Shadows of Darkness

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Shadows of Darkness Page 3

by Stephanie Rowe

  Rohan swung again. His blade sliced cleanly through the chains with a faint whisper, and the chains clattered to the rock. Levi groaned and pulled his arms to his chest, cradling them against his body, his eyes squeezed shut. The glow from Rohan's sword flared brightly as he struck, giving Maya her first clear view of Levi. Her stomach roiled when she saw that the skin on his arms and hands was charred and blackened, as if the chains had killed the flesh it had bound so tightly.

  His body was ripped with muscle, but he was lean, so incredibly lean. She could see his ribs with each breath, and his hipbones jutted out beneath his pants. He was wearing only pants. No shirt, no shoes, no socks. Half-naked and chained up for over a century. How was he still alive, let alone sane? Her heart constricted for his suffering, and she wanted to kneel beside him and offer comfort that she knew would change nothing, but Rohan's grip was still tight around her wrist, relentless even when she tried to twist free. "Let me go."

  His voice was low and rough. Unyielding. "Not until we're sure he's safe."

  "He is safe!"

  But Rohan's grip tightened. There was no way she could break free, even though he was being careful not to hurt her. Frustrated, she glared at him, but she couldn't see his face beneath the hood of his cloak, and she had no idea if he was even looking at her. She gave up, and turned her attention to the man on the ground. "Levi! Are you all right?"

  Levi took another deep breath, and as she watched, she could see the strength returning to his body. His muscles rippled, and his breathing became more even and steady, less labored. The brands on his forearms appeared to be an ancient double-sided Lochaber axe. One blade was a fierce point, and the other was a curved half-circle that reminded her of a crescent moon, glittering in the darkest of nights. The handle was even more dangerous, loaded with a razor-sharp spear point, which was flanked with two deadly blades that mirrored the larger ones on the other end. The weapon was a fierce, deadly implement from all angles, and she shivered at the idea of what kind of damage he could inflict with it.

  Even lying inert on the ground, Levi gave off an aura of such strength and power that she had no doubt he was every bit the legend Rohan had claimed he was. He raised one blackened arm and flung it over his eyes. The moment he did so, she saw his body relax, as if the light from Rohan's sword had been hurting him.

  "Get up," Rohan snapped, his fingers loosening around her wrist, as if Levi's lack of movement had reassured him of Levi's ability to restrain himself from going on a murder spree. "The wolves are closing in. You need to go."

  Rohan's command jerked Maya into action. She twisted her arm free, and this time, Rohan let her go. She raced over to Levi and knelt beside him. "Levi?" She leaned over him, not sure whether to touch him. "What can I do to help?"

  "I'm all set. Thanks." His voice was soft, rolling over her like a soft caress that made her entire body warm. "Shut the light off, Rohan," he commanded in a completely different tone than the one he'd used for her. His face still buried in his upper arm, he shifted awkwardly onto his knees, swaying as he tried to find his equilibrium on the solid ground. "Now."

  Rohan shook his head "We need it to fight the wolves," he said as he turned away from them to guard the tunnel. "Go!" Thano had whirled Apollo, his horse, around, and they were both facing the opening they'd just emerged from. The shadow wolves were following their path exactly. How had they found her so quickly?

  God, she hoped Rohan was right about how good Levi was, or she would soon be dead.

  "Here." She yanked off her coat, shivering in the frigid temperatures, as she started to wrap it around Levi's head. He stiffened, and suddenly, in a lightning fast move, he grabbed her wrist, yanked her over to him, and pinned her beneath him. His body was trembling, with cold or the effort, she didn't know, but his hands were holding her wrists above her head, with the kind of force a man would use against an enemy, not a seduction.

  "Levi," she said urgently. She knew she should be afraid to be at the mercy of a deadly assassin, but she felt no fear. He was like a caged animal, striking out in self-defense, not aggression. So, instead of calling for Rohan or trying to fight, she soothed him. "It's me. I won't hurt you."

