Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2) Page 8

by H. N. Sieverding

  "Ah," The old man sighed, putting his hands on the desk as he leaned up against it, "Such a beautiful quote that is."

  "What is your favorite passage?" the man behind the counter asked her.

  She smiled, thinking of something Christian had often said to her. It was the only quote in Aerolin that she hadn’t heard Christian read from the book. He told her it meant “I love you.” "I don’t know if it’s from Balthazar, but I do like the quote…"

  Addison said something in Aerolin quickly, but soon she would regret uttering those words. All the men’s jaws dropped, a look of great horror on the old man’s face. "Umm—" Embarrassed, Addison had no idea what she had just said and knew now it didn’t mean what she had thought.

  "In what book did you read such filth?" The old man pushed himself away from the table as he glared at her. "That’s disgusting. Those are not the words of the great Balthazar." Shaking his head, he walked away from them, muttering something under his breath.

  "What did I say?" Putting her hand to her lips, Addison swallowed hard, "I thought it meant I love you."

  "No." The man at the desk laughed, shaking his head as he looked at her red face. "But I’d love to read the book you got that quote from. I didn’t know they printed stuff like that back then."

  "Where did you hear that?" One of the other men spoke as he tried to keep his voice steady. "You heard it from a man, right?"

  "Yeah." Addison picked the book off the counter and held it tightly to her chest. "Why?"

  "Because it’s a very detailed description of a sexual act." She was so mortified, she couldn’t respond. "Here." He took out a piece of paper and wrote. "This is what it means."

  Holding tightly to her book, Addison quickly walked away from the counter, taking out the piece of paper and reading what it said.

  A taste of my love I crave. Your womanly wetness lingering on my tongue as my fangs penetrate what my penis should, allowing me a drink of your heavenly nectar.

  Making a sour face, Addison wished she hadn’t repeated something like that. She fidgeted with the large diamond ring on her finger, twisting it around back and forth a few times.

  And then it hit.

  That overwhelming feeling of love that connected her to Christian. A deep hunger choked her breath, a hunger for Christian’s kisses. She craved the closeness they shared, the mixing of their blood making them feel as one. She needed that, needed him to hold her. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought about it. The feeling of his fangs in her skin, his soft touches, his—.

  Suddenly, Addison felt sick. She ran to the closest restroom and threw up in the toilet. She had been feeling sick off and on all day.

  After emptying her stomach, Addison walked out of the stall and splashed some water over her lips. She paused for a few seconds as she looked up at her reflection. Someone besides Christian was occupying her thoughts now as she wiped her mouth clean.

  She left the bathroom with her new book in tow and sat down on a bench outside the library. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she was trying her hardest not to call Christian when it rang.

  Letting out a sigh of relief, she wiped at her eyes and cleared her throat. "Hello?"

  "Hey." Zak sounded a little annoyed. "What are you up to?"

  "Zak?" Addison’s words came out quickly as she stood up, her nervousness apparent in every word.


  "I know you work tonight, but—" Holding tightly to the large bag she carried on her shoulder, Addison scanned the street. She was antsy, her whole body shaking as she tried to stop herself from losing all that she had worked for in the past few months by running back to Christian.

  "But what?"

  "Can I come over to your apartment? I don’t want to be alone tonight."


  "We could order pizza or something?" Addison hailed a cab, putting her hand over the phone so she could tell the driver where to go. "New Valley Apartments." She slammed the door shut, and the car pulled away from the curb. She set her book on the seat, looking down at the piece of paper the man in the library had given her.

  The cabbie sent her a grin, and Addison immediately recognized his face. She knew he was a scavenger, one she had seen hanging around the Jenson vampires. This was the first time she had seen a vampire since she became human, and she thought she would be afraid, but she wasn’t.

  "I’ll see you soon, Zak. Bye." Hanging up the phone, she turned her attention to the driver.

  "You live in the Valley?"

  "No, I just have a friend that lives there."

  "I don’t like that place. Some shifty dudes there, ya know."

  Speaking under her breath, Addison took out pen from her bag, "It’s certainly not a Club 66." She started doodling.

