been caught in seemed endless. Lewis and Conrad were talking, so she edged closer to examine the nearest of the photographs. Despite her apparent desperate circumstances, the girl in the pictures looked happy, even in the shot where she was suspended by the ankles whilst subject to the attentions of a wicked looking whip. The gleam in her eyes was one of passion rather than distress.

  Suddenly Conrad pressed a switch and a section of wall rolled back to reveal the drawing room. Ruth had not absorbed details of the room previously, her attention having been riveted on the Parry, but now she noted how the fireplace was situated on the outside wall and flanked by two tall windows. Opposite them was the door connecting with the rest of the house, and the panelling Conrad had just withdrawn formed the third wall while a fourth wall was concealed by full-length drapes.

  She whispered to Lewis, ‘I wonder what surprises are hidden behind there.’

  ‘I’ll ask when the opportunity arises,’ he promised. ‘Hey, see the girls?’

  Lisette and Corinne had been secured to the wall with wrist chains, one on either side of the door, and Karly was playing with Lisette’s nipple weights.

  As Conrad entered the room, Corinne’s bell tinkled.

  ‘What is she saying?’ Elsa asked.

  ‘She needs to relieve herself,’ Conrad translated dismissively. ‘She must wait. She knows better than to do it in here.’

  ‘Time they were punished,’ Jack declared.

  ‘I agree. Lewis and Ruth, please take a seat. Aisha, drinks for our guests, please. Tell me, Ruth, what sanction is appropriate for a disobedient slave who is bursting for a pee?’

  Ruth started, caught off guard by the question. Recently her fantasies had extended to include the idea of punishments, often extreme, but each fantasy had cast her as the recipient, never as the perpetrator. Her mind whirled helplessly as she struggled to embrace the concept of determining the nature of someone else’s suffering. ‘Remind me, please, what exactly were their faults?’

  ‘Corinne’s you know, defiance aggravated by impertinence. Lisette was discovered playing with herself after being told to avoid stimulation and orgasm.’

  Ruth recalled the pleasure of spanking Oona and the feel of her plump pussy beneath her hand. She remembered Oona’s feigned protests, and the obvious ecstasy underlying her struggles. ‘I suggest each girl is given a pussy whipping while confined in the Janus harness. And neither girl must orgasm until she has requested, and been given, permission to do so.’

  Conrad’s face lit up. ‘Plus an inverted suspension. A very appropriate punishment, Ruth, well done. Karly, prepare the Janus. Jack, prepare the slaves, Corinne first.’

  The party crowded expectantly into the playroom. Corinne was brought in and stripped of her harness by Jack. Ankle cuffs, joined by a wooden pole, were fitted to her where she lay and a stout rope was lowered from a pulley in the ceiling. A loop at the end of the rope was linked with a carabineer to a ring on Corinne’s ankle spreader, and she was quickly hauled up to hang with her fingers trailing on the floor. Ruth noticed her vulva was shaved, leaving only a small neat tuft of hair to decorate her mound. The outer lips of her labia were parted, with the bell lying mute on her ripe, pink clitoris. She imagined the scourging to come, and shivered, clenching her thighs to contain her excitement.

  Lisette was fetched next, stripped, and tied down in the same fashion. When she was hauled up Conrad took great care to match their relative positions, for Lisette was a little taller than Corinne. Lisette was also shaven, in her case completely, and like Zelda she was pierced though the clitoris. Ruth thought how prettily the ring decorated her pussy and began rubbing herself again surreptitiously as the Janus harness was fitted, pulling the two girls together at the shoulders.

  Wrist-to-thigh straps restrained their arms, rendering them virtually immobile, and then Jack reached between their legs and gripped Corinne’s bell. He pulled, and Ruth watched open-mouthed while caressing herself frenziedly as Corinne’s pussy spread open before her eyes. The fleshy inner lips blossomed, parting wider and wider as the object inside her was withdrawn. The entrance to her straining sex grew to an impossible size as the smooth ball came free, pulling out with a rushing sound, and it was so big that Ruth almost swooned with admiration. Corinne’s labia closed again slowly, sensuously, and the tension in the room was palpable as everyone marvelled at the cruel stretching the girl had just taken without making a sound. The gag had left her no choice, but now it was removed.

