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Pam-Ann Page 18

by Lindsey Brooks

  A figure passed the open door.

  “Is that you, Eve?”

  He saw Ann’s eyes open at the sound of his voice. Eve appeared in the doorway, yawning and rubbing a hand through her tousled hair, the big swell of her right tit bared by her carelessly tied robe.

  “Is the hotel slave here yet?” Rafael asked, propping himself against the bed’s headboard.

  “Here, Master.” The girl pushed past the tall bodyguard, smiling in spite of the pink blush that still glowed on both breasts.

  “Ellen, isn’t it?” he asked. “I want my breakfast. Ham and eggs and all the trimmings, and plenty of orange juice and coffee.” He rubbed his hands together and smiled at Ann as she ran a hand through her hair. The wary look that instantly appeared on her face was joined by a pretty pinkness in her cheeks as she glanced down at her nakedness. The colour darkened when she looked at his cock rising stiffly from his groin.

  “Good morning, Ann.” He forced his smile not to widen into a satisfied grin as he saw the wary look in her quickly lowered eyes.

  “G… good morning.” She swallowed. “Sir.”

  “No, it’s only ‘Sir’ when I’m on duty. Call me ‘Master’.”

  She had not liked that. Rafael sensed her resentment in the tightening of her lovely lips and felt the weight of her distrust once more. He was used to having the trust of his slave girls, even the hired ones he only ever had for a few days and never saw again. But there were no slaves where Ann came from, and she was not a stowaway desperate to become one, as he had thought. She had responded like one during the night, though. God, she had responded! He had responded to her too, with a fire and urgency that he could not recall ever feeling so powerfully before. And to his astonishment, the trust that she would not give to him, he was not only ready but eager to give to her.

  He could not resist using her again after breakfast, and made no effort to try. Though his thrusts must be uncomfortable after all he had put her through already, Ann surrendered just as eagerly as she had the night before. His own pleasure was no less incredible when he came, with her squirming and whimpering breathlessly beneath him in a climax that must surely have set her mind spinning as much as it did his own.

  Afterwards, he took Ann to the bathroom where she blushed and looked away from him when he made her squat on one of the toilets while he urinated into the other one. Was that something else that was different where she came from?

  Eve stood under the shower in one corner of the room with Milly, using one hand to soap her body and rubbing the other between her thighs.

  Rafael grinned at the look Ann gave them. “I made sure the penthouse door is locked this time.” He took her hand and drew her into the single, large sunken bath in the centre of the room, where Ellen stood to her thighs in steaming water, holding a sponge in one hand. At first Ann seemed reluctant to be bathed by another woman but looked as though she was warming to the experience, until Ellen turned her attention and her soapy sponge to him. His cock immediately hardened in response. Ann made a little snuffling sound and he saw the corners of her mouth turn down before she looked away. He snaked an arm around her hips, pulled her hard against him and rubbed the soapsuds from her slippery breasts with a teasing palm. Their pink, fading weals glistened wetly. Her quick glance up into his face showed her eyes were bright and her frown had disappeared. Rafael slithered his palm over her belly but she flinched when his fingers touched her sex.

  “Maybe I was a bit too rough last night,” he said, more to himself than to her.

  “No. It was m… my fault.”

  “No it wasn’t. You’ve nothing to blame yourself about. Never mind. That’s what Ellen’s here for.” He turned the slave and bent her over with her elbows on the edge of the bath and her bottom jutting towards him. “You put it in, sweetheart,” he told Ann.

  From the immediate tightening of her lips he knew he had somehow said the wrong thing again, though her breasts were rising and falling rapidly and she seemed just as excited as Ellen. Was this another encumbrance she had brought with her from that weird, alien world of hers? The sight of the hotel slave’s rounded backside and the swollen, pink slivers of her inner-lips peeping from the pouting crescents of the outer ones, banished the thought from Drake’s mind. He angled his hard shaft down to rest against the fleshy swell of Ellen’s pussy.

  With a long sigh, the girl pushed back to meet his penetration and Ann gave another snuffle and turned her head away as Rafael’s shaft sank deep. He tightened his arm around her and stood still, letting the slave girl do all the work.

