Boys Club: How Far Would You Go?

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Boys Club: How Far Would You Go? Page 37

by Ema Bancroft

  "So, guys..." Ethan waved his hand at us. "You... you know, are you two together? "He hit his fists twice."

  "Jesus,"Roland muttered, shaking his head.

  "What? " he asked. "I'm just trying to get a clear picture of what's going on, you know?"

  "I think the image is pretty clear,"growled Raul. "They were practically against the wall."

  "Hey! " I warned you. "Careful."

  "Fuck you, Elijah. " Raul pushed my shoulder. I withdrew to regain my balance, fighting against the urge to retreat. Fortunately, Roland and Ethan came between us.

  "Don't do this, man,"Ethan said. "I think we all need to calm down a little."

  Daisy stepped forward. "We wanted to tell you. We were just trying to... protect you."

  "Protect us? " Raul threw his hands into the air.

  "Protect us from what?"

  "It's not what you think,"she said, and I realized what I was going to do. I wanted to tell them the truth.

  "Oh yes, famous last words,"Raul muttered.

  "B? " I questioned him gently. "Are you sure?"

  She nodded. "Seriously,"she said. "Let us explain, please."

  "Guys? "Jack, the stage manager, interrupted. In the wave of flashes, he raised his hands defensively. I'm sorry... but you're in the fifth. You need to get into position for your entrance.

  "Fuck! " I caught my hair in frustration.

  "This isn't over,"Raul hissed as we ran down the side aisle to the staircase leading to our Tyrolese platforms.

  "We'll explain everything,"Daisy assured him. "After the show... just give us a chance, okay?"

  Raul said nothing, but nodded sharply, climbing up after Roland. Daisy and I followed each other, and we were strangely quiet as we adjusted our harnesses and waited for the introduction.

  Just... quiet.

  So Ethan broke the silence, clearing his throat.

  "So... when you guys... you know..." He waved his hand again. "Who's the guy?"

  Roland growled, and I thought I heard Daisy laughing.

  "Really? " I asked.

  "What? I'm just curious."

  "Fuck you, Ethan. " He laughed, and I could see the corners of Raul�s lips lifting slightly.

  I started hoping that maybe everything would be okay.

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 16 - So long, goodbye, Part II

  E. C.

  Looking back, I think it was when I began to relax that everything started to unravel... literally?

  We had made it through the show without anyone knowing. In spite of the tensions between us, the boys came out as the professionals they were, and we gave up on a crowd that - if the screams and applause were an Indian - absolutely adored him.

  Daisy and I watched Brad, who in turn controlled Ruby. Daisy did her best to keep her face at an angle from him most of the time, but he didn't really seem to pay much attention to it. I was totally focused on the crowd, and on our particular enthusiastic fan. Twicher had managed to enter the arena, but remained silent, leaning against a wall near the stage. Security left him alone, and I suspected that they were operating under Cecil's orders, without wanting any confrontation to find their way on the Internet.

  God knew we'd had enough for a while.

  We took our positions for the final, the crowd fell silent as the introduction of So Long, Goodbye toured the enclosure, the heavy beats of drums and the airy keyboard echoing against the walls. The revised choreography worked flawlessly, and I smiled as Daisy took the central stage of the bridge.

  You keep saying you're sorry.

  But a man can't put up with so much

  There are some things that can't be cured

  For your loving touch

  I'm done with the pain... it's time for me to quit... yes!?

  Don't let the door hit you where the good lord broke you!

  As always, the crowd shouted the last sentence with us, fists waving... heads. We were on top of the world.

  And then I saw him... crawling from under the edge of Daisy's shirt.

  A flash of fabric that could ruin everything in a heartbeat.

  The flesh-colored corner of a Hartmann bandage.

  Ethan moved into the center of the stage, and I turned with the others, keeping my eye on the offensive elastic as he began the next verse.

  It's hard to say goodbye.

  But it's harder to stay

  You're the one who's doing wrong.

  But I'm the one who has to pay.

  Ethan moved along with Daisy online, as we all did a quick combination jump to the left, and Roland took over the voices.