  He didn't move for a split second, and she felt his energy warring within him, dark and light energy that refused to mix. He reached out with his mind, and she felt that same intimate touch brush inside her head as before. This time, she sensed the desperation within him, the need to connect, and she didn't block him. His energy seemed to wrap around her like a comforting, protective shield. She felt his body shudder with relief. Then, he swore and released her, rolling off her while he covered his eyes with his arm. "Sorry. Instinct."

  "It's okay," she scrambled back to a sitting position. "I was just trying to give you something to cover your eyes."

  "Go!" Rohan shouted. "They're close."

  Levi swore, grabbed the coat from her hand with unerring aim, then tried to tie it around his head. He fumbled and one of the sleeves fell from his fingers. She realized his fingers wouldn't bend, probably frozen after so long in the chains. "Let me." She sent him reassurance with her mind, and he dropped his hands at the same moment she reached for the sleeves of the coat.

  He went utterly still, letting her tie it around his head. His hair brushed against her fingers. It was long and ragged, but incredibly soft. The dark strands drifted across the pads of her fingers, a temptation that seemed to call to something deep inside her. Heat rose in her cheeks, and she quickly tied the sleeves and pulled away. "All set."

  The moment the blindfold was secure, he was on his feet, his hand tucked under her elbow to drag her to her feet. "This way." Even though he clearly couldn't see anything, he didn't hesitate as he pushed her toward one of the tunnels. "Fast."

  She started to run, then heard him stumble. She whirled around and saw him swaying to the side, as if he were struggling with his balance. "Hang on," she said, as she raced back over to him. She slung his arm over her shoulder, and ran with him to the tunnel opening. He didn't resist, leaning on her as they went.

  They sprinted through the opening. Then, suddenly, the ground gave way beneath her feet. She had no time to scream before they were free falling into a pit of pure darkness.

  * * *

  Once they were airborne, it was simple for Levi to regain his balance. He'd been living in the air for a century, and it was the world he was accustomed to now. Free-falling was a hell of a lot easier than standing on the ground. He felt in control, and confidence surged through him. As they plummeted downward, he pulled Maya against him, locking her against his body. "Hold onto me," he instructed.

  She immediately wound her arms around his neck, and he helped her lock her legs around his hips. Heat from her body poured into his, giving him strength and energy he hadn't felt in decades. The intimate position sent raw lust straight to his loins, and for a second, he could think of nothing but the feel of her body against his. It had been so fucking long since he'd had physical contact with another human being, and having Maya wrapped around him was incredible. Beyond incredible. It felt like she'd shaken his world to the core, and all he wanted to do was slide his hands down her hips and over her butt, drawing her even closer into him until there was no space between their bodies, until there was nothing left to do but drown in the sensation of her kiss and her touch—

  "Um, Levi?" Her voice was edged with fear, but it was steady and calm. "What are we going to land on?"

  Her question jerked him back to the present, and he swore at himself, unsettled by the fact that he'd lost his focus in such a critical situation. "Hopefully water."

  Her arms tightened around him. "Hopefully?" The edge to her voice increased. "What's the other option?"

  "That we'll be crushed against a wall of ice, but I think we'll be good." He locked one arm around her waist, using his arm strength to hold her there, since his hand still wasn't functioning that well. Even as he thought it, however, his fingers began to ache. He tried to bend them, and
he got a tiny bit of movement. Healing already.

  Oh, God. You're impossible.

  He grinned as he held out his free arm, and felt the brand burning in his flesh, as it had so many times in the last century. This time, however, he could call it out. Intense rightness surged through him, and he smiled as he summoned his weapon. There was a crack and a flash of black light that bled all the way through his blindfold, and then he felt the steel of his ancient battle axe in his hand. Jesus. It had been so long since he'd held it, he felt his entire body hum in response as he once again claimed his heritage. Despite their stiffness, his fingers closed instinctively around the handle, merging with the weapon that was a part of him.

