Captive By Night: A Dardanos, Co. Taken Collection

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Captive By Night: A Dardanos, Co. Taken Collection Page 13

by Calle J. Brookes

  Her father would look for her—she was supposed to have breakfast with him and her sister in the morning. He would come to her house, see the mess the man...the creature...had made of her place. Realize she and Emily were taken. He would find them...

  She must have angered him again. He jerked her up, pulled her against him. Forced her to look into those strange eyes. Daddy will not save you. You are never leaving here.

  He tossed her on the bed; Josey bounced across its surface. He followed her. Move over.

  Untie my hands, please? This...hurts. She held up her wrists for him to see how the rubber cord had abraded the skin.

  He grabbed her wrists and lifted them closer to his face. He frowned, then turned to the bedside table. He pulled a knife from the drawer, a wicked looking blade that had her pulling away from him in terror.

  Sit still. Unless you prefer to sleep bound.

  Josey did as he ordered and he sliced through the binding easily. She hissed at the burning pain the cord left behind.

  Lay back. Now. We are going to sleep. We will speak more on the morrow. He pushed her back against the pillows.

  She shoved against his chest, fear rising once again. She tried to draw her knees up between them, but he anticipated her move.

  He crushed her beneath his weight. Stay still, female! I will not hurt you if you do as I say!

  I can't breathe! Get off me! Please! She pushed against him, fingers splayed wide over his tattooed chest. Her efforts did little good.

  He sank one hand into her hair, using it as a tether to hold her head still. He spread his legs, using his larger ones to secure hers. His chest was heavy enough to hold her down against the bed.

  Dammit, female. I said lie still. He flattened her against the bed, grabbing her wrists and yanking them above her head. Josey had no choice but to look up at him. You are a stubborn one; that is definite.


  He held her down for several hours, trying to reassure her that he would not hurt her while she slept, until the stubborn female finally drifted to sleep. Once he was certain she was deeply asleep, he studied her. She appeared fragile and delicate, her bones almost frail beneath his hands. More so than most human females.

  It worried him.

  How long of a lifespan would she have? Would he be forced to watch the next thirty or so years go by in a blink? Watch her age while he did not?

  He could not do it.

  He touched her hair, then her cheek, drew his fingers down her neck. Her pulse beckoned him. What did his Rajni taste like? He'd waited a long time to find out.

  His fangs distended. He pushed the tangled hair out of his way. She slept on, exhaustion having a bigger claim on her than fear. He brushed his lips against her skin.

  He had never been a patient man; his teeth sank deep. She woke with a jerk, a scream on her lips. He hadn't meant to hurt her and he gentled his hold. But goddess, she tasted so damned good. Savory, but with a hint of sweetness made just for him.

  He dragged long and deep, as the answer to his dilemma came to him.

  A blood exchange. A conversion that happened so rarely it was only spoken about in the oldest of legends. He dragged at her blood, knowing that was the only way.

  She fought against him at first, and her pleas inside his head hurt him. He ruthlessly shut her out. He had to do it; she belonged with him and the conversion was the only way.

  Finally, she lay still beneath him, pale and weak. Almost gone. A vise fisted around his heart at the sight of his Rajni so...lifeless. He'd done this to her; if it didn't work...he would have cursed himself for eternity.

  He bit into his wrist and held it over her lips. The first drop rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away, a prayer to the damned goddess on his lips. It had worked before; he had met one of his Kind two hundred years ago who had successfully converted his human Rajni. Cormac remembered the way the male had paled when telling Cormac about it. Just stay with it. Keep going.

  He pressed the wound to her lips, letting the blood fill her mouth.

  She sputtered, choking on the blood she needed to survive. Cormac slipped his free arm under her shoulders and lifted her to rest against his chest. He kept his wrist over her mouth as she finally began to swallow out of the need for instinctive survival.

  After a few minutes, her body took over, knowing what was required to survive. She began pulling at his wrist with her teeth. Began fighting to get closer to him.

  Damn, she was stronger than she looked. He sat her up, studying her face for a moment. Her eyes were glazed, her lips trembling. Red. Was she even aware of what was going on?

  He slipped into her head, finding only confusion and pain. Terror slipped in as some of the confusion started to clear. Shh, little rabbit. It will be over soon. I promise.

  She screamed inside her head. It hurt him, actually hurt him, to feel her fear. Her mind clouded again, another wave of pain overtaking her. It was both a blessing and a curse for him. If she wasn't aware what was happening to her, would it be easier?

  She was just a damned human. And a young one, at that. What kind of bastard was he that he would do this to her so easily?

  He lifted her into a seated position and tucked her head against his neck. Feed from me, little rabbit.

  Newly forming fangs sank deep into his neck and his Rajni began to feed from him for the first time.

  Goddess, it felt good.

  Chapter Three

  By morning, he was exhausted. The conversion had taken her under a cloud of pain more than a dozen times and each time he would have to break through her terror.

  Goddess, he was a rank bastard. No one, especially a female, deserved that.

  But thank goddess she was sleeping soundly now. Her hair had blood matted in it; her face was streaked with tears and blood. Her sweatshirt was ruined.

