CK-12 Biology I - Honors

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CK-12 Biology I - Honors Page 2

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  For example, if the teacher said she checks homework every Monday, she will check homework next Monday.

  Deductions are intended to have reasoning that is valid. The reasoning in this argument is valid, because there is no way in which the reasons 1 and 2, could be true and the conclusion, 3, be false:

  Reason 1: All humans are mortal.

  Reason 2: Albert Einstein is a human.

  Conclusion: Albert Einstein is mortal (Figure below).

  Figure 1.6

  Albert Einstein (18791955) Deductive reasoning has helped us determine that Albert Einstein is a mortal being.

  Inductive Reasoning (Induction)

  Induction involves determining a general statement that is very likely to be true, from several facts.

  For example, if we have had a test every Tuesday for the past three months, we will have a test next Tuesday (and every Tuesday after that).

  Induction contrasts strongly with deduction. Even in the best, or strongest, cases of induction, the truth of the reason does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion. Instead, the conclusion of an inductive argument is very likely to be true; you cannot be fully sure it is true because you are making a prediction that has yet to happen.

  A classic example of inductive reasoning comes from the philosopher David Hume:

  Reason: The sun has risen in the east every morning up until now.

  Conclusion: The sun will also rise in the east tomorrow.

  Inductive reasoning involves reaching conclusions about unobserved things on the basis of what has been observed already. Inferences about the past from present evidence, such as in archaeology, are induction. Induction could also be across outer space, as in astronomy, where conclusions about the whole universe are drawn from the limited number of things we are able to observe.


  A scientific experiment must have the following features:

  a control, so variables that could affect the outcome are reduced

  the variable being tested reflects the phenomenon being studied

  the variable can be measured accurately, to avoid experimental error

  the experiment must be reproducible.

  An experiment is a test that is used to eliminate one or more of the possible hypotheses until one hypothesis remains. The experiment is a cornerstone in the scientific approach to gaining deeper knowledge about the physical world. Scientists use the principles of their hypothesis to make predictions, and then test them to see if their predictions are confirmed or rejected.

  Scientific experiments involve controls, or subjects that are not tested during the investigation. In this way, a scientist limits the factors, or variables that can cause the results of an investigation to differ. A variable is a factor that can change over the course of an experiment. Independent variables are factors whose values are controlled by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon (the dependent variable). Dependent variables change in response to the independent variable. Controlled variables are also important to identify in experiments. They are the variables that are kept constant to prevent them from influencing the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

  For example, if you were to measure the effect that different amounts of fertilizer have on plant growth, the independent variable would be the amount of fertilizer used (the changing factor of the experiment). The dependent variables would be the growth in height and/or mass of the plant (the factors that are influenced in the experiment). The controlled variables include the type of plant, the type of fertilizer, the amount of sunlight the plant gets, the size of the pots you use. The controlled variables are controlled by you, otherwise they would influence the dependent variable.

  In summary:

  The independent variable answers the question "What do I change?"

  The dependent variables answer the question "What do I observe?"

  The controlled variables answer the question "What do I keep the same?"

  Experimental Design

  Controlled Experiments

  In an old joke, a person claims that they are snapping their fingers "to keep tigers away," and justifies their behavior by saying, "See, it works!" While this experiment does not falsify the hypothesis "snapping your fingers keeps tigers away," it does not support the hypothesis either, because not snapping your fingers will also keep tigers away. It also follows that not snapping your fingers will not cause tigers to suddenly appear (Figure below).

  Figure 1.7

  Are tigers really scared of snapping fingers, or is it more likely they are just not found in your neighborhood? Considering which of the hypotheses is more likely to be true can help you arrive at a valid answer. This principle, called states that the explanation for a phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible. In this case, the hypothesis there are no tigers in my neighborhood to begin with is more likely, because it makes the least number of assumptions about the situation.

  To demonstrate a cause and effect hypothesis, an experiment must often show that, for example, a phenomenon occurs after a certain treatment is given to a subject, and that the phenomenon does not occur in the absence of the treatment.

  One way of finding this out is to perform a controlled experiment. In a controlled experiment, two identical experiments are carried out side-by-side. In one of the experiments the independent variable being tested is used, in the other experiment, the control, or the independent variable is not used.

  A controlled experiment generally compares the results obtained from an experimental sample against a control sample. The control sample is almost identical to the experimental sample except for the one variable whose effect is being tested. A good example would be a drug trial. The sample or group receiving the drug would be the experimental group, and the group receiving the placebo would be the control. A placebo is a form of medicine that does not contain the drug that is being tested.

