Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Maggie Walsh

  “I believe so. Did Haven also tell you about what happened with Aaron after the demonstration?”

  “Yeah.” Storm sighed. “Which is really pissing me off.”

  “Why is that?” Ryland asked.

  “Because I’m older, and I am the leader, I should be getting my power before him. I don’t want to sound like I’m whining, but everyone is getting their powers but me.” Storm stood from his seat and walked to the window.

  “I can understand your frustration, Storm, but the gods said that everyone will be getting their powers very soon. So just be patient,” Micah said.

  “Have you tried to do anything? Like run really fast, or pick up a car, or something?” Dare asked.

  Storm looked at him like he had two heads, making Micah chuckle. “Of course not,” Storm said with a huff and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Well, then maybe you have one but don’t know it. Gabriel had his, but had no idea. And from what Micah told us earlier about Aaron, he had no clue until Raith called and said Rory used his gift,” Phenex added.

  “That’s true, babe,” Bastian said as he stood and walked to Storm, caressing a hand down his stomach. “Maybe we just haven’t tapped into it yet.”

  “Maybe. But it just seems to me that if my gift showed up that I would know about it.”

  “Didn’t Jesse say that because of your eyes and hair that you would probably be a sensitive like Bastian?” Micah asked. “Maybe that’s it. Maybe try to do what your mate does.”

  “That’s right. That’s probably it,” Storm agreed.

  “Here, I’ll be your guinea pig,” Phenex offered as he stood and faced Storm.

  “But can’t you block me when you want, Phen?” Bastian asked.

  “Yes, but I won’t block him,” Phenex stated simply.

  Storm moved to stand in front of Phenex and their gazes locked. Storm concentrated hard, trying to get any image from Phenex. After a few minutes Storm growled in frustration and broke their gaze. “This is ridiculous. I get nothing.”

  “Try again, babe. Block out everything in the room except for Phen,” Bastian instructed.

  Storm looked back to Phenex and stared into his eyes intently, focusing all his attention on what he was doing.

  As before, after a few minutes of getting nothing, Storm got angry. “You’re blocking me, aren’t you, you son of a bitch? I wish I could wipe that smirk right off your face,” Strom thought.

  Immediately as the thought ended, Phen grabbed his head between both hands and dropped to his knees, as he cried out in agony.

  “Phen!” Ryland screamed and ran to his mate, dropped down beside him, and wrapped an arm around his waist.

  “What happened?” Bastian asked Storm. His face showing his concern.

  Storm couldn’t move. He had no idea what happened. He just stood there speechless as he watched in horror as his friend suffered because of him.

  “Storm! What happened?” Bastian asked again as he shook Storm.

  “I’ll tell you what happened,” Lucifer said as he suddenly appeared and went right to Phenex. He knelt down, then placed his hand on Phen’s head. “Silence.”

  Immediately Phenex relaxed and let out a deep sigh. He looked up at Storm, panting heavily. “I think you found your power.”

  Lucifer and Ryland each grabbed one of Phenex’s arms and helped him to his feet, then to a chair.

  “I’m sorry, Phen. I don’t even know what I did,” Storm said in confusion.

  “What you did was scramble his brain,” Lucifer stated. “I felt his pain and rushed here to see what had happened. Now, not that I don’t like a good scramble or two, but please don’t fuck with my Legion Commander again. I may have to zap you in the ass, and I guarantee it won’t be as pleasurable as your mates’ nailing that ass.”

  “I don’t even know how I did it.”

  “What were you thinking right before it happened?” Lucifer asked.

  “I was getting really mad because nothing was happening and then I thought maybe Phen was fucking with me and blocking me. Then I got really pissed,” Storm explained.

  “Intense emotion. That’s what brought it out,” Lucifer said.

  “But I don’t understand. Does that mean my mates are in danger? You said intense emotion, so if I feel something too strongly will I scramble their brains?” Storm asked in horror.

  “I don’t believe so. I think it was the anger that brought it on,” Lucifer answered.

  “Then why hasn’t it happened before? I’ve been angry.”

