[The Social Experiment 01.0] The Social Experiment

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[The Social Experiment 01.0] The Social Experiment Page 20

by Addison Moore

  My phone buzzes. At the bar.

  “It’s Braden.” I wave the text at him. “I’m meeting him for dinner.”

  “Yeah.” A darkness settles over his features. “I’d better get to practice.” He lands a lingering kiss to my lips, and we moan as we struggle to pull away from one another. I never knew it could be this way. I never really believed that it could exist at all with Rowen. “We’ll continue the conversation. Come by tonight.” His thumb rubs over my side with the invite.

  “I will. And hey, it’s week five! Seth says there’s no date until Saturday. The entire team is going to interview us.”

  His dimples dig in. “I guess they want to learn from the best.”

  “And next week, we officially graduate from the lunacy. We should totally celebrate our freedom from our time of terror.”

  “I’m not sure I’d call it a time of terror.” Rowen outlines my lips with his finger, and I reach down and take a healthy bite out of it. “Ouch.” He dots my nose with his wet digit. “I think we should celebrate that brilliant stroke of genius that Dexter Houston had because it led me straight to you.” He leans and runs soft kisses from my cheek to my ear. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Soph. You always have been.”

  I watch as Rowen is swallowed by the lavender night, the parched oak leaves swirling at his feet as if venerating his every step.

  He turns around and offers that wild grin I’ve worshiped for as long as I can remember.

  “I love you, Sophie Meyer!” he shouts into the night, and my mouth falls open. Sure, there’s not another soul around, but the fact he so brazenly proclaimed our love to the rooftops makes me want to throw a rock at him—and then, of course, kiss him.

  “I love you, Rowen Garret!” I shout right back with enthusiasm that rivals his own.

  We share a quick laugh before he turns and jogs into the direction of the field.

  All of the joy that moment brings quickly dissipates because it’s time to roll up Rowen and our love and tuck it into the deepest chamber of my heart so that my oaf of a brother won’t see it.

  I head to the Underground, sour and pissed at Braden for being the king of harboring longtime grudges. Maybe that will be the topic at hand tonight.

  Maybe this is the year Braden Meyer learns to forgive and forget, to move on with his life, and to let me move on with mine with Rowen.

  But deep in my heart, I know that will never happen. It will never be that easy. Nope. Braden will never accept the fact Rowen and I are together.

  There will be hell to pay. And in a way, Rowen and I are already paying it.

  The Underground is pumping and thumping as if it were a Friday night and not the crappiest night of them all—Monday. However, my Monday will not be crappy this night nor any other Monday that follows now that Rowen and I are officially together.

  Together. I can’t stop grinning like a loon at the idea.

  I spot Braden sitting at a table near the back and wave while dancing my way over, because life couldn’t get any sweeter, any better, any more mouth-wateringly delicious. I leap over as Braden stands to greet me and offer him a quick embrace.

  “All right. Who is he and what did he do to put that jack-o-lantern grin on your face?” He gives a lazy wink as we fall into our seats.

  My stomach cinches. Every last muscle in my body freezes solid. “You’re disgusting. Where’s Becca?”

  He frowns as he slides a menu my way. “First, I was kidding about the guy, but I’d swear you smell more like cologne than you do perfume. And second, I’m starting to think there is a guy lurking around in your life because you never ask about Becca. She’s watching that stupid sexperiment show, if you really want to know.”

  “Oh, right.” My face heats with color. I could bow down and kiss Dexter Houston’s toenail clippings for editing Rowen and me from the spotlight. I’d die if anyone saw those things we’ve done in the name of sexual science. If Rowen didn’t arrange for our footage to be nixed, I would have quit weeks ago. “No guy. It’s just some new gender-neutral perfume I’m sporting.”

  Gender-neutral perfume? I think I just heard my mother groan as she rolled over in her grave. She would never want me to lie to my brother even if it was protecting him from joining her in the great beyond. Braden is going to die when he hears of Rowen and me. And if, God forbid, he envisions the things Rowen has been doing to me, his impending demise will happen a whole lot quicker. Heck, I die a little just thinking about it myself. I’d better ease him into this.

