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  “Well, no wonder then that God has no gender in the Anunnaki concept,” I said. “I found it very interesting, when Marduchk told me about All That Is as the name of God.”

  “Yes, it all ties together rather nicely, even if it is a little complicated,” said Sinhar Inannaschamra.

  “A little?” I said, laughing. “I will have to think about this for a long time before I am comfortable with the concepts. But it is fascinating. I would like, moreover, to understand a little better how the Anunnaki created the human race.”

  “Well, it happened around 65,000 B.C.E,” said Sinhar Inannaschamra. The Anunnaki, at that time, lived in the areas you now call Iraq, which was Sumer, Mesopotamia, and Babylon, and Lebanon, which was Loubnan, Phoenicia, or Phinikia. We taught your ancestors how to write, speak, play music, build temples, and navigate, as well as geometry, algebra, metallurgy, irrigation, and astronomy, among other arts. We had high hopes for this race, which we have created in our image. But the human race disappointed us almost from the beginning, for human beings were, and still are, cruel, violent, greedy and ungrateful. So, we gave up on you and left earth. The few remaining Anunnaki living in Iraq and Lebanon were killed by savage military legions from Greece, Turkey and other nations of the region. The Anunnaki left earth for good, or at least that was the plan at the time. Other extraterrestrial races came to earth, but these celestial visitors were not friendly and considerate like the Anunnaki. The new extraterrestrials had a different plan for humanity, and their agenda included abduction of women and children, animal mutilation, genetic experiments on human beings, creating a new hybrid race, and so on.”

  “But you are still there, Sinhar Inannaschamra. And you are still trying to help. Obviously, you would not have projects such as you had with me if you had forgotten us…”

  “No, we did not totally forget you. We could not... After all, many of your women were married to Anunnaki, and some of our women were married to humans. Ancient history, the Bible, Sumerian Texts, Babylonian scriptures, Phoenician tablets, and historical accounts from around the globe recorded these events. You can find them, almost intact, in archeological sites in Iraq and Lebanon, as well as in museums, particularly the British Museum, the Iraqi Museum and the Lebanese Museum.”

  “So how did you keep in touch with human civilization?”

  “Before leaving you, we activated in your cells the infinitesimally invisible multi-multi-microscopic gene of An-Hayya’h. Yes, this is how it is all connected… It was implanted in your organisms and it became a vital component of your DNA. Humans are not yet aware of this, as they were not aware of the existence of their DNA for thousands of years. As your medicine, science and technology advance, you will be able, some day, to discover that miniscule, invisible, undetectable An-Hayya’h molecule, exactly as you have discovered your DNA. An-Hayya’h cannot be detected yet in your laboratories. It is way beyond your reach and your comprehension, but it is extremely powerful, because it is the very source of your existence. Through An-Hayya’h, we remained in touch with you, even though you are not aware of it. It is linked directly to a ‘Conduit’ and to a ‘Miraya’ (monitor, or mirror) on Nibiru. Every single human being on the face of the earth is linked to the outer-world of the Anunnaki through An-Hayya’h. And it is faster than the speed of light. It reaches the Anunnaki through ‘Ba’abs’ (star gates). It travels the universe and reaches the ‘Miraya’ of the Anunnaki through the Conduit, which was integrated in your genes and your cerebral cells by the Anunnaki some 65,000 years ago.”

  “The same Conduit I have now?”

  “Yes, that same Conduit. Of course, humans cannot use it, since it was not activated like yours. But hopefully some day they will be able to.”

  “And how do the Anunnaki receive the content of a ‘Conduit’ to allow them to watch over the humans?” I asked.

  “Through the ‘Miraya’ which we created to function with the Conduit and the An-Hayya’h, even though we felt that you do not deserve it. The Anunnaki have been watching you, monitoring your activities, listening to your voices, witnessing your wars, brutality, greed and indifference toward each others for centuries. We did not interfere, at least not very much.”

  “But from my experience, you are returning?”

  “Yes. We will, because we fear two things that could destroy earth and annihilate the human race. The domination of earth and the human race by the Grays, and the destruction of human life and planet Earth by the hands of humans. The whole earth could blow up. Should this happen, the entire solar system could be destroyed. For we know, should anything happen to the Moon, the earth will cease to exist.”

  “Is there hope that we will change?”

  “There is always hope. We are trying to change you. The most delightful and comforting aspect of it, is the hope for peace, a brighter future, and a better life you can accomplish and reach when you discover how to use it without abusing it. Every one of you can do that.”

  “I wonder how many humans I know will see such change in their lifetime,” I said wistfully.

  “Even when people die, their An-Hayya’h will always be there for them to use before they depart earth. It will never go away, because it is part of you. Without it you couldn’t exist. Just before you die, your brain activates it for you. Seconds before you die, your mind will project the reenactment of all the events and acts, good and bad, in your entire life, past, and ‘zoom’ you right toward your next nonphysical destination, where and when you judge yourself, your deeds, and your existence, and where you decide whether you wish to elevate yourself to a higher dimension, or stay in the state of nothingness and loneliness, and for how long. Everything is up to the individual.”

  “So there is no death. Our minds live forever.”

  “Indeed, there is no death. Your minds live on, and make all the individual decisions about their future.”

  “What about reincarnation? Do we return to earth, ever?”

  “No, you will not return to earth, nor will your ‘soul’ migrate to another soul or another body. From evidence, we know, not just believe, that there is no such thing. And why would you wish to return to earth, anyway? Earth is the lowest sphere of existence for humans; everything else is an improvement!”

  “It’s good to know that you have not deserted us, Sinhar Inannaschamra. It makes me feel safer, for myself and for humanity.”

  “My dear Victoria, you are now a full Anunnaki, you will never, ever, be alone. But I understand your attachment to your previous fellow humans. There is no reason to worry about them. The humans are always connected to the Anunnaki in this life and the next, and in the future, we plan a much closer communication. So please, go on to your mission with a lighter heart. There is plenty of bright hope for everyone, even the hybrids, I dare say.” I went home, feeling much better about life, the universe, and my mission. As a matter of fact, I began to look forward to it as a new adventure. And soon I will have a baby girl, too!




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