  Pointing a finger at the rearview mirror as he laughed, the cabbie’s gaze met with hers. "What a funny girl you are. So, does your boyfriend live at Valley?"

  "No." Addison was writing something in Aerolin, thoughts of Christian consuming her mind and seeping out onto the paper.

  "Do you have a boyfriend?" Chuckling, the cabbie looked in the rearview mirror and winked at her.

  "No." She smiled back at him before shaking her head and looking back down at what she was doing.

  "So, you into valley guys?"

  "No." Addison laughed, "I like Club 66 guys."

  "Oooo…" A devilishness rolled off his tongue in the form of a playful giggle. His face was a little red as he licked his lips. "What a refined pol-lot you have."

  "Pallet." Not looking up at him, Addison was drawing now, the quick strokes of her pencil taking the edge off her nervousness.

  "Yeah, that place is nice. I’d like to go there someday."

  "Me too."

  "Naw, a good girl like you would be better off just going to New Valley instead."

  "Probably." When he turned down Zak’s street, she opened her bag and searched inside it for her wallet.

  "Here we are." He pushed the button on a small box mounted on the dash. "Twelve Eighty-Two."

  "Okay." Addison counted the bills and passed them over. "Thanks." She quickly exited.

  She walked inside the main lobby, saying hello to the doorman before taking the elevator up to Zak’s apartment. Avoiding the eyes of the hunters sitting in the hallway, Addison marched past them quickly and knocked on Zak’s door until he opened it.

  "Hey, sexy girl." Zak motioned for her to come in. Addison didn’t say anything, a sour expression on her face as she entered "You owe me—"

  Addison rushed toward him, slamming her body into his back forcefully as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

  "Ah…" Looking confused, Zak quickly shut the door. He turned his head to the side trying to see her. "I missed you too."

  "I need a hug." She moved around him and held onto him from the front, burying her head inside his open dress shirt. "Just let me hug you, Zak."

  He could feel her shake a little, and a small sigh escaped his lips. He returned the embrace, but stared straight ahead, annoyed. He wasn’t annoyed that she was clinging to him because he loved being close to her, but he hated being just her friend. The pain of knowing she’d never reciprocate his feelings hurt. It hurt a lot, and even though he wanted to comfort her in every way, he couldn’t stand the tease.

  "What’s wrong?"

  "I’m scared." She snuggled closer, her warm breath and the slight kiss of her lips on his skin a great torment.

  "It’ll be okay. I’ll always be here to protect you." He rested his head against the top of hers, "Would a…" Pausing as she pulled away from him, Zak looked deep into her sad eyes, his hands sitting on her shoulders. "Kiss make you feel better?"

  "No." Shaking her head, she wrenched from him angrily and stormed over to the couch. She plopped down on it and turned her head from him.

  "What’s gotten into you?" Zak joined her. "I was just kidding."

  She shoved him hard in the shoulder, but he didn’t budge. "You’re so stupid."

  "I have a piece of paper hanging in my office that proves that statement wrong." Zak laughed as she turned away, shaking her foot agitatedly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "I was going to ask you…" Addison wiggled out of her long coat, her movements filled with unnecessary force. "A serious question, Doctor Monroe."

  "Do you need a checkup, Miss Hershey?" He leaned over, his eyes trying to capture her smoldering ones.

  "I think I might." His smile melted her hard expression. "Is it going to be painless? No shots or needles?"

  "Completely painless." He inched closer.

  "I love having a doctor that does house calls." She giggled, reaching down and grabbing hold of her necklace. Her fingers wrapped around the charm at the end of it as she playfully pulled it back and forth on the chain. "And a very handsome one too."

  Seizing her shoulders, Zak pushed her down on the couch, hovering over her as she looked up at him with a slightly fearful expression. "Addison."

  Her playful expression wavered. Her voice was shaky and soft. "What?"

  "I…" Swallowing the lump in his throat, he continued, "Love you."

  "Zak…" Addison sucked on her bottom lip slightly as she pressed her lips tightly together to halt the barge of tears.