  He immediately hurled it straight downward at the solid wall of ice they were speeding toward. The axe hit the ice cleanly, shattering a large section a split second before they crashed through the bobbing ice fragments into the frigid water below. So, water, then.

  The ice water sucked the breath out of him. Maya's body constricted in shock, and he heard her gasp of pain in his mind.

  It's okay, Maya. It's just for a few seconds. Take my heat. He pulled Maya closer, sending his own body heat into her as he kicked them to the surface. Their heads burst free as the river hurtled them away from his living grave. He called his weapon back, and it returned to the brand on his forearm as they were tossed ruthlessly along.

  You're insane. You're not going to keep me alive. You're going to kill me. Maya gripped him more securely and coughed.

  I would never kill you. Ever. He couldn't keep the fury out of his voice. He never used to care what people thought of him, but hearing Maya say it made him want to defend himself. He didn't even know her. He knew that. But it still mattered what she thought. He hoisted her higher against his chest, holding her head far enough above the water so that she didn't get splashed. I'm not dangerous to you, I swear it.

  I didn't mean it like that. Maya's voice was gentle in his mind, as if she'd understood what he'd been thinking. I wouldn't have gone with you if I didn't trust you. I was just commenting on the fact that plummeting into a frigid river beneath a wall of ice isn't the usual way to save someone.

  Okay, then. Relief rushed through him, and he couldn't stop the dumbass grin on his face. She trusted him. He liked that. Hold on. It's going to get rough.

  Of course it will. I definitely felt like this was too easy. Her dry sense of humor made his grin widen, even as she tightened her grip on him.

  Holding her tightly, he reached out with his psychic energy, assessing the landscape ahead, just as he'd done so many times fromhis prison. The river was turning, diverted by the pulsing geyser up ahead. He was just about to redirect them toward the geyser, when a thought struck him. How mortal are you? The geyser could incinerate her if she were mortal.

  I'm about a nine on a scale of twelve. Why? Because that's not really the kind of question that's reassuring, you know.

  Nine on a scale of twelve? Who has that kind of scale? He swore under his breath, quickly searching ahead for an alternate exit, but the river was heading deeper beneath ground. He could feel Maya trembling against him, and he knew they had to get out of the cold water soon. She'd be dead if they didn't. Maya. If we take the exit, it could be a little tricky. I can heal you when we get out, but you have to trust me. The only way he could heal her was if she was his sheva, and he was certain she was, certain enough to make this choice.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Is there any other way?

  No. He couldn't keep the fierceness out of his voice. I can protect you, but you're going to have to trust me. I mean, really trust me. You need to let me connect with you all the way.

  Oh, man. Personal intimacy stresses me out, but okay.

  He grinned at her comment. Trust me, I struggle with it a lot more than you do. We can fight the intimacy together, while we're hurtling toward each other on a psychic level. Sound good?

  She laughed, a light sound that seemed to lift layers of darkness from his mind. Perfect. Okay, give me a sec. He felt her summon sudden, intense strength. From deep within her came a source of energy unlike anything he'd ever felt. It was a distinctly female energy, filled with some sort of golden glow that he could almost see in his mind. It was pure strength, unfettered with all the sins that littered his soul. It was beautiful, and he was honored she'd let him experience it. Okay, I'm ready.

  He tightened his arms around her, all his energy centered on her. Let me in. He touched her mind, and for a moment, he felt her resistance, and then she lowered her mental shields, opening herself to him on every level of her soul.

  * * *

  The moment Maya opened herself to Levi, he swept inside her mind, filling her with the raw power of his being. His strength was pure male, a cauldron of sex, danger, and intimacy. He enfolded her in his presence, sending his energy through every cell of her body. His invasion was instantaneous and all-encompassing, sweeping through her so deeply she felt as if she had no secrets left from him. She started to panic. Levi—

  I swear on my life I will keep you safe. The moment he spoke, she felt the intensity of his protectiveness, the depth of his commitment to safeguard her, and she knew he spoke the truth.

  She was safe with him, truly safe, at least in this moment. Okay.

