Falling For Sakura (Falling For Sakura Trilogy, #1)

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Falling For Sakura (Falling For Sakura Trilogy, #1) Page 32

by Praks, Alexia

“Sakura!” She barked out the name in disgust. “That bitch Sakura.”

  Darcy had had enough. “Listen here, Kate,” he began in a low, heated voice. “Yes, I love her. I have always loved her, even before I met you. She’s the woman who makes me feel pain and pleasure at the same time. She’s the woman who makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time. She’s the woman who I think about every second. I love her, Kate, and I’ve never loved you. Is that clear enough for you to understand?”

  Kate gritted her teeth and then bashed her fist on his chest. “You bastard! What about our relationship?”

  “We’ve never had a relationship, Kate. Ever!” Darcy closed his eyes and his heart ached. He had to tell Sakura how he felt. How could he back out and let the woman he had loved all his life go to someone else, even though that someone else was his very own brother? But then again, how could he do that to his own brother? Sebastian too loved Sakura, and Darcy could never do such a horrible thing to Sebastian. Darcy could never steal the woman Sebastian loved.

  “Good-bye, Kate,” he said coldly and then walked away. He didn’t return to the hotel to rejoin the wedding that was still in progress. Instead, he walked home along the highway—alone—his mind in a muddle of confusion and his heart in pain. Somewhere in the middle of the night, when the moon was high, he couldn’t help himself and ran and ran and ran until he was exhausted, breathless, and puffing, sweat soaking his body.

  When he finally couldn’t go any farther, he collapsed to his knees in the middle of the empty road. As he lifted his head to gaze at the moon, tears were in his eyes and his heart ached, tormenting him to such an extent that he couldn’t help himself and screamed. He howled long and loud. His voice, hollow with agony, echoed across the air like a lone wolf in the woods, grieving for the loss of his mate.

  When he finally couldn’t scream anymore, he cried, his head in his hands against the pavement. Oh, how he hurt. He hurt so damn much. What was he going to do?

  Snow, my dear Snow. What should I do?

  Some while later, when he managed to get hold of himself again, he got up and slowly made his way homeward, his pace slow.

  It was after midnight by the time he reached Princeton Mansion, and as he made his way up toward the house, he saw the person who was responsible for his tormented heart.

  She was wearing her very lovely nightdress, like the one she’d worn that night he and his brothers had met her in the garden near the pond. She looked like a wood nymph then, and she looked like a wood nymph now. Snow, my Snow.

  Oh, how he wanted to go to her. How he wanted to take her into his arms. God, he ached.

  * * *

  The house is oddly quiet tonight, Sakura thought as she got out of the shower. Of course, there was only her, James, and Brenda, who had returned from the wedding reception. Everyone else—the brothers, Richard, Tara, and Alaina—had gone off into town to do some drinking and clubbing. She had no doubt that Darcy and Kate were with them, enjoying themselves tremendously.

  It was odd also that tonight she had decided to wear her pretty Victoria Secret silk and lace nightdress. Why she wanted to wear this she wasn’t sure. She just did. Then she put on some night cream and blow-dried her hair. Once done, she went straight to bed, only she couldn’t sleep. She felt so restless, and she wasn’t sure why.

  She flicked on the light, grabbed her camera, and went through the photos she had taken during the wedding. As she gazed down at the people’s faces in the photos, her heart ached within her chest. Her family. They were her family, weren’t they? Then the photo of her with Tristan and Logan came up, the one with them both kissing her on the cheeks. Tristan and Logan. They were the best of brothers and the best of best friends. They were never far away from one another, and they had always helped one another.

  She flicked through some more photos and found some pictures of her and the whole family together. She was a part of them. She was a Princeton. Yes, there she was, standing in between Tristan and Conrad. Then there were Daddy James and Mom Brenda, Nicolas, Logan, Hayden, and of course the two men who affected her most—both mentally and emotionally—Sebastian and Darcy.

