Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3) Page 25

by Melville, J. A

  She glanced down at herself. “Can you tell I’m not wearing any?” She asked and Lucian groaned.

  “No baby. My t-shirt is long on you fortunately, but I know and trust me, I don’t need to be thinking about what’s under it, or more specifically, what isn’t under it, or we’re never going to get out of this damned room and if we do, just thinking about what you look like under my t-shirt, means I’ll be nothing but a walking hard on.”

  He watched her eyes light up with amusement at his words and he growled, pulling her towards him to give her a kiss, his lips hard against hers before he released her. “Come on, we need to get out to the others.” He said, taking her hand and leading her from the room.

  When they walked into the living room, nearly everyone was there, except for Dominick and Allegra of course since they had their own home. There was no sign of Adrian but then he was rarely home, although no one really knew what he got up to.

  Fabian’s eyes when they met Lucian’s clearly showed his displeasure at being kept waiting for so long. He released him from his strange pale stare long enough to turn his attention to Arissa. When his eyes moved down the length of her slowly, pausing over her slim thighs, or what was visible of them below the hem of the t-shirt, Lucian felt anger rising in him and something else. He wasn’t sure what it was, all he knew was, he didn’t like his sire looking so intently at his girl.

  Fabian turned his attention back to him and what Lucian was feeling must have showed in his eyes because his sire’s lips curved up in a smile. “So, you two decided to grace us with your presence did you? When I came to see what you two were up to, I expected you to get out here soon after, but I was just informed by Francesca, that you thought it was ok to leave me waiting longer while you fucked again? When I say I wish to speak to you, I mean as soon as possible, not when you decide to make an appearance.” He turned his eyes to Arissa again who blushed under his pale gaze. “If you wish to be turned vampire little one, you will do well to remember I don’t like to be ignored and I will not tolerate being disobeyed. You should be doing everything to convince me to turn you, not displeasing me.”

  Lucian ground his teeth together trying not to let his anger show. It was pissing him off the way his sire was speaking to Arissa. She’d just started to come out of her shell, despite everything that had happened to her in her short life. She’d just been saved from being kidnapped by her father and abused. Despite it all, she had shown how incredibly strong she was. She had given herself to him. She’d given him her body, and now she’d given him her heart. She didn’t deserve to have his sire all over her now. He hated to see her looking embarrassed and uncomfortable under the piercing glare of Fabian.

  As if sensing the mounting tension in the room, Sirene stepped up to Fabian and put her hand on his arm. “Leave the girl alone. She’s been through a lot and she doesn’t need you bawling her out. Look at them?” She looked over at them where Lucian and Arissa stood, hand in hand. “Are you seriously going to begrudge them wanting to spend time together? Have you forgotten what it’s like?” She reached up and cupped his cheek.

  “Hell no my beauty; I’m reminded every day what it’s like.” He said, bending to touch his lips to hers and Lucian watched as his sire dragged the tiny woman who owned his heart closer, and deepened the kiss. It never ceased to amaze him how well Sirene could control Fabian. She was the perfect match for him.

  “Fuck this!” Francesca’s voice was filled with disgust. “Do I have to be here? First I walk in on those two fucking in the shower, and have to wait through all the moaning and gasping, to tell them to hurry up and get out here. Now it’s you two.” She jabbed a finger towards Fabian and Sirene. “If I’m going to have to watch everyone kissing and fucking, then I want to go find someone to fuck.”

  Lucian couldn’t help chuckling at Fran’s outburst. “No one made you stand in my bathroom watching us. You could have left, fuck it, you should have left.”

  Fran’s face broke out in a wide grin. “What? But I’d have missed all the fun then.”

  “You never fail to surprise sis, I’ll give you that.” A reluctant smile curved his lips. Life was never dull with her that was for sure.

  “Give me someone to fuck, that’s what I really want now.” She pouted.