  My broken heart has had enough

  He can't take it anymore.

  So before I take another piece,

  It's time for you to leave.

  More of the blindfold appeared in plain sight, flitting like a banner over her ass - evidence of my misguided attack on her dressing room. I had loosened it on my frantic horn... unable to resist the call of her tits... the brainwashing power of my cock...

  I should have known Little Henry would be our undoing.

  As we put ourselves in position for the last chorus, I struggled between wanting to send Daisy a warning somehow... and wondering if that would only make things worse. Did you have a tendency to overreact when you were stressed?

  And the rubber penis had already gone through his footsteps today.

  So instead, I stayed vigilant on the leaking edge of the bandage as I continued to drift... unraveling - slowly but surely - while Daisy remained unconscious...

  Willing to stay in place.

  Not wanting anyone else to notice.

  Preparing the song for the fucking end.

  There are so many ways to say it

  But the meaning is always true.

  Aloha! Ciao! Goodbye! Bye-bye!

  We made a bit of a jump to the right, and I was hoping to be the only one who noticed that Daisy had a bit more rebound than usual.

  See you later, alligator.

  In a little while, crocodile.

  Time to go, time to bounce.

  Bye... peace outside?

  Her eyes widened wide, confused, and I looked down at her quickly. I knew something was wrong. I wasn't sure what exactly.

  I can't take any more of your lies.

  So for me it's time to say goodbye!

  Just one label, hold the pose and we were done. Light at the end of the tunnel. We're almost there...

  No, I can't take any more of your lies.

  So for me it's time to say goodbye!

  We made it. Somehow, against all odds, we'd gotten over it. We held our positions for a few strokes as the applause rumbled through the sand, and then moved to the front of the stage... joining hands... a deep bow... another?

  Then we moved backwards, waving to the crowd as they leapt back and forth, throwing their heads back and shouting.

  And just before the lights went out... just before we came running off the stage... just before we hid in the dark backstage...?

  Ethan turned to Daisy, his eyes narrowed. "Hey, B, you got something..."

  I watched with horrified astonishment, paralyzed as he approached her, the screams of the crowd that turned to whistling murmurs as blood rushed through my ears. Even though everything seemed to slow down, allowing me to see all the movements with surprising clarity, I couldn't stop it... unable to intervene while Ethan's fingers wrapped the elastic flesh color offensive. Daisy looked down, the confusion on her face quickly transforming into something resembling terror.

  She turned in reflexes, as if to rip the bandage from his hand, but Ethan clutched tightly, pulling her, the bandage holding only a little before she stepped away, the end turning airborne over his head before she could hang from his fingers unceasingly. He looked at it with bewilderment before looking back at Daisy.

  Or rather, Daisy's chest.

  Her chest is noticeably larger.

  "What...? " He blinked as he saw Daisy�s tits, loose and movi
ng, and she quickly folded her arms across them. Raul and Roland flanked him, their own expressions of shock reflecting those of Ethan.

  And finally, I was able to move.

  I rushed forward, spinning Daisy quickly and nearly pulled her off the stage, only to be blinded by a bright flash of light.

  "At last! " exclaimed a voice. "That's what I call a cash injection!"

  Shit. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, finally I could identify the culprit as Twicher, the camera buzzing while capturing everything in the film. I leaned my body around Daisy, trying to protect her from his invasive lens, just so that Brad Caldwell could get his out of the way, as he knocked Twicher down with a full-body tackle.

  "Don't move! " he ordered as Twicher's camera slid into darkness. I didn't stop, I just came closer to Daisy as we ran down the aisle to the locker room, knocking on the door behind us.

  "My God,"she whispered. "Elijah, my God, what just happened? That didn't just happen! "Her voice rose, bordering on hysteria. "Everyone saw it. Everyone! And Twicher... oh my God,"she said again, collapsing into a chair, her face falling into her hands. "What am I gonna do?"

  I crossed it, kneeling and throwing it into my arms. "It'll be all right,"I assured her, though I had no idea what it would be like. "We'll figure it out."

  And that's how Ethan, Raul and Roland found us when they entered the locker room a moment later... followed quickly by Cecil, Eddie... and of course, Brad Caldwell?

