Ruth Restrained

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Ruth Restrained Page 21

by Krys Antarakis

  The door was finally opened by the beautiful Aisha. She ushered Ruth through to the library, where Helen was waiting. Helen looked superb wearing nothing but a tiny white thong set off with tiny brilliants. She held two small bouquets of red roses, one of which she handed to Ruth. ‘Good luck!’ she said, smiling happily.

  ‘The ceremony begins!’ Aisha announced in a loud, formal voice, and the duo followed her lead.

  As Ruth entered the drawing room, the strains of the bridal march struck up and a sea of faces turned towards her with a collective hum of admiration. She felt radiant, her beauty springing from a sense of inner power and a profound certainty about Lewis and the rightness of her choices.

  The biggest smile of all came from Lewis, standing at the front of the room. Next to him stood Conrad.

  Ruth walked between the seats. She was tingling all over, and the balls inside were filling her with a subtle delight. Filled with joy she reached Lewis, who took her hand tightly in his and kissed her on the cheek.

  The furniture had been pushed aside except for a table draped in white linen, and beside this stood the parson, Simon Parkes, an acquaintance of Conrad’s. The rules had been explained to him and he was bright and energetic, a realist who held that the promises couples make to each other are of greater importance than conventional appearances.

  ‘Friends, we are here today to solemnise the marriage of Ruth Parrish to Lewis Stone,’ the parson began in his resonant voice. ‘I must compliment the bride on her beauty. I believe it is perfectly acceptable, even proper, to reveal the true eloquence of God’s creation. We should never be ashamed of what God has made.’ He kept the ceremony brief, refraining from further embellishments. Ruth was satisfied with the arrangement, and pleased he remembered to include the unfashionable promise of obedience in her vows.

  After the legalities were complete, Lewis thanked Simon profusely for his understanding attitude. ‘We’d be delighted if you would stay for the reception.’

  ‘Thank you, I shall stay a short while, but I have some pressing pastoral duties to attend to. I pray you will be very happy, Ruth. You are immensely brave. I admire your frankness and honesty. Have a long and happy life together.’

  Conrad opened the partition, allowing the guests to flow into the playroom, where Aisha and Tali had set out a sumptuous buffet.

  Ruth ate very little; she was too excited. She kept looking at the new gold ring on her third finger.

  ‘Are you happy?’ Lewis asked, holding her close.


  ‘I’m so glad... Ruth, I want to make you the world’s happiest woman. If you want to change any aspect of our agreement, you have only to say so.’

  ‘I know, but everything is perfect. We’re married, and I’m your love slave. What more could I ask for?’

  After the cake cutting ceremony came the speeches. Conrad spoke briefly in his role as best man, and Lewis answered with a concise and sincere speech of his own. Then Ruth took his place, standing proudly naked before the assembled guests.

  ‘Protocol does not usually allow the bride a chance to speak, but I want to say something to you all. Four years ago I graduated with a degree in art history and took employment with a dealer in the city of Exeter. One winter’s day, a distinguished client came to view a painting. I must have made the right impression, because not only did he buy the painting, he came back the next day to offer me an apprenticeship with his firm of professional valuators. I am glad to say that I accepted. Since then, Lewis Stone has been my mentor and my guide. Now he is my husband and my master. I learned my business from him. As time passed, my respect for him as a colleague turned to affection, though I did not suspect he harboured similar feelings for me until a few weeks ago. When we allowed nature to take its course, I found a truly gentle and understanding companion and lover. He quickly discovered my preferences, and went out of his way to cater to them, never displaying jealousy, impatience or disapproval. Lewis, you have given me so much. In return, I offer you all my love and absolute obedience.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he replied fervently. ‘And I am honoured to accept them.’

  ‘One more thing,’ she added. ‘My happiness today will only be complete if I am permitted to demonstrate my obedience to you before everyone present. Please, my love, put me into role and use me as you will.’

  Elsa gripped Lewis’s arm. ‘This wonderful girl is my best and oldest friend. I hope you realise what a gem you have in her. Treat her well and make her happy.’

  Lewis smiled as he prised his arm free. ‘Conrad, my friend, the use of your facilities and your assistance, please?’

  ‘You know what I would really like...’ Ruth said, and whispered her wish in his ear.

  He produced a key, and removed her fetters. Then everyone watched with hushed expectation as she was led to the centre of the room. Zelda appeared as if by magic, gloriously naked, carrying the spreader bar that had been used on Lisette. As she crouched down to fasten the ends to Ruth’s ankles, Ruth saw clearly for the first time the elaborate letter K tattooed on the girl’s bald scalp. She felt goose bumps prickle across her skin. How wonderful it would be to be marked like that...

  Conrad lowered the suspension rope and Lewis attached it to the spreader. Ruth leaned back, trusting her shoulders to Zelda’s supporting hands, and felt the rope tighten, tilting her backward as her feet were lifted. Lewis took the weight off her hips and she tried to relax as the room inverted around her. Up she went, until her hands were dangling on the smooth floor. All around her was a buzz of voices, and the strange vision of inverted legs.

  Zelda appeared again, and Ruth’s eyes were directly level with the other slave’s shaved crotch. Her denuded lips were so lovely that Ruth wanted to sink her tongue in their rich beauty and gorge herself on the sweet, seeping nectar.