  Controlled experiments can be conducted when it is difficult to exactly control all the conditions in an experiment. In this case, the experiment begins by creating two or more sample groups that are similar in as many ways as possible, which means that both groups should respond in the same way if given the same treatment.

  Once the groups have been formed, the experimenter tries to treat them identically except for the one variable that he or she wants to study (the independent variable). Usually neither the patients nor the doctor know which group receives the real drug, which serves to isolate the effects of the drug and allow the researchers to be sure the drug does work, and that the effects seen in the patients are not due to the patients believing they are getting better. This type of experiment is called a double blind experiment.

  Controlled experiments can be carried out on many things other than people; some are even carried out in space! The wheat plants in Figure below are being grown in the International Space Station to study the effects of microgravity on plant growth. Researchers hope that one day enough plants could be grown during spaceflight to feed hungry astronauts and cosmonauts. The investigation also measured the amount of oxygen the plants can produce in the hope that plants could become a cheap and effective way to provide oxygen during space travel.

  Figure 1.8

  Spaceflight participant Anousheh Ansari holds a miniature wheat plant grown in the Zvezda Service Module of the International Space Station.

  Experiments Without Controls

  The term experiment usually means a controlled experiment, but sometimes controlled experiments are difficult or impossible to do. In this case researchers carry out natural experiments. When scientists conduct a study in nature instead of the more controlled environment of a lab setting, they cannot control variables such as sunlight, temperature, or moisture. Natural experiments therefore depend on the scientist’s observations of the system under study rather than controlling just one or a few variables as happens in controlled experiments.

  For a natural experim
ent, researchers attempt to collect data in such a way that the effects of all the variables can be determined, and where the effects of the variation remains fairly constant so that the effects of other factors can be determined. Natural experiments are a common research tool in areas of study where controlled experiments are difficult to carry out. Examples include: astronomy -the study of stars, planets, comets, galaxies and phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere, paleontology - the study of prehistoric life forms through the examination of fossils, and meteorology - the study of Earth’s atmosphere.

  In astronomy it is impossible, when testing the hypothesis "suns are collapsed clouds of hydrogen", to start out with a giant cloud of hydrogen, and then carry out the experiment of waiting a few billion years for it to form a sun. However, by observing various clouds of hydrogen in various states of collapse, and other phenomena related to the hypothesis, such as the nebula shown in Figure below, researchers can collect data they need to support (or maybe falsify) the hypothesis.

  An early example of this type of experiment was the first verification in the 1600s that light does not travel from place to place instantaneously, but instead has a speed that can be measured. Observation of the appearance of the moons of Jupiter were slightly delayed when Jupiter was farther from Earth, as opposed to when Jupiter was closer to Earth. This phenomenon was used to demonstrate that the difference in the time of appearance of the moons was consistent with a measurable speed of light.

  Figure 1.9

  The Helix nebula, located about 700 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius, belongs to a class of objects called . Planetary nebulae are the remains of stars that once looked a lot like our sun. When sun-like stars die, they puff out their outer gaseous layers. These layers are heated by the hot core of the dead star, called a white dwarf, and shine with infrared and visible colors. Scientists can study the birth and death of stars by analyzing the types of light that are emitted from nebulae.

  Natural Experiments

  There are situations where it would be wrong or harmful to carry out an experiment. In these cases, scientists carry out a natural experiment, or an investigation without an experiment. For example, alcohol can cause developmental defects in fetuses, leading to mental and physical problems, through a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome.

  Certain researchers want to study the effects of alcohol on fetal development, but it would be considered wrong or unethical to ask a group of pregnant women to drink alcohol to study its effects on their children. Instead, researchers carry out a natural experiment in which they study data that is gathered from mothers of children with fetal alcohol syndrome, or pregnant women who continue to drink alcohol during pregnancy. The researchers will try to reduce the number of variables in the study (such as the amount or type of alcohol consumed), which might affect their data. It is important to note that the researchers do not influence or encourage the consumption of alcohol; they collect this information from volunteers.

  Field Experiments

  Field experiments are so named to distinguish them from lab experiments. Field experiments have the advantage that observations are made in a natural setting rather than in a human-made laboratory environment. However, like natural experiments, field experiments can get contaminated, and conditions like the weather are not easy to control. Experimental conditions can be controlled with more precision and certainty in the lab.


  A prediction is a statement that tells what will happen under specific conditions. It can be expressed in the form: If A is true, then B will also be true. Predictions are based on confirmed hypotheses shown to be true or not proved to be false.