  She put down the camera, her heart aching even more as she thought of them both. Were they really fighting because of her? What was she going to do? They were brothers. She was their adopted sister. Yet—

  Absentmindedly, she reached for her treasure box and opened it. Inside, she saw the single earring she had bought a long time ago for Hayden. This had been the one he’d thrown back at her, telling her he only needed one. She’d kept it safe until now. She hadn’t been sure why.

  She picked it up and gazed at it, marveling at the blue stone. Slowly, she returned it to the box and then took out her craft gear. She pulled out her watercolor paints and the small cards. Then she began to paint some cherry trees. Yes, spring was almost over and summer was just around the corner. She smiled sadly.

  Some two hours later, she’d finally had enough and put everything away. Still not tired, she went to kneel down beside Toby, who was sound asleep. She stroked his white fur and the dog purred with pleasure.

  “You have no worries, do you?” she said softly. “I wish I were more like you.” Then she got up and left the room.

  The air was warm and breezy as Sakura headed down toward the garden near the pond where Mary and Peter had their wedding ceremony only that afternoon.

  “It was a beautiful wedding,” she whispered to herself.

  She closed her eyes and breathed in the spring air, her face tilted up toward heaven, serene. She stayed there for how long she did not know as her mind wandered off into the far distance. Then when she realized it was getting rather late, she turned on her heel and started walking back toward the house.

  She was deep in thought and was just passing the section of the garden with thick bushes when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into the darkness.

  Sakura gasped, her heart pounding hard and fast as she instinctively tried to free herself from the tight imprisonment.

  “Let go!” she said, her voice weak.

  The person turned her around so her back was resting against the thickness of a tree trunk and her front was to him. His masculine, lean body completely enveloped her, embracing her so she had no way of escape. Sakura could feel his warm heat radiating out to her, and her heart started to thunder loudly within her chest and her head began to go a bit dizzy.

  “Who are you?” she whispered softly, not at all seeing his face in the darkness.

  He was tall, she realized, for her head barely reached up to his shoulders, and his body was firm against hers as he pressed her back against the tree, squishing her beneath him.

  “What do you want?” she whispered again, her voice shaking.

  As if to calm her down, as if to tell her that he meant her no harm, he gently touched his hand to her face and moved his lips to her ear. “Hush,” he whispered, sending electrifying sensations through her being.

  Sakura closed her eyes and her body unconsciously relaxed in his arms. Her breathing became labored as he continued to stroke her neck down toward her collarbone and then lower toward her breasts.

  Sakura bit her lip, her head spinning, and her legs suddenly turned into jelly. Then she could feel his warm lips against her throat. She could feel the heat of his mouth burning against her skin, sending her head reeling with wonder. Then before she knew it she could feel his tongue on her sensitive skin, stroking her, kissing her, sucking her.

  She gasped as the heat within her decided to rise deliciously. He suddenly stopped. Sakura widened her eyes, wondering why he’d stopped. It felt so good.

  She gazed up at him. All she could see was the shadow of his strong, handsome face above her.

  Slowly, he moved his fingers and stroked her bottom lip, as he was marveling at the soft flesh. She heard him breathing harder, as if he had difficulty controlling himself.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked stupidly.

  He didn�
��t respond to her query, and before she could understand what was going on, his firm lips were on hers.

  Sakura was taken by surprise. She could feel the heat from him as he passionately kissed her, his fingers digging deep into her hair. She felt weak and light, like a feather floating in the air, flying higher and higher.

  She groaned and held on to him for dear life. In response, he deepened the kiss by plunging his tongue into her mouth and wildly invading her.

  Sakura’s whole body shuddered in ecstasy as his tongue stroked and played with her, exploring her, sending wild passion coursing through her being, exciting her to such powerful levels that she thought she’d die. Yes, she was lost in the wonderful heaven.

  Suddenly, he pulled back, as if he suddenly realized he’d made a mistake. Sakura gazed up at his dark form, her heart pounding. She didn’t want him to stop. She was hooked.

