Star Bright

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Star Bright Page 21

by Christina OW

  Maria pulled out of his hold and looked up at him feeling betrayed, “You had something to do with this didn’t you?”

  “I was already bringing him along.” Edna defended Dave, “he only found out recently.”

  “Mama, this man knows a lot more than you give him credit for, he probably knows more about all of us than we do.” she turned to Miguel, “If you weren’t my father, he would have called the police on you!” Miguel’s eyebrows shot up as he stared at Dave, whose calm eyes, were still fixed on the ranting Maria, “If you doubt me ask him. He would probably get you arrested more for not being a father than for being a criminal!”

  “Maria, watch yourself!” Edna warned harshly.

  “Maria you haven’t let him say a word.” Dave spoke in a calm tone, “You can’t have a proper conversation if you are yelling and he’s quiet.”

  “How about we get your father out here too and all four of us can have a proper conversation!” She answered back before she turned to Miguel, “If I had my way you wouldn’t meet my son, but I know mama and Dave will go behind my back, again. Because of them you’ll get a chance, but let me warn you, you’d better be a constant in his life.”

  “That wasn’t so bad.” Dave smiled as he raised his hand to touch Maria’s face. She swatted his hand away and pointed an accusing finger at him before she marched back to the house, Edna close behind her.

  “Thank you.” Miguel felt proud seeing the fire in his daughter. The girl Edna had described seemed like a coward who would run to a corner and quiver in fear at the smallest hint of violence, but what he saw was very different, “She’s got fire inside her and it’s all because of you.” he said, getting in step with Dave as they walked to the house.

  “I like seeing her angry, it gives her more of her backbone back. I’m determined to rebuild everything Ricky destroyed.”

  Miguel’s jaw clenched at the sound of Ricky’s name, “Speaking of the animal, I have a few men around just in case he thinks of showing up.”

  “I have a few around too, and others watching him.”

  A cynical smile crossed Miguels face and his eyes glittered in excitement, “Give me his location. I plan on redeeming myself in my daughter’s eyes and Ricky is a great opportunity.”

  Dave didn’t like the look on his face, “We’ll talk about that later, right now let’s enjoy the party.” quickly changing the subject as Michael came running out the house.

  He ran straight for Miguel and jumped on him, no need of any introductions, “Grandpa!”

  Miguel held him tight, appreciating the affection Michael showed him. He’d dreamed of this moment for so long and it was finally here, how he wished his daughter had shown him the same affection, “My grandson!”

  Michael pulled away, a huge smile dominating his face, “Grandpa, have you met my new dad?” Proudly nodding towards Dave.

  Miguel looked at Dave’s ecstatic face and smiled, “Yes I have, and he’s a great man.”

  “Who is in big trouble with mama, or is it you grandpa?”

  “Both of us I think.”

  “Well, I’m glad I’m not in your shoes.” he whistled, “She’s fuming!”

  After close to an hour of pouting and not speaking to Dave, Edna or Miguel she was forced to talk to Dave when it was time to cut the cakes. She walked across the living room dodging a few running and screaming kids to get to where he stood with his parents. He chatted happily with his mother, while his father stood on the other side of her glowering. If Maria wasn’t in such a bad mood herself, she would have tried to cheer up the grouchy Mr. Greer.

  Maria approached Dave’s mother with a smile, “Lily, it’s time to cut the cake, would you like to help Izzy?”

  “Shouldn’t the parents have that honor?” Dave asked with an amused smile on his face. He didn’t think she would hold out for so long being mad at him but, he was glad he was wrong. He preferred her temper to her cowering.

  Maria glared at him before she turned back to Lily with a smile, “Yes, but I thought we should include the grandmothers in this too, I know Michael would love that.”

  “Do you know what else Michael would love?” he jeered, raising the clown party cup full of beer to his lips. He enjoyed annoying her, he enjoyed her fiery green eyes even more. He always thought she was most beautiful when she looked fragile and happy, but she looked even more attractive when she was mad, it was a real turn on for him.

