by Rebecca Janet

  “We meet again.”

  I jumped. I had zoned out for a second and now she was standing right in front of me. I blinked, trying to register what was going on, before my eyes widened and I quickly straightened my posture. “Sorry.”

  “You looked like you were a million miles away. What were you thinking about?”


  The woman raised an eyebrow, obviously unconvinced but she doesn’t push the matter.

  A few moments of awkward silence passed between us. I wanted to say something but suddenly my lips felt dry. They stuck together like glue. So, I just stood there, looking at her and feeling like an idiot.

  “I have to say that you’re a great reporter, but your online fame is absolutely priceless.”

  So that’s why SportsCast wanted to hire me. They didn’t care about my reporting skills. It’s all about the fact that I’m connected with Camden Birch.

  With this thought in my head, I became more determined than ever to show the world that I’m a much better reporter than people give me credit for.

  “Come,” the woman prompted.

  I followed her into the locker room where there was a crowd huddled around Cam.

  He was wearing nothing but a towel. It hung precariously on his hips. Vaguely, I could see the outline of his cock pressing against the towel. Immediately, I remembered the feeling of him inside of me. God, it’s been so damn long. What I wouldn’t do to have him plunging inside of me, pounding hard, balls slapping against me, just like the ‘good days.’ Fuck. I didn’t want to admit it but deep down, I missed him.

  “Ah, Val, you’re just in time to step into my office.” He motioned toward the stalls. “Or, should I say shower.” He winked.

  I cut through the crowd and squared off to him. “Cut it out.”

  “What are you talking about?” He asked, feigning innocence.

  “Stop ignoring all of my questions.”

  “I’m sorry, hit me.”

  I glanced down at my notepad and asked about the first thing I saw. “Have you fully recovered from your last injury? Records show that your stats had plummeted since you came back from that injury. Do you think it’s time for you to retire?” It was an important question to ask since he was getting older and older.

  His face darkened.


  I’d hurt his pride.

  Now he really wasn’t going to talk.


  “What?” A few disgruntled reporters uttered in unison.

  “I’m done talking.” Cam pointed to the door. “Leave. Now.” There’s an edge to his voice that made me shiver.

  The reporters refused to budge. Even I stood there, unmoving.

  “Look, I want to get dressed.” Suddenly, he surprised everyone by whipping off his towel like no one was there.

  My eyes widened, stare glued to his package.


  My cheeks reddened.

  It looked bigger than I remembered. Much bigger. That thing could rip me in half.

  I bit the inside of my lip, trying to keep my composure but it’s difficult when my pussy’s already wet just thinking about our countless nights together. We’d rock the bed until the early morning. Hell, some days we’d go at it for multiple rounds moving from the kitchen, to the living room, and then into the shower. Oh god, the shower.

  He liked to push me up against the wall and pull my hair. With my back arched, he’d step forward and press his cock against my eager hole.

  The second he did that, it was like electricity had been shot through my system. My skin tingled in anticipation. My heart would start to palpitate. Everything about this man was enough to put me into a frenzy.

  “Please…” I’d beg, juices flowing, dripping down my legs.

  He’d tease me, running his fingertips along my every inch.

  I moaned, throwing my head back as the pleasure coursed through my veins. It was impossible to keep my hormones in check when we were together. There was just something about him that brought out my carnal nature. I loved it. I loved it even more when he fucked me senseless.


  I’m never going to have sex that good again, am I?

  Chapter 6


  I quickened toward the parking lot. I was exhausted. Right now, all I wanted to do was get back home, plop into my couch, and take a nap.

  Some of my teammates invited me out for drinks but I declined. I’m past the age of binge drinking. Besides, nursing a hangover was the last thing I wanted to deal with tomorrow morning.

  With the play offs coming up, the season was about to get intense. Practice was going to double. There’s going to be a nonstop influx of games. I needed to be ready for it. Today was just a small victory. There was still a long way to the Super Bowl.

  I hopped on my motorcycle and revved the engine. I was just about to put on my helmet when my agent popped up out of nowhere.

  Damn, I wouldn’t catch a break today. “What?” I asked with a stiff voice. A part of me just wanted to drive away but my agent was the one man I sort of had to appease. After all, he’s the one that negotiates all of my contracts. If I got on his shit list, I wouldn’t put it past him to trade me to Wisconsin or something, and no one wanted to play for Wisconsin. Most people couldn’t even place it on a map.

  “Why the hell are you still riding that death trap?” He started.

  Oh great, this again.

  “It’s fine,” I said. “I’m careful.”

  “Like hell, you are. I’ve seen how you drove that thing. It’s like you’re signing your own death wish.” He shook his head. “I’ve told you before, get rid of that thing. You’re only jeopardizing your own health. Not only that but if you get injured again, I’m going to be up against a wall trying to renew your contract. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand and put on my helmet. “Anything else you wanted to nag me about?”

  “As a matter of fact.” He pressed his lips together, eyeing me with a reprimanding look. John really did treat me like I was some unruly 5-year-old. I fucking hated it.