  “I’ll fuck you.” Damien stuck his hand up. “With all that’s been going on, I haven’t fucked anyone tonight. I haven’t fed either.” He turned hopeful eyes towards Arissa. “Now she’s human. How would you like to share some of that sweet blood with us?” He asked.

  Lucian stepped forward, pushing Arissa behind him. “Fuck off Damien. You’re not getting a taste of her, she’s mine.” He warned him.

  “Where’s that generous spirit of yours gone brother? You’ve never minded sharing your women with me before.”

  “They were different Damien and you know it. They were just for fucking and feeding from. Arissa’s different. She’s mine.”

  Damien stared at him for a while, his eyes shifting between him and Arissa before he began to laugh softly. He stood and walked over to them and when he reached Lucian, he slapped him on the back, then half hugged him, before suddenly grabbing him in a headlock. “Fuck it, who would have guessed. Baby brother’s in love.” He drawled, dragging the love out so it sounded like ‘lurve.’ He turned to run his eyes down Arissa, a gleam in their green depths and he touched her cheek with one finger, trailing it down to her top lip. She shivered as she stared back at him and although her eyes never wavered from his, Lucian knew she was nervous when she took a step closer to him.

  He flicked his hand up, knocking Damien’s fingers away from her face and his eyes were hard when he stared at him. “Keep your hands off her. She’s mine, ok?”

  “Oh lighten up Luc. I’m just being friendly, getting to know her.” His eyes moved down the length of her again. “Well it’s good to see you finally managed to prise those slim little thighs of hers apart.” He turned his attention to her face where hot colour flooded her cheeks. “You know the poor bastard was close to having his hands covered in calluses from all the jerking off.” He grinned. “You had him in quite a state. If you’d looked up blue balls on the internet, there’d be a photo of Lucian’s nuts, I swear.”

  “Oh fuck off Damien.” Lucian growled and just when it looked like he was going to say more, Fabian’s voice warned him to back off, his tone like the lash of a whip over them, immediately bringing the ribbing to a halt.

  “You and Francesca are not needed here for this discussion. I think you need to go and fuck to keep you both out of trouble. Francesca wants to fuck so go fornicate.” Fabian waved his hand at them. “Whether that be together or independently of one another is up to you.” He turned his pale stare on them both. “You can leave now.” He said and obediently Damien and Francesca left the room. No matter how outspoken they were, no one argued with their sire.

  He turned his attention back to them after the others had gone. Those pale eyes of his moving from one to the other, resting briefly on their entwined hands until finally focusing on Arissa. Lucian felt her tremble and he could hear her heartbeat pick up, her palm suddenly slightly sweaty in his. When he looked over to make sure she was ok, he had to admire her strength. She was scared, he could see the hint of fear in her eyes but she wasn’t backing down, she met Fabian’s pale gaze with her bright blue one.

  “So little one, I see you’re all healed now so Lucian has been feeding you his blood? That is good because you need to be well before we take you home and lift the mind control from Mrs Appleby.” He moved away and Arissa seemed to almost sag, probably with relief.

  Lucian gave her hand a squeeze and led her over to one of the lounges, pulling her down alongside of him. She curled her legs up on the lounge beside her and leaned into him. Pleased at quickly she seemed so trusting of him, he put his arm around her, tucking her into his side, before turning his attention back on his sire to see what it was he wished to discuss.

  “Have you decided what th
e fate of Arissa’s father is to be?” He asked.

  “Like I’ve already said, I think Arissa should be the one to decide that. She is the one who has lived with his abuse and his torture for years.” He turned his attention to her again. “Have you thought about what you want to see happen to him?”

  “I...I don’t know. I...can I see him?” She asked her voice little more than a whisper.

  Lucian tensed. “Baby are you sure that’s a good idea? I don’t trust that fucker with you.” He turned to Fabian. “Is he even conscious?”

  “He is, he woke not that long ago. He’s pretty pissed off and he’s extremely pissed off with you little one. I can’t allow you to go anywhere near him alone. If you must see him, we will take you to him and make sure he doesn’t hurt you. I think he’s done more than enough of that already.”