  His green eyes were full of sadness as he repeated, "I love you, Addison. You’ll love me too." Taking her hands one by one, he wrapped them around his neck. "I know you will. Just try to love me."

  "Zak, I…" She closed her eyes tightly as he leaned down and began kissing her neck. "Zak—" He kissed her lips and cut off her words. She quickly grabbed a hold of his shoulders and pushed him away from her, "Stop."

  "Why?" Zak’s gaze darted over her fearful expression.

  "I can’t." Sniffling back some of her tears, Addison’s stare narrowed on him. "So stop pushing."

  "Damn it, Addison." Letting out an angry grunt, Zak sat up, "Stop obsessing over Master Vallore."

  "I’m not obsessing over Chris—" Addison caught herself, "The Master."

  "Yes, you are." Zak covered the sides of his head with his hands as he leaned forward on his knees. "You’re not even trying to forget him. You’re never going to see him again, yet you feel like you have to be faithful to him. You’re not even giving me a chance."

  Addison tried to touch him, but he slapped her hand away. "Zak please. Don’t be like this. Why can’t you just be my friend?"

  Zak didn’t answer her, his fingers still blocking his face from her view.

  "Zak?" She waited a few seconds before standing. "I should go." She grabbed her bag and quickly left his apartment.

  * * * *

  Addison was furious at Zak. Balling her fists at her sides, she glared at the sidewalk under her feet. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth and dragging her into a nearby alley. She kicked and screamed, trying to get away, but he had an unmovable grip that wouldn't let up.

  His hands were holding her so tightly, the pressure was choking her, and she was unable to catch her breath. Quickly, he took out a long piece of fabric that he shoved between her teeth and tied around her head. It dug into her skin as he pulled her along. Giant tears spilled from her eyes, her saliva soaking the gag.

  Before binding her arms and legs, he ripped off her bag and tossed it into a van. Then, grabbing her by the back of the shirt, he did the same with her. She fell into the soft bodies of a few other people trapped inside.

  When she finally got to see her captor's face, he shot her a toothy grin that showed off his fangs. Addison frantically tried to move the ropes tied around her hands and feet. The cries of the people in the van stung her ears as her terrified gaze searched the darkness. Some people had gotten the gags out of their mouths, but Addison’s wouldn’t budge.

  A few more people were tossed in, this time men. They were heavier, slamming Addison into the side of the van. A high pitched squeak escaped her lips when she felt something sharp pierce her.

  There was a bag lying under her that had fallen over and spilled its contents onto the floor. It was filled with supplies for the hunt, including a small knife. It was now embedded in her side, the intense pain making her wiggle around furiously. Her teeth bit down as hard as she could, the taste of the dirty fabric drying her tongue and making her want to throw up.

  Someone else was thrown in, the force shoving her back. When her body hit the soft interior, the handle of the knife sank further in. She let out another yelp. Her legs shook as she kicked wildly at the floor, her tears blinding her vision. The doors slammed and they started moving.

  With her tied hands, she tried to peel back the gag in her mouth. Her fingers frantically pried at it as best she could with their restricted movement. Finally, she broke free, a giant gasp escaping her lips as she took a few much-needed deep breaths. Next, she worked on her tied hands, her teeth trying to gnaw at the rope.

  After several minutes, the car jerked to a stop. Even though she was surrounded by cries and screams from the other captives and she was terrified, she knew she had to escape. She wasn't going to be their next donor.

  The door quickly opened, and the vampires started yanking people out of the back one by one. The captives sacrificed their neighbors, pushing them forward so they could live a few seconds more. The ones without gags screamed and begged for release.

  Reaching in back, one of the vampires grabbed Addison by her long hair and pulled her forcefully out of the van. She struggled in his arms, but her gaze soon settled on a familiar face. Screaming as loud as she could, Addison tried to get his attention. "Josh!"

  Josh turned toward the sound of his sister’s voice. "Addison?"

  "Josh! Josh!" The vampire holding her covered her mouth.

  "Ooo…" He planted a rough kiss on her now dirty face. "Aren’t you a cutie? I bet you taste sweet too."