  “Got on with it. I don’t have time for this shit.”

  “Nike is dropping you.”

  “What?” My eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”


  “They are my biggest sponsor.”

  “Exactly.” John pulled out his phone. “So, you could say goodbye to two million dollars.”

  “Can they just terminate the contract like that?”

  “They’re sucking up the costs of letting you go.”

  “Damn, they wanted to get rid of me that badly, huh?”

  “Camden. You have to take this seriously.” John slipped his phone back into his pocket and stepped forward. “Listen, I know your little media stunts are an attempt to cover up your poor performance on the field but it’s not working. All you’re doing is painting a bad portrait of yourself. Companies like Nike don’t want over sexualized individuals representing their product.”

  “I don’t think the ladies would mind,” I said with a smirk.

  “Get over yourself. You’re attractive, yes, but there are plenty of other attractive men out there. That’s not going to give you the competitive edge you need.”

  “Alright, alright.” I held up my hands in defeat. “What do you want to do about all this, then?”

  “We’ve got a meeting in a month with Klieffe Kosmetics. I’m sure you’ve heard of them.”

  “Of course. Everyone watches their videos now.”

  “Exactly. They’re a massive corporation and they want you to represent some of their products. This is a huge opportunity so don’t fuck it up.” John pressed a note to my chest. “That’s the date, time, and location.” He turned, about to walk away. “Oh, and if you can do something about your stats or anything really to help your image then we might just have a shot at getting the contract.”

  “Stop acting like I’m so wash
ed out.” I snarled. “I won the game today, didn’t I?”

  He laughed. “I’m sorry but that was sheer luck.”

  “Luck?” My anger rose. “That was skill.”

  “You wish.”

  “What the fuck is your problem?”

  He turned and stared me down. “My problem is that I’m representing a man who is clearly going downhill, but he doesn’t seem to realize it. Or rather, he’s too damn stubborn to admit that he’s going under.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Fine. Don’t listen to me but I’m warning you that if you don’t do something—and quick—you’re going to have to retire sooner than you’d like.” And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me sitting on my motorcycle trying to process the conversation we just had.

  Okay, maybe I’m not as good as I used to be. I’ll admit that. I was having a rough year. But, I’m not about to retire. I still had a long career ahead of me, I was sure of it. I didn’t care what anyone said. I’d prove them all wrong.

  Riding my bike has a way of setting my thoughts into motion. Feeling the wind whipping against my body, I adjusted my grip, leaned back, and replayed the day’s events in my head.

  Today was one hell of a rollercoaster. I’m beat.

  The game. Nearly losing it. The stupid reporters and all their questions. Now this situation with Nike. Everything’s going to shit. Seriously.

  I needed some stress relief, ASAP.

  A shot of adrenaline was all fine and dandy, but it takes a lot out of you. Trust me. I felt like a zombie.

  Luckily, I knew exactly what I needed to do to take a load off. The perfect place to have a good time, and God knows that’s exactly what I needed right now.

  I continued to weave through traffic, about to head home but then I suddenly made a detour, taking the next exit. On second thought, I had a better idea. A much better idea.

  As I drove, I thought about the fact that I was in such a hurry to leave back at the stadium and now, I didn’t want to go home at all. So, why was I in such a hurry? Maybe I’m just playing the part of a typical ‘play boy’ who was supposed to constantly be on the move, looking for pussy.

  Or maybe I noticed that Val had already left, and I no longer wanted to be there because she wasn’t. To be honest, I felt homesick, but not for my actual home; for the home I used to feel whenever I was with her. The warmth. The happiness. The sense of ease. It’s all gone now and it’s my fault. I had to go and treat her like crap.

  I pulled into a gas station to fill my tank.

  “Oh my god! Is that Camden Birch?” A woman sporting ginormous boobs walked my way. Her cleavage was barely contained by the cut of her shirt and I half expected her tits to pop out and say hello at any moment.

  “Hey,” I responded, paying her little attention as I leaned against my bike, pumping gas.

  “You’re that famous football player!” She squealed, stating the obvious.


  “God, I’m such a fan.”

  I looked up at her. Anyone else on my team would be happy to bang a girl like that. She has everything one needed for a ‘good time.’ The whole package: boobs, hips, pouty lips, long hair. But, that’s not what I wanted. She’s just another fangirl who’s in love with my ‘sportsman image’—the fake person everyone wanted me to be.

  When I was younger, I used to get excited every time I bumped into one of these fangirls. They were easy and for a while, pretty fun. Like some great escape, you know?

  But now? I didn’t have the patience. This girl was just another fangirl standing next to my bike, waiting for me to say something to her. Not again. Sure, if I wanted to, we could have a great night together, but it would be no different from all the other nights I’ve spent with other girls.

  And don’t even get me started on their attempt at conversation. It was so meaningless. They tried so hard to form some sort of connection with me but it wasn’t real. I just felt like I was some imposter, trying to fulfill the role of ‘sportsman’ or ‘football star’ and it was fucking exhausting.

