1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2

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1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2 Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  Do something; that celestially augurs well for the unleashing future; evolving an intriguingly everpervading township of friendship; and divine solidarity,

  Do something; that innocuously pacifies the murderously estranged soul; diffuses a wave of triumphant melody in every ingredient of the ominously vindictive blood,

  Do something; that casts a spell of everlasting righteousness upon the corpse of remorsefully salacious lies; irrefutably coalescing the gargantuan planet; in threads of priceless mankind,

  Do something; that inherently evokes enchanting fantasy in every space of derogatory hell; harmoniously deluging lambasted lives with spurts of; unequivocally vivacious charisma,

  Do something; that triggers a ray of unconquerably Omnipotent hope; in all those dwellings horrendously besieged with ghastly solitude,

  Do something; that enthusingly infiltrates an ocean of tingling excitement; on the faces of all those aimlessly dwindling in the graveyard of commercially monotonous melancholy,

  Do something; that miraculously transforms even the most lugubriously deadened of seeds; into flowers pristinely blossoming under golden rays of; profoundly exotic sunlight,

  Do something; that unrelentingly showers a downpour of heavenly goodness; upon even the most diminutively capricious cranny of this earth; decaying towards

  nonchalant emptiness,

  Do something; that eternally bonds ardently palpitating hearts in entrenchments of impregnable sharing and sensuousness; for infinite more births yet to unveil,

  Do something; that forever instills a smile on the faces of all those miserably orphaned; encapsulating them like your very own; in the swirl of compassionately unending timelessness,

  Do something; that envelops every arena of this devastatingly coldblooded planet; with the Sun of intrepidly unflinching patriotism; an unparalleled tenacity to laugh even in the face of the most inexplicable of adversity,

  Do something; that magically ameliorates the trauma of destitute urchins to the most unsurpassable limits; propels them on an indefatigable mission to defend the cause of sparkling honesty,

  Do something; that philanthropically unites all human irrespective of caste; creed; color and spurious belief handsomely alike; in the religion of Omniscient humanity,

  And in order to immortalize all the above “ do something’s”, into unshakable reality; all the Almighty Creator could say was; do love; preach love and witness nothing else; but divinely love.



  There were towering faces of unassailably domineering mountains; to stop the unrelentingly untamed maelstrom of wind,

  There were unfathomably stringent bars of antiseptic carbolic; to stop the intransigently uncouth flow of pertinent germs and disease,

  There were dazzling rays of the blazingly sweltering Sun; to stop the ferociously torrential onslaught of tumultuously cyclonic rain,

  There were unsurpassable curtain spreads of seductively tantalizing night; to stop the

  acrimoniously persevering rays of the barbarically excoriating day,

  There were gargantuan chunks of dried lumber and stone; to stop the flow of the vociferously bubbling and incorrigibly relentless stream,

  There were clouds of majestically sparkling hope; to stop the insidiously advancing dungeon of haplessly penalizing depression,

  There were exhilarating expeditions of intrepid adventure; to stop the mundanely vicious attack of bizarrely crippling monotony,

  There were perennially invincible rays of uninhibited freedom; to stop the diabolically salacious whirlwinds of despicable imprisonment,

  There were an incomprehensible festoon of vivaciously bustling smiles; to stop the rampantly vindictive onslaught of dolorously lambasting depression,

  There were deluging hosepipes of rapturously exuberant water; to stop the plethora of hostile fumes from charring all in surrounding vicinity; to infinitesimally

  insipid ash,

  There were bountifully resplendent meadows of everlasting green grass; to stop the ominously perfidious attack of penuriously lackadaisical drought,

  There were whirlpools of irrefutably candid honesty; to stop the painstakingly lecherous advent of blatantly derogatory and hideous lies,

  There were indefatigable cloudshowers of miraculously Omniscient innovation; to stop the murderously menacing shadow of heinously delinquent stagnation,

  There were rainbows of Omnipresently shimmering faith and solidarity; to stop the invidiously infiltrating and satanically pulverizing devil,

  There were formidably tenacious enclosures of Herculean strength; to stop the perilously ungainly convicts from eloping in the aisles of miserably maiming violence; once again,

  There were waterfalls of astoundingly reinvigorating freshness; to stop the acridly horrendous dust storms of prejudice; from brutally lambasting your sacredly crimson blood,

  There were tirelessly diffusing buckets of incomprehensible breath; to stop the remorsefully sullen blankets of the dreadful corpse; from ruthlessly asphyxiating priceless survival,

  There were fountains of philanthropically immortal love and humanity; to stop the dwindling inferno of wicked betrayal; from stepping even an infinitesimal

  iota inside,

  But there was nothing on or beyond this astronomically aristocratic Universe to stop the chapter of life; to stop the gloriously sacrosanct chapter of proliferation; to stop existence from reigning marvelously supreme for centuries unprecedented,

  And if indeed there was somebody then it was not mundane human or his unending list of sleazy contraptions; as the reigns of this entire planet; danced solely to the tunes of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord; were solely his and would remain

  his forever; to execute.