  Maria’s eyebrows creased in anger as she bit down on her teeth hard. She wanted to shove the cup down his throat for being so smug about the stunt he pulled. She turned to Lily with a forced smile on, “have you met my mother?”

  Lily held her lips straight to hide her smile and conceal her amusement. She remembered how it used to be fun going at each other with her husband when they were younger. She never minded the silly fights because she knew they would always end in a very steamy reconciliation. But now, he was such a stiff workaholic she didn’t think he remembered how to sincerely laugh or smile.

  “No I haven’t, but I’ll take that opportunity now.” she turned to her husband, “Dave, you want to come with me? You could talk to Maria’s father and get to know him better.”

  Dave Sr. looked at his wife with a blank expression. He wasn’t interested in socializing, but in this small space his son called a house, there was nowhere to hide. All he could think about was the golf game and cigar he had missed just to listen to annoyingly loud children and unintelligent party games. And now his wife wanted him to be friendly with Maria’s father, whose name he didn’t care enough to get, why on earth would he want to do that?

  “He doesn’t have to if he’s not comfortable.” Maria added apologetically reading into the man’s long silence.

  Dave turned to his father, his expression hard and tempered, completely annoyed at his raised nose rudeness, “Don’t worry dad, he isn’t quite one of us little people, your conversation might actually end up in an area you love so much.”

  Maria stared at Dave wide eyed. She found Dave’s efforts to intentionally annoy his father amusing, but not at Miguel’s expense. She may not like the man, but she had no intentions of having him arrested at Michael’s birthday party. Dave may be able to stop and think twice, but his father seemed like a man who would lead a witch hunt just to add another big case to his mantle.

  Dave Sr. gave his son a cold gaze before he took his wife’s hand and led her towards Maria’s parents. Dave wished he hadn’t invited the old man, but that would only mean exempting his mother which he couldn’t dream of.

  Maria stared up at him with a smile, “You’re right, we should have the grandfathers involved too. When it’s time to take the family picture, would you like me to clear off the table first?”

  Dave stared down at her perplexed, “What for?”

  “I figured you’d want to arm wrestle for who’s going to carry Izzy, or do you prefer flipping a coin?” Dave gave her an angry gaze that should have made her crawl into her shell, but instead she found it hilarious, “After meeting your father, you’re not so scary anymore.”

  Dave’s face eased into a smile, “I’m glad you feel that way, considering how it will be the rest of our lives.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He might be my father, but he will be your father-in-law.” He put an arm on her shoulders and turned her around.

  “I don’t get it?” Maria asked, as they walked to the dining table where everyone else had gathered.

  “He and I are already used to not talking, but you’ll be spending all the kids’ vacations with him.” Maria stopped and looked up at him mystified. Dave pulled her to keep walking, “I don’t want our kids to lose touch with their grandparents. Just think, Thanksgiving in Boston and Easter in Mexico,” he kissed the top of her head when she paled, quietly laughing above her, “It’s going to be fabulous!”

  There was no way Maria was going to be alone with either the grouch or Miguel, who is currently still on the run, why was he here anyw
ay, taking such a huge risk? “Good thing we aren’t getting married.” Leaving a stunned Dave gaping at her as she stood between the kids at the table.

  “Mama, you and...” she paused, lost for words as she stared at Miguel’s excited face, and the quiet pleading look Edna was giving her, “One of you can carry Michael while the other stands behind.” she turned to Dave’s parents. Lily looked excited but, Dave Sr. had the same hard look. There was no way she was going to spend any time alone, in their territory with those two men, “the two of you can do the same.”

  Lily carried Izzy and sat in front of her Cinderella cake and Dave Sr. stood behind her, while Miguel carried Michael and sat in front of his batman cake and Edna stood behind him. Dave stood behind Maria, between their parents as they sang happy birthday to their children.

  Dave leaned down to her ear, “You aren’t getting out of marrying me that easily.” He whispered.

