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Rayyan Page 4

by Marian Tee

  “I hate you, I really do.”

  “But you don’t. You really don’t---”

  “Shut up.”

  “Why?” he asked seriously. “Does every word I utter make you like me even more----”

  “Oh, for the love of God!” Hyacinth didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, tear her hair out, or let her toes curl as they were dying to do. The media had it so wrong, she thought in despair. Reporters often complained at how little the sheikh spoke, but obviously that was just all for show.

  Rayyan watched Hyacinth plant her hands on her waist with interest, thinking that there were some ways that the girl definitely took after her older sister. He had seen Anisah strike the same poise when readying to do battle –

  “Fair is fair, sheikh.”

  And clearly, he thought in amusement, it was what Hyacinth had geared up for as well.

  “Some girls may be masochistic enough to go for one-sided relationships, but that’s never been my thing, which is why---” Hyacinth pointed at him. “I’ve decided I’m going to make you fall in love with me.”

  Rayyan nearly choked. Now that he did not expect at all.

  “And when that happens,” Hyacinth warned him, “and I promise you it will, I’m going to have so much fun wrapping you around my little finger.”

  A smile slowly curved over the sheikh’s lips. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, that is so.”

  “Because – and let this be a fair warning for you as well…”

  “Warn away as much as you like,” she said airily, “but it won’t make a difference.”

  “Innocence has never been a turn on for me.”

  Hyacinth didn’t even hesitate, asking tauntingly, “Who says I’m innocent?”

  Instead of answering, the sheikh simply let his gaze slowly roam her body, moving farther and farther down until his blazing blue eyes began to reach –


  Unable to bear the heat of his stare, Hyacinth let out a choking sound as she defensively crossed her arms over herself just as she felt her breasts begin to swell. A moment later, she heard the sheikh chuckle, and fire burst in her cheeks.

  Rayyan’s eyes glinted with humor. “You were saying?”

  “You just wait,” she muttered. “I will make you fall in love with me.”

  The sheikh’s lips curved. “Of course you will.”

  “I’m serious,” she growled.

  “Nem, nem.” Yes, yes. “I believe you.”

  “You better.” But she only spoke just for the sake of having the last word, and one look at the sheikh told her he knew this, too.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  You are so damn fucked, H.

  “Can you please stop staring at me like that?”

  “Why? Does it make you uncomfortable to have my eyes on you---” The sheikh paused, and his voice lowered another notch when he spoke again. “Or does it excite you---”


  Hyacinth let out another gasp even as she quickly pressed her hands to her face in a futile attempt to keep herself from blushing even harder.

  Shit, this was bad.

  This was just…over-the-top, fucked-beyond-recognition, no-way-out kind of shit, and she was genuinely lost at what she should do next.

  Goddammit, H.

  What in the world have you gotten yourself into?

  Chapter Five

  Some things were easier said than done, and unfortunately for Hyacinth, making Rayyan Al-Atassi fall in love with her was exactly one of those things.

  The sheikh looked up as soon as she entered his office. “You’re here, good. Let’s go.”

  She waited for him to notice the change in her. She had curled the ends of her hair, and she had spent a good deal of money buying the fashion-forward abaya she was wearing. The very least he could do was say she looked nice, she thought crossly.

  But no, of course not, that wasn’t going to happen, and before long they were already out of the department office, and Hyacinth was doing her best to keep pace with the sheikh’s powerful, long-legged stride.

  What were you expecting, H?

  That he’d take one look at you and realize what he’s been missing all this time?

  The thought had her stomping her feet a little louder than usual, causing the sheikh to glance at her with a frown. “Everything alright?”

  She bared her teeth in a smile. “Perfectly fine, alshaykh.”

  But in reality, it was not fine at all.

  It had been two months since she started working for the sheikh. Two months! And yet, despite seeing each other almost every day, nothing at all had changed between them. Her heart still skipped a beat at the damnably beautiful sight of him, while the sheikh –

  Rayyan opened the car door for her when they reached the limousine parked by the palace steps. “In you go.”