  “I want to see him now.” She said.

  Fabian sighed. “Very well then, come, I’ll take you.” He capitulated and Lucian was suddenly suspicious of how quickly he agreed to her demand.

  “Fabian, is it wise?” Sirene grabbed his arm, her expression filled with concern. “Are you sure this is what you want?” She asked Arissa.

  “I want to see him please. I understand I can’t be alone with him. I don’t want to be alone with him. I have Lucian to protect me. I…I need to see him…I have to do this. I think if I see him it will make it easier for me to decide what to do with him. I could have killed him in that motel room but I’ve calmed down now and I need him to make me angry; I need him to do something that will piss me off so much I’ll want him dead. I don’t expect you to understand but despite how much I hate him, killing is not in my nature. Can we go now? I want to see him.” She stood and Lucian got up with her.

  Fabian looked into her eyes for a moment, his pale gaze studying her. “Very well, I understand your reasons, perhaps better than you realise. Come, I’ll take you now.”


  Fabian took us down a flight of stairs and through a network of corridors that led into the bowels of the house. It got darker and darker, the lighting little more than the occasional bare light globe. Even the walls were made from stonework making me feel like I really was in the middle of some sort of horror story or that I’d gone back in time.

  Finally we stopped at a heavy looking door and Fabian pulled out some keys, unlocked the door and swung it open wide for us to go through. We stepped through into another darkened corridor but this time there were doors leading off from it. I gave him a questioning look but he shook his head.

  “These are theme rooms little one. Back in my younger, let me say, wilder days, I often had sex parties here. People who liked to play, people who liked things a little kinky sometimes. Perhaps you and Lucian might like to try them out sometime?” He gave us a hint of a smile and I blushed when the implication of what he was saying registered.

  I looked up at Lucian to see his reaction but he just smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. I stared at the six doors we walked past and I hated to admit it. but the idea of what might be behind those doors piqued my curiosity. I knew one day, I’d want to see inside them.

  “Come, I have your father in a secret part of the dungeon. This is a precautionary measure just in case someone comes looking for him. It’s unlikely but I prefer to not take any risks. Did you father have any family or friends who might miss him?”

  I found myself doing a fairly unladylike snort. “Father wasn’t one for socialising. I don’t ever remember anyone coming to the house. He never went anywhere. He rarely went anywhere after my mother died. He said he had me and that was all that mattered to him. He has no brothers or sisters and as far as I know his parents are dead. I don’t ever remember seeing them. Mum’s family stopped coming to see me years ago. I don’t know why but I think father put them off or pissed them off, I’m not sure.”

  “Well it does sound like there will not be anyone coming for him but I prefer not to take any chances. No one will find him here and I am assuming that he will not be here much longer anyway.” He turned to me and I knew from his expression that he was expecting that what I finally decided for my father would mean he ceased to exist.

  He turned away from me again and we kept walking until we reached the end of the corridor. There was nothing in front of us other than more of the dark grey stone wall. Fabian didn’t stop though, raising one hand to push against one of the irregular shaped stones. I gasped with surprise when it slid smoothly into the wall and a door swung open, not as big as a regular doorway but big enough for us all to go through if we ducked.

  Beyond the hidden doorway it was dark, but when we stepped through the door, I noticed what looked like prison bars. It smelled unused, musty and dank as we followed Fabian through the door and he reached for something off to his left, flicking a switch, which immediately lit up the corridor before us. He kept walking and as we followed him, I looked from side to side at the cell like rooms with the prison bars on them. I didn’t want to think about why he had these cells but I realised that despite him being fairly nice to me, it was possible there was a dark side to Lucian’s sire. A side to him I hoped I’d never see.