  “That’s what you think.” She whispered back before she began fussing with the kids as both grandmothers’ helped her cut the cakes.

  They stood together for an uncomfortable minute while they took pictures. The tension between Maria, Dave and their fathers was quite evident. The only time they seemed relaxed and happy was when their mothers stood in between them. The party did feel torturous at times, but it was a happy one too, and they all got through it, staying away from each other.

  When it was over and everyone had left, Dave was relieved to say goodbye to his father, but sad to see his mother go. Maria however was impatient for her own father’s departure, but he was still on the couch, very comfortable, talking to Michael. She stood at the doorway and watched them, unable to bring herself to break them up and send him packing.

  “You have such an over powering conscience.” Dave spoke in her ear as he stood behind her watching Miguel and Michael.

  “It’s not my conscience, I just love Michael too much to hurt him.” Stepping back to lean into him, “I can’t hurry him out like you did with your father.” She chuckled, resting her tired head on his chest.

  “I’m an honest, arrogant ass, and I bet that’s what attracts you most.”

  “I think we both know I’m definitely not attracted to that.” she weaved her fingers with his and placed both their hands across her belly, “it’s the way you are with the kids and how I always feel safe with you.”

  He kissed her shoulder, then her ear, then her cheek, and finally her forehead, “I would do anything for you.”

  “You could start by getting the tornado out of the kitchen.” Carol walked up to them with her purse in her hand.

  “What?” Dave and Maria exclaimed, but they were both answered when Todd walked out of the kitchen with a plate of food.

  “This is delicious guys. You need to give me the number of the catering company.” He spoke as he stuffed his mouth.

  “How about I give you directions out my door.” Dave said.

  “Not before Michael opens my gift.” he talked with his mouth half full, “He’ll definitely think I’m the best uncle he’s ever had.”


  “Thanks Todd. What’s the gift?” Maria cut in, feeling the exhaustion take hold of her.

  “A Wii, Nintendo and a Play Station with all the latest games.”

  “You want to turn my son into a mindless drone?” Maria asked making herself more comfortable against Dave. Dave wrapped his arms around her and cradled her, feeling sorry for her, she was completely exhausted after the long day of hosting.

  “I’ve played Play Station since I was a kid, look at how I turned out.” Holding his hands out as if he was exhibiting himself.

  Maria glanced at him then turned back to Michael, “Yeah, my point exactly.”

  “Well its better than the rob me sign they have around their necks.” Todd bit down on a chicken leg, “Those must have cost you a fortune, did you mortgage your house or something?”

  Maria hadn’t totally agreed on the eccentric gifts the kids had got. They were cute, but too expensive. The platinum pendants had one diamond stud that sat where their initials crossed. Izzy’s was an I and a G, Michael’s was an M and a G, Dave told her Greer was going to be his name in the future so why not cut to the chase. They were too young to know their true value and could easily loose them, and she felt guilty because he had already spent more than enough on Michael. So instead of insulting him and giving the gift back, she asked him to put them away, but Dave disagreed, he wanted them to have the pendants with them all the time.

  “I have to agree with Todd, there is no way we’ll be able to walk down the streets in peace.”

  “So drive.” Dave said casually, “and anyway everyone had left before I gave them their gifts, if anyone is going to rob them it will be Carol and Todd.”

  “Hey!” Carol and Todd whined in unison.

  Maria turned to face him, “But still, I’ll be fighting thieves off to keep them from cutting off one of my babies heads just to get to those pendants.”

  “Okay.” he kissed her forehead. For a moment she thought, for once she had won, but before she could glow in victory he added, “Have them wear them under their shirts.”

  “Dave, Michael doesn’t have to brag to his new classmates how much his dad has, the tuition you are paying is enough to do that, and Izzy might just end up throwing it away when it’s not shinny and pretty to her anymore.”

  “Maria.” he said, holding her shoulders and bending to level their eye line, “I don’t care about bragging rights or interests.” his voice was so leveled and demanding that it made Maria curious and a little guarded, “Whatever you do, don’t ever take them off and don’t ever let them take them off, okay?”