  “So, guess who I bumped into today?” I roll my eyes, trying to look as irritated as possible.

  “Becca?” He lets out a short-lived laugh as the waitress comes by and we ask for the nacho mega platter designed to feed fifteen. It’s clear both Braden and I brought our appetites. I’m sure Braden is eating away his misery just knowing he has to trek back to his apartment and slam the back of Becca’s hollow head against that headboard for another solid hour. But me? I’m loading up on carbs and protein alike for my own personal colossal adventure.

  “I said who, not what.” I give a short-lived smile. “Relax, I like the wicked witch you’ve leashed yourself to.” Almost.

  Braden hardens his features once the waitress takes off, his eyes still needling into mine. “Who did you bump into?”

  I do my best to swallow all the butterflies trying to burst free from my stomach. “Rowen Garret,” I say his name as if it were the plague—the sexiest plague on the planet. The plague I can’t wait to catch right between my thighs and—I give a hard blink at my brother as I snap back to reality.

  Braden’s chest pumps with a dry laugh. “Don’t worry. He won’t bite.”

  Oh, he bites. And he licks, and he sucks, and he thrusts—oh, how he thrusts.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He shrugs as if it were no big deal. “You see him coming, you just head the other way.”

  I see him coming, and I’m halfway there myself.

  I clear my throat for no apparent reason. “Anyway, it was awkward but kind of nice.” Braden’s brow twitches. “It reminded me of old times. You ever miss old times?” Perfect. I’ll prime him with good memories from the past, and soon he’ll be scouting out campus himself just to hug it out with Rowen.

  “I don’t want to talk about old times.” He scowls past me as if he were staring down Rowen himself.

  “Yeah, but there were some good times there, too. Remember the night we all went out bowling, and both you and Rowen threw extra balls down the lanes for Mindy and me just so we could get a strike? And because you were both pretty lame bowlers yourself, you went ahead and ran down the lanes, risking life and limbs just to knock down a couple of lousy pins?” I laugh it up while Braden sinks lower in his seat.

  The nachos arrive, and he growls at them as if they were Rowen himself.

  “Don’t think of that stuff, Soph. He’s not the guy you think he is.”

  “What do you mean he’s not the guy I think he is?” I know for a fact he’s an even better guy than that, and I’ve never really thought that badly of him to begin with. “He just seemed like his old self. I don’t know why—”

  “I don’t want to talk about him,” he roars so loud, I’m stuck midair with a fully loaded chip in hand.

  “What’s going on, Braden?” My brother is a lot of things, but angry to the point of explosive isn’t one of them. “You can’t still be harboring some stupid resentment all these years? That stuff among the three of you is done. You won. You have Becca—the prize, if you must. Get over it. It’s ancient history.”

  “It’s not ancient history,” he says, stabbing at his dinner before retracting his hand. I can tell his appetite has done a disappearing act. “Becca’s been talking about him lately. I think something might be going on.”

  “What?” Suddenly, my appetite has vacated the premises itself. “What do you mean going on?” I bark so loud, demanding explanation, and Braden nods as if glad to see me on board with his self
-righteous anger. Little does he know my anger is pretty self-centered at the moment.

  “I mean, I caught them together the other night.”

  “What?” I squawk again, this time far more animated and strangled than before. “Where? Are you sure it was him?” A vision of Becca with her legs laced around my new boyfriend makes my blood boil. I knew she had never really gotten over him. Who the hell gets over Rowen Garret? “Rowen would never sleep with that skank.”

  “Relax. And be nice, would you? They weren’t sleeping together.”

  A heavy wave of relief washes over me, and I sit down without ever realizing I was on my feet.

  “They were talking.” He snorts as if this were an equally salacious offense. “In the dark—last Wednesday in front of the psych building.”

  Last Wednesday? The psych building? She must have tried to sink her hooks into him just as he was on his way to do some sexperimentation with me. I almost want to smile at the thought of Becca trying to stop him.

  “It was probably nothing. I doubt he wants anything to do with her again.”