  “I’m not a child,” she muttered even as she did as asked and in she went, just like a good little girl.

  “Nem, nem.” Yes, yes. The sheikh’s tone was full of good humor. “I keep forgetting you’re the grand old age of – what is it again?” he teased. “Seventeen?”

  She started to stick her tongue out but thought better of it.

  Unfortunately, it was too late. Despite the expressionless look on the sheikh’s gorgeous face, his eyes were blatantly laughing at her, and Hyacinth wanted to groan out loud.

  What the hell, H?

  She used to be the girl who always had it together, but ever since Rayyan Al-Atassi entered the picture, she had become like everyone else.

  Crazy about one boy, Hyacinth thought gloomily, and unable to think of anything else.

  “Come now,” the sheikh cajoled. “Don’t be mad.”

  “Then fall in love with me NOW.”

  Rayyan’s lips twitched. “You still haven’t given up on that?”

  “Will I still be working for you if I had?” she retorted.

  “And here I thought it was because you had fallen in love with me.”

  A litany of curses rained down on him at the words, and Rayyan was no longer able to hide back a smile.

  Life these days, he thought complacently, was incredibly good.

  “Do you know you’re much cuter when you’re mad?”

  Hyacinth groaned. “You’re such a flirt.”

  “I’ve never said that to any other woman.” It was the truth.

  “Yeah right.”

  And the only reason why he was admitting to such a thing was because he knew Hyacinth would never believe him.

  “Hyacinth…” The sheikh tried to ruffle Hyacinth’s hair and had his hand immediately slapped away.

  “Stop it,” Hyacinth hissed. “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not a kid, okay?”

  But the sheikh only grinned in response and made another attempt to ruffle her hair.

  Seated in front of the couple, Gadi and the sheikh’s long-term chauffeur, Salah, exchanged knowing looks as their normally aloof and terribly self-contained employer went on to display a rather impressive ability in riling the girl’s temper.

  It was a completely immature thing to do really, and yet the two men had never seen the sheikh having so much fun. Looking at Salah, Gadi mouthed a question, asking, ‘Don’t you think the sheikh’s smiles are different whenever he’s with her?’

  The older man nodded. I think so, too. However… He drew an imaginary horizontal line over his throat. You’d be an idiot if you ever voice such thoughts out loud to the sheikh.

  Gadi gulped. Understood. Salah was right. Some things were better left unspoken.

  Upon arriving at their destination, Rayyan stepped out first before offering his hand to Hyacinth, who then pretended not to see it as she followed him out of the limousine.

  And when she was standing right next to him, the triumphant look she shot him seemed to say, See? I’m not a little girl anymore!

  Rayyan let out a polite cough.

  Hyacinth’s gaze turned suspicious. Maybe she was being para
noid, but it seemed like the sheikh was laughing at her.

  But if he were, she thought grumpily, it was nothing new.

  “Yam Jamil, alshaykh.” A beautiful day, sheikh.

  The bank president’s formal greeting seemed to flick an internal switch in the two, and when the sheikh and Hyacinth turned to face the other party, it was as if the fun and flirtatious exchange that Gadi had witnessed in the limousine was nothing but an illusion.

  The sheikh was once again a figure of reserved authority, someone whom everyone looked up to but would always stand apart from the people, while Hyacinth was naught but the sheikh’s young and studious intern.

  In other words, this couple was amazing, and Gadi could only watch with pride as both Hyacinth and the sheikh set to work in separate but similarly efficient ways. In the boardroom, Rayyan Al-Atassi easily commanded everyone’s attention as he delivered a powerfully motivating speech about the kingdom’s economic prospects. Meanwhile, the sheikh’s young secret lover worked diligently behind the scenes, refilling people’s drinks without being intrusive, distributing handouts just as the sheikh moved on to the next topic, and just being perfect all around.

