Hero's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 7)

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Hero's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 7) Page 4

by C. J. Scarlett

  “I could never afford such a thing.”

  “There is no mechanism in place to purchase healing on our world, little queen. Take your stone and keep it close. The pain may come swift and severe or not at all. Better to be prepared than to suffer the pain of lacking one when you have need.”

  Taking the small box from him, she nodded her understanding. “Thank you yet again for your caring and concern regarding my wellbeing. Know if there is anything I can ever do to return the favor, I am at your service.”

  Smiling indulgently at her, he responded sincerely. “You incurred your injuries in a battle to the death against our enemies. It has been my honor to heal those wounds to the best of my ability. Would you like for me to show you around our great city?”

  “I don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

  “Nonsense, it would be my pleasure. We will start with the dining hall, where I’m certain Jax is still trying to coax your preferred fruit from the resequencer.”

  Chapter 5

  ~ Arac ~

  Music Mix

  Arac handed the queen his electronic tablet and gave her a moment to review his carefully crafted defense plan. Working had lifted his spirits and made him feel useful again.

  “I can’t believe you came up with a preliminary plan for our planetary defenses in just a few short days.”

  “During my training, I came up with five original designs. I simply chose the one that offered the greatest level of protection for our new world and plugged in the specific gravitational pull and other relevant determinants.”

  Settling back on her throne, Queen Carolyn scrolled through his plan. Without glancing up, she murmured, “So, you’re not just another pretty face.”

  Arac found himself coloring under her sweet praise. Knowing she truly wasn’t interested in him, it was becoming easier to accept compliments from their new queen.

  “I see that you are requesting a team of fifty-eight drones to–”

  Their conversation was interrupted by the rough voice of a young golugua. “You will allow my queen to pass. She is more important than any drone.”

  He glanced over in time to see the lush queen from the great battle glaring at the rowdy creature. She was none too happy about him interrupting Queen Carolyn. “Jax, you need to learn patience.”

  “I do not wish my queen to wait.”

  “Our turn will come soon enough.” The exasperated female practically hissed her words in a low voice.

  A human queen trying to manage a golugua male in the prime of his life was not a good fit. He was probably running all over her.

  Arac was careful to keep his voice non-confrontational. “Please come, I can easily wait.”

  Queen Carolyn glanced up from the tablet and a huge smile broke across her face. Laying her information aside, she came down to speak with the new queen. Arac stepped back to give them space to converse, never taking his eyes from the lovely new queen. She was just as beautiful as he remembered.

  “Welcome. My name is Carolyn.”

  “I’m Tara. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”

  Drawing closer, Queen Carolyn looked the woman up and down. “Well, look at you. You have curves, real curves. How did you do that?”

  Laughing the new queen spun around with her arms held out. “You like?”

  “Indeed I do. You have just enough without too much. You have exactly the perfect bit of extra where it matters. Earth hasn’t had curvy women in… I don’t know how long.”

  Grinning, the woman replied, “Since a decade or two before it all went belly up, I imagine.”

  “I’m still stuck on the how.”

  Snorting a laugh, the woman responded playfully. “I’ll tell you, but you aren’t going to believe it.”

  “Do tell.”

  “I was in a coma and they pumped me full of some variation of the liquid nutrition Maruvians feed their young.”

  “That stuff’s really good. I tasted it once.”

  “Well, after being a pile of bones on Earth, I’m well satisfied with my bouncy new body. You’d think it would be awkward, but it’s not. I feel healthy as a horse.”

  “We don’t have those here.”

  “Heck, we don’t have but a handful back on Earth. Anyway, that’s kind of why I wanted to talk to you. I’m feeling all kinds of better and I want a job.”

  “Girl, you have a lot to learn about Maruvians. Women don’t work.”

  “Yeah, but I do.” The little queen called Tara was being assertive but not mean. She was intriguing.

  Carolyn replied smoothly, “What I mean to say is the drones are pleased to provide all that we require. Women don’t have to work.”

  “You work.”

  Arac looked back and forth between the two females and their fast paced conversation. Human queens were unlike any in the ‘verse. It was fascinating to watch them interact with each other.

  “Well, I don’t work exactly.”

  “I saw you working with that drone when I came in.”

  Cutting him a side glance, Queen Carolyn murmured, “Since I rule, I have to keep an eye on things and make sure we’re steering our little apple cart in the right direction. Do you want to help with that?”

  “Hell no. You seem like you’ve got it all covered. Trust me; ambition was never my strong suit. I just want some kind of job that earns money so I can live however I want to.”

  “We don’t really have money, or shops. We’re still working that piece out. The more important part was to get enough housing put up for everyone.”

  “I’m really confused now.”

  Taking the lush queen by the hand, Queen Carolyn pulled her down onto a step in front of the throne. It was the last thing he expected a queen to do. Queen Carolyn grinned as she swept aside the bottom of her luxurious gown to get comfortable. In a voice tinged with mischief, the regal queen announced, “Prepare to have your mind blown.”

  Giggling, the woman nodded. “Hit me with it, sister. I’m learning to roll with the punches.”