  “I know. You’re probably right,” he grunts into the crowd. “It’s just that she’s mentioned him a time or two before that, and I guess it didn’t sit well with me.” He takes a bite and washes it down with water. “You know, I bumped into the asshole myself.” He gives a wistful laugh. “It was in the bathroom, and we were each holding our dicks.”

  “You held each other’s boy toys?” I grip the table, ready to launch myself the hell out of here. Clearly Braden is having a breakdown—one that I want no part of.

  “What? No!” He grimaces as if it were the most unspeakable horror, and it would be. “We were pissing. He asked about you. It fucking enraged me. How dare he say my sister’s name while rubbing his nut sack. He’s lucky I let him live.”

  A small, very immature part of me starts to giggle, and I can’t help but tremble with a laugh.

  “That’s both disgusting and weird,” I’m quick to affirm, much to my brother’s relief. “Speaking of disgusting and weird, Dad’s birthday is next Friday, and I think we should invite him to the game.” That way I can watch Rowen strut his stuff on the field while happily ignoring Granny Panties for the first three hours of my father’s requisite celebration.

  “Nice try, but homecoming is Saturday. There’s no game on Friday. Let’s take him to dinner. That should force you to be civil for a small stretch of time.”

  “I’m always civil—except when I feel like Mom is about to be replaced.”

  Braden reaches over and picks up my hand. His features soften, but you can still see the thin veil of pain hiding in his eyes. “Mom can never be replaced or erased. Rita isn’t here to do any of that. She’s here because Dad has invited her into his life. Don’t start off on the wrong foot with this lady. Dad really seems to like her. He’s got needs, too, you know.”

  I gag openly as I push the plate of cheesy, meaty goodness his way. “Thanks for the visual.” A thought comes to me. “Speaking of which… You know, I’ve got needs myself, Braden.” Okay, perhaps not the most delicate segue to inform him that I’m mounting his former BFF nightly.

  “Shit.” He grinds his palm hard against his eye. “Please tell me you’re kidding. I really don’t want to have to track down some poor kid and kill him.”

  There it is. Braden went straight for the felony. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to put my brother away for murder one.

  “Of course, I’m kidding.” Not. I glare over at him. Why are you such a ridiculous ass sometimes, Braden? I shout as loud as my mind can offer. “Anyway, I’d better get going. I’ve got an early class in the morning.”

  That hard look on his face remains as I give a quick wave from over my shoulder.

  “Make sure to introduce me to any twerps you meet!” he shouts as I make my way to the door. “My fist has a few needs itself!”

  Normally, I’d laugh and flip him the finger, but at the moment, it’s all feeling a bit too real for me.

  If Braden ever finds out about Rowen and me, my newfound boyfriend will have his beautiful face rearranged by my beast of a brother. Why does he have to be so damn unreasonable?

  I make the trek back to Canterbury and do a quick change. There are a ton of texts from Vi all saying the same thing, call me stat. And one from Ember that says where the hell are you? But neither of them is in their rooms, so I head towards Rowen’s dorm instead. All I want to do is get lost in Rowen’s kisses. He’ll know what to do to get us out of this mess with Braden. Rowen has always had the way out to every mess I’ve ever gotten into since I was nine years old.

  My phone bleats again. It’s a text from Becca. Really, Sophie? That is so fucked up of you. I don’t even know where to begin.

  “Geez,” I whisper into my phone as I come upon the campus coffee hot spot. Leave it to Braden to share my discontent with her. If I knew he would betray me that way, I would have never unleashed my sarcastic superpowers. I’m about to text back when my phone rings and it’s Rowen himself.

  “Hey, you!” I say, breathless. “I was just about to head up. I thought I’d stop in for a quick burst of caffeine for that all-nighter we’re about to pull. You want a cup? I deliver—topless.”

  His warm laughter heats me to my bones, and just as I’m about to fill him on the fact I take sex tips, I spot a familiar looking face storming this way. That dark hair, those familiar eyes—Rowen and Mindy share the same almond shaped eyes. Although, at the moment, hers look downright angry.