  For researchers to be confident that their predictions will be useful and descriptive, their data must have as few errors as possible. Accuracy is the measure of how close a calculated or measured quantity is to its actual value. Accuracy is closely related to precision, also called reproducibility or repeatability. Reproducibility and repeatability of experiments are cornerstones of scientific methods. If no other researcher can reproduce or repeat the results of a certain study, then the results of the study will not be accepted as valid. Results are called valid only if they are both accurate and precise.

  A useful tool to help explain the difference between accuracy and precision is a target, shown in Figure below. In this analogy, repeated measurements are the arrows that are fired at a target. Accuracy describes the closeness of arrows to the bulls eye at the center. Arrows that hit closer to the bulls eye are more accurate. Arrows that are grouped together more tightly are more precise.

  Figure 1.10

  A visual analogy of accuracy and precision. Left target: High accuracy but low precision; Right target: low accuracy but high precision. The results of calculations or a measurement can be accurate but not precise; precise but not accurate; neither accurate nor precise; or accurate and precise. A collection of bulls eyes right around the center of the target would be both accurate and precise.

  Experimental Error

  An error is a boundary on the precision and accuracy of the result of a measurement. Some errors are caused by unpredictable changes in the measuring devices (such as balances, rulers, or calipers), but other errors can be caused by reading a measuring device incorrectly or by using broken or malfunctioning equipment. Such errors can have an impact on the reliability of the experiment’s results; they affect the accuracy of measurements. For example, you use a balance to obtain the mass of a 100 gram block. Three measurements that you get are: 93.1 g, 92.0 g, and 91.8 g. The measurements are precise, as they are close together, but they are not accurate.

  If the cause of the error can be identified, then it can usually be eliminated or minimized. Reducing the number of possible errors by careful measurement and using a large enough sample size to reduce the effect of errors will improve the reliability of your results.

  Scientific Theories

  Scientific theories are hypotheses which have stood up to repeated attempts at falsification and are thus supported by a great deal of data and evidence. Some well known biological theories include the theory of evolution by natural selection, the cell theory (the idea that all organisms are made of cells), and the germ theory of disease (the idea that certain microbes cause certain diseases). The scientific community holds that a greater amount of evidence supports these ideas than contradicts them, and so they are referred to as theories.

  In every day use, people often use the word theory to describe a guess or an opinion. For example, “I have a theory as to why the light bulb is not working.” When used in this common way, “theory” does not have to be based on facts, it does not have to be based on a true description of reality. This usage of the word theory often leads to a misconception that can be best summed up by the phrase "It's not a fact, it's only a theory." In such everyday usage, the word is most similar to the term hypothesis.

  Scientific theories are the equivalent of what in everyday speech we would refer to as facts. In principle, scientific theories are always subject to corrections or inclusion in another, wider theory. As a general rule for use of the term, theories tend to deal with broader sets of phenomena than do hypotheses, which usually deal with much more specific sets of phenomena or specific applications of a theory.

  Constructing Theories

  In time, a confirmed hypothesis may become part of a theory or may grow to become a theory itself. Scientific hypotheses may be mathematical models. Sometimes they can be statements, stating that some particular instance of the phenomenon under examination has some characteristic and causal explanations. These theories have the general form of universal statements, stating that every instance of the phenomenon has a particular characteristic.

  A hypothesis may predict the outcome of an experiment in a laboratory or the observation of a natural phenomenon. A hypothesis should also be falsifiable, and one cannot regard a hypothesis or a theory as scientific if it does not lend itself to being falsi
fied, even in the future. To meet the “falsifiable” requirement, it must at least in principle be possible to make an observation that would disprove the hypothesis. A falsifiable hypothesis can greatly simplify the process of testing to determine whether the hypothesis can be proven to be false. Scientific methods rely heavily on the falsifiability of hypotheses by experimentation and observation in order to answer questions. Philosopher Karl Popper suggested that all scientific theories should be falsifiable; otherwise they could not be tested by experiment.

  A scientific theory must meet the following requirements:

  it must be consistent with pre-existing theory in that the pre-existing theory has been experimentally verified, though it may often show a pre-existing theory to be wrong in an exact sense

  it must be supported by many strands of evidence rather than a single foundation, ensuring that it is probably a good approximation, if not totally correct.

  Also, a theory is generally only taken seriously if it:

  allows for changes to be made as new data are discovered, rather than claiming absolute certainty.

  is the most straight forward explanation, and makes the fewest assumptions about a phenomenon (commonly called “passing the Occam's razor test”).

  This is true of such established theories as special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics, plate tectonics, and evolution. Theories considered scientific meet at least most, but ideally all, of these extra criteria.

  In summary, to meet the status of a scientific theory, the theory must be falsifiable or testable. Examples of scientific theories in different areas of science include:


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