  Facing each other, Carolyn explained. “Our planet is rich in minerals and gemstone. We have several mining sites in full operation. Honestly, when any of the drones need something for their homes or their queens, they just stop by and load up bag full of them.”

  “I thought you said there were not any stores or merchandise to buy.”

  “There isn’t at the moment. I’ve had them buy storehouses of standard goods. Anyone can access the storehouses, pick out what they want, and a Drone will load it up for you on a hover board and deliver it.”

  “Then why bother to gather gemstone?”

  “That’s where things get interesting. The Terillian and Candorian freighters land on the tarmac south of town pretty much daily. They bring a wide selection of goods from the far corners of the galaxy. When the human women want something, their drones normally take them there to shop, using the gemstone and minerals for payment. The traders will help even you set up a credit account so that in the future, you can spend down whatever is in your account.”

  The new queen was quiet for a brief moment before she responded. “Yep, that does blow my mind a bit. Everything out in the ‘verse is so different from on Earth. I can’t get my head around just picking up gemstone to trade for anything I want. It’s humbling in a way, after spending my whole life begging for scraps.”

  “I know. It was the same for me and my sister. We were scruffs on Earth. Here we’re catered to and, if you don’t mind me saying, spoiled.”

  “I feel like I’ve fallen asleep and woke into a world of gargoyle protectors, hot insectoid guys who worship us, and gemstone for the taking. It seems too fantastical to be real.”

  Queen Carolyn’s face turned empathetic. “Sorry, we had a transition class for the other women when they first arrived. I’m supposing you weren’t well enough to participate. We slowly eased them into all this. You just got hit with it all in day or two.”

  “I had this idea in my head that I
was going to find a job, find a place to stay, and then begin looking around for Mister Right. I thought I’d feel a little more grounded if I had something to do with my day. I can’t imagine just sitting around all day. I’d go crazy. Isn’t there something productive I can do?”

  Queen Carolyn’s expression turned delightfully pensive as she mumbled, “Something should come to mind, but our drones are very efficient…”

  “She could work with me.” Arac spoke before he thought much about it. Whether it was to help the lush queen to keep her madness at bay or a self-serving ploy to spend time around her, he couldn’t say.

  Queen Carolyn smiled up at him. “What an outstanding idea.” Turning back to the lush queen, she explained. “Arac is developing a plan to build a defense shield around our planet. I’m certain you could help in sourcing supplies, coordinating a team of drones, and helping keep track of the details of the operation.”

  Tara’s expression brightened. “You mean like an administrative assistant. I could be really helpful that way.”

  “Of course you could. Building that shield is the most important project on our world right now. I know you’ll take the job seriously.”

  The Queen of his world held her hands up to Arac. Without though, he stepped forward, took her delicate hands in his, and assisted Queen Carolyn to her feet. “I am entrusting her to your care, Arac. This is now a two-person job. Tara’s clearly smart and resourceful. Help her get settled and get to work on the shield.” The tiny smile on Queen Carolyn’s face told him she thought his offer was born of more than an interest in gathering diligent staff for his newly forming department.

  “All will be as you say, my clever queen.”

  Normally, he’d be talking about how he didn’t want a queen and had no intention of breeding again, but today he was content to take the new queen under his wing, ensure she was comfortably housed, and assist her in managing her young golugua.

  Trying not to notice how her body filled out the tight form suit, he turned and tugged her arm through his. When she looked up at him, he saw that her eyes were clear blue. Slipping his wing protectively around the side of her small body he said, “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Queen Tara.”

  “You can call me Tara.”

  “As you wish, my queen.”

  Her eyes darted over to Queen Carolyn, who commented with a shake of her head. “You might as well get used to it. Maruvians call all women queens. I don’t think they have it in them to stop.”

  “Just more over the top fun of being around insectoids, I suppose.”

  Arac watched Queen Carolyn’s drone slip a protective wing around her and she turned to gaze up at him with adoration. “You want to know something interesting? It didn’t take long at all for my Igor to go from being an insectoid in my own mind to just the man I love. The males here are so much more than just their heritage. Please remember that, Miss Tara.”

  “I will remember your good words. Thank you for seeing me today. Somehow knowing you are in charge around here puts my mind at ease.”

  By that time the queen was no longer paying attention to anyone but her drone, who was rubbing his cheek along hers and dropping light kisses along her shoulder.

  Chapter 6

  ~ Arac ~

  Music Mix

  Guiding Queen Tara towards the exit, Arac marveled at how quickly he’d embraced the idea of working with her. Unlike the horrible Maruvian queen who had filled his life with misery, Queen Tara seemed sweet and innocent. Her small soft body felt nice against his. Her warmth under his wing felt right in a way Kabelda never did. Having the little queen under his wing made him feel a surge of possessiveness that was totally inappropriate to the situation.

  As they left, Queen Tara’s golugua took up a protective pose behind them. Arac had noticed that her creature had been quiet during her visit with Queen Carolyn. Armon had been whispering in the creature’s oddly shaped ear. Penny’s golugua was older and wiser than Jax. Arac hoped he was giving his younger peer sound advice.