  “Hey, I think your sister’s on campus,” I whisper.


  “Unless your mother has done a little procreating since the last time I’ve seen her, that would be the one.”

  Mindy spots me and lets out a little yelp before charging my way.

  “Oh my God, I think she’s going to kill me!”

  “Sophie Meyer!” Mindy hacks out my name like a curse before kicking the metal chair between us deep into the night. “You don’t get to fuck with my brother!”

  My heart lurches. My eyes bulge to the point of touching the chair-kicking maniac that is stalking ever so close.

  “Sophie?” Rowen shouts into the phone just as it slips from my grasp.

  Mindy launches her body onto mine, her hands wrapping around my neck as we fall to the ground in a tangled heap.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream as I surface for air.

  Her wild eyes meet with mine, and I can sense something far more viral than hate staring back at me. “What the hell is wrong with me?” she thunders so loud the sound of her voice reverberates through my newly fractured skull. She twists my sweater up in knots and pulls me close. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Her voice rains over my face like a hurricane.

  “Mindy!” Rowan’s voice roars from over her shoulder. He’s running like hell as if a team of demons just stole the ball and every soul at Leland was in peril.

  She glances back before circling her hands over my neck and giving me a good throttle that assures me she’s fully aware of my dirty little secret. God, she’s not really aware, right? I mean, this neck-crunching, trachea-crushing show of affection could have something to do with her general hatred of me, couldn’t it?

  Rowen tackles her and lands us both on the ground once again, rolling under a messy splay of limbs.

  “You are such an idiot!” she shrills into his face as he works to restrain her hands. I stumble to my feet as Rowen lifts his sister right along with him.

  A small crowd has amassed, and a few phones are whipped out to record the event.

  “What the fuck.” Rowen gives his sister a shove, and she stumbles trying to keep from flying. “What the hell was that about?”

  Mindy looks from Rowen to me with her hair disheveled, her chest pumping hard with rage. “Don’t play stupid.” She storms over to Rowen and slaps him over the chest. “You could have at least warned me!” Her voice breaks as she screams the words. “You knew it was her!” S
he points hard my way, and I’m still baffled by my old bestie’s bout of insanity. It almost rivals Becca’s.

  Wait a Dexter Houston minute…

  “I saw that stupid show!” she riots in his face through tears.

  Shit. Shit. Shit!

  Rowen gives me a glance that says what the fuck and oh my shit all at the very same time.

  “Why didn’t you run the hell away when you saw that it was her!” she thunders while shooting me an incriminating look. “Same goes for you, asshole!” she spears the words at me like a flamethrower.

  “Hey, don’t call her that!” Rowen barks while holding her back.

  “It’s true.” Mindy snatches her purse off the ground and whacks the crap out of him with it. “You were both a bunch of wild animals in that room. I get it—it was dark to begin with. But when the lights went on and you both stood there with that stupid, stumped look on your faces, you both should have walked the hell away. It was gross! It was disgusting! You practically grew up together.” Tears stream down her face in thick, muddy tracks. Her voice is raw and hoarse. Mindy turns to me while Rowen continues to brace her from tearing out my tongue with her bare hand. “You don’t even like my brother! All you ever talked about was Tanner Carmichael. I bet this is all some twisted form of revenge!”

  “Tanner Carmichael was code for your brother!” I shout back, suddenly enraged by her need to reduce my taste in men to preppies.

  “What?” Her brows spike at the revelation. “Tell me this doesn’t go anywhere.” Her voice grows small. All of a sudden, Mindy is as fragile as a flower—a dandelion that’s about to get blown away with reality.

  I lean in, not daring to get within hair pulling range. “I’m not telling you a thing because you tore out my larynx!”

  “Mindy”—Rowen pulls her in before releasing her to the wild once again—“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. How did you find out? What do you mean you watched the show?”

  “I watched that stupid show along with the rest of the country, Rowen! Congratulations! You’ve just embarrassed yourself on national television, kissing what amounts to your little sister—who is an asshole by the way—while pretending to enjoy it!”


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