  He sighed. Just what exactly had he done to her? As his Rajni, he was supposed to take care of her, protect her. Not this. Even though she was a damned Taniss she had not deserved this.

  She woke with a scream and with frightened eyes. He brushed the bloodied and matted hair off her forehead and laid his brow against hers.

  She kneed him in the stomach, the blow forcing the air from his lungs. He grabbed her arms and held her down on the mattress until she stopped struggling.

  He’d never imagined his first days with his Rajni would involve him forcibly holding her down to keep her from injuring herself—or him.

  He’d royally fucked up everything. How was he to fix it?

  She trembled beneath him, making him feel like the monster she probably thought he was. How was he to make her forget what he had done and realize he would treasure her for the rest of their days?

  It would definitely not be easy.

  And he still had his sister and niece to deal with. Would the three ever be able to live together in this wing harmoniously? Would Kindara take out the anger she still held for Leo Taniss out upon his granddaughter?

  Kindara had a kind soul, a healer for their people usually did. But Taniss had taken her lover and her babe from her—could she forget that when with Jocelyn?

  She would have to. But Cormac didn’t fool himself—it would not be easy for any of them. He would have to take an hour or so and talk to his sister himself. Make her understand that he had not a choice; Jocelyn was his mate. The one woman he was destined to be with.

  And he would have that one woman no matter what or who objected.

  His hands tightened on her arms as he fought the urge to yank her up against him and taste her blood against his tongue again.

  She was so damned addictive.

  Chapter Four

  Every bone in her body hurt. Josey couldn’t remember much about what he had done to her, but the pain was something she would never forget. She lay unmoving beside the man, his scent strong in her lungs and the warmth he exuded almost enough to make her sweat. What would he do to her now?

  Her eyes opened and her gaze met his. She shivered
beneath the thick fur-lined comforter.

  How do you feel, little rabbit?

  Sore. And I want to go home. You can’t keep me here indefinitely. Where’s my cousin? She would not let him scare her anymore. He would not know how much he intimidated her. She pushed the blanket aside and tried to rise.

  What’s your rush? His hand stopped her movement. The blanket fell down to reveal his chest and the strange collection of tattoos. We have all the time in the world now, girl. I am in no hurry to leave this bed.

  Her shivers increased. Forget it. All I want is to get away from you!

  He rolled her beneath him, used that muscled chest to push her into the soft mattress. She pushed at the muscles. Get off me!

  He laughed. Brushed his lips against hers. Josey froze. Would he take it past a kiss? What would she do if he did? He kissed her again. Then pulled the blanket back and stood.

  He was unquestionably aroused, the evidence stark against the dark cotton of his pants. He made no attempt to hide his body from her eyes. Her fear of what he would do increased.

  He must have guessed by the expression in her eyes.

  Relax, rabbit. I will not touch you until you ask it of me.

  Josey stared at him, sure her horror was written on her face. I will never ask you to touch me! You’re a monster!

  It probably seems that way to you now. But your body will overcome that fault shortly. You will not be able to resist me. It is the Rajni way. His arrogance was clear in the smile he shot at her. Until then, we must meet the others for a small bit of business. Then we will return here, and I will decide what to do with you.


  He yanked the blankets back. Come, your cousins await. As does the king of our people.

  My cousins? Not just Emily?

  No. Two more. Come, I know you want to see them. Plot against me, and all. Now, up.

  His hands gave her no choice, pulling her to the side of his bed. He was relentless and Josey found herself sitting on the edge of the mattress while he stared down at her. What are you staring at?

  You. I’ve waited a long time for you.

  What do you mean?

  You are my mate. And not what I expected. Come.


  He should have told her more. Should have explained how Rajnis thrived when together and hurt when apart. Explained how he had waited six hundred plus years for her. Made it clear how they would be together for the remainder of their days. He kept his hand wrapped around her forearm as he led her to the main conference room. He would meet with Rydere then take his Rajni back to the suite and tend to her.

  Then he would figure out what to tell his sister and his niece about this girl.

  Where are you taking me now? The bite of her words was evident in the question. His Rajni was spirited; he wasn’t sure he approved of that fact.

  To meet the others. I need to speak with Dhar Rydere about a few things—and I don’t trust you in the room by yourself. I could tie you again…

  She rubbed her wrists, and Cormac suppressed the guilt that flooded him. Her skin was rough and abraded; rope burns clear for everyone to see. He had done that to her, his Rajni. The one woman he was to protect above all others and he had deliberately hurt her.

  The black mark would be on his soul for many centuries to come.

  The meeting with Dhar Rydere, Theo the Precognitive, and Aodhan the Warrior lasted less than fifteen minutes. And it brought disturbing news. Theo predicted danger to his Rajni. Cormac made a silent vow that he would do whatever was necessary to protect her. He could do no less.

  His Rajni spent most of the time receiving comfort from her two older cousins. Cormac kept part of his attention in her mind and the rest on the conversation with Rydere.

  She was comforted by her cousins’ presence, yet worried for their safety as well as her own. Frightened, as were the three women who resembled her. So young.