  "Daisy? he said as he walked toward her. "Daisy, is that really you?"

  She looked up, her face stained with tears and red. "Hi, Dad."

  "Dad? " Cecil shouted, his eyes running between them. "What the hell is going on here? " He waved his hands against Daisy's breasts. "And what the fuck are those?"

  "Hey! " Brad screamed back. "Watch your mouth around my daughter."

  "Your daughter? "Cecil laughed without humor. "Your daughter must be arrested for fraud! "He pointed a fat little finger at Daisy. "We're gonna sue you... Daisy, right? I suggest you get yourself a good lawyer."

  "Back off, Cecil,"I said, jumping at my feet and standing in front of Daisy.

  "Back up? " He repeated. "I just started..."

  Then a hell broke loose.

  "I can't believe it's a fucking girl..."

  "... behind our backs all this time..."?

  "... fucking lies... all that, damn lies!"?

  "Dude, she saw my dick!"

  And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the door opened and Spiderfan's loud cries filled the room. MY GOD, THE SHOW WAS AMAZING! YOU GUYS ROCK SO HARD! "Her voice faded as she entered the room, her eyes circling around the group before landing at Daisy. "Ummm... is this a bad time?"?

  I was wondering if anyone would notice if I started banging my head against the wall.

  Craig and Brick ran after her, breathing heavily.

  "I'm sorry,"Brick muttered, grabbing her arm.

  "Come on, Ruby."

  "Oh, okay,"she said, throwing slightly against him. "I LOVE YOU 5 POINTS! " she shouted. "AND TIM, I DON' T CARE IF YOU HAVE MAN BOOBS."

  Cecil closed the door and turned to us, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I'm calling the police,"he muttered. "Your ass must be in jail."

  "I can't believe this shit,"Raul collapsed on the couch next to Ethan, who rubbed his head in confusion.

  Ethan breathed deeply, his forehead furrowed in concentration. So... you're not gay? "he finally asked.

  "Of course they're not fucking gay,"Raul grumbled. "They're fucking liars."

  Arguments intensified, Roland's whispered curses mingled with the loudest in the room. Daisy sobbed silently, clinging to my hand as her father threatened to sue Cecil, who threatened to sue Daisy... and me... and anyone who entered his line of sight...

  I've had enough of this.

  "Shut up. Fuck it, man. Up! " I screamed.

  My words echoed on the walls, accentuated by Daisy's snorting. Her father stiffened up, staring at me maliciously.

  Yeah. Was I gonna have to work on that... later?

  "Hang up the phone,"I told Cecil through the clenched teeth. When he hesitated, I added:"You have to think this through, Cecil. Think of the publicity. The band has to be protected, right?"

  Cecil considered it for a moment, and then put the phone in his pocket abruptly. "You're in this as deep as she is,"he said accusatorily. "You're both in serious trouble here."

  We'll talk about it later, I promise you,"I replied, speaking calmly despite my fast heartbeat. "Right now, we need to talk."

  Cecil leaned against the door. "So talk."

  "No,"I made it clear, waving a hand at the boys. "I mean, we, the band, need some time to talk about this."

  "Are you kicking me out? " Cecil's face turned red impossible.

  "Just for a while. "I kept my hands free at the sides... no threats. "Just give us a few minutes, please"?

  Cecil blinked, obviously surprised that I had said "please". He pulled out his phone again, pressing a button. "I have to call my team anyway,"he grunted.

  "We need serious brainstorming on how to handle this mess. Minnie! " He shouted on the phone, turning to open the door and come out. "Bring everyone to the conference room, now! Put me on speakerphone!"

  Eddie followed him with a sympathetic look at Roland. Brad Caldwell looked at me with suspicion, crossing his arms across his chest, obviously he was not ready to go anywhere.

  "Mr. Caldwell, maybe I could..."

  "Boss,"he interrupted.

  "Excuse me?"

  "He's Chief... Chief Caldwell,"he said, his jaw tightened tightly. "And I'm not leaving my daughter here with you."

  "Daisy is perfectly safe..."