  Ruth’s empathic tension was eased somewhat when Lewis’s hands suddenly cupped her breasts from behind.

  ‘Who shall do it?’

  ‘What shall be used?

  ‘Which girl gets it first?’

  Questions were fired out rapidly by different members of the audience.

  Conrad held up his hand. ‘Ruth has selected the format, let Lewis choose the means.’

  Lewis looked flattered. ‘Thank you, but I take it spanking is not appropriate, so I shall need some guidance.’

  ‘Spanking, by all means, if that is what you wish, but an implement will be more efficient. They are experienced subjects who will appreciate a full, sharp impact. We have proper pussy-whips, which are quite effective, but rather tame. Plaited whips are very good, but require some practice to administer safely. Straps are easy to use and have a sharp impact. However, a tipped quirt is the obvious choice if you want them to carry marks afterwards.’

  Slipping her arm in his, Ruth watched Lewis carefully as he weighed the decision. She pressed close, feeling the warmth of his body through her flimsy dress and sensing the excitement being stirred up within her lover by the situation.

  ‘I shall nominate they be strapped,’ he said at last.

  Ruth kissed his cheek in approval of his choice, and suddenly became aware of Conrad studying her even more intently than normal. She felt exposed, mysteriously naked beneath his scrutiny, as though he knew exactly what she was thinking. Then their host’s voice filled the room as he decreed, ‘Karly will administer ten strokes to Lisette, and Ruth will deliver the next ten to Corinne.’

  Chapter 13

  Ruth’s mouth went dry. She felt hot, as though everyone was staring at her, but in fact everyone, including her, was looking intently at Karly.

  Karly strode across the room with the confidence of one basking in approval. She selected a short strap fixed to a stubby handle, and turned, a sardonic smile on her lips. She flicked the handle, making the strap snap against itself with a terrifying crack.

  Lisette flinched, and Corinne jerked in sympathy.

  Karly walked around the suspended girls slowly, ensuring Lisette got a clear view of the strap destined to beat her unprotected labia.

  Lisette closed her eyes.

  Karly took her position, raised the strap, flicked it sharply down, and then up. The leather curled in a lazy S and cracked against itself just millimetres above the vulnerable flesh of Lisette’s quim. The crowd gasped, and Lisette jerked as the sound in her ears and the draught across her wet labia combined to fool her brain. Karly laugh
ed, a hard, cold sound, and twice more repeated the cruel taunt.

  Finally she stepped back, swung the strap where Lisette could easily see it, raised it, and planted one foot forward.

  The strap whistled wickedly through the air and cracked again, but this time the gesture was no feint. Lisette screamed, and began sobbing in anguish.

  Ruth trembled, frightened yet beguiled. She leaned hard against Lewis, calmed by his presence even as his firmness aroused her.

  Karly struck again. The leather smacked sharply over the girl’s delicate flesh, and Lisette’s cry was one of sheer anguish. Karly smiled wickedly at her plaintive sobs, and delivered two more strokes in rapid succession.

  Lisette’s body twisted and jerked as she fought the pain, and Corinne’s fingers twitched as though she was trying to comfort her partner. Ruth empathised, aware of how much sensation was being transmitted through their closely confined bodies.

  Lisette sobbed wildly. Her vulva was red and puffy, the flesh angry from the chastisement. Three more rapid blows followed, the flat smack of the strap echoing strangely through the silent room. Lisette’s fanny glowed an angry red, yet her clitoris stood stiff, the silver ring strung through it contrasting sharply with the rosy flesh around it. Karly lifted the strap and flicked it down with gentle precision so the very tip seared across her victim’s clit, making the ring dance, and Lisette howled in pain, or ecstasy, or both.