  Addison sobbed as she frantically tried to break free, her fear making her forget about the knife that was embedded in her side. Her words were muffled under his hand as his lips kissed her neck.

  "Addison!" Josh raced over to them, trying to rip her away, "Let her go right now!"

  Her wedding ring slipped off her finger, and Josh felt it move under his hand. When he couldn’t pull her away, he punched the vampire holding her square in the nose, and when he stumbled a little, Josh ripped her from his arms. Swiftly, he untied her, his cautious gaze darting back to the vampire that was now charging at him.

  "You fucking little brat! That was my girl!" Wiping the blood from his nose, the vampire grabbed him by the back of the shirt and started beating on him. Josh fought back, his adrenaline pumping and guiding his actions as he defended his sister. Another vampire quickly grabbed Addison when she tried to run, holding onto her tightly as he watched the fight. Josh seemed to have the upper hand, his fangs sinking into the vampire.

  While they were embedded deep in his skin, Josh made a quick upward motion with his head. The path was immortalized in two giant gashes that swept up the vampire's arm. His shirt was now torn, showing the pealed flesh that hung over the side.

  "Josh!" Struggling, Addison screamed his name, pulling harder and harder, but her captor’s grip was unshakable. "Josh!"

  Josh kicked him to the ground, biting angrily at his neck, the vampire's body convulsing wildly under the strength of Josh's hands. Seeing Josh's rage, the other vampires quickly stepped in. They shoved the girls they were holding back in the van, one of them staying behind to shut the door.

  They all grabbed Josh and tried to stop his rampage, but his murderous stare was entirely focused on Addison. She was crying out to him, her voice a shrill, desperate shriek that drove him mad. Her face was bleeding, her long hair looking wet as several strands stuck to her cheeks.

  The sight of his sister in so much pain made Josh furious, "Addison!" He yanked hard on his arms, a terrifying expression on his face. He looked like an animal, his fangs bared and his mouth dripping with blood. "Don’t touch my sister, you bastard!" The headlights made hi
s body glow, the light playing with the shadows on his face and letting Addison see what had become of her brother while she had been away.

  "Josh!" Addison’s voice was shrill now, her shouts getting louder as the vampire that held her pulled her toward the mansion. "Help me! Jo-osh!" She released a bloodcurdling scream when the vampire holding her yanked the knife out of her side. Josh’s angry eyes watched it fall to the ground.

  The vampire laughed as he looked at his hand that was covered with Addison’s blood, holding the now placid girl with one as he lifted the other to his face. He licked one of his fingers, giving an evil smirk as he slowly let his tongue climb up his knuckle toward the tip.

  "Ah! I’ll fucking kill you!" The other vampires had no idea what Josh was saying because they only spoke Sarvonese. "Let her go!" With a burst of strength, Josh used his upper body and hoisted himself into the air. He wrapped his legs around the back of the two vampires holding him, pulling forward in a quick movement on the back of their knees and making them buckle.

  Managing to get away, he rushed toward the man holding Addison, ripping her from his arms. "Run Addison!" Josh stood between her and the vampires, a terrified look on his face. "Run!"

  Addison didn’t hesitate. She glanced back briefly, catching sight of the vampires grabbing Josh and tying him up. While the others were busy, one ran after her.

  Pushing her body as far as she could, Addison moved faster than she ever had, the world like a blur around her. Her breath came out in quick, short bursts, the sound of it making her dizzy as she took off down the long drive.

  She could hear the vampire approaching, but she didn’t look back. When she made it to the end, the gates were still open, allowing her to run out into the street. She saw a few cars coming toward her, and her only thought was to get in their sights. Before she could, however, her pursuer caught her from behind. The force of his body knocking the wind out of her.

  She tried to scream, but he had artfully covered her mouth. Closing her eyes tightly, she kicked and wiggled wildly, trying desperately to loosen his grip. She quickly opened them when she heard him scream, his hold on her loosening enough to let her get away. She threw his limp arms off her and ran, making sure she was a good distance away before looking for her savior.


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