Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3) Page 5

by Melville, J. A

  He was even invading my thoughts at night as I lay in my bed, and seeing his face in my mind would cause strange reactions in my body which frightened me. My nipples would harden and my body would ache, a throbbing between my legs that made me feel restless and empty.

  As I read the romance books that Daisy seemed to have an endless supply of and I read of sexual acts between the men and women, I found myself drawn to them. They were implying quite clearly that the women were enjoying the men sticking their things in them, their penises, cocks, shafts; the books had an endless supply of names for them.

  I couldn’t understand that. Sex represented nothing but pain as far as I was concerned. How could any woman willingly going there? The fact that I was even reading this was bad. I had to stop thinking these bad thoughts. I had to stop thinking about Lucian Andreas. The man was dangerous, instinct told me that. No matter how beautiful he was. There were plenty of animals in the world that used their looks to draw in their prey and then they took their lives. Lucian might not be out to take my life but his looks and the feelings he stirred in me made him every bit as dangerous as the animals I compared him to.


  “You’re not going out to stalk that skinny little number from over the road again are you brother dear?” Francesca called out as he passed her on the way to the front door.

  “Stay out of my business Fran. What I do or don’t do has nothing to do with you.”

  “It does if it brings trouble for us. That one’s not right in the head. You won’t get anywhere trying to woo her the old fashioned way. Just mind control her, fuck her and move on. That’s the only way you’re getting between those slim white thighs of hers.” She mocked.

  “Fuck off Fran.” He snapped and stormed out of the house. Fuck her for stirring him up. He shouldn’t let her get to him but she did. Francesca loved to put shit on them all; she got off on that, but her words tonight really pissed him off. They pissed him off because as much as he wanted to deny it, he knew, she was right.

  It was true, he wasn’t getting anywhere with Arissa. Well, she wasn’t running off in the opposite direction screaming hysterically, and she didn’t freeze and end up nearly catatonic, so they’d made some progress, but it wasn’t happening fast enough. He wanted her. She was like a fever. He burned for her, his body ached. He needed to claim her, fuck her, he wanted to feed from her, he had to have her.

  He was tired of spending his nights buried in the hot cunt of some woman he didn’t really want and his head filled with images of the woman he did want, just so he could stay hard and finish fucking whoever the hell he was fucking at the time.

  Lucian stood on the front verandah for a moment, head up, nostrils flared as he smelled the air for her. He heard the click of Mrs Appleby’s front door and suddenly she was there.

  She was dressed to suit the warmer weather but like the rest of her wardrobe, the dress she wore was nearly shapeless and hung off her thin frame like a sack. It was long, nearly sweeping the ground. Francesca’s words might have been a bit harsh, but she wasn’t far off the mark all the same, something wasn’t right with Arissa.

  A woman as young and beautiful as her shouldn’t be dressing in ugly clothes that hid that slender body, and she shouldn’t be spending all her time with an old woman, never going anywhere. She never went anywhere from what Lucian could see. Of course he was sleeping during the day so maybe she went out then? Still, he was fairly confident there was no man in her life. She was too timid for that, but dammit even if it killed him, he was going to change that. Like it or not, he was going to make her his.

  He took the stairs two at a time and jogged across the road, arriving at Arissa’s side just as she reached the top of the drive. The look she shot at him was not encouraging though and he felt a stab of irritation. He couldn’t help but wonder if Francesca was right. Should he forget about this woman? He was vampire for fuck sakes. They didn’t do long courtships, they didn’t romance a woman, they fucked them. So why did she tug at him so much? Why did he go against every natural instinct he had with her? What was it about her that made him want to do the slow dance with her, the slow dance to try and win her heart?

  “What do you want Lucian?” Her voice although softly spoken as usual, was firmer this time.

  “I just want to walk with you and talk with you. Is that so bad?” He raked a hand through his hair, struggling not to let her see his frustration.

