Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Maggie Walsh

  “Everyone clear the floor and get as high up into the bleachers as you can. Caleb, stay right here. Lexi, take our guest to the far side over there. Aaron, can you go to the center of the room?” Everyone did as Micah instructed. Once they were all in place, Micah addressed them again.

  “Okay, Aaron. Show us what you can do against this beast.”

  “But, Prime, he’s just a little guy,” Caleb protested.

  Micah looked at him with a knowing smirk. “As you will come to find out, size doesn’t matter. Skill does. And you forget who our good doctor is mated to.” Micah turned back and nodded at Lexi.

  Lexi held the rogue tighter and faced Aaron. Aaron slowly walked toward the rogue until he focused his attention on Aaron. “Want me, big boy? Come and get me,” Aaron taunted and took a few steps back, making sure the rogue was still focused on him alone. Without breaking eye contact with the beast, Aaron nodded to Lexi to release the rogue. Lexi released his hold and pushed the rogue forward, before stepping back. But he stayed close in case Aaron needed him.

  The rogue moved toward Aaron and Aaron got into a fighting stance. Legs parted, feet firmly placed, arms up in front of him, fist clenched, but body relaxed. The rogue’s eyes turned hungry and he quickly advanced on Aaron. When the rogue was within two feet of him, Aaron shifted all his weight and swiveled back on his left leg, spinning at the same time he brought his right leg up and connected with the rogues head with a roundhouse kick. The rogue’s head snapped to the side and his body followed, falling to the mat. Aaron adjusted his stance and kept his eyes on his opponent. The rogue got to his hands and knees, then pushed up to his feet. He swung around quickly to face Aaron, his eyes full of rage, and vaulted toward Aaron.

  As the rogue got closer he reached for Aaron and Aaron knocked the rogue’s arms out of the way and jabbed him with a punching combination to the chest and abs. The rogue stepped back, then regained his footing. Aaron shifted his weight, waiting for the rogue to get closer. Once the rogue attacked, Aaron pushed forward with all his weight and throat punched the rogue, causing him to fall back as he grabbed his throat and tried to get air into his lungs.

  A few cheers and applause rang out from the crowd, but Aaron paid it no attention. His focus remained on his opponent. The rogue took a few more steps back and his gaze focused on Aaron, studying him. A smirk crossed the beast’s face right before he barreled toward Aaron.

  Aaron swung his hand around behind him and pulled something from his waistband. He drew his arm back to the front, and took aim, then pulled the trigger, and the gun in his hand fired. The deafening sound ricocheting off the walls of the gym. The bullet hit the center of the rogue’s chest, forcing him back a few feet, until he landed on his ass. The rogue looked down at his chest, then back up at Aaron as his body began to convulse.

  Everyone watched in fascination as the rogue seemed to be drained of all fluids as his skin dried quickly and began to shrivel. His coloring changed to an ashen gray and he opened his mouth to cry out, but no sound came from within. The rogue’s form appeared to turn to stone. Aaron stepped forward and twisted to the side, bringing his leg up and striking with a side kick, sending the frozen rogue back, shattering in pieces to the floor.

  Aaron stood there, barely out of breath, his eyes locked on the sight before him. He reached back and put the gun in his waistband, then turned to look at Micah. Micah gave him a proud smile. “And that, Caleb, is why I want a few of the beasts brought to the pack house. So Aaron can improve on his weapons. It’s easier to pull out a gun and shoot the bastards, than to have to contend with them face-to-face and gain injuries in the process. And thanks to Aaron and his special weapons, we can achieve that.” Micah turned his head to look at Caleb. The man was frozen to the spot, his eyes opened wide as he stared at the pile of what looked like broken concrete that splayed across the mat. Without a word he just absently nodded to Micah.

  Micah’s phone rang and he dug it out of his pocket and answered. “Hey, Raith. What’s up? How is everything going?”

  “Do you know where Aaron is? I have been trying to reach him, but I only get voice mail,” Raith answered.

  “Yeah, buddy, he’s right here at the training facility with me. We were just putting on a little demonstration. Is everything all right?”