  Then just as quickly, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight, as though he never wanted to let her go.

  He kissed her again, his tongue wild against hers, as if he were desperate to have her, as if he were afraid of losing her. When he pulled back again, he was breathless and she was shaking from head to toe.

  He whispered softly near her ear. “I love you.” Then he was gone. Just like that.

  Sakura stayed there staring into the darkness, her finger touching her lips, her heart pounding, and her head spinning. When she managed to get back to her room and then into bed, it was very late, or rather early in the morning. She couldn’t sleep. She was restless. Her heart was still pounding. Her mind was still on the man who had kissed her.



  Sakura woke up late the next day since she didn’t get to sleep until about five in the morning. She came down for brunch feeling a bit out of sorts and also noticed that the house was still as quiet as ever. Perhaps everyone was also still in bed because they hadn’t returned home until very early this morning from their night out.

  “My, my,” Beth commented. “You do look horrible.”

  Sakura chuckled. “I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that. You’ve seen your best friend getting married and settling down, and now you want that for yourself, too.”

  Sakura wanted to tell her that wasn’t it. The reason she couldn’t sleep was because of that secret kiss last night in the garden by—

  No, don’t think about it, Sakura.

  She stood up and said, “I’m going out for a walk along St. Helena Beach. Won’t be back till much later.”

  “I see you’re planning to skip lunch yet again?” Beth asked, her brows nearly up to her gray hairline.

  Sakura just laughed and walked to the door, ignoring Beth’s disapproving stare. “Don’t worry, Beth dear. I’ll be back for dinner.”

  Beth grumbled under her breath and said, “There’s supposed to be a storm sometime this afternoon. Make sure you’re home before that, won’t you?”

  “I will,” Sakura replied, waving her hand in the air to tell the housekeeper not to worry.

  “Oh,” Beth said before Sakura could disappear around the corner. “The brothers are at St. Helena Beach too, surfing.”

  Sakura, however, didn’t hear her as she was already out of earshot.

  Some ten minutes later, Sakura found herself walking along St. Helena Beach, her bare feet sinking deep into the porous white sand that stretched endlessly across the horizon. With her sandals in her hands, she strolled along, staring off at the pristine blue sea. In the distance, she noted dark clouds gathering, indicating there was a storm coming.

  Yes, all too soon she wouldn’t be able to enjoy this any longer. So she might as well take it all in now, enjoying every moment of it.

  She was minding her own business and admiring the breathtaking view when she noticed men surfing on the other side of the beach. She couldn’t help herself and watched with interest, marveling at how expertly they stayed on the boards as they surfed the waves. From where she stood, which was a very long distance away, she could just make out the men’s athletic bodies. They looked like they were having a lot of fun. That was when she decided to have a closer look and headed toward them.

  She regretted it some fifteen minutes later when she realized those men were actually her adopted brothers. There were Nicolas, Tristan, Logan, Hayden, and Conrad surfing the smaller waves closer to where she was at the beach. They were laughing and shouting encouragement at each other as they surfed. On the other side, much closer to the rocks where bigger and more dangerous waves resided, were Sebastian and Darcy. It looked as though they were competing to see who the better surfer was.

  Sakura found she couldn’t take her eyes away from them as they expertly rode the waves. Suddenly, her heart ached within her chest.

  No, she mustn’t think about them now—especially not about them and not now when she had already made up her mind that she’d leave St. Joseph Island. She’d decided she no longer wanted to be their sister.

  With that firm idea in her mind, she turned on her heel and headed the other way.

  As she was walking up from the beach to the high cliff above, Sakura didn’t notice that Conrad had seen her and was shouting at her to come to them. When she didn’t respond, he got out of the water and raced after her. The brothers didn’t notice him go as they continued to surf.