  Tears might have dried from my eyes with the rapid unfurling of time; and the winds of the tumultuous maelstrom ferociously sweeping past my impoverished facial contours,

  But I still melt into miserably icy nothingness; slithering like a hopeless shadow on the ground; without the fireballs of justice in your irrefutably Omnipotent voice.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the seasons galloped by; and the waves of bizarre manipulation took their toll on me; to lead contemporary life,

  But I still metamorphose into insipidly infinitesimal ash; wailing incessantly towards the corridors of fathomless eternity; without the marvelously majestic radiance

  on your bountiful cheeks.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the Sun took its blazingly fiery toll over the entire Universe; and an unfathomable mountain of responsibility thrust on my shoulders compelled me to slog like a monotonous bull,

  But I still shatter into an infinite pieces of meaninglessness; vengefully abhorring even the most gloriously fascinating of my bodily contours; without the unconquerable valley of sacrosanct righteousness; in your silken palms.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the nights sped into blossoming days; and the insatiably unending pace of life commanded me to safeguard my persona; from the salaciously hostile pack of wolves,

  But I still perennially lambaste myself with whiplashes of treacherous suffering; shrinking to a mere whisker of my original self; without your unflinchingly charismatic ideals of divine mankind.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the fortnights unbelievably accelerated into marathon years; and the burden to replenish my disastrously famished stomach;

  so overwhelming that thoughts refrained to enter my ruthlessly tyrannized brain,

  But I still remain cripplingly awake all throughout the tenure of the savage night; dreaming of nothing but ghastly death; without your impeccable sky of

  blessings that sprouted from your; gloriously immaculate soul.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the fireball of Sun every dawn sizzled tenaciously; and the inevitable urge to sequester my kin; took astronomically

  limitless proportions in my bra

  But I still feel more devastated than the remorsefully sullen corpse; stabbing my persona with knives of desperation at the slightest of excuse; without your

  wand of Omnipresently royal humanity.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as the tumultuous intensity of the air outside torrentially caressed me all the time; and the norms of this conventionally mundane society kicked me brutally; if I cried,

  But I still feel like a gruesomely decimated piece of shit; wasting each moment of robustly vital life; without your incredulously magnetic and timeless touch.

  Tears might have dried from my eyes as I was born again after a countless births; and the horrendously augmenting robotism of this planet; rendering each part of my dwindling body; to just an unemotional machine,

  But I still feel like a solitary warrior perennially oozing blood in the midst of the ominously excoriating battlefield; barbarically dying every instant although

  possessing fountains of mystical breath; without your aroma of  ingratiating oneness and stupendously ever-pervading charm.

  And tears might have dried from my eyes as fleeting minutes sped into wholesomely new civilizations of tomorrow; with each element of my penurious visage extraordinarily busy; in acclimatizing to the devilish dust around,

  But I still indefatigably pledged to end priceless life; with each beat of my heart transforming into a skeleton of worthless hatred; without your perpetually poignant principles of humanity; your unassailable belief in the religion of unshakable mankind.




  Forever truth; unassailably enriching the fabric of this sensuously eclectic Universe; with the everlasting inferno of bounteous righteousness,

  Forever selflessness; bountifully enlightening the life of every bereaved organism; embracing him in the aisles of symbiotic paradise,

  Forever beauty; panoramically enveloping the trajectory of this pricelessly benign planet; with astoundingly vibrant charisma and timeless graciousness,

  Forever unity; perpetuating a wave of unconquerably triumphant solidarity; amongst every caste; creed; sect and color of the; marvelously diversified society,

  Forever patriotism; irrevocably driving even the most infinitesimal iota of insanely perfidious drudgery from the complexion of this; fathomlessly enchanting globe,

  Forever compassion; entrenching every miserably beleaguered entity with the eternally enamoring mantra; of Omnipotent mankind,

  Forever enchantment; metamorphosing even the most ethereal speck of aggrieved tyranny; into a cosmos of philanthropically resplendent happiness,

  Forever innovation; with the impregnable waves of unendingly spell binding discovery; victoriously transcending over even the most ephemeral gutter of

  obsoletely decaying stagnation and treacherous monotony,

  Forever heavenliness; with even the most transient insinuations of venomously dastardly crime; perpetually disappearing from the periphery of this gorgeously

  vivid earth,

  Forever innocence; with every manipulatively prejudiced organism on this unsurpassable planet; miraculously transforming into an insuperably impeccable child; once again,