  “I wanted to know if Aaron was okay. Something strange has happened here and I think I have an idea why,” Raith said.

  “What is it? What’s happened?” Micah asked in concern.

  “Well, Rory used a power, and I don’t mean one of his witchy powers.”

  “But he’s a human. We didn’t think they would get powers,” Micah said in surprise.

  “I agree with Aaron when he said that Rory, Marcus, and Zane wouldn’t obtain powers like the rest of us because they are human, but they will have their witchcraft. Which brings me to why Rory was able to use a power.”

  “Did he use yours? I’m sure Dante informed you all by now of what the gods told us.”

  “Yes he did, but no. Rory didn’t use my power. It is something completely different. What I am thinking is that it’s Aaron who gained the power and as his other mate, Rory, was able to tap into it. Has Aaron said anything about gaining his power?”

  “No, but we haven’t had much time right now with the demonstration,” Micah answered.

  “Can you have him get really pissed and stomp his foot? My baby boy got angry and stomped his foot and that’s when the power made itself known,” Raith explained.

  Micah chuckled. He could just picture it in his head now. Rory was a sweet, adorable little thing, but when he was pissed, he was fierce and always stomped his foot as he pouted. He was just too cute for words. “Sure thing, Raith. Hold on.”

  “Well, if what I think is going to happen happens, you all need to hold on.” Raith laughed.

  Micah’s brows drew down in confusion, but he looked to Aaron. “Hey, Aaron.” Aaron turned to look at him. “Raith is on the phone and he wants you to get really angry and then stamp your foot like Rory.”

  Aaron gave him a look like he was crazy, then walked closer. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. Raith is trying to test a theory. So he wants you to get pissed and stomp your foot.”

  “Oookaay,” Aaron dragged out the word. “How am I supposed to get angry though?”

  Micah gave him a smirk and looked to Caleb. Caleb’s brows dropped in confusion as to why Micah was looking at him. “Did you know that Caleb here questioned whether you could fight the rogue? He said you were too damn small to take him on.”

  Calen’s brows shot into his hairline and his gaze flicked to Aaron’s. Aaron’s eyes narrowed as they filled with anger, and his jaw clenched.

  “Good. Now, Aaron, stomp your foot,” Micah said.

  Aaron clenched his fists into tight balls and his gaze darkened on Caleb. “I may be little, asshole, but I can wipe the floor with your sorry ass whenever I want, and don’t you forget it,” Aaron said angrily and stomped his foot. The room shook and groaned as a large crack appeared under Aaron’s foot and quickly ran across the room. Everyone flinched and held on as they were rocked. It was as if a small earthquake had hit.

  Aaron’s eyes went wide and his brows rose, almost disappearing into his hairline. “Holy shit.”

  “Yep. It happened, Raith. Do you want to talk to him?”

  “Damn, so I was right, my baby got his powers. Tell him I’ll call him in a few minutes.”

  “You got it, buddy. Take care of all of you and let me know if we can help.”

  “We may be calling for Shelby and maybe Taylor soon,” Raith said.

  “That serious, huh?”

  “Yes, that serious.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell them to be ready and let Aaron know you’ll be calling. Take care. All of you.”

  “Will do, Micah,” Raith said and hung up.

  Micah stepped closer to Aaron and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Congratulations, Aaron. You got your power. Raith said he’l
l be calling you any minute.”

  Aaron just stood there staring at the large crack that ran along the floor of the training room. “Yeah, okay,” he whispered absently, then turned and walked out of the room.

  Micah chuckled as he watched him go, then turned back to Haven. “Maybe one of the fae can take care of that for us? And Caleb, get those rogues to the pack house,” Micah ordered, then turned and walked away.

  * * * *

  Sage sat on the window seat with his shoulder against the wall and his forehead pressed to the cool glass as he stared out into the darkness. Nothing could be seen except for a few twinkling lights far off on the horizon. Sage sighed heavily. He had been here for four days now, ever since Francis had dumped him here. Sage had thought for sure that Francis would have tortured him by now. Hell, he even expected at least a beating, but nothing. So what was Francis up to? Was he planning on something really big to make Sage pay for leaving him and taking his money?