  Good. He twisted his body, and she lifted her head from his neck just in time to see him call out his weapon again with a crack and a flash of black light. In one effortless move, he hurled it straight ahead. He didn't release the weapon, however, and they were jerked forward by the sheer force of the weapon's trajectory.

  It dragged them out of the river, and she gaped as the river careened to the right, disappearing into what looked like a solid wall of rock that would have crushed them if they'd hit it. She turned around in Levi's arms to see where they were going. Ahead of them was a thick wall of steam, almost twenty feet wide, making the air so hot she could barely breathe. She knew that's why there had been no ice wall above them when Levi had dragged them out of the river. Unfortunately, she was as susceptible to boiling hot steam as a wall of ice would be: instant melt. Are you serious, Levi? That will incinerate me.

  No chance. Levi's energy cascaded through her, coating her cells, encircling her body. Tuck yourself against me as close as you can, he commanded.

  I really hope you're right. It was too late to back out. She immediately pulled her arms and legs inward, relying on him to hold her as she made herself a tiny ball in his arms, burying her face against his chest. He wrapped her up tightly in his arms, using his body as a human shield to protect her. He shifted their position so he was beneath her, and she knew he was going to take the brunt of the steam on his own back once they reached the geyser. Isn't it going to burn you?

  Sweetheart, I've been dreaming of this race to freedom for a hundred years. I'm going to relish every last second of pain this thing gives me.

  She had one moment of stunned surprise at the endearment, a moment where her heart seemed to turn over, and then they were in the geyser, being hurtled upward so violently she lost all sense of equilibrium and balance. For a split second, the heat assaulted her so viciously, she screamed in pain, and then Levi's energy filled her, protecting her, somehow shielding her from the worst of the heat.

  She tucked herself more tightly against him as he held her, keeping them balanced as they were hurtled upward. The steam swirled around them, a violent energy trying to attack them both. Instinctively, she reached out to Levi with her mind, and his energy swirled through her. She felt his strength and his protectiveness, but she also felt a regret so great that it seemed to eat right though her heart. She felt the depths of his self-loathing, and the weight of a thousand destroyed souls weighing on his. She realized that despite his strength, he was more broken than anyone she'd ever met.

  Tears were falling on her cheeks when they burst from the earth, and it wasn't from the pain of her own burned skin. It was for the decimation of his soul.

  Chapter 3

  As he and Maya were ejected from the geyser and spun into the air, Levi adjusted their trajectory to keep Maya shielded in his arms. No light tried to blind him, and he ripped off his blindfold. It was blessedly nighttime, and the darkness was his friend. Easily able to see in the semi-darkness, he quickly scanned the earth and then targeted a small pond as their landing zone.

  Using his weight, Levi angled their descent, sending them hurtling toward the pool of water. Hold your breath, he commanded. Maya immediately inhaled, and he tucked her up against him, protecting her as they cannonballed into the water.

  They hit with a tremendous impact and shot toward the bottom of the pool. He saw the ground coming up fast, and he immediately began kicking. He slowed them just before they slammed into the bottom, but the impact almost jarred Maya out of his arms. Stunned by the impact to his legs, he could barely move for a second, and then Maya grabbed his arm. Come on!

  He somehow got his legs moving, and they swam up toward the top. By the time he reached the surface, his lungs were burning, even though there had been a time when he could stay under water for several hours at a time. He shot his head above the water, and sucked in air...fresh air. Air that tasted of grass, and trees, and sunshine. "Holy shit." He was out, really out of that cave. He could feel the difference in his lungs, in the way the air felt as it filled him.

  "Come on." Maya swam toward the edge of the pool, and he broke out after her. His body slid through the water the same as it had through the air, but it was different feeling the water slide over his skin. For so long, there had been nothing but still, invisible air touching him, and now, the warm water caressed his flesh.

  He reached the edge of the pool and hoisted himself over the edge after Maya. His hands cramped when he braced them on the ground, but Maya grabbed his shoulder before he lost his balance.


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