  The sheikh’s PA wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. This, he thought fondly, must be how parents felt upon seeing their children find their soulmates. Granted, the sheikh was actually a lot older than him, but surely this wonderful feeling of pride had to be close?

  When the meeting was over and they were back at the palace, Hyacinth was surprised when the sheikh invited her to take a walk through the palace’s secret tunnels.

  “What for?” Hyacinth asked suspiciously even though she was already following him into the underground passageway, which also had a direct connection to the sheikh’s private office.

  “Relax, anisdi.” Amusement tinged the sheikh’s tone. “I’m not going to do anything to you---” Rayyan paused. “Or is that it? Do you wish me to do something…” His words ended in a chuckle as Hyacinth marched past him with a muttered curse.

  “You swear too much,” he commented.

  “Jealous?” she asked sweetly.

  The sheikh laughed, and her pleasure disappeared.


  The mere sound of his laughter was enough to make her catch her breath, and the way it echoed intimately around the tunnel just made things worse. It seemed to emphasize the fact that they were all alone, this one place in the world that it was just her and him, a place that she could pretend she was just a girl, standing in front of –

  WHOA, H.

  Have you sunk so low you’re going to quote Notting Hill now?

  Rayyan noticed Hyacinth scowling. “What’s wrong?”

  YOU, motherfucker.

  You’re what’s wrong, goddamn---

  “Dare I even ask how many times you’ve cursed me in your mind?” the sheikh asked dryly.


  Hyacinth let her eyes go wide. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He snorted.

  “Honest.” She crossed her fingers behind her back. “I was just thinking about work, really.” More or less. “In case you haven’t noticed, today’s a Saturday---”

  After a moment, she said emphatically, “Yes.”

  Rayyan smirked. “Liar.”

  Fuck. He had her there. Dammit.

  “I hate you.”

  “Nem, nem. What’s new?”

  “I mean it this time!”

  “I believe you.”

  But they were both lying, and they both knew it, too.


  “Speaking of work…”

  Hyacinth frowned at the sheikh’s too-casual tone.

  “What did you think of today’s discussion? Did you enjoy it?”

  “Why does it matter if I do or not?”

  The sheikh shrugged. “I hear you’re good with numbers.”

  Her frown deepened, her wariness growing with every word the sheikh uttered. “So?”

  “I was merely wondering if banking was something you could see yourself doing in the future.”

  “Hell, no---”

  “Then why list it down in your career counseling form?”

  Hyacinth let out a gasp. “I knew it! Did Mrs. B. tattle on me?”

  “She didn’t have to.”

  “What do you mean---” She let out another gasp. “Wait a minute. Are you saying you had me investigated?”


  “There’s no naturally about it,” she snapped. “And really, I should sue you for invasion of privacy, but since you’re going to be my boyfriend in the future…”

  Rayyan coughed hard. Even after all this time, he thought with a shake of his head, this girl could still manage to surprise him. “You truly believe there’s a chance I’ll fall in love with you?”


  A smile curved over the sheikh’s lips at the way she mockingly mimicked his tone, and Hyacinth’s heart skipped a beat.

  Oh, you have got it so, so, so bad for him, H.

  “Very well then…”

  The sheikh’s words made her blink in confusion. “Umm, what?” Had she missed something here?

  “A reward for today’s work,” Rayyan murmured huskily.

  “A r-r-reward?”

  He almost smiled when the girl’s words came out a squeak but managed not to. God knew what crazy things Hyacinth’s pride would provoke her into doing if she realized how easily he could read her.

  “Nem,” he said lazily. “A reward.” He stopped walking to face her fully. “Or rather, a chance…”

  “A c-chance?” Hyacinth was so badly tempted to pinch herself. What was happening? Was this still real? Or was she dreaming?

  “Yes, Hyacinth.”