  Sage huffed. “His money. Yeah right.” The man had forced that shit drug into his system that made Sage lucid and agreeable to whatever Francis wanted, which included starring in over fifty porn videos. And as far as he was concerned, he was in them, so that money belonged to him. Francis had never given him a dime for all those videos. Sure he had had somewhere to live and food in his stomach, but the cost of that had been way too high. He had to be Francis’s slave and sex toy, as well as the bastard’s punching bag. And any expensive gifts that Francis had given him were not gifts at all.

  Every time Francis had beaten him to a pulp the man came back a day later and had given Sage one of those supposed gifts, saying he was sorry, but then saying if Sage had been a good boy and listened to him, then he wouldn’t have lost control. He was allowed to wear “the gift” for a day or two, then it was taken from him and locked in the safe.

  Sage had known that when the day came when he got the chance to escape that he would need money. So he started paying attention to Francis whenever he went into the safe that was hidden in his bedroom. It had taken him a few weeks, only getting one number at a time, because he didn’t want Francis to know he was watching him. And when the opportunity presented itself, Sage hadn’t thought twice. He ran for that safe, used the code, and grabbed all the so-called “gifts” and all the money. As far as he was concerned it was his. Francis owed him.

  So Sage had grabbed a duffel bag from the closet, stuffed some clothes in and everything from the safe, cleaning it out. He then ran from the room. As he was leaving he heard the cries and screams of some of the other boys there, but knew there was no way he could get to each of them and escape. It was the hardest choice he had ever made, but he had to leave them behind. Sage had hoped that once he got on the outside and made a plan, that he could come back and rescue the rest of them. As he had approached the front door, he had spotted one of the boys, Jamie, hiding there in the shadows in the corner. He grabbed the kid, pulling him to his feet, and they crept out without a sound.

  Once outside, Sage realized they were in Francis’s Santa Monica home. Francis had moved them around so often that they never knew where they were. But this location he could deal with. He knew Santa Monica. Sage and Jamie made it to a small out-of-the-way motel Sage knew about on the outskirts of town. One he knew where the manager wouldn’t ask any questions and cash was gladly accepted. And with enough cash, the man would swear he never saw you.

  They had hidden there for a few days as Sage snuck out to try to pawn some of the jewelry and figure out where they could go. He knew it would be harder for both of them to disappear if they had stayed together, so Sage and Jamie separated, but not before Sage had given Jamie ten thousand dollars to get away.

  Sage had dropped Jamie off at the bus station and told him that hopefully someday they would meet again, and for him to take care of himself. Jamie had hugged Sage and thanked him for getting them out of there and for helping him. Sage had left Jamie there, not even wanting to know where the other boy was going, just in case he was caught. If Francis had gotten his hands on Sage again, he wanted to be able to say he didn’t know where Jamie was and mean it. With those damn drugs Francis gave them, it would be easy for the man to get that information from him.

  After his escape, Sage had spent two months setting up all his hiding spots and obtaining multiple fake identities before he had met Evan. From the moment he met Evan he knew he could trust him. When he found out that Evan had a few other boys in his care, Sage was a little afraid that he would be put into another hell, but once he met the others and had spoken to them, he knew he would be safe with Evan. Josh and Bailey had been with Evan the longest and they told him about everything Evan had done for them. Sage wanted what they spoke of. He wanted to belong to a family that would care for him and let him be who he wanted to be. A family that would care about him and accept him.

  And he had had that, but ran from it. Why the hell had he run from them? He was safe there. He had a big family that loved him, supported him, and would protect him. What the fuck was he thinking when he took off? Oh yeah, Grandma. He couldn’t live with her finding out about the things he had done. He loved his grandma more than anyone else in the world and it would break his heart and destroy his soul if she found out and looked at him differently, or rejected him.