  Karly laughed. ‘Yes, you’d like to come, wouldn’t you? But not yet, slave. Not until I tell you to.’ She pinched Lisette’s inner labia then resumed her stance to deliver the last two strokes with calculated ferocity. As Lisette struggled to contain herself, Karly held the strap handle over her throbbing pussy, twisting it around to tease the opening into her juicing sex. ‘Not yet, slave,’ she warned. ‘You must wait until your partner has the same need.’

  Karly continued to tease her victim for several more seconds before she pushed the blunt handle home, burying it deep in Lisette’s cleft, leaving the strap trailing over her tortured labia. Then she swung around to face Ruth. ‘Your pleasure,’ she said, her voice heavy with sarcasm.

  Ruth took the leather-bound handle presented by Conrad, trying to avoid eye contact with Karly; the girl’s hardness was frightening. Instead, she looked down at Corinne’s inverted eyes, reading the unspoken plea for a quick release. She then asked Lewis to hold the strap, quickly discarded her blouse and, kneeling, offered Corinne her exposed nipple.

  The girl took it eagerly, sucking on it greedily and sending waves of pleasure through Ruth’s body. The action also calmed her somewhat, diluting a little of her trepidation.

  It made her feel good, as if what would follow was an exchange between lovers, for she was incapable of replicating Karly’s overt domination.

  Ruth pulled her nipple free of Corinne’s sucking lips, straightened up and retrieved the strap. She gently stroked the plump fanny spread invitingly before her, not surprised to feel that Corinne was moist. She teased the eager bud into view, encircling it with a moist fingertip, and in the corner of her eye she saw Elsa with her skirt lifted echoing the action on her own clitoris. Tom was behind her, and from her friend’s stance, Ruth deduced that his cock was embedded in her bottom. She felt a surge of envy, and the pussy before her suddenly became doubly inviting, the desire to smack it irresistible.

  She took up her position, balanced the strap carefully, raised it, and brought it down. She was aiming for the plump crests of Corinne’s buttocks, but her lack of expertise let her down. The strap curled viciously over the girl’s open labia, which contracted beneath the impact as Corinne cried out in agony. Lisette voiced her frustration with a loud moan as Ruth struck a second time, aiming for Corinne’s bottom again, but once more the strap smacked fully across her vulva, which seemed to blossom in agony, exposing its juicy pink interior.

  The invitation was blatant and impossible to ignore. Abandoning her earlier objective, Ruth laid into the greedy pinkness with energy, delivering two smacks directly to the full labia, and two directly over the hard nubbin.

  Corinne twisted and jerked beneath the attack, pushing her pelvis forward and eliciting more moans of protest from Lisette.

  Quickly, Ruth planted four more sharp blows across the helpless girl’s pussy. Each smack seemed to echo back through her own body, triggering a desire to share the deliciously incisive pain she was giving. And feeling suddenly guilty that she was feeding her own needs more than Corinne’s, she stepped forward and pushed the end of the handle firmly into the girl’s pulsating void. Corinne gasped with pleasure as she gripped the handle firmly, and began pumping it in and out of her. There was no way Corinne could hold out; she succumbed to an orgasm almost at once, and her convulsions pushed Lisette over her own edge.

  Ruth pumped away as one climax after another possessed the two suspended bodies. Nothing could stop her driving them on to even greater heights, even when she felt her skirt lifted from behind and her panties pulled down. The warm stiffness that drove into her vagina was pure bliss.

  She pushed her bottom up and out, taking the gift with pleasure. It was not long before her mind darkened and she felt all her thoughts drowning in a pure, ultimate bliss.

  The sky was tinged with dawn when the party broke up. Ruth was naked – she had been that way since Corinne’s chastisement – and so were most of the other guests. Sex had been their sole occupation for several hours, yet no one seemed replete. It was the demands of the dawning day that dictated their pragmatism.

