Morning Surprise (Taboo Erotica)

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Morning Surprise (Taboo Erotica) Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Morning Surprise


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  The roads were slick, iced over from the snow and fluctuating temperatures leading up to the weekend. Drew was driving much slower than he usually would. A podcast investigating a ten year old murder trial was playing over his car’s speakers, and he listened to the host speak with friends of the convicted man, questioning them with her optimistic, friendly words.

  It had been a long semester, and he was thrilled to finally be heading home. Drew’s first year of college had been much more challenging than he anticipated, primarily because there seemed to be distractions at every turn. He could only get assignments and research done on days when his roommate would decide to plot his parties and chaos somewhere outside of their dorm.

  Not all of it had been bad. Drew had, over the course of a couple of class periods and some extra instructional study periods, developed a massive crush on his first semester math teacher, Mrs. Laken. She was a cute, bookish woman, who would blush during lectures and often stored a pencil behind one of her ears.

  Drew had a history of relating to older women much better than girls that were his age. The same story played out over the course of his high school career, with Ms. Farley being the object of his affection, back then.

  On top of that, there was Angela. When Drew had been nine, his biological mother had died. She’d been sick for his entire life, deep in a coma for the last couple of years, and Drew had never really known her. Angela came into the picture a year after that, in her mid-twenties and exactly the type of woman that Drew felt like he wanted as a substitute parent.

  The thing about Angela was that from the very start, she and Drew were in perfect rapport. She understood him and his intentions better than anyone else he had ever met. As Drew entered puberty and grew older, he noticed more of who she was, for better and for worse.

  Angela, or Angie as he called her in his youth, was a strikingly attractive woman, the type that Maxim or Playboy would be lucky to get on their cover. She had long blond hair, big breasts that were shapely and taut, a thin waist, and a butt that managed to offer ample eye candy without being oversized.

  As Drew became a teenager, and especially for the last few years, the connection the two of them shared became almost electric in its effects on him. Every word she spoke, and every movement she made when she was close to him would cause his body to ignite with emotion. Several times in the past he found himself having to excuse his way to his room upstairs in order to avoid letting her see the erection that her beauty and behavior had pulled out of him.

  But despite the conflict, he loved and cherished her for who she was. Angela was his mom, and Drew was looking forward to being back in her company, having her bake cookies for him, and getting backrubs and hot cocoa. He thought back to what she had been wearing on the day that he had left, the tight jeans with the pink apron over them, and the way her boobs had pushed out, and then how soft they felt against his chest when he hugged her.

  A car had slowed way down up ahead, and Drew felt his wheels lose traction a little as he over-braked in response. Still, he was making good time, and at the next exit he pulled off the highway and into the familiar tiny town that he had grown up in.

  Less than five thousand people lived in the village of Robinson, and even then, they were spread out to a degree that gave the area a distinctly rural feel. Drew’s family had all of the small town amenities, including a big lawn, a dog, and friendly neighbors with a swimming pool.

  As he turned onto the road of the family house, Drew began to get a little excited. He had fallen out of touch in his time at school, exchanging emails with his dad occasionally, but he’d mostly been cut off from talking with Angela.

  He parked in the driveway, and then endured the cold for long enough to pull his travel bag out of the backseat. The walkway had been shoveled within the past day or two. Back when he had lived at home, it had been one of Drew’s winter chores.

  He opened the door and stepped into the warmth of his childhood home. He didn’t see all that much change from when he had left, with the couch and TV still set up in the living room for maximum comfort, and the kitchen as clean and spotless as ever. It made sense to him, but somehow, he also found himself expecting it to look and feel different.

  “Drew! Sweetie, you’re home!” Angela looked as though she hadn’t changed since getting out of bed, and gleefully bounded down the stairs towards him.

  Dressed in a tight pink t-shirt and a pair of thin black leggings, it was a little hard at first for Drew to not ogle her. Even guiltier thoughts, nudity and sex, forced their way into his head as she pulled him into a hug, pressing her large breasts against him and coming close enough for Drew to catch the scent of her intoxicating perfume.

  “I’m home, mom,” he said. “It’s so good to see you!”

  “Why haven’t you come to visit more?” Angela stepped back away from Drew and shot him a mock glare. He laughed, remembering just how much he’d missed her exaggerated expressions and humor.

  “I’ve been busy with school,” he said. “Mom, if you saw the class load I’ve been taking on you would quiver with fear.”

  “Oh please, enough with your excuses,” said Angela. Drew could tell from her tone of voice that she was half joking, and somehow, it felt good to know that she had missed him.

  “No more excuses, gotcha,” said Drew. “Let’s talk about you. How have things been around here?”

  Angela beamed girlishly at his question. She bounded back over to him and took his hand in hers, pulling him into the kitchen.

  “Well for starters, my baking skills have been greatly improved!” On the center of the kitchen table was a plate of Christmas cookies, each one ornately detailed with frosting and sprinkles. “They aren’t warm, since I made them last night. Speaking of which, I thought that was when you were planning on being here!”