  Oh, shit.

  It was so rare to hear the sheikh say her name that every inch of her body instantly burned, and her knees started shaking uncontrollably.

  “A chance…” The velvety purr in the sheikh’s tone was making her feel dizzy. “To give it your best shot.”

  His gaze captured hers, and Hyacinth had the most embarrassing urge to see if it was possible for her to swoon.

  “Make me fall in love with you.”


  So that was what he meant.

  Rayyan arched a brow. “Well, anisdi?”

  “Shut up,” she muttered. “I’m thinking---”

  “The clock is ticking,” he murmured.

  “Stop pressuring me.”

  “Actions speak---”

  He was right!


  She tried to take him by surprise, lunging forward, but either she was too slow or the sheikh was too fast – in the end, she wasn’t able to kiss him at all. The sheikh had simply stepped to the side just as she threw herself at him, and all Hyacinth’s lips were able to touch was air.

  Rayyan coughed. “A good try, but perhaps you’ll have better---” His words came to an abrupt end when she straightened and turned to look at him, her eyes bright with tears. Fuck. Had he gone too far with his tricks?

  “Maehdina.” I’m sorry.

  Moving forward, the sheikh tipped her chin –

  And that was when Hyacinth made her move, rising to her toes as she stole a kiss from the sheikh, her trembling lips brushing ever so softly against one smooth, tanned cheek.

  Rayyan stiffened.

  Hyacinth slowly sank back to her feet, and when the sheikh looked down at her, she only had one word for him. “Gotcha.”

  The dark, sexy sound of the sheikh’s laughter once again danced down her spine like a forbidden caress, and a slight tremor shook Hyacinth’s body.

  “Well played, majamira.”

  Although the word translated to ‘tiny insanity’, Hyacinth couldn’t help but think of it as an endearment, knowing instinctively that it was something the sheikh only used with her.

  “And as a reward…”

  Before she could draw another breath, the sheikh suddenly pushed her against t
he wall, and his hard, powerful body was so tantalizingly close she just knew that if she moved the slightest inch, all of his heat would melt into her skin.

  “I’m going to teach you how to steal a proper kiss.”

  Her eyes flew open. What?

  The sheikh started to lower his head, and her heart smashed against her chest.


  Rayyan stilled, his lips millimeters away from hers.

  “What was that you said?” he whispered.

  She could only stare up at him, fearing that a single word would have their lips touch.

  The sheikh smirked. “Gotcha.”


  Rayyan sprang away just as Hyacinth let out a growl of anger.


  “Manners, anisdi.”

  “You royal jerk!”

  The sheikh laughed.

  “You goddamn royal---” She forgot what she had to say when the sheikh bent down to press a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Try harder next time, majamira.”


  “It would be interesting if you could truly make me fall in love with you.”

  The weekend came to pass, but Hyacinth was still lost in a romantic daze when she returned to class. I couldn’t have been imagining it, she thought to herself. She just couldn’t. Something had changed between them, and if the day ever came that –

  “Sametanira, Ms. Kahveci?” Did you hear me, Ms. Kahveci?

  Too late, Hyacinth realized that the lunch bell had already gone off, and the class was empty save for her and her homeroom teacher, who was standing by the doorway with an impatient look on her face.

  “I wish a word with you in my office,” Mrs. B. said gruffly.

  “O-Of course.” Hyacinth hurried to follow the older woman out of the classroom. Although things remained mostly normal between them, she couldn’t help thinking there was a sense of awkwardness between them now, and she hated it.

  If only I can ask her why, Hyacinth thought morosely. And normally, she wouldn’t hesitate to clear the air between them, but this…was different. She didn’t know why, she only knew it was so.

  “Sit down, Hyacinth.”

  She did as asked even as she tried to make a joke of it, asking, “Should I have my lawyer present?”

  “That depends.”

  Her smile disappeared. “I was joking, Mrs. B.”


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