  When I go home I want it to feel like home, not like work, but these girls wanted me to be a football star on and off the field. Camden Birch, and never just Cam. They didn’t get it.

  “So…” She rocks on her feet and leans forward, trying to entice me with her chest, eyes wide and doe-like.

  I tightened the gas cap.

  Okay. I needed to escape from her and find a polite excuse to get away.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I have a meeting in a few minutes with my accountant.” A lame excuse but hopefully one she would believe.

  “Oh… that’s a bummer. I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a coffee or something. I’ve never met someone famous before. I just came back from the game. You did amazing out there.”

  “I really am sorry, but I can’t stay.” I grabbed my helmet and put it back on.

  She frowned and watched me drive away.

  I headed toward Main Street. I had a clear destination in mind. Maybe I didn’t want to have fun with that particular fangirl, but I still wanted to try my luck with someone else. The one person I wanted. The only person I wanted. Someone who could make me feel relaxed on every level, who could make me feel like I’m finally home.

  Suddenly, I remembered the last time we spent together. The memories came crashing into me like a tractor trailer. It became hard to breathe. My chest tightened. Fuck. I missed her. And it’s not just a yearning for that amazing body, either. It’s much more than that.

  I wondered where she was now.

  Was she still at work?

  That’s what I was banking on, anyway.

  I turned at a green light and headed toward the art district.

  But, more than that, was she with someone who appreciates her? Girls like Val don’t stay single for very long. Guys snatch them up in a heartbeat. Thinking about Val with someone else was fucking painful. My heart cried out for me to stop but still, I wondered if he was treating her well.

  He’d better.

  Whenever I arrived at a stadium, I always checked for her car, silently praying that she was there. And, when I left, I did the same thing. Had she left already? Was she still in the stadium? Sometimes, I circle the lot, just searching for her.

  I drove into a parking lot. The publishing house was practically empty but to my surprise, her car was still there. I circled around and parked near the side of the building where I could secretly watch her from a distance. I knew she wanted nothing to do with me and as far as I’m concerned, I’d fucked up her life enough as it was. She didn’t need me stalking her again, but I couldn’t help it. I just couldn’t stay away from her. It’s like we were a couple of magnets, bound to snap together.

  As I waited for her, I noticed the glass elevator coming down. It’s her.


  My body reacted immediately. My heart skipped a beat. My veins once again pulsed with adrenaline. I breathed in deep and gathered my courage. It’s time for me to stop hiding.

  I pulled up to her car and parked behind it, blocking her in. Then, I waited.

  After a while, the doors opened. Here she comes…

  There’s a scowl on her face as soon as she sees me. Shit. She’s pissed. But, behind that was unspoken pain screaming from behind her eyes. I could feel the hatred rolling off her body and it made the air thick, suffocating.

  Maybe this wasn’t my best idea.

  But I’m here now and I’m not leaving without her.

  Chapter 7


  I was back at the broadcasting station. After a long day, I was ready to go home. I grabbed my coat from my locker and shrugged it on.

  As I’m wrapping the sash around my waist, Cam popped into my head. He had given me his coat. Why I still kept it around, I didn’t know. I should have thrown it away when we broke up, but I didn’t. Hey, it was a pretty nice coat. Or, at least, that’s what I kept telling myself just to justify wearing it.

/>   I sighed.

  It’s difficult to get over someone when he’s constantly popping in and out of your life. Sometimes, I just want to get up and start somewhere new. It would make things so much easier. But, that’s just a fantasy. I like being a reporter way too much to ever give it up.

  I walked back into my office and snatched my keys off the desk. I’m about to step through the door when Rodney walked past.

  He doubled back and grinned at me. “What did I tell you?” He said as he held the phone to my face. “Someone has already posted a video of the interviews and it’s gone viral. I called it.”

  “No way. Already?”

  “Mhm.” He nodded with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

  I quickly grabbed his phone and checked out the video.

  “Do you think it’s time for you to retire?” As I ask the question, Cam’s face falters. It’s good to see him caught off-guard for once. Usually, I’m the one struggling to find the appropriate response to one of his outrageous flirting tactics. Seriously, he doesn’t make my job any easier.

  This time, however, I seemed to have struck a chord. I replayed the video and studied his face. His eyes darkened. The warmth vanished. I’d definitely struck a chord. This moment should make me happy and, in a way, it does, but at the same time, I almost felt bad. I could tell that he’s disappointed in himself—that he wished he could do better—but he couldn’t.

  “I got to go.” Rodney takes back his phone and runs off.

  I pulled my phone out of my purse and played it one more time. Before I could finish, however, my phone buzzed with an incoming email.

  My eyes widened. It’s from SportsCast. But this wasn’t just a regular HR email, this was straight from the CEO.

  Dear Ms. Taylor,

  Susan has informed me that she got in touch with you today. I would like to personally extend my invitation for you to come meet me at my office. Consider it an informal interview. I think you’d make a fantastic addition to the team and I hope to hear from you soon.


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