  Instead of taking a few minutes to think, he had panicked. With everyone standing there looking at him, and his grandma in front of him, he had been scared shitless. He had tried so hard to hide his powers from them until he knew if he would go dark or not. But then they were all there and they knew. They knew he had powers and they were questioning him. Once again he was a chicken shit and ran. Ran from the best home he had ever had. Ran from the family he had always dreamed of.

  And now he was here. Back in Francis’s clutches. Waiting to be punished, and he knew the punishment was coming. There was no way Francis would let his actions go. He also knew there was no escape this time. He had already tried every spell he knew and nothing happened. He was still trapped inside this room; gods only knew where.

  “Now what?” Sage whispered and pulled away from the window. He shifted his position, leaning his back against the wall. He could always shift and rip Francis apart. Last time he was with Francis he had been afraid to shift and expose their kind. Then when he had realized that was probably his best way of escape, he couldn’t shift. He had tried so many times, but nothing happened. He figured those drugs Francis pumped into him had something to do with it. But now he was clearheaded. Francis hadn’t given him anything yet.

  That may be his only hope of escape this time. When Francis returned and before he could shoot that shit into his veins, Sage would shift into his wolf. He chuckled at the thought of the look on Francis’s face when he shifted. But the joy from that thought was short-lived when another thought came to him. Francis had changed forms. First he looked like the gorgeous vamp from Micah’s house. Then he had shifted and was Francis. So what did that mean? If Francis could change forms, then what was he? And had he known who Sage was all along? Did Francis always know that Sage was a wolf shifter?

  “Shit,” Sage hissed and banged his head against the wall. Francis was obviously some kind of paranormal. So what was he? Was he a shape-shifter like Shelby? Maybe a demon? Sage had no way of knowing if demons could actually change forms, but maybe it was possible? Is that why Francis was leaving him alone now? Was he trying to come up with some other plan now that he knew Sage was a paranormal? Or, again, had Francis always known?

  “Damn it! I need to get out of here,” Sage growled in frustration and banged his head against the wall again.

  “All that will do is give you a headache,” a small voice said from across the room.

  Sage’s head snapped in the direction of the familiar voice and his gaze fell on someone he had hoped to see again someday, but not here. Not back in Francis’s clutches.

  “Jamie,” Sage whispered in horror.

  “Hi, Steven. Oh, wait. It’s Sage now, right?” he aske
d shyly.

  Sage swung his legs over the side of the bench and stood up. “Jamie, what are you doing here?”

  “Where else would I be?” Jamie answered softly as he shrugged one shoulder.

  “When did he find you?”

  “About six weeks after we separated.”

  “No,” Sage said as tears built in his eyes. He took a step closer to Jamie. “I’m so sorry, Jamie.”

  “You had nothing to do with it. You were the one who helped me get away and gave me money to hide. I was the stupid one that got caught.”

  “Maybe we should never have separated? If we had stayed together maybe you would be safe right now.”

  “We don’t know that. If we had stayed together we both may have been caught. At least you got away,” Jamie said and a small smile crossed his lips.

  “Yeah. I thought I did, but now here I am again,” Sage stated sadly.

  “I’m sorry he found you. If it makes you feel any better, he had a really hard time finding you. He had everyone out looking for you all the time. Francis even hired bounty hunters to look for you.”

  “A lot of good all my work to disappear did. He got me in the end anyway.”

  “Yeah, but you got away. And you were able to stay away for almost two years. That has to count for something. Maybe you’ll be able to get away again,” Jamie said hopefully.

  “Somehow I think this time it will be harder,” Sage said with a sigh and turned back toward the window.

  “You won’t be able to leave here, but once he moves us maybe you’ll get your chance.”

  Sage turned to look at Jamie again. “What do you mean? Where are we?”

  “Near Denver. Those lights you see out there are coming from there. But Francis still moves us every few weeks. He has all new places now. He got rid of the Vegas house. He still has the one in Santa Monica though. He said he would never get rid of that one. Something about needing it.” Jamie shrugged. “I don’t know what he meant. But now he has four new places he takes us to.”


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