  “I think I may know why, babe,” Bastian chimed in.

  “You do? Then why?”

  “Because you haven’t gotten angry lately,” Bastian explained as he wrapped his arms around Storm’s waist and pressed against his side. “With the babies around you’ve been more relaxed. You’re happy. They keep you calm.”

  “That’s as good of a reason as any,” Lucifer said as he shrugged.

  “So the babies keep me calm so I haven’t noticed my power, but when I got pissed at Phen it came out?” Everyone nodded. “So what is it exactly?”

  “It’s a form of mind control,” Phen said. “You can scramble people’s brains so they can’t think of anything else. Not even motion. All I could hear was a loud buzzing, like a million locusts were inside my head, but it was also very painful. Normally I could block you, but I didn’t so you could see what would happen. And as much as that shit hurt, I want you to do it again.”

  “Hell no!” Ryland yelled.

  “It’s okay, dearheart,” Phen said comfortingly as he stood and turned to his mate, then cupped Ryland’s cheek. “I want to test my theory that I can block Storm’s power. Worst that happens is I can’t and Lucifer takes it away again.”

  Reluctantly Ryland nodded and stepped back. Phen went to Storm and stood before him. Bastian released Storm and moved away. Storm met Phen’s gaze. “I don’t want to hurt you again, my friend.”

  “Like I said. I think I will be able to block you, but Lucifer’s here just in case. Go ahead, Storm, give me your best shot.”

  Storm sighed, then took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. He focused on Phen’s eyes again and concentrated on getting angry. Nothing happened. The more nothing happened, the more enraged Storm became. Finally, he was seething and his face turned red.

  “I can feel you trying to get in, but my power is keeping you out,” Phen said.

  “So you can block him, love,” Ryland stated.

  “Yes, but now we need to figure out a way for you to become familiar with your powers. And how to use them properly so no innocent gets hurt.”

  * * * *

  Slade sat unmoving as his gaze followed the large man cross the crowded room to the bar. The man raised his hand, getting the bartender’s attention. Once he gave his order, the big guy turned, leaned against the bar, and started scoping out the area. Slade noticed how the man’s gaze would stop on any small guy in the room, assessing him, then move on to the next.

  The brute’s gaze fell on the table two down from him, where Rory, Adam, and Valor sat. He took in all of Rory and Adam and a smile crossed his lips. When his gaze went to Valor, the smile fell and he looked away. He turned when the bartender placed his drink on the bar. The man dropped money on the surface and grabbed his beer, then moved away from the bar. He took a few steps toward the crowded dance floor and his gaze zeroed in on Rory and Adam again.

  “Did you see that?” Josh mumbled from beside him.

  Slade just nodded slightly as he kept his attention focused on the big guy, not willing to miss even the smallest twitch. From the corner of his eye Slade could see Raith on the far side of the room, slowly walking as he sipped a beer, trying to look as if he were just another patron looking to get lucky. If Slade wasn’t who he was he would be fooled by Raith’s motions and demeanor. The man didn’t get the label of best kill enforcer for nothing. He was highly skilled at what he did. Just as Slade was at what he did.

  While at
Von Cleef’s Santa Monica home, Slade had picked up a strong scent of patchouli oil and a strange substance he had never smelled before. The best part about the unique smell though was that now he had a scent to follow, and they had followed it right here to Colorado and this bar. Once the big guy stepped inside the door, Slade picked up his scent and moved to the booth to watch the man unnoticed.

  It had been hard to follow in the car, but as long as Slade was allowed to keep the window open, his head half out, and concentrate, he would be able to follow any scent once he caught it. It was his gift, and that’s what made him the best tracker the paranormal world had.

  “Raith just told Rory to ask Adam to dance,” Josh said.

  Slade raised a brow, but made no other move to acknowledge Josh had spoken. He lifted his beer to his lips and mumbled behind the glass, “And how do you know?” He then took a sip.

  “Pack link.”

  Slade grunted and lowered his glass back to the table.

  “Is that wise with this guy watching them?” Milo asked.