  Zelda fastened broad straps around Ruth’s thighs, and their tightness served to emphasise the vulnerability of her crotch. She clenched involuntarily; feeling her juices, and her own wantonness made her begin perspiring as Zelda quickly lifted her arms and strapped them to the thigh bands. She was then lowered until her hair brushed the floor and gazed rapidly around, looking for Lewis’s feet. They stepped into her vision in their elegant black shoes, and dangling beside them she saw a six-tailed lash. She felt her eyes fill with tears and was not sure if she was crying with fear or with joy.

  She tensed, waiting for the first merciless lash across her delicate parts. She heard the whip whistle through the air, and her body jerked as it brushed across her skin, just flicking the tip of one of her nipples. Her tension escaped as a scream and her nipple burned hot.

  Again the whip whistled through the air, striking her other nipple, and this time the pain was excruciating.

  Again the whip fell, across both her breasts now as she screamed in agony. There was a pause, and then two lashes fell in quick succession on the inside of each of her thighs. These hurt, but less than she expected, and she waited breathlessly. The whip whistled above her again, she heard the crack, and then fire flared between her thighs.

  ‘Oh, my poor cunt!’ she cried, jerking and twisting as she vainly sought to clamp her legs together. Logic told her to demand release, but she did not, and the whip cracked again. The fire seared her flesh, but now she sensed pleasure beneath the torment knowing her labia was lusciously distended and her most secret self exposed to chastisement. Then came another searing cut, and another, and she could feel each separate lash curling around as it sliced her tender, sensitive skin. ‘Please, another one!’ she gasped.

  Three more times the whip scourged her, until her flesh was on fire. Her body had never been so misused, and yet it craved more misery. She wanted more and more of this delicious pain filling her with a sense of fulfilment such as she had never known.

  She felt fingers, firm and hard, pressing down on her burning clitoris, and swiftly lifting her to heights
of pleasure well beyond her conscious mind. She opened her eyes. Lewis was standing close to her, his trousers open so she could look up and see his ripe balls crowned by a potently hard penis. ‘Oh yes,’ she cried. ‘Yes!’

  Zelda squatted behind her, pulling her shoulders back to grip her breasts and pinch her nipples. Ruth thought she would die from delight, and then the suspension rope jerked as she was lowered a little and her head cushioned by the other slave’s thighs. She extended her tongue, trying to lick Zelda’s soft, creamy skin as she felt herself filled by two, perhaps three, fingers. She arched her back as the pleasure spread through her body, and then the fingers pulled and the vibrating balls popped free. Her clitoris was stroked and teased and cruelly pinched and she groaned with pain – a pain so exquisite it possessed the same mysterious soul as ecstasy.

  She recognised the feel of Lewis’s penis and opened to it. She felt him slide in, slowly and firmly, so she could relish every second of his erection filling her. She arched her back again to absorb him, squeezing him and feeling him surge in response. When he pulled out all the way the sensation of loss was unbearable. Fortunately he drove into her again right away, and her body swallowed him hungrily, working him as she floated on a higher plane, lost in a realm of absolute delight. The orgasm that built inside her was conceived in pain and born in pleasure, the complete and total expression of her deepest feelings, and of her love for him.

  The bridal suite was the griffin room in which they had stayed previously. The pillory stood as it had done before, but Lewis took her on the bed in the time-honoured fashion. Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms.

  ‘I’m so glad you whipped and fucked me at our reception,’ she said softly. ‘It was indescribably beautiful. Thank you.’

  ‘You want to be in the pillory now, don’t you?’ he asked, amused.

  ‘Naturally.’ She laughed, and allowed herself to be led across the room, where she bent meekly into the beam. The moment the bar dropped into place she experienced a sharp lifting of her sensual mood, as if her sex drive had been switched into overdrive. She felt Lewis’s hands on her buttocks, smoothing her curvaceous mounds, his fingers dipping into her cleavage and stroking her sphincter. She moaned as he pressed his hardness into her secret valley and reached round to enclose her breasts in his hands. He played with her nipples, filling her with eddies of pleasure that struck delicious echoes in her clitoris.

  She eyed the rack on the adjacent wall where whips and straps were hung, and licked her lips wondering which he would choose for her pleasure later.

  His hand dropped to her belly, and combed her pubic hair before teasing her clitoris from its hood. He touched her hard nubbin, still tender from its chastisement, and lit a fire in her sex before he stepped away. She saw him by the rack, saw his hand hover and then select a flexible strap that would curl around her, affording her a delicious pain.

  He whipped her lightly, a little sting on her buttocks that made her catch her breath and gasp, ‘Thank you, sir!’

  ‘We are going to spend a whole month here exploring your frontiers, my pet. I want you to be my paramount slave, my dearest and best. When you achieve perfect submission, you will be the first to carry my mark. I know you have coveted Zelda’s status as I have coveted Conrad’s, and with his help we shall emulate them... no, we shall surpass them.’

  A rush of intense excitement flushed her whole body, and the sharp cut of the strap felt like heaven as the future promised paradise. ‘Thank you, sir, I am honoured to serve you.’

  His response was another full-powered blow, and a scorching band seared across her bottom that made her gasp and clench her cheeks as her clitoris flared in exquisite sympathy.

  ‘And tomorrow, my pet,’ her husband and master said as the strap once more bit into her skin, ‘you will discover what lies behind that curtain.’

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