  “Slowly,” he instructed. “We’ve plenty of time.”

  Ellen slowed the movement of her hips to a gentle undulation and he savoured the sight of her sheath sliding to and fro on his cock.

  “I must be crazy,” Ann said under her breath. He looked around, saw the flush on her cheeks and knew it was more than embarrassment that was causing it. She was trembling, her breathing was fast and shallow and a pink pearl had emerged from the fleshy cowl at the apex of her slit. Rafael reached to it, pinching gently with his thumb and a fingertip. Ann’s eyes closed and she pressed harder against him.

  They fluttered open fleetingly when Persephone came into the bathroom with Tania, and Ann immediately lowered her head but did not try to pull away. Persephone walked stiffly to one of the toilets and squatted with a grimace, careful to avoid contact between her buttocks and the seat as she let loose a stream of piss. With the briefest glance at the two girls in the shower she turned her green eyes on the bathers.

  “You’re a brute, Rafael Drake. You didn’t have to hit so hard.”

  “I gave you what you deserved,” he said. “So quit complaining or I’ll make you take Ellen’s place.”

  Persephone watched the girl squirming her bottom against his taut belly, twisted in an attempt to look at the vivid, red and purple ridges he had raised on her own buttocks the night before, winced, and said no more. Straightening with a shudder she snapped her fingers. Tania knelt, lapped off the drips of urine clinging to her Mistress’s sex and helped her into the sunken bath. With a hiss and a groan the blonde sank her ravaged bottom into the hot water and instantly shot upright, gasping.

  “Ooh! You really are a beast. You could at least rub my little clitty along with your slave girl’s.”

  “Come here then.”

  As Persephone hurried to his other side and presented her upright clitoris for his attention, Rafael felt Ann stiffen and the pressure of her firm breast against his side became less insistent. He intensified his rubbing and felt a surge of satisfaction as her hips jerked and thrust her stiff bud harder against his moving fingers. For several minutes nothing disturbed the silence but breathy sighs and moans, the slick sound of Ellen sliding herself along Rafael’s cock and the gentle lapping of the water. In the shower behind him he could hear moans and the wet noises of fingers sliding deep into pussies.

  The hotel slave climaxed first, mewing and gasping, bottom thrusting harder and faster until Rafael lunged his hips forward and gave a long, throaty growl as he felt the surge of his come and the fierce, triumphant pleasure that accompanied it. Ann orgasmed at the same moment, shivering and panting with her eyelids all-aflutter. Rafael released her clitoris, and his arm at her back crushed her to his muscular body with the same exultant satisfaction he had felt as he came. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her sex against his thigh. A breathless moan announced Persephone had reached fulfilment, and a heartbeat later her arms overlapped Ann’s as she too clutched Rafael and rubbed her wet pussy against him. But her joy could not possibly have matched his as, still thrusting in the throes of his climax, he crushed his lips to Ann’s and kissed her long and greedily. She responded and instantly writhed in a second climax.

  Rafael slid his cock from Ellen with a soft, sucking sound. Ann slipped abruptly from his embrace. Before his annoyance could spark she sank to her knees, gently closed her hand around his half-erect shaft and guided it to her mouth, li
cking and sucking his warm, damp flesh.

  “I think she’s telling you she’s grateful,” Persephone said, still breathing hard and clinging to him. “And she should be. That was delicious, darling.” She stopped rubbing against his thigh and drew back, wincing. “Unlike what you did to my poor bum last night, you monster. Not to mention all the rest. I really should be very angry with you.”

  Looking at Ann on her knees before him, Rafael did not answer. She lifted her gaze to his face, avidly sucking on his half-hard cock as if she wanted to prove the truth of Persephone’s words. He looked into her blue eyes and wished he knew what was making them shine so gloriously. Was it truly gratitude, or maybe just the embers of her recently fulfilled desire? An odd tightness caught at his chest and he found himself hoping it was much more. Rafael cleared his throat.