  Slade watched as Dante moved to stand next to Raith. From what anyone else observed it looked like one guy trying to pick up another guy. Raith smiled at Dante and the two shook hands. Then Dante leaned in to whisper in Raith’s ear.

  Rory and Adam’s departure from their table brought Slade’s attention fully back to the man they were tracking. The two little cuties held hands as they sashayed to the dance floor. Valor’s jaw clenched, but he never took his gaze from the duo. Once they were in the center of the gyrating bodies, Rory grabbed Adam’s hips and they began to sway to the music.

  Patchouli Man took a step closer to the dance floor. His eyes focused on the two little witches. Slowly he circled the perimeter of the dance floor, his gaze never straying, like a predator tracking its prey. He took a step into the crowd, twisting to the side to slide through the throng of people. A few more steps and he would be on them.

  Slade’s jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed as he watched the man’s every move. “Stay,” he whispered menacingly when Milo made a move to exit their booth. Milo sat back in his seat, but Slade could tell he wasn’t happy about it. Too damn bad. He, Raith, Dante, and Valor were trained in these things. Even Milo’s wolf mate Maddy was being trained on how to track and not blow a mission. These two civilians needed to learn a thing or two about observation and patience, and he would teach these pups when it was the right time to pounce on one’s prey.

  Just then Slade saw Maddy dancing across the floor, swiveling his hips, throwing his hands in the air, and making a spectacle of himself. Duel growls of displeasure came from beside him as Maddy pressed his chest against the back of a twink for a few beats, then moved on to another. Slade wanted to smile at the young cub’s antics and the reaction from his mates, but he kept his face neutral. He didn’t know Maddy that well yet, but he was sure that was only a matter of time seeing as he was Slade’s mate’s twin. But from what he had heard from Raith and Dante, Maddy was a pretty smart kid and would make a great enforcer once he was through with his training. From what Slade had seen so far from the kid, he would have to agree with that assessment.

  Maddy moved on to a few other dancers, making his way over to Patchouli Man. Just as the guy got to within a few feet of the little witches, Maddy slid up in front of him, stopping the guy’s momentum. Maddy gave him a bright smile and ran his hands up the guy’s chest, then down again, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist as he gyrated his hips against the man. Pressing their chests together, Maddy slid down the big guy’s body sensually until his face was level with the man’s crotch. Then Maddy sprang back up and gave the guy another smile as he licked his lips. The big guy watched Maddy’s every move, his eyes filled with amusement and lust. Then the man’s nostrils flared and he drew in a deep breath. His eyes shifted to whatever beast he was, then quickly shifted back.

  Maddy threw his head back and laughed, then spun away from the guy, shoved something down the front of his jeans, then threw his hands in the air again, before moving on to another twink. Thank you, Maddy. That little move had given Slade a piece of information he needed. This guy was no mere human they were dealing with, but a shifter. He just didn’t know which kind yet.

  The large shifter stared after Maddy for a moment and licked his lips, then turned his attention back to Rory and Adam. He moved closer, circling them, and Slade noticed him sniffing them. Bear, Slade thought. They had a great sense of smell when in their animal form, but not so good in their human form. They needed to be right up on someone to scent them. No wonder the guy drenched himself in the stinky shit until it could choke a bear. The corner of Slade’s lips raised in a small smile from his own joke.

  The shifter reached out and placed a hand on the small of Rory’s back and the little guy spun to face him. The big guy leaned in and said something to Rory and Rory pulled back and shook his head no, then turned to face Adam. A menacing growl came from beside him, letting him know that Josh wasn’t happy with what was happening. The large guy then moved closer to Adam, pressing his chest to Adam’s back and placing his hands on his hips. He whispered something to Adam and the little cutie spun around to face him. Adam’s face was twisted in disgust and his eyes full of rage.

  “Fucking son of a bitch,” Josh said harshly under his breath.

  Slade watched as Adam’s facial expression changed and his eyes softened. He gave the man a cute smirk and stepped in closer, bringing his chest to within an inch of the big guy. He reached a hand up, wrapping it around the guy’s neck and pulled his head down as Adam stretched up on his tiptoes. He leaned in and spoke against the man’s ear, then pulled back and stepped away. A burst of laughter came from Josh and Slade turned to look at him.