  "Of course I do,"he said sarcastically. "I've heard of you, my friend. I know your reputation. And I can see you've somehow hooked up with Daisy, an innocent girl..."

  Raul snorted.

  "You got something to say, buddy? " He turned his penetrating gaze to Raul, who swallowed nervously.

  "No, sir... Chief?"

  "I don't think so."

  "Dad, please stop this,"Daisy said quietly. She had been silent for so long, that her words took us all by surprise.

  "Oh, don't think you're out of danger, young lady,"said the Chief, turning to her. "You and I have a lot to talk about. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're in?"

  "Dad, please..."

  "Don't say' Dad, please' me. This is serious, Bells."

  "I know."

  "And you? Do you really think so?"

  "I do! " She leapt at her feet, brushing the tears from her eyes. "I know, Dad. I know this is a big mess, and I'm in a lot of trouble. And I swear to you, I'll explain everything. She looked at me briefly before turning her back to me and turning to him. "But not right now.

  "I need to talk to the boys. I owe them that.

  He looked at her for a moment, then sighed, his head dropping forward as he rubbed his neck.

  "I'll be by the car,"he finally said. He turned to leave, then paused for a moment before turning back to Daisy, walking toward her and passing a palm over her head.

  "I love you, Bells,"he said quietly, kissing her forehead. "We'll figure it out, okay?"

  Daisy grabbed his wrist, her eyes tightly closed, forcing more tears on her cheeks.

  "Thank you, Dad."

  And with a sharper look on my path, he went away, silently closing the door behind him.


  I turned to the boys, not knowing where to start. How do you apologize for lying to your best friends? For hiding who you really are from them? The guilt was burning in my stomach, and I wondered how I could handle this in the world.

  "I don't know what to say,"I said quietly. "I'm so sorry I lied to you."

  Elijah took my hand in his. Always by my side, as promised. I offered him a weak smile.

  "We both are,"he added. "Did it seem... safer this way?"

  "Safer? "Roland repeated, his eyes shaking angrily. Was it safer to pre
tend to be gay? To lie to me... to us? God, I feel like an idiot! "He rubbed his face, and then put his fists on his hips. How could you do this to us? After all we've been through. Especially after that -" He clenched his lips furiously, and I knew more than anyone else that Roland felt this betrayal personally. After what happened to Eddie, what they both had to put up with to be together, he felt that I was belittling him... making a joke about all this. Not to mention the fact that I lied to his face more than once. With the others it was a lie of omission. With him, it was just a small lie.

  "Roland, I'm sorry. " I reached out tentatively, but when he became rigid I dropped my hand beside me. "I didn't want it to end like this."

  "Well, how exactly did you think it would end, Daisy? " Raul spat in anger. "How long did you think you could go on with this, keep cheating on us?

  "We were going to tell you,"I said, the plea evident in my voice. "After the show... but then..."?

  Then this,"said Ethan, holding the bandage, which for some reason was still clenched in his fist. He looked at him curiously. "Did you really wear this all the time?"

  I nodded my head. His eyes went automatically to my chest, and then they returned to my eyes guilty. "I'm sorry."

  "All right."

  "I just don't understand it,"he said quietly, for some reason the calmest in the group. "I just don't understand... why?"

  I sighed heavily.

  "It's a long story. Can we all sit down? " I looked at Roland, who snorted irritably and turned a chair around him, riding backwards. I sat beside Elijah, and he took my hand, binding our fingers in a show of solidarity. Ethan and Raul sat at the opposite ends of the sofa, Ethan's gaze was slightly more open than Raul's, more hostile.

  I looked at Elijah, who smiled encouragingly, squeezing my hand. I took a deep breath.

  "I always wanted to be a singer,"I started.

  And I told them the whole ridiculous story.


  Silence weighed heavily in the room, full of tension and unspoken words.

  I told them everything. About how I tried to do it as a singer, but I was denied at every turn... how I had heard about the auditions, and I thought it was my last chance in my dream. I was very excited to do the group, but I wasn't sure how to keep up the charade. About Elijah and Mabel and Moxie. How much I loved being part of the band?


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