  “That’s enough for now.” He patted Ellen’s bottom to show he was finished with her, and hauled himself and Ann from the bath. “I’m guessing you promised the hotel girls money for last night,” he said to Persephone, handing Ann a towel.

  “I’ve already given it to Ellen. You see, I do keep my word, even when there’s no nasty, overbearing man around who thinks I have to be made to.”

  Rafael laughed and pulled away the towel Ann was trying to wrap around herself. “No, I like to look at you.”

  “And I’d have thought a pretty young slave girl would be eager to show her gratitude when she can see my clitty is still in need of attention,” Persephone said, leaning her elbows onto the edge of the bath and spreading her thighs.

  “Oh, yes, Mistress,” Ellen agreed, and sank into the water to put her head between the blonde’s legs.

  Rafael took Ann’s hand and left the girls to their games. An odd thought struck him as he gave Persephone a final backward glance. He shook his head. No it was not possible.


  Back in the bedroom Drake told Pam to lie on the bed and looked at her as he dressed. “Stay there and rest. Persephone won’t want you today.” He gave her a lazy smile. “She’ll spend most of her time facedown in bed having her ass massaged with ointment and her pussy with her slaves’ fingers.” He took the sheet, which their lovemaking and the warm, New York summer night had made unnecessary, and spread it over her, bent and kissed her softly on the lips. “Your name is Pamela, right?”

  Pam’s belly seemed to be melting under his intense gaze. “P… Pam,” she said against his mouth.

  “Pam,” he repeated, kissed her again and smiled. “I have to go out. I’ll see you later.”

  After he had gone she lay listening to her thudding heart. What had happened to his arrogance and that stern frown that made her belly flutter with fear? When she had awoken she had felt almost happy, but then he had demanded she call him Master. It had felt like a blow in the gut. After the incredible pleasure and passion they had shared, the line that divided them had blurred in Pam’s mind until Drake had forcefully reminded her of her status – a slave, to be used and abused as he pleased.

  Yet barely a half-hour later she had loved it when he had taken her again. What was it about this man that could force such a response from her even when she was tired and aching and sore? Why had she felt jealous watching him use the hotel slave and so ridiculously pleased when he had curled his arm around her and pulled her close? She had watched him put his cock in another girl’s pussy, for heaven’s sake, and then envied her, even though she had known if he did it to her it would hurt. Pam’s stomach turned over. She did not mind if he hurt her. Oh, God, she wanted him to hurt her! The taste of his cock and that of Ellen’s sex lingered in her mouth. With her head spinning and overwhelmed by her feelings, to kneel and suck him had been the only way she could show Rafael what he had stirred within her.

  What the hell was happening to her? Was this the consequence of Persephone continually forcing the drug into her? Would it eventually make her a compliant, unquestioning slave, like Tania and Milly and the hotel girls? It had brought to the surface all the conflicts and emotions she had buried deep after Rick, reawakened the disturbing desires her love for him had stirred in her. But they had been an aberration, not part of the real Pamela Weston at all. She sat up abruptly. They had to have been. She had loved Rick in spite of the ropes and the chains and the pain, not because of them. That love had carried her through all of those sessions in what he had called his playroom before she had discovered she was only one of many, and that her dream had never been his.

  Pam shook her head but it did nothing to clear it or drive away the thoughts crowding in upon her, or the nagging doubt that had wormed its way into the back of her mind. She slumped onto the pillow, as bewildered and afraid as she had been when she had appeared in the chilly corridor on the airship. The gentle but insistent pulse of arousal was with her almost constantly now, confounding her efforts to think. Damn Persephone and her Venus Dust! And damn Rafael with his cruelty and his kindness, and his big cock and lazy smile that both made her pussy prickle with arousal every time she saw them. How could she think clearly about anything with the maddening tickle forever teasing between her legs? Breathing hard, Pam slid a hand over her hairless mound and sought the half-upright bud that was rising from beneath its hood.