  Forever illumination; the perennially undefeated rainbow of divinely peace; reigning supreme in the hearts and souls of one and all in this world; handsomely alike,

  Forever goodness; with even the most parsimonious footprints of the maliciously decrepit devil; vanquishing in the mortuaries of insipidly feckless nothingness,

  Forever prosperity; with every human and animal beautifully existing in a spell of egalitarian synergism; without the tiniest trace of derogatory politics; and for infinite more births yet to unfurl,

  Forever camaraderie; bonding even the most acrimoniously belligerent and alien entities; in the spirit of immaculately godly friendship,

  Forever freedom; with the wings of majestically ebullient uninhibitedness; wholesomely replacing every graveyard of ignominious incarceration and debasingly

  depraving slavery,

  Forever tranquility; with the garden of fantastically fascinating serenity; wonderfully paving its way through every iota of bedraggled bedlam on this endlessly enigmatic Universe,

  Forever desire; with the penalizing coffin of forlorn loneliness extinguishing from its very non-existent roots; to make way for effulgently mischievous flirtation all day and opalescent night,

  Forever rhapsody; with the clouds of astoundingly synergistic virility always ensuring; that the chapter of sacrosanct proliferation blossomed tirelessly and even beyond the end of veritable time,

  And if this list of forever goodness and humanity continued till infinite infinity; then forever there will be coruscated unity; then forever there will be unshakable harmony; then forever there will be blessedly pristine paradise; then forever there will be victorious belonging; O! Yes then forever there will be Omnipresent God.



  If you truly consider life to be an extraordinarily tangy ocean of profound mysticism; feasting in its panoramically bounteous essence for times immemorial,

  Then for you to condemn veritable death; was the greatest insult to the insuperable Lord Almighty; infact the most derogatorily appalling sin.

  If you truly consider life to be an iridescent bed of roses; spawning into an entrenchment of stupendously enthralling newness every unfurling minute of the day,

  Then for you to castigate veritable death; was the greatest insult to the perpetual Lord Almighty; infact the most ignominiously gruesome sin.

  If you truly consider life to be a vivaciously versatile artist; majestically paving each of your way to drift you towards the clouds of insatiably untamed prosperity,

  Then you for you to lambaste veritable death; was the greatest insult to the Omniscient Lord Almighty; infact the most insidiously decrepit sin.

  If you truly consider life to be a marvelously magical civilization of happiness; ebulliently metamorphosing your every unfinished dream into an unconquerably

  eternal reality,

  Then for you to crucify veritable death; was the greatest insult to the ever-pervading Lord Almighty; infact the most unimaginably dastardly sin.

  If you truly consider life to be an unending festoon of glorious enchantment; enlightening every ingredient of your countenance with its immortal graciousness,

  Then for you to abuse veritable death; was the greatest insult to the everlastingly proliferating Lord Almighty; infact the most flagrantly truculent sin.

  If you truly consider life to be an exhilarating odyssey to limitless enchantment; basking in its benevolently timeless splendor every time you had an impulse to magnificently breathe,

  Then for you to frown at veritable death; was the greatest insult to the unshakable Lord Almighty; infact the most hedonistically savage sin.

  If you truly consider life to be a flower blossoming into profusely magical happiness; miraculously healing the agonies of one and all alike on this boundless planet; with the chivalrous elixir of humanity,

  Then for you to shirk from veritable death; was the greatest insult to the impregnable Lord Almighty; infact the most treacherously bellicose sin.

  If you truly consider life to be a seductively embellished fairy; tantalizing you towards an unassailable paradise of benign heavenliness and the divine,

  Then for you to spit at veritable death; was the greatest insult to the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; infact the most venomously maligned sin.

  If you truly consider life to be the ultimate blessing; the most fructifying symbolism of every entity trespassing on this enchantingly triumphant earth,

  Then for you to bludgeon death; was the greatest insult to the Omnipresent Lord Almighty; infact the most baselessly prejudiced sin.

  If you truly consider life to be a patriotically blistering success; the most uninhibitedly royal mission that every organism was sent on the Universe to wholeheartedly achieve,
r />   Then for you to massacre veritable death; was the greatest insult to the perennial Lord Almighty; infact the most grotesquely pugnacious sin.

  For when God made earth and organism; he irretrievably swung the pendulum of life and death in unrestrictedly egalitarian unison; spell bindingly replacing withering death with sparkling life every instant; yet inevitably ensuring that there was death every now and again; so that his Universe symbiotically existed,

  Therefore take  both life and veritable death in your stride O! penurious Human; let forever everything on this globe exist as the most fantastically vibrant rhythm of the Creator Divine.



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