  As she was walking, neither did Sakura notice that someone was trailing her. Then all too soon she came to a cliff that overlooked the ocean below where the brothers were. From here, she could observe them uninterrupted, and she made herself comfortable, relaxing back against the rock. In the distance, both Darcy and Sebastian were surfing big waves, and when they disappeared under the water, her heart raced, praying they’d be all right and that nothing bad would happen to them. A few seconds later, she saw them emerge unharmed. She sighed in relief.

  It wasn’t long when dark clouds started gathering in the distance and heading their way. Lightning flashed, and Sakura jumped at the sound and automatically hugged herself. Then it started pouring—hard. She was totally soaked instantly. “Already?” She’d thought that the storm wasn’t due until much later.

  She narrowed her eyes at the brothers. She couldn’t believe it. They were still surfing. In this rain?

  Obviously, she couldn’t stay there watching them any longer. She hastily got up and rushed back toward the side of the cliff, hoping to find shelter. She was in luck. She spotted a small cave not too far away and rushed into it. Once inside, she hugged herself, shivering severely from the cold. She surely hoped the storm would pass quickly because she didn’t want to return home late. Beth would be pissed that she didn’t listen to her, and of course, Daddy James and Mom Brenda would be so worried.

  She turned her attention to her surroundings and that was when she realized she’d been here before. Lightning flashed and Sakura blinked. Then it all came back to her. That day after she’d drowned in the sea years ago when Alaina had pushed her over the cliff, she’d decided to run away, and then she had fainted because of the fever. That night she had found herself in this very cave. There had been a small fire, and she’d felt the warm body of a boy hugging her, keeping her warm.

  Sakura gasped and her eyes widened. Sebastian! He had been here with her that night, hadn’t he? He had looked after her during those horrible hours when the fever had broken.

  She brought her fingers to touch her lips. The kiss! She remembered the kiss that Sebastian had given her.

  “I love you,” he had said to her that night. Suddenly, tears brewed in her eyes. Oh, Sebastian! Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her heart tore even more as she fell to her knees.

  “Aw, does the lightning scare you so?” a voice said behind her.

  Sakura lifted her head and blinked. She hastily got up and turned around to see Kate at the entrance of the cave.

  Kate slowly walked in, looking around her as if she were interested. “I’ve never been here before, but it’s a pret
ty good place, don’t you think?”

  Sakura didn’t reply. “What are you doing here?”

  Kate cocked her head to one side. “Exploring. I like the island. After all, if I were to marry Darcy, then—”

  Sakura gritted her teeth at the mention of Darcy. Then she noted that something wasn’t right. How come Kate was here? How did she get here? No one ever used this part of the island except for the Princetons because it was private. Anyone seen walking through was trespassing.

  Sakura was suspicious and knew something didn’t sit right with her. At that moment, she didn’t care to find out what it was and thought she better get out of here fast. But the rain! How would she get back home safely in this weather? Furthermore, she didn’t bring any warm clothing to wear because she’d expected to return home before the storm even started.

  Mind made up, she started walking back toward the exit. Kate intercepted her and roughly caught her arm, which surprised Sakura. Kate smiled darkly, and then with all her might, she shoved her back, slamming her against the wall of the cave.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she gritted out, her voice ice cold.

  Sakura wriggled her arm free from the tight grip, her heart hammering in her chest. Oh, shit! Kate was here to hurt her—again! Suddenly, the images of Kate bullying her in high school came back to her in full force. Kate slapping her face. Kate slamming her head against the locker. Kate kicking her. Kate slamming the basketball against her face in PE.

  Sakura felt tears burning in her eyes. “Home,” she gritted out coldly. “Now leave me alone.”

  Kate smiled pleasantly as she cocked her head to one side. “Home? Sakura, do you even have a home to go to?” Then she laughed maniacally. “If you mean Princeton Mansion, I don’t think that’s your home.” She pulled Sakura by the collar, which took Sakura by surprise. Then she shoved Sakura forward. “You don’t have a home, you slut. You don’t belong at Princeton Mansion. In fact, you don’t belong with the Princetons at all. You’re just a freeloader, sucking their life and money.”


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