  “I know, sorry, I ended up sitting in for one of my roommate’s Christmas parties,” said Drew. “Anyway, where’s dad?”

  Angela playfully smacked him on the shoulder, and then crossed her arms.

  “Your father had a business trip scheduled for this weekend. He managed to put it off by a day, but that was all he could get. He’ll be back on Monday.”

  “Oh.” Rather than being disappointed by his mom’s answer, Drew felt strangely elated. It would just be the two of them there, tonight. There was so much he wanted to talk to Angela about, and her company and her company alone was exactly what he desired most on that night.

  “I have to run to the store to get some stuff for dinner, but I’ll be back in about an hour to cook,” said Angela. “Make yourself at home.” She winked as she delivered her punchline.

  “Wow, you are just a riot,” replied Drew. “I think you should give up your life as a stay at home and give stand-up a try.”

  Angela gave him a quick spank on the butt, and then disappeared towards the door. Drew took a minute to just stand in the family’s house, nostalgia from his childhood flooding over him, and then he went up to his room.


  Drew’s room was much as he had left it back at the beginning of the fall. He had brought only his laptop with hi
m away to school, along with clothes, and a couple of other odds and ends, leaving his room complete with a bed, his desktop computer, and a number of other small amenities.

  A strange sense of calm came over him as he sat down in his computer chair. Drew had not been unpopular in high school, but many of his nights and weekends were spent behind his computer screen, at his desk.

  He booted the machine up, and browsed the internet for a while. For some reason, Drew found memories of the past floating freely through his mind. He thought back to when he was thirteen, and the first time he had ever masturbated.

  Drew had let his mom come in to tuck him into bed, and immediately after she left, he’d been on his computer, thinking up illicit search terms to type in. The videos and images he found were as confusing as they were compelling, and soon enough, he had his cock out and in his hand, doing something that was new to him and yet totally natural at the same time.

  The speakers were not turned down as low as he had thought they were, and Angela had walked in on him right as he was approaching his very first orgasm. The look on her face had been burned into his mind ever since, the red blush of her cheeks, and intriguing gleam in her eyes. It was an image that seemed to pop into his mind at the strangest times, and always carried with it a powerful sense of forbidden eroticism.

  Instead of masturbating, or playing video games, Drew spent a boring hour or two reviewing some of the assignments he’d been given feedback on for one of his online classes. He was impressed by how responsible he had managed to be, but also a little saddened by it, as if he was betraying his younger self.

  “Drew, the food’s ready!” Angela called to him from down in the dining room, and Drew was transported back in time for a moment. He walked downstairs and made his way to the table, watching his mom slowly load up a plate of food for him.

  “Oh wow mom, you didn’t hold anything back,” he said.

  “It’s all of your favorite. How could I hold anything back for my baby boy?” She smiled at him, and leaned forward to scoop some mashed potatoes onto his plate. Her cleavage popped into Drew’s line of sight as the shirt she was wearing billowed forward, and he couldn’t resist stealing a shameful, but almost painfully arousing look at it.

  “Thanks mom,” he said. “This looks so much better than what they’ve been feeding me at the dining hall.”

  “Well of course, honey. Your mommy made it for you.”

  Drew had always been torn on Angela’s inclination to refer to herself as his mom, or mommy. It was how he viewed her, and he had no qualms or concerns related to her technically only being his step mom. The issue for him was different, and harder to be completely honest with himself about.

  She was such an attractive woman, and Drew couldn’t help but notice it. Every time she would refer to him as her son, or herself as his mother, a strange tingle would spread through Drew’s body, centering itself on his crotch and loins. This led to him feeling guilty and dirty, but those emotions only seemed to fuel the fire, creating a strange feedback loop of unwanted sexual urges.

  “Do you want to play Scrabble after dinner, Drew?”

  He’d been deep in his head, and had to look up and process what his mom had said for a moment.

  “Uh, sure,” he replied. “I’m pretty sure I beat you in our last game.”

  “Oh, shut up!” Angela smiled at him and started clearing the table, the two of them having finished eating. “You only would win because of how good you were at making up words.”

  “Well maybe you should call me out on more of them, then,” he said with a smile.

  Angela set the plates down on the counter and came back to the table, ruffling Drew’s hair and pinching his cheek from behind them.

  “You’re going to be begging for mercy by the time this game is over!” she said.

  Drew smiled at his mom, and then went into the living room to set up the board. The wooden coffee table in front of the couch was small and low to the ground, just the right height for both of them to sit on the floor and play a game across from each other.

  “So why don’t we make this a little more interesting?” asked Drew. Angela had thrown on a baggy sweater, the hole in the top oversized so it would slip down on one of her shoulders, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of bra strap.