  It had been wrong of them to target these young women for their vengeance. They should have focused on Leo Taniss’s children instead of grandchildren. Or Leo Taniss himself.

  She fought when he pulled her from the couch. He tightened his hold on her wrists, surprised when she still fought. Stubborn woman. Come!

  Her cousins held on to her, protesting when he tried to pull her closer. He growled at them, low and mild. She was his, they had no right to interfere. Their Rajnis growled in return; the response not unexpected. No male liked when another threatened their females. Jocelyn! Do not resist! It will not go well for you if you do!

  Just let us go! She protested within her mind, his, but her body was unresisting as he lifted her over his shoulder. He carried her from the room, past the Dhar and his small Rajni. The woman fed from his king, obviously hungered.

  That will not happen; I shall never let you go. He would have that from his female. Her body would demand more blood soon, and he fully intended to be the only one ever to supply her.

  What was Emily doing? What has he done to her?

  You know we are not human, girl. What do you think we are? You and your cousins are now?

  Vampires do not exist.

  He laughed at how quickly her mind processed what she had seen, what he had implied. Yet you see the evidence with your own eyes. So what do you think she is doing? Giving him the mother of all hickies?

  That’s disgusting!

  Why? They are Rajnis, rabbit. Their bodies crave each other. Like ours do. He ran a suggestive hand up the jean covered legs, stopping just beneath her ass cheeks. You are just being stubbornly resistant. Apparently your small cousin has less will-power than you.

  Or he’s forcing her!

  There is no force involved in a Rajni bond. A male can do no other than protect and coddle his female.

  Like you have coddled me? I’d rather be dead!

  Chapter Five

  Emily had looked so strange, clinging to that man. What must she look like thrown over this one’s shoulder?

  He said her body would begin to crave his. Would it?

  Her scientific—physician’s—mind refused to accept what he had said. Vampires were not real, and she was not being held by one. It could be a psychological disorder, mass hysteria.

  Josey knew the truth. He was real. And the sooner she accepted what she had seen, the faster she could come up with a solution to get herself and her family away from him, them, all of it.

  But she would never drink his blood.

  She stayed quiet as he carried her away from her cousins and back down the hall they’d taken just half an hour before. Why did he keep carrying her around, only to give her bare minutes with her family? Was he doing it to assert his control over her?

  Some sort of dominance?

  She wasn’t a stupid woman, by any means. She’d graduated top of her class in medical school. She could deal with the facts and data she had been given. Then she could find a solution.

  Go ahead and try. His hand patted her on the butt after he spoke. I will enjoy the game. He carried her into his suite and dumped her on her feet. Josey stared up at him.

  So what am I supposed to do now?

  Take a bath. You need one. I will find you other clothes to wear.

  Just like that? I’m just supposed to take a freaking bath? You’ve kidnapped me, hurt me, my family, and I am just supposed to take a bath? What about the fact that I’d be at work right now if you hadn’t screwed me over? My partner is probably worried sick, wondering why I missed picking her up for our commute! I have a life or have you not considered that? My cousins, too! But don’t worry, I’ll be happy to take a bath!

  She wanted to hit him; if he hadn’t been so big, she probably would have. Instead, she jerked around him and headed toward the door to the bathroom. She’d take the damned bath, then the instant his back was turned she was finding her dog and her cousins. And stay out of my head!


  Cormac watched his female stomp off, her blonde hair swaying against her back. It was filthy—she was fi
lthy. Uncared for. He made a silent vow that she would never be in such a condition again. It was a matter of pride—his female would be prized and cherished. No one would look at her and doubt that again—not like the Dhar of his people had just that morning.

  He needed things for her. She was female, and females wanted things. He needed clothes, jewelry, shoes, purses, sashes, and scarves.

  She’d had a life and he’d taken that from her. How long would it take her to forgive him that? Probably a very long time.

  He waited until the sound of running water was heard through the bathroom door, then hit a button on the intercom. Seamstresses among his people still existed, and as Equa—the highest female, mated to the highest ranking male of a family—of the Jareth family, she deserved only the best.

  Fifteen minutes later and the head seamstress of his people knocked on the suite door. Five minutes later and he’d requested a full wardrobe for his female.

  She still hadn’t returned from the bath. He reminded himself to be patient, that she had been through a trauma and was bound to be wary of him. But dammit, he was never a patient man. He rapped his fist against the door before remembering she wouldn’t hear the sound.

  Woman! Hurry it up!

  Bite me!

  Chapter Six

  Josey didn’t know why she kept responding to him as she did. He could kill her, of that she had no doubt. But had she ever been so angry with anyone before?

  She sank deeper into the large bath, letting the warm water sink into her skin. He was out there, waiting for her. Like he had been in her home.

  What would he do if she didn’t obey him? Would he eventually kill her?

  Did he honestly believe she was some type of destined mate? Was he insane? He certainly didn’t seem to be and there were apparently others with similar mindsets in this place. Mickey, Mal, and Emily had all been brought here. What was the reason? It had to be something someone in their family had done. Rand? Her father? Both had made enemies over the years; her father said that happened occasionally in business. Her grandfather? The man was over eighty—what could he have done to anger these people so badly they would kill to get revenge?


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