  “Ah, okay.” She answered turning to lean back against him. She was worried something was up, and those pendants were a big part of it. Dave always had a good reason when he’s very insistent, she wouldn’t argue, but she would most definitely try to find out what the deal was.

  “So, when are you guys leaving?” Dave asked with a tight smile, bluntly kicking Carol and Todd out.

  “You are such a bad host!” Carol complained before she kissed Maria on the cheek, “Bye and get some rest.” she turned and waved to the others in the living room, “Good night.” she then turned and walked towards the door pulling Todd with her.

  “Alone at last.” Dave spoke nibbling on her ear.

  “Not quite.” she looked at her father, “Dave, why is he really here?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Can’t a father come see his daughter and grandson without a national inquiry?” Miguel stood up, and walked to where the couple was standing.

  Maria pointed at Michael, biting down on her temper, “He’s five, and he’s not stupid enough to believe that, so don’t patronise me.” Dave held her securely against him, and crossed his arm to trap hers to her sides, “That might be the story you fed mama, but I’m sure there’s something more going on.”

  “What makes you think that?” Miguel asked calmly, his eyes glued to Dave’s. They had decided on not telling her that Ricky had found her, it would only make the situation more complicated and Maria had lived scared long enough, and he wasn’t going to subject her to it again.

  “Because Dave wouldn’t let a criminal within a hundred feet of his daughter.”

  “Maria Diana Martinez!” Edna yelled, shooting up from the couch.

  “It’s the truth mama!”

  “I wouldn’t have said it that way.” Dave stopped when Maria looked at him with ‘oh please’ eyes, “Okay, I would have said it way worse, and she is telling the truth, I wouldn’t let Miguel near Michael or Izzy knowing his.... line of work.”

  “Even so, Maria you have no right talking to your father with such disrespect!”

  Bursting out of Dave’s hold, she moved to her mother, “He is not my father!”

  “Mama.” Michael whispered, moving to stand next to Maria. Izzy looked up at the commotion and rushed to Michael holding the back of his t-shirt. D
ave moved to them and picked up the kids, then took a few steps back away from Maria and Edna.

  “How else would you explain your existence?” Edna moved forward closing the distance between them.

  “Anyone can sire a child.” she pointed out to Dave, her eyes fixed on Edna, “He, however is a father!”

  “Mama.” Michael whimpered again.

  “You have no right to judge him. I already explained to you why he couldn’t be with us.” Edna was so furious, tears glistened in her eyes. Miguel moved to stand behind her, placing his hands securely on her shoulders.

  “If it helps you sleep at night, you can believe in whatever bullshit he feeds you. You chose to love him, you can be with him, but I don’t have to.”

  Edna was so annoyed to see that little brat she once was when she was in high school emerge, “Of course, we wouldn’t want princess Maria making sacrifices for anyone, but herself.” she shrugged Miguel’s hands off,and took a step closer to Maria, “I sacrificed my safety and my life for you.”

  That statement made Maria take a step back, as the thoughts of Ricky came flooding into her head, “I’m grateful for that.” she started softly, “But you can’t force me to love him as my father.”

  “Edna that’s enough.” Miguel spoke evenly, behind her.

  “It wouldn’t be as bad as Michael having to bare his short life with Ricky as his father.” Edna blurted out, her anger completely taking the reins. Maria felt her heart stop, she felt like she’d been slapped in the face.

  “That part of my life is over, and who I choose to have in my life is my business!”

  “Ma.” Izzy whispered, with a quivering voice. She then reached up and wrapped her tiny arms around Dave’s neck, hiding her face in the nape of it.

  “Considering the mistake you made choosing Ricky, do you really think you have a right to pass judgement?” Maria gagged, as if she’d been punched in the belly, “He beat you and broke every bone in your body, he almost killed your son and me, and you are here acting high and mighty, shunning a father who’s done nothing, but love you in a way Ricky couldn’t love his own son.” she said, with a snort.


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