  As Ruth searched for her discarded clothing, she reflected on the pleasure of being in mixed company where inhibitions were unknown. The stimulation had been continuous, with orgasms following swiftly one upon another.

  The women in particular enjoyed themselves because in this environment they were not dependant on male recovery time. It was also good that, without exception, the men were aware of their full feminine potential, taking as much care to serve their partners as they did to satisfy their own needs.

  Conrad approached her, his penis still erect, and Ruth eyed it greedily. Of all the men in the room, Conrad was the only one she had not pleasured tonight. It was as though he was avoiding her. Or saving her for later...?

  ‘Splendid,’ he said with feeling. ‘I hope you and Lewis have enjoyed yourselves.’

  ‘Immensely,’ she assured him.

  ‘Quite astonishing,’ Lewis murmured beside her.

  She turned naturally into his embrace. How nice it was to feel his arm around her naked shoulders. She snuggled against him. ‘Do you think the hotel will admit us at this hour?’ she asked.

  ‘You needn’t go back to the hotel,’ Conrad said at once. ‘Use one of my guest rooms. It will enable you to get a few hours of rest before breakfast.’

  ‘Thanks, that’s good of you.’ Lewis’s exhaustion was evident in his voice.

  ‘Not at all, it’s my pleasure. Aisha, take my friends up to the griffin room, please.’

  Aisha approached them, smiling amiably and looking as fresh as ever. It was impossible to believe she had just taken part in a night of debauchery. Ruth was envious, knowing what a wreck she herself must appear.

  The lovely servant led them to a large bedroom with a four-poster bed. ‘The bathroom is on the right. Please make use of all the facilities. Will an eight o’clock wake-up call be all right?’

  ‘Make it eight-thirty, please,’ Lewis replied.

  Aisha smiled, and withdrew.

  Ruth glanced eagerly towards the bathroom. ‘I shall be glad of a hot shower.’

  ‘Amen,’ he sighed wearily. ‘Lead they way, my love.’

  Ruth had mixed feelings about the journey to London. She wanted to be with Lewis, but there were things she had to do at the flat, and she was becoming accustomed to life in the north and was loath to leave. Their late start ate into their already tight schedule, and she was therefore surprised when
Lewis took a detour into York city.

  ‘I thought we might have a look at the gallery,’ he explained.

  The gallery and the shop were lovely. Ruth liked the setting and the owners, who turned out to be a pleasant couple in late middle age. The husband had retired from a series of directorships and his wife was the artistic director. Ruth took to them at once, and left feeling more enthusiastic than ever about the prospect. Apart from the intrinsic value, there was the added attraction of being close to the action.

  As they walked back to the car park, Lewis asked, ‘Tell me, Ruth, do you own a tennis dress?’

  ‘No, I wear shorts and a T-shirt on the few occasions I play,’ she told him. ‘Why do you ask?’

  He shook his head. ‘The conditions set by Elsa still apply.’

  She smiled. ‘Of course, but I’m not intending to play tennis in the foreseeable future, so why the curiosity?’

  ‘I think you should be equipped for all eventualities. Look, here’s a sportswear shop. Let’s go in.’

  She followed him obediently, and allowed herself to be persuaded into choosing a brief white dress that exposed her panties. There was a certain thrill in sharing this intimate purchase with her lover, and she suspected something exciting lay behind it.

  It was late afternoon when they arrived back at the office. Although Ruth had been away only a few days, she found the large building rather oppressive and hectic.

  Janet was in, and Ruth slipped gratefully into her office for a good gossip. The older woman wanted to know all about the days she had been away, and inspected her engagement ring with due reverence.

  ‘You’re a fortunate girl, Ruth. Mr Stone has never made such a commitment to anyone before. He must care for you very deeply.’

  ‘I’m sure he does, Janet... oh, it sounds so smug when I say that, but I’m not being conceited. I just feel loved, truly loved, by him. Tell me, why do you always call him Mr Stone?’


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