  Rafael took Pam to dinner that night. The other girls prepared her, lacing her into a fiercely constrictive corset of black and red satin and slinging a thin gold chain around her hips, from which hung two narrow, red silk strips that barely covered the clefts before and behind. They added black, sheer silk stockings tied high on her thighs with silken red ribbons, and shiny-black, patent leather high heels, before pinning up her shoulder-length, light-brown hair with gold and black-enamelled combs. Tania darkened her eyelashes, applied brown and purple eye shadow, lightly powdered her cheeks and glossed both lips and nipples with plum-coloured rouge. Rafael added the final touch. Her emotions in utter confusion, Pam let him fix a white-enamelled, steel collar with a black bow tie in front around her neck. Clipping a thin, black leather leash to the collar’s ring he took her down to the lobby.

  Heads turned as they stepped from the elevator, even those of the people watching a girl being caned at the post. The sight of her reflection in a mirror made Pam’s heart leap. She almost stumbled. She looked stunning. The tight corset accentuated the flare of her hips and buttocks and the thrust of her bare breasts, all of which were swaying seductively as her high heels transformed her walk into a provocative strut across the lobby’s deep carpet. Her belly ought to be curling in humiliation and shame, yet the emotion she felt was swelling in her breast. She was proud to be seen paraded like a pet poodle by the handsome, smartly uniformed airship officer - proud and happy. And totally horrified!

  Rafael’s light but commanding pressure on her leash drew her after him into the restaurant where more heads turned as he led her to their table. She could not help but recall with heavy irony the night a man who looked exactly like Rafael had taken her out to dine, and how she had reacted to the touch of Captain Todd’s hand on her waist. That night she had sat at the table and chosen her own meal. Now she knelt on the floor beside Rafael’s chair and ate what he ordered for her. And still she felt pleasure and pride to be there with him.

  After the meal he leaned back in his chair and fed her little sweetmeats from a dish on the table and, with a gladness that should have shamed her, Pam licked the stickiness from his fingers and answered his smiles with her own. During the elevator ride to the penthouse he ran his hand over the curves of her buttocks to the bow on the lacing at the back of her corset and tugged it loose. By then, the only thought in Pam’s mind was that soon his big cock would be driving into her pussy and how much excitement and pleasure he was going to give her. She was not wrong.


  A broad palm smoothing over her breast stirred Pam from sleep. Sighing, she opened her eyes and her belly contracted. She was alone in the bed. Eve was bending over her.

  “He’s gone, lover,” she said, and stopped stroking, “called
back to the airship. He said to let you sleep but Miss Peake is awake now. You’d better be out of bed before she is.”

  Shocked by the depth of her disappointment that Rafael would leave without a word, Pam bathed, made-up her face and dressed in a fresh loincloth Tania had given her the day before. A minute after she entered the lounge Persephone appeared from her bedroom with Tania and Milly. Walking less stiffly than on the previous day she sat cautiously on the sofa, turned immediately onto her stomach and ate breakfast in that position. She was quiet, subdued by her usual standards, and remained that way all morning, thumbing through magazines and smoking cigarettes halfway before stubbing them out with what Pam interpreted as mounting impatience. After a lunch she only picked at, Persephone finally dressed and, cursing Rafael’s heavy-handedness, paced the room in increasing agitation. The slave girls fidgeted. Eve cleaned her gun.

  Persephone hurried to the door when the knock she had clearly been expecting came. Ellen was quicker. With a curt greeting to Commodore Traske, the blonde led him to her bedroom and closed the door behind them.

  “What’s that about?” Tania wondered.

  Milly giggled. “You don’t think she’s going to fuck him, do you? Not the Commodore, surely.”

  “I wouldn’t mind. He’s not bad looking.”

  “That’s enough,” Eve warned, and they sat in silence for twenty minutes until the bedroom door opened.

  Persephone followed Traske, cheeks aflame with her blush. She was naked. Opening his frockcoat the Commodore stood with his back to the balcony doors. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him. Gaze lowered, Persephone knelt at his feet.

  “Come here all of you, where you can see better,” Traske said.

  The stunned silence that followed was broken by a loud click as Eve thumbed back the hammer of her pistol. Persephone looked around.

  “No,” she said.


  “Do as he says.”


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