  “Your queen is nothing like what I imagined.”

  “Our queen,” Arac corrected her, as she was still referring to herself as an outsider.

  Shooting him a nervous glance, she nodded. “This whole situation has got to be just about as weird for you as it is for us. I mean, not so long ago you only had one female and now you’ve got hundreds of us all roaming around and demanding things.”

  “Queens command and drones obey. Such is the natural order of things among our people.”

  “I’m trying to get on board with that, I really am.”

  “I will guide you for as long as you need a friend.”

  “I’d love to have someone to talk to when things confuse me. I get the feeling that’s going to happen a lot until I get acclimated to your ways.”

  “Would you like me to show you the accommodation we’ve created for our unbound females?”

  “Vraden was kind enough to do that already.”

  “My father is considerate, especially when it comes to the needs of our queens.”

  Her eyes flew up to his. “He’s your father?”

  Tilting his head slightly, Arac responded, “He’s our best healer. You must have selected him to provide your care. It was a wise choice.”

  “I don’t remember anything about the great battle, or of choosing a healer. Your father is wonderful. He saved my life. Though I can never properly repay that kind of service, I’d like to purchase him a small thank you gift.”

  “Though that is unnecessary, I would be happy to assist you in selecting something if it is your custom.”

  “God, it’s so nice to be with someone who doesn’t argue constantly.”

  Arac smiled down at the pretty queen, certain she was referring to her young sentinel. “Would you like to visit the storehouse and look for supplies and a gift?”

  Shaking her head, she responded assertively, “I’d like to go to the mines and gather up gemstone to trade. I understand that’s probably not necessary, but there’s something about getting my own that makes me feel like I’ve worked for it.”

  “You are very independent.”

  “I am, but I don’t think that’s what’s driving my behavior on this issue. Back on Earth everything was in short supply, including food. When you go without food, it changes you. I feel a deep seated need to create a safety net, in order to ensure that doesn’t happen again.”

  “You are with us now. I guarantee you will never want for anything again.”

  “That’s real sweet of you to say, and I know you probably believe that. The thing is, life can be unpredictable. Fifteen years ago, I never expected my parents would die and leave me an orphan. Four years ago, I never thought Earth would get hit by a sun flare and turn into a dust bowl. A few lunars ago I was scrambling around on Earth, trying to survive. The next thing I know, I’m snatched off the street, and held captive by a bunch of asshats intent on selling me to aliens. I managed to get rescued and now I’m here where the guys are hot and gemstone is apparently free for the taking. However, I just can’t bring myself to accept that some other hardship won’t come along when I least expect it. I feel like I need to be smart and do something to make sure Jax and I aren’t doing without at some point in the future. I don’t want to be cold and hungry again. I know you probably can’t understand where I’m coming from on this one.”

  Arac’s throat tightened up and his antennas twisted painfully. “Actually I can well understand, Queen Tara. I have experienced deprivation as well. My former queen would often make me do without food and drink for days as punishment. I know those days are behind me, but still I carry a hydration packet on me at all times and stock my home with enough of them to carry me and my young for at least a lunar because I do not wish to ever feel helpless and at the mercy of another for sustenance again.”

  Turning under his wing, she wrapped both arms around his body and gently squeezed. At first he was shocked, and then he remembered this was wha
t the humans call a hug. It was a sign of affection. It felt nice and accepting.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to be treated like that.”

  “It seems we have much in common and much that sets us apart, little queen. Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts with me.”

  Releasing him, she stepped back. “Why did you stop walking?”

  Gesturing to his hovercycle, he asked. “Will you ride with me or shall I call a shuttle?”

  “We won’t be able to carry much gemstone on your… I’m going to say hovering motorcycle.”

  “The human women call it a hovercycle, so we have as well. If you are not afraid of riding, we can go to the mine and catch a shuttle back. The shuttles have space enough for us, my hovercycle and whatever gemstone we gather.”

  Running her hand along the metal, the little queen looked intrigued. “We used to have something like this on Earth, only on wheels. Earth Gov outlawed them when biofuel became scarce.”

  “You will not transport my queen in such a manner. I will not see her beautiful curves mangled in that machine.”

  Tara’s soothing voice was a sound Arac was coming to adore. “I’m going to ride on this contraption and I’m counting on you to keep up in case anything goes wrong.”

  “It looks dangerous, my queen.”

  Laughing, she swung one leg over the seat. “Most things in life usually are, my friend.”

  Arac climbed on and punched the power pack to life. There was something liberating about zooming along on the drone transport unit. Seeing the landscape go flying by and feeling the wind in his hair was a freedom he’d never dreamed of when he was trapped under Kabelda’s claw. Now, he was intent on enjoying it as much as possible.

  Feeling the lush female’s legs wrapped around him was enough to make him think dirty thoughts. Arac found that he was shocked at himself for longing for the very thing he’d forsworn. He turned the idea over in his mind during the long ride to the mining site.

  Chapter 7

  ~ Arac ~


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