  Josh sat there laughing like a loon as his vampire mate stared at him as if he had lost his mind. Slade had no idea what was going on, but he was pissed it had taken his attention from what has important. He grumbled and turned back toward the show on the dance floor. Slade’s brows rose in shock from what he was seeing. The big guy was dancing around in the center of the dance floor like he was a ballerina. He had one arm up and bent with the tips of his fingers touching the top of his head and he was bending his knees, dipping down, then popping back up. Then he spun and did this little tiptoe move as he fluttered across the floor. The other dancers moved out of the way to give him room, and everyone stared. Rory and Adam stood to the side laughing until tears ran down their faces.

  Adam controlled himself for a moment and pointed at the man, drawing his attention. Adam made a motion with his finger for the man to come to him and the big guy stepped closer. Adam once again spoke to the man and moved away. Again, Josh broke out in peals of laughter and banged his hand against the table. Slade wanted to reach out and smack the kid before he brought attention to them, but Slade didn’t have to worry. All eyes of the club were now on the show on the dance floor. The big guy dropped down onto his hands and knees and started shaking his ass like he was wagging his tail, then he would go up on his knees, put his hands up to his chest, and stick his tongue out. If Slade’s eyes weren’t fucking with him, the guy looked like he was pretending to be a begging dog.

  After a few seconds, the big guy jumped to his feet and did some kind of ballet jump in the air, throwing his arm out in front of him and dancing off the dance floor with a laughing Rory and Adam following.

  “Raith and Dante are at the back exit. They want us to join them,” Milo said.

  Slade shifted his gaze to the rear door and met Raith’s gaze. Raith gave him a nod and Slade watched as he and Dante slid out the back door unnoticed. Slade, Milo, and Josh stood, then tapped Valor on the shoulder as they passed. They each split up and made their own way over to the door. As Slade slipped out he looked back and saw Valor leaving through the front. He let the door close behind him and turned, then froze at the sight before him.

  The big guy was lying on the ground in a fetal position with his thumb in his mouth and rocking back and forth. Raith
had his little mate wrapped in his arms as his kissed the little cutie. Dante stood leaning back against the brick wall, with his hands in his front pockets, and an amused smirk on his face as he watched the guy on the ground. Adam stood to Dante’s left with his arm held out before him and he was twisting his wrist from side to side. As his wrist moved, so did the guy. And Milo and Josh were bent over laughing.

  A noise from the end of the alley caught Slade’s attention and he stiffened expecting to be caught back there. He relaxed when he saw Maddy and Valor turn into the alley and make their way to them. They both stopped and looked around at what was going on, then both raised a brow at him. He shrugged and shook his head.

  “What the hell is he doing?” Valor asked.

  “I have no idea,” Slade answered and leaned back against the wall.

  “It’s Adam’s doing,” Dante explained.

  “How?” Maddy asked.

  “Not only do I have my witchy powers, and thanks to Demi I know how to use them right, but I can also use my mate’s powers. Mind control can be a wonderful thing,” Adam snickered.

  “So you made him do all that shit out on the dance floor?” Valor asked.

  “Yes. He was a disgusting asshole,” Adam huffed.

  “Can you make him stop that so we can figure out what’s going on?” Slade asked.

  “Sure,” Adam answered. “Sleep.” Once the word fell from Adam’s lips, the big guy stopped moving and a small snore escaped his lips.

  “We should beat the shit out of him just from the revolting crap he said to them,” Josh said as he motioned toward Rory and Adam.

  Everyone turned their heads slowly in Josh’s direction, each of them wearing the same look of disbelief. “And how would you know what he said to them, baby?” Maddy asked.

  “I heard him. Then I heard Adam say some kind of spell and the guy started twirling like a ballerina. That was priceless, Adam.” Josh started laughing again, but stopped when no one else made a sound. He looked up and met each of their eyes. “What?”


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