  We kept walking right to the end and when we turned a corner, there before us was another cell. It was more isolated, more primitive, lit only by one dim bare globe. I stepped up for a closer look and felt my heart skip a beat. There was a man inside and it was my father. I moved closer, watching him as he sat huddled on a bed, which looked more like a stretcher, basic and not very comfortable looking. As I stared at him, I noticed for the first time how small he looked, how old and how pathetic he was. God, why had I never noticed it before? He looked like nothing, he was nothing. He was little more than a feeble excuse for a man with his balding head, his couple of days growth that was greying so it made him appear older than he was, and his soft, flabby looking body.

  He was nothing compared to these men who stood, flanking me now, both towering over me and the irony was, they were vampires, they could kill me with a flick of their wrists, they could drink from me until they had drained me, and yet the only man in this room for me to fear was my own father. The only man who had hurt me, beaten me, damaged me and nearly broken me was the man who should have loved me, nurtured and cared for me.

  I stepped closer, staring at him through the bars and finally he turned his head and looked up at me. I don’t know what I was expecting from him, I hadn’t really thought about it. I had no real expectations or preconceived notions but I guess I hadn’t really expected for him to stand up and rush at me through the bars. There was such anger and venom in his expression and he stood, hands up, fingers curled around the bars and I suspected he wished it was my neck he had his fingers wrapped around.

  “You fucking little bitch, you whore, you dirty little sinner. Look at you there with your men. I bet you let them between your legs don’t you? You lied, you said you didn’t do that, but look at you now. Two men, you let two men fuck you, you dirty, dirty whore.”

  “Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit.” Lucian snapped storming up to the bars. “You dare to call your daughter a whore, a sinner when you, her father think its ok to abuse her and rape her for years. How can you do that to her? She’s your daughter for fuck sakes?”

  I was surprised to see that father didn’t back down even though Lucian towered over him. All the vampire men were so tall, well over six foot, and my father was just five foot ten, but he had balls, I had to give him that. If he was scared, he wasn’t showing it, but then he had no idea Fabian and Lucian were vampires or just how much potential danger he was in.

  I wanted in with him though; I had something I wanted to do, something I needed to do. “Fabian, please, I want to go in with my father.” I said quietly.

  Lucian spun around his eyes widening. “What? No, hell no! You’re not going anywhere near that sick motherfucker. The last time I saw that shit he was on you raping you baby. I won’t let you in with him, no way.”

  “You talk of me
raping her?” My father said. “I bet you’ve been between her pretty little thighs haven’t you?”

  I looked at my father, then Lucian and I couldn’t help myself, I blushed. My father obviously saw my reaction. “Ah, see? You have. You get on your high horse at me and yet you’ve taken advantage of my daughter.”

  Lucian looked ready to explode. “YES BUT I DIDN’T FUCKING RAPE HER! You’re her father you stupid prick. You’re not supposed to fuck your child. What the hell is wrong with you?” He shouted.

  “Let me in with him.” I tried again. “Come in with me if you must, but let me in with him now.” I said, using a firm tone to try and get them to do as I asked.

  “No baby.” He turned to his sire. “Fabian, she can’t.”

  “I’m sorry son but this is important to her.” He looked over at me. “Is it not?”

  I nodded. “Please, I have just one thing I wish to do, and I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to do it but now with you two here, it’s the perfect opportunity. Please, let me in.”

  “If we let you in baby, we have to restrain him ok? I’m not letting him get a chance to take a swing at you. You’re injuries have only just healed.” Lucian’s voice was soft as he took my face between his hands. “I love you angel.” He whispered and I felt tears spring to my eyes.

  “I love you too.” I whispered. “Now stop stalling and let me in with my father.”

  I watched a reluctant smile spread across his face. “You saw through that huh?” He asked. “I don’t like this Arissa. This man has done unspeakable things to you and he doesn’t care. He can’t see that what he’s done is wrong. It’s not safe for you to be near him.”

  “You said you and Fabian will restrain him. Trust me, I only need a couple of minutes. I need this. Please Lucian.”

  I watched as Fabian unlocked my father’s cell and he and Lucian stepped inside. Stupidly my father attempted to take a swing at them but they easily restrained him and when they had a firm grip on him, I walked up to him.


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