  “Yes but what do you want? We do this most evenings and I would like to know what you are expecting from this?” Her eyes lifted to his briefly before lowering to the footpath again as they walked.

  “I just like to walk with you, and to talk. I want to get to know you better. Is that so wrong? You have not made it easy for me. I would have to be blind not to notice your very obvious mistrust of men or is there some dislike there as well?” He shifted closer to her, noting that she didn’t recoil from him like she normally would. “Or, is it just me that you don’t trust?”

  “I… father…he…well…he told me that men are bad.” She finished in a rush and Lucian pulled back from her in surprise at her words, his eyes searching hers. Suddenly he was beginning to understand. This was an issue with her father. He must have been the boss of the household or something. Possibly some control freak who brainwashed her into thinking all men were bad. One of those self-centred bastards who wanted to keep his little girl in the fucking tower away from men, life, any temptations, and stop her growing up. He’d seen his type before. Well, now that he had an idea, or at least he thought he did as to what made her the way she was, Lucian felt a bit lighter, happier. He knew how to work her now, how to manipulate her and he could slip some mild mind control in and start convincing her that not all men were bad. He chose to ignore that little voice inside that asked him if what he wanted to do was right. After all, what did he want from her, really? He wanted to fuck her, but with the level of effort he was putting into it, did he want her beyond a night of fucking or would he treat her like every other woman and wipe her mind? Did he want her for more? Did he care enough to start a relationship with her despite the obvious issues like her being human and him being vampire? Or would he fuck her then wipe her mind, removing all memory that she had ever known him beyond just being the neighbour from over the road?

  As if she’d read his mind she turned to him. “What do you want Lucian? Why do you walk with me? It’s not necessary you know.”

  “I want to walk with you, I want to be here. I like you, I like you very much Arissa. I suspect you don’t like me but I would like you to consider something. I will give you one week to think about it then I wish for you to give me your answer. Please do not dismiss what I am about to say without giving me that much, a week for you to think it through.” He touched his fingers to her cheek but dropped his hand hastily to his side again when she recoiled from his touch. “I would like you to consider coming out with me next Saturday night. We can go to the club for a little while. If you are concerned about being alone with me, I can bring my brother Damien. I will not harm you arketa ena, my pretty one.” He translated hastily when she looked at him suspiciously.

  “I am not your pretty one. I am not pretty, I am not pretty.” She said almost forcefully. “I don’t know about a club. I’ve never been to one. I don’t like crowds much. I don’t know why you would want to take me anywhere. I’m not very interesting and I’m not like the other girls you’re probably used to asking out. I’m not sure it’s such a good idea to suggest I go with you.”

  “I asked you not to dismiss before giving me at least the courtesy of thinking about it for the week.”

  She still looked doubtful and he could see the wary look in her eyes. Suddenly she stopped walking and when she didn’t move, he stopped too, turning to face her. “I don’t understand why you would ask me to come with you Lucian. I mean it. I am not like other women and I don’t have anything to wear to a club. I don’t have any pretty clothes, father wouldn’t….�
�� She suddenly broke off mid-sentence and Lucian silently cursed. What had she been about to say? Her father sounded like he had a lot of control over her life, and he couldn’t help but wonder where he now.

  He stepped closer, carefully reaching out to her, his movements unhurried. Her eyes widened and he could see how taut she was holding her body but he didn’t back away. Gently he cupped her cheek, feeling her tremble under his touch. She didn’t pull away, but he could see her body was frozen, rigid, as he took yet another step closer. He didn’t want to startle her since he could see that just one wrong or rushed move from him, would more than likely have her running away.

  Slowly, inch by torturous inch, he lowered his head to her, his eyes locked on hers although he made no effort to mind control her and she watched him, her pupils so dilated he could hardly see the startling blue any more until finally his lips touched hers.


  Oh my god! Lucian was kissing me and his lips, oh my, his lips were so soft. I hadn’t expected that although I hadn’t given it a great deal of thought either.

  His hand still cupped my cheek, his skin surprisingly cool to the touch as I stood frozen, unsure what to do. I knew I had to pull away, this was wrong, a man was kissing me. His lips were moving over mine, so gently, so carefully which was surprising. I’d never experienced anything like it before.

  Father had never kissed me like this. He’d been rough, his lips hard on mine, his tongue, god, I shuddered just thinking about it, his tongue forced roughly into my mouth.

  This was different with Lucian, so different. He began to nibble his way along my bottom lip as he increased the pressure, subtly, gently. I wasn’t even aware of it at first, but something about his touch, his scent that rose around me, and those lips, made mine part in response. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I gasped against his lips. This was so different. This wasn’t awful or frightening. It wasn’t revolting.

  A shiver coursed through me, starting at my feet and working its way up to my lips at the sensations I was experiencing. Why was this so different to Father’s kiss? Why did this not repulse me? Why was I still standing here, letting him do this to me?

  Suddenly Lucian groaned, a soft sound that vibrated through him and into me and I tensed for a moment. Nothing happened though, he just continued to kiss me, his tongue moving licking slowly over mine and I felt something start up in my belly, low down, a feeling of heat which began to spread, moving up towards my chest and down between my legs. Oh my god, what was happening to me?

  I felt Lucian shift, step closer, his body against mine. He was so tall, firm, muscular, his stomach flat, nothing like father’s which had been large and soft, hanging over the belt of his pants. Lucian smelled absolutely divine, beautiful, intoxicating and my nostrils flared, breathing in more of that wonderful scent that was all him. Again, he was so different to father who always smelled of sweat and alcohol.

  It was only when he suddenly slipped an arm around me, dragging my body close to his that I tensed. When I felt the hard ridge in his jeans and knew that he was excited, that he wanted me, finally panic clawed its way through the pleasant fog that surrounded me. I ripped my lips from his, tearing myself from his arms, and cried. “NO!” Backing hastily away from him, my breath coming in short, sharp bursts as I eyed him nervously.

  He stood there, not breathing hard at all compared to my near panting and he looked calm, surprisingly calm until my troubled gaze met his and I could see the lust burning in his eyes which he was obviously struggling to contain.

  “I have to go.” I mumbled and turned away from him, desperate suddenly to get as far from him as I could. If I wasn’t sure before that Lucian was dangerous, I was now. I let him kiss me, how could I have done that? Father would tell me there was a name for girls like me. To make it worse, I’d felt something, feelings inside me unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I had to go, now. I had to get away from this man.

  “Arissa, don’t go.” He called to me as I started hurrying away.

  “I have to. Good bye Lucian.” I didn’t bother slowing down as I answered him.

  “Don’t forget. One week, you have one week to get back to me. Please don’t disappoint me.” He said, his voice soft and cajoling which made me pause briefly. The warmth of his tone flowed over me, tugging at me, making me want to go back to him, but I ignored the feeling and hurried back towards Daisy’s home, dragging poor Milo after me.


  When she was gone from sight Lucian cursed under his breath. His whole body ached desperately. Fuck he wanted her and now that he’d kissed her without mind control and felt her slim, delicate body against his, he wanted her even more.

  “Fuck it, fuck women.” He swore, adjusting his cock that strained up so hard in his jeans he worried he might do himself an injury. He needed something, he needed sex, blood but fuck it, he needed her, he wanted Arissa.

  With a glance around to be sure he was alone, he hit the shadows and rushed home; making sure he wouldn’t be seen since he was moving at a speed which would make it obvious he wasn’t human.

  He let himself in the house and rushed down the corridor past the living room, barely acknowledging his sire and Sirene before heading for his bedroom. Adrian was just coming out of his room but Lucian gave him nothing more than a nod of his head before brushing past him and into his room, shutting the door behind him.

  He’d barely stepped inside when there was a knock at the door and Fabian entered. Typical of his sire, he didn’t wait to be invited, he just let himself in.

  “Sire.” He said, running a hand impatiently through his hair. He just wanted him gone so he could shower and do something to relieve the ache that Arissa had left him with.

  “What is wrong my son. I may seem distracted with Sirene and what has happened to Adrian, helping him to adjust to life as an adult and vampire, but I am not so busy that I haven’t been aware that something is troubling you. I can smell a woman on you and I see that you are in urgent need of some sexual relief.” His eyes dropped to Lucian’s groin. “Who is this woman that is quite obviously causing you great frustration?”

  Lucian sighed, massaging the back of his neck as he paced restlessly in front of Fabian. “It’s the woman from across the road.” He finally said.

  “Woman? That old lady, Mrs Appleby isn’t it?”

  “The old woman’s broken her leg and hired a young girl to take care of her, housework, meals, whatever the old lady needs. Arissa’s the woman helping Mrs Appleby. She’s extremely desirable sire but something isn’t right with her. She’s very shy, timid; she’s terrified of me most of the time. It’s taken me weeks to get her to the point where she’s not running away from me.” He sighed again. “Well, she wasn’t until I kissed her tonight, which panicked her and she ran home. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I want her so badly, I need her, I have to have her sire. She’s driving me crazy.”

  “Why have you not mind controlled her son and then you could take her and take her as often as you want. She won’t even know.” He narrowed his eyes at Lucian. “Oh, I see now. You care for this woman don’t you? She is getting inside you isn’t she?” Fabian straightened. “You always were the more sensitive one. You might be vampire but you have a heart, like Dominick. You have a capacity to love. Not all vampires do. Look how long it took me to love. You are young; you were only 25 years old when I turned you. You had led a sheltered life in the country. Despite the years you’ve spent as vampire and the number of women you have fucked your way through, largely with your brother Damien leading you with him, you have retained a sense of decency about you. You have a heart and this is why you are allowing this woman to do this to you and not just take what you want. Have you not mind controlled her at all?”

  “The night I met her, I did, just briefly. I had to get close to her, to kiss her. She’s so beautiful sire. You should see her but I don’t know how to get past her walls. She’s damaged and I suspect it’s something to do
with her father. It sounds like he was controlling and kept her sheltered, locked away. I suspect she is an innocent. I don’t know what to do. I’ve asked her to come out with me next Saturday, and to give me the week to consider it, and not just dismiss my request without thinking it over first. She will most likely say no but I have to try. I...I want to buy her something to wear. She has very few clothes and nothing pretty or feminine. Her father wouldn’t allow nice clothes she told me. He was determined to keep her his little girl and not allow her to grow I suspect.” He shrugged.

  “Hmmm, I am most curious to meet this girl now Lucian. I would like to see what is going on with her. I suspect there is more to her than even you realise. I would like to walk with you and her one evening, perhaps bring Sirene to make her feel more at ease. It is quite a woman that can do to you, what she is doing. You are very frustrated aren’t you?” A hint of a smile curved Fabian’s lips. “Now I will leave you alone to do whatever it was that you were intending to do.” His eyes dropped to Lucian’s erection. “Be sure to feed son and don’t let this girl distract you from that. You might be able to use alternative methods to relieve your sexual desire, but you can’t find a substitute for blood so be sure to feed.” He warned before walking from the room and closing the door quietly behind him.

  Once Fabian was gone, Lucian stripped out of his clothes, hissing through his teeth when his painfully erect cock slapped him in the stomach. He walked through to the bathroom and turned on the taps to his shower, waiting as the water reached temperature and just as he was about to step under the spray from his duel shower heads, he felt hands close around him, one curling around his hard shaft.

  He tensed before pulling away from the hands and turned to face the woman he knew it would be, Francesca. “What do you want? I was about to have a shower, you can leave me alone.” He snapped, tired of the constant interruptions now.


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