  “What exactly do you have in mind, young man?” She sat down across from him under the table and slipped her legs under it. One of her feet came to a rest against Drew’s thigh, and he was caught off guard by how sensual the contact felt to him.

  “How about the winner has to do something for the loser,” he said. “You’re so confident about being able to beat me, that should be no problem for you.”

  “It’s on. On the off chance that you do manage to win, I’ll surprise you with something tomorrow morning.”

  Drew and his step mom started off the game relatively evenly. Angela had the first move, and put down the letters for “FIGHTS”. Drew responded with “FUTURE”, and the two of them had an interesting and cerebral back and forth exchange for a little bit.

  “I think all of those college classes have improved your vocabulary, young man,” said Angela. She shifted her foot from where it was under the table and inadvertently rubbed it across Drew’s jean covered cock. She let it rest there for a minute, and Drew felt an unwanted erection begin to stir in his pants.

  “I don’t mess around when I play scrabble, mom,” he replied.

  The next word he put down was “YOYO”, scoring him an impressive amount of points due to one of the double word squares. Angela cursed her luck, and then responded with a high scoring word of her own.

  Drew looked at her face while she was thinking, and all of the sudden the image of her catching him at thirteen, in his room with his cock in hand, popped into his head. His dick began to throb, just like it had back then, and then began to pulse with even more pleasure as Angela began to rub her foot along the line of his crotch.

  “Mmm…” he moaned. Angela looked up at him with a sliver of suspicion on her face momentarily, and then went back to thinking.

  It was his turn again, and he had no idea what play. There was no obvious word choice jumping out at him, and as he reached for his pieces, he accidently knocked one out of the bag and dropped one of his own.

  “Whoops,” he said, bending over to pick them up.

  “Hey, no cheating!” Angela slid her legs out from under the table and walked over to him on the other side. Drew smiled and went to put the chips back.

  “Relax, I’m not,” he said. “I don’t need to cheat in order to beat you.”

  “Show me the pieces!” Angela demanded.

  “No way!” said Drew. “You’ll have to pry them out of my cold, dead hands.”

  Angela laughed, and reached towards him. Drew was out from the table now, too, and he fell back onto the carpet as his mom tried to get at the evidence she was looking for.

  “I’ll wrestle you if I have to!” said Angela. She managed to get one of Drew’s hands pinned down, and straddled herself over him in an attempt to pull his fingers open.

  As soon as his mom sat down on top of his crotch, Drew immediately realized that they would have a problem if things kept heading in that direction. It felt good…better than good, even, to feel her soft body pushing down on his quickly stiffening cock.

  He reached up to try to lift Angela off him and move her to the side, but all he managed to accomplish was to spur her into wiggling herself against him even more. Her loose sweatshirt had fallen open right in front of his face, and seeing her big, bra clad breasts was titillating in a very literal sense.

  “Young man, you need to listen to your mommy!” said Angela.

  “Okay, okay, fine!” Drew’s cock was rock hard by this point, and he was praying to all of the gods and saints he could think of that she would get off him before noticing it. He handed Angela the chips, and she smiled back at him with in a self-satisfied, motherly way.

  “Thank you sweetie.” Ther
e was a tense, loaded silence as they both just looked each other, Angela still on top of him as though she felt like it was where she belonged.

  Instead of immediately going back to her spot, Drew’s mom slowly, almost tentatively, leaned forward. She cupped his cheek with her hand, and it felt warm to him.

  “I’m so glad that you’re home, honey,” whispered Angela. She leaned further in and gave him a kiss, not on the cheeks, but directly on the lips.

  It felt motherly, but also incredibly illicit and arousing. Drew was surprised most by the way his lips seemed to naturally move and respond, kissing her back. The moment seemed to go on forever, and he even felt the tip of his mom’s tongue push its way into his mouth, setting his entire face alight with fire and desire.

  Finally, the two of them parted, Angela stood up and walked over to the couch, sitting down on it instead of across from him.

  “I…I think I should go to bed,” said Drew. He felt like it was his only option at the point. Drew has hornier than he had ever been in his life, and his cock was aching so badly that he felt like it needed to be taken care of immediately.

  “Okay, sweetie,” replied Angela. “I think you’re ahead in points, so you win.”

  Drew was already heading up the stairs, doubled over in an attempt to hide his massive boner.

  “Goodnight, honey,” called Angela behind him. He didn’t say anything in response, heading into his room and closing the door behind him as quickly as he could.


  It was early the next morning when Drew heard the door to his room creak open. The sun was still over the horizon, giving off only just enough light to hint at the dawn to come. He knew that it was his mom outside in the hallway, and groggily waited for her to say something about breakfast or running errands for the day.

  She never did, and shortly after, Drew drifted off to sleep. He started to dream about sex. There was a woman, and she was massaging his member, which eagerly began to harden in response. Drew couldn’t quite make out her face, but he felt elated as she slowly pulled his cock out of his